Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ My Beloved... ❯ The babies ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

My Beloved!
By Daniel Sargeant
The wind blew in her hair as she looked at the Pedestal and the Statue. She gave a sigh.
“Do you know… how much of a pain your daughter ees? She won't listen to what I have got to say. She is quite disobedient. All she does ees run around and scream. She drives me nuts. I wish you were here, to take her away again. She…” Bijou felt like crying. “Why won't she listen? What did I do zhat was so wrong? Eet really ees a shame you are not here. I am probably boring you or making you angry. I will try to get along better with Hermana. Eet ees just so hard. Well, zhat is all I have to say for now. We, the ham-hams promise we will find a cure for you.” Bijou set the roses down. “Au revior, Hitomi.”
Chapter One: The Babies…
Boss and the gang were playing cards. They were all depressed.
“This game sucks.” Panda moaned.
“What would you prefer?” Boss asked.
“I wish Hitomi were here… she knew how to play a game.” Panda sighed and lent his chin on the table. Howdy chuckled.
“Sounds like you've got a crush, partner.” He chuckled.
“Shut up!” Penelope roared. “It not good to be mean bout feelings! Panda might like Hitomi! Penelope know she did!”
“Perhaps you're right. But we've got a game to finish! Come on y'all!” Howdy chuckled once more. Penelope went red in the face with anger. She utterly hated the sound of Howdy's voice.
“Given so much to learn, yet Penelope still can't speak proper English yet.” Pashmina sighed. “Even Hermana is speaking more fluently than her.”
“Perhaps cause Penelope only used to ever say those pathetic baby words… KAAA!!!!” Howdy cried as he was hit on the head with a large Bonberrie. “Where'd ya get that from!” he yelled rubbing a large lump on his head.
“Penelope find it in Hitomi's room.” Penelope said slyly as she pulled the weapon away. “Penelope not hesitate to hit Howdy again if Howdy pull smart remark again!” Penelope threatened.
“So it was a smart remark, huh? KAAAA!!!!” Penelope hit Howdy again.
“Penelope warn you.” Penelope said walked down the hall.
“Damn, she has some attitude.” Dexter said.
“Try living with it.” Cappy said. “But you get use to it.”
“She's changed.” Boss said.
“Yeah, tell me about it, she used to be so very shy. Now she'll kill you if she had the chance.” Hamtaro added. Bijou walked in through the door. “Paying your respects again, love?” Hamtaro asked.
“Oui. I can't help eet. Eet ees zee only zing zhat keeps me sane right now.” Bijou sighed as she sat.
“Bad day again, Bijou?” Pashmina asked.
“Oui. Hermana ees not a bad girl, she just can be real stubborn zhese days.” Bijou placed her chin in her paws and leaned on the table.
“Laura is also getting fed up. She says that Hermana isn't our breed. She is slowly finding out the Hermana isn't ours.” Hamtaro said.
“Hmm… does little Hermana know?” Boss asked.
“Why do you think she is so disobedient?” Hamtaro said sarcastically.
“Man, she is doing a number on you guys. You're doing things you've never done before.” Dexter said.
“How do you mean?” Hamtaro asked.
“You being sarcastic, Bijou being so negative. Go figure.” Dexter added. Bijou sat up and shook her head.
“Hamtaro! I can't live like zhis much longer. She's driving me completely nuts.” She called.
“It's okay.” Hamtaro said. “We'll get her to love us just like she was our own.” He said confidently.
“How are the others?” Boss asked.
“They're fine.” Hamtaro said.
“Josephine, Susie and François all take attributes from Hamtaro, zhey are always eating.” Bijou said.
“Sounds more like they take attributes from Oxnard.” Sandy said.
“Hey! That's offensive, Sandy.” Oxnard complained. “Gees, I missed a lot when I was at Peppers. How is it that Penelope, Bijou and Sandy are mothers? Makes no sense to me.” Oxnard said, and then he continued to munch on his seed. Silence fell upon the clubhouse. In the background, the hams heard a sweet remedy of singing they had never heard before, except for Bijou and Hamtaro.
“Who is that?” Boss asked.
“It's cute.” Panda added.
“In all my life, I've never heard anything so beautiful.” Stan said.
“It's so peaceful and calm. Sweet and Romantic.” Sandy said.
“Eet ees a shame she ees not as peaceful, calm, sweet and romantic as her singing, no?” Bijou said, slightly sarcastic.
“You mean…” Boss started.
“That's Hermana?” Panda finished.
“Yep. That's her.” Hamtaro said. “Cute, isn't it.” Panda waited.
“Wow… that's so… so very beautiful… just like her mother.” Panda stood up. He walked towards the door.
“Where are you going?” Hamtaro asked.
“I'm… going to get a better listen.” Panda said as he left, it was almost like he was in some sort of trance. Hamtaro sighed.
“Right… whatever. Truthfully, you'd probably want to stay as far away from that girl as possible.” He said.
Hermana was sat on a hill. She was humming a tune, unfamiliar. She watch the clouds pass. She was obviously crying, she always sang that song when she cried. It brought a sense of peace to her. It reminded her that no matter what she thought, she was never alone. She felt her mother sat right next to her, even though physically Hitomi never was. Panda walked up closer from the clubhouse. He looked at the back of Hermana.
“Oh… she looks just like her mother. She even has the same hairstyle. So precious.” He said. “Wait a sec… am I… am I… am I falling in love… with Hitomi's daughter?” Panda walked forward some more. “So… precious.”
He mumbled. “I can't believe how much she reminds me of her mother. I must get a little closer. Just a little bit more.” Panda said as he walked closer. The singing stopped.
“Who's that?” Hermana asked. Panda froze. “You're one of Hamtaro and Bijou's friends, aren't you? What'd ya want?”
“Hermana…” Panda said. She hadn't even looked at him. “You don't hesitate to judge someone, do you? You've not even got to know us, yet we like vial diseases to you. Bijou and Hamtaro have tried to be nice to you as parents, why can't you accept them?” Panda asked.
“Cause, my mommy and daddy are gone.” Hermana said, without delay.
“But… Bijou and Hamtaro are good parents. Give them a chance.” Panda said
“Why shou…” Hermana started as she turned to see him. He had completely held her breath. She stared at him for a good amount of time with her mouth open slightly.
“What is it? Have I got something on my face?” Panda asked.
“N… no. It's fine.” Hermana said.
“Why not give Bijou and Hamtaro a chance? As much as I've heard you've been getting a life of luxury.” Panda said walking up to her.
“Wanna… take a seat?” Hermana asked. Panda smiled.
“Sure.” Panda walked over and took a seat next to her. Everyone watched from the tall grass.
“Zhat bastard! How did he do eet?” Bijou cursed.
“I don't believe it. Has the lion finally been tamed?” Hamtaro asked.
“She doesn't look that bad.” Stan said.
“Try living with her.” Bijou said sarcastically. Panda and Hermana stood and began to walk towards the clubhouse.
“Shit! Get back inside!” Boss yelled. The hamsters scrammed back towards the clubhouse.
Panda walked in.
“What's up with you guys? You look like you all ran the park.” He said. Everyone was exhausted and all trying to catch his or her breath. Boss spoke up.
“I was merely giving my fellow hams a work out program.” He said folding his arms confidently.
“Ya mean you were spying on us!” said a voice. A hammer came down on top of Boss's head. “Loser! We could've been doing something very private!” Hermana lifted the hammer away. Boss was dizzy.
“London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down. London Bridge is falling down, all over the world!” He sang just before he passed out. Hermana lifted the table and flipped it, causing it to crash on top of Sandy, Stan and Cappy. She then pulled out a sword she found and she ran around cutting off one leg of each remaining hams chairs, causing them to fall backwards. Hermana threw the sword aside and began walking towards Panda. Hamtaro looked at the others.
“See what we mean? Told you she was nothing but trouble.” He whispered. The other hams, except Hermana and Panda nodded in agreement. Hermana grabbed Panda's arm and pulled him towards the door.
“Come on, Panda. Let's go somewhere else.” She said as she dragged him out the door.
“But what about the others?” Panda asked.
“Screw them. I couldn't care less.” Hermana and Panda lift with a slam of the door.
Hamtaro and Bijou sighed.
“We got off lucky today.” Hamtaro said.
“Oui, now Panda must suffer her wrath.” Bijou added.
“You mean, it gets worse than that?” boss asked,
“Oui, definitely.” Bijou sighed. “what did we do zhat was so wrong?” she sighed again.
“Shit… she has attitude.” Stan said. “if she wasn't such a bitch she'd be a perfect woman.” Hamtaro and Bijou lifted the heads hastily and with plenty of fear on their faces. Pashmina looked at them.
“What's up? You both look like you just saw a ghost.” She said.
“If Stan doesn't run quickly, we will see a ghost. His.” Hamtaro said.
“What?” Stan asked. The ground began to tremble slightly.
“Stan! RUN AWAY!!!” Bijou yelled. Stan stood up and ran down the corridor. Boom! Hermana burst through the door.
“A BITCH AM I?” She yelled. She booted it down towards Stan. The other hams waited… it was quite. It was only a few moments later that they all heard smashing of walls, fists colliding and screams from Stan that filled the room. It soon fell silent. Hermana soon walked around from the corner, smacking her hands clean. Sandy got really pissed.
“You, like, didn't have to go completely mad, ya know!” She yelled as revenge for her brother. Hamtaro and Bijou jumped in fright.
“Sandy, Hush!” Bijou called. Hermana began to angrily walk towards Sandy.
“Panda!” Hamtaro called. “Do something!” he pleaded as Panda walked in.
“Like what?” Panda asked.
“Take her out or something!” Bijou said. Panda jumped in the way of Hermana. `I hope I live to regret this,' Hermana looked into Panda eyes. Hers became angry. Panda closed his eyes, gabbed her shoulders.
“What's he doing?” Dexter asked.
“Think he'll knocked her out?” Howdy asked. Hermana released her fists. Panda hastily placed his lips on hers and kissed her. Hamtaro and Bijou screamed, but no sound came out. All hams, except Snoozer, Panda and Hermana ran and took cover behind some form of object.
“That's it! He's gonna die!” Bijou said.
“We will miss you, Panda!” Hamtaro whispered. They all waited for the death punch on Panda. Panda was shaking in fear rapidly. Hermana lifted her arms. Everyone closed his or her eyes not wanting to see the gore. Nothing. The looked to see her putting her arms around his neck and kissing back. Panda began to relax. Soon, Panda and Hermana broke apart. Hermana was blushing, as was Panda.
“What… what ya do that for?” Hermana asked, still blushing. She lifted her hand behind her head, pulled her pony tale forward, and began to fiddle with the end with embarrassment.
“I… don't know…” Panda replied. “It was either cause you was about to kill Sandy or… cause I wanted to.” Panda walked towards the door. “Well, I should be heading back.” he said. “Bye”
“Bye.” Said the others. Panda left. Hermana was watching him go. The other Hams assumed it was safe and walked towards the middle where she was. Penelope came down the corridor. She was dragging something and was pissed too. She threw Stan in the middle of the room. He looked battered and bruised. Hermana looked at his eye.
“Hey, I didn't do that one.” She said.
“Penelope did!” Penelope said.
“Why?” Sandy asked.
“Stupid Stan walk in and grab my chest! Penelope punched him! He kept saying, Aw my balls aw my balls.” Pen replied. Sandy stood on Stan face.
“You can't just flirt, can ya? You've, like, gotta be a pervert too.” She moaned. She dragged him toward the door.
“See ya later, k?” she said as she left.
Outside Stan came back. He climbed on Sandy.
“Oh, It was horrible.” His hand glided up to her chest and squeezed. “she was like a monster.” Sandy was getting in a rage.
“Please remember that I am a lady and your sister. Therefore I must be respected so… get you hands off of my &@#£$&* TITS!!!” She slammed her fist into his face and he flew into the air.
Bijou, Hamtaro and Hermana watched them.
“Zhat must have hurt.” Bijou said.
“Yeah, Hermana. Wanna go home.” Hamtaro asked, a bit nervous.
“Okay.” She said. Hamtaro sighed with relief as the three went home.
(How's that? Speedy? Should I make this a Hentai or not. Please tell me if you want it to be.)