Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ My Beloved... ❯ You didn’t think it was over… did you? ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

(kattx, you say make it Hentai. This is a sequel to my previous story. But it's not called Can a forced act of betrayel be forgiven 2, because this isn't like my previous story. It is just what happened afterwards.)
“Eet ees a miracle, Hitomi. Hermana ees actually listening to me now. I zhink Panda did some good. He helped a lot, but I am wondering why he kissed her. Perhaps he sees some of you in her. I just hope zhey don't end up…” Bijou started giggling, “Mating…” Bijou continued to giggle at the thought. “See you tomorrow, Hitomi.” Bijou walked home.
Chapter two: You didn't think it was over… did you?
Bijou arrived home earlier than Maria. Maria had brought Laura over too. Everyone was there. The children of Bijou and Hamtaro, Hamtaro and Bijou and Hermana too. Laura placed her set of hamsters down. She waited. Maria walked over.
“I am telling you zat Libby izent our hamsters breeds.” Maria said. Libby was Hermana. If you think about it, they call her Libby because Hamsters don't talk. So no human knows her true name.
“Hmmm… So then… how come we've got her?” Laura asked.
“I do not know yet.” Maria replied.
“And you probably never will.” Hamtaro said.
“But can you have her?” Maria asked.
“How come?” Maria asked.
“She's scary. She has one blue eye and zee ozhier is red.” Maria said. Laura started laughing.
“What ees so funny?” Maria asked.
“I came up with a funny conclusion. Maybe… you remember when Hamtaro got out of his cage, survived traffic and somehow got over here?” Laura asked.
“Oui… what ees your point?” Maria asked.
“Maybe they keep getting out, even Bijou and going to meet some other hamsters and do all sorts of weird stuff.” Laura suggested. “I mean… it's not the first time Hamtaro's gone missing from his cage.”
“Zhat ees a funny conclusion.” Maria said, as she started laughing. Laura joined in. Bijou went over to her cage door and lifted it open. Hamtaro noticed.
“Bijou! What are you doing?” Hamtaro asked.
“Well, if I were to show zem Hitomi's statue. Maybe zhey will understand zee situation.” Bijou replied. Her distraction lasted to long and she was gently pushed beck into the cage and the door locked. “You distracted me, Hamtaro. Now I won't be able to show zem.” Bijou complained.
“Sorry, Bijou. Oh, when are they going to go?” Hamtaro asked, hoping Laura and Maria would leave.
“So… What do we do about our mysterious hamster?” Laura asked.
“Let's sell her to someone. If she izent ours, zhen she can have a new owner.” Maria suggested.
“Okay, that'll work.” Laura agreed. Hamtaro and Bijou shot their ears up when they heard this. Hermana did also.
“Oh no, zhey can't just sell her!” Bijou yelled. Hamtaro got in a rage and began rapidly rattling his cage door. Laura took notice to this and opened it. Hamtaro hastily jumped out and ran over to Bijou's cage. He used both his paws to pull the attached lock open and entered Bijou's cage.
“What's wrong with Hamtaro?” Maria asked. Bijou ran over to Hermana, who was under a lot of the newspaper in the cage. Bijou lay down next to her.
“What're you doing?” Hermana asked.
“I am not letting zem sell you.” Bijou replied. Hamtaro walked over and stood in front of the both of them protectively.
“Do you think… they are trying to stop us selling her?” Laura asked.
“Let us zink about zis in zee park for a bit.” Maria suggested.
“Let's get Kana. I haven't seen her since she got home.” Laura said. The two girls walked out of the room. Bijou sighed in relief.
“Hamtaro. Let's go to the clubhouse.” She said.
“But what if they return and we aren't here?” Hamtaro asked.
“Something has to be done. We need to find Hermana a home for a little while so that she doesn't get sold.” Bijou panicked. Hamtaro walked over to her.
“I'm sure Laura won't sell her.” He said.
“But she agreed to do it.” Bijou replied.
“Well, lets go then. But if our owners freak out then you take the blame.” Hamtaro said. The two then left the cage.
“Hey! What about me?” Hermana asked.
“Come on, Hermana.” Hamtaro replied. Hermana walked over to the cage door and waited. A long string of silence past them.
“Well! Did you two forget I can't lift the gate?” Hermana asked sarcastically. Hamtaro walked over a lifted the gate door.
“Thanks, `dad!'” Hermana said sarcastically. She then followed Bijou out of the window and Hamtaro followed her. They jumped to the branch and slid down around the tree. They then headed off for the clubhouse.
Along the way, they heard strange noises. Someone was amongst them. But their location was unknown. A familiar voice spoke.
“Hermana…” It was a quite drifting whispery kind of voice. “Hermana…” It spoke again. “Hamtaro… I'm going to get you… Bijou… you haven't paid like the others yet… Hermana… you're mine… come to me…” It spoke. Hermana was getting freaked out.
“Do you hear that?” she asked.
“Hear what?” Hamtaro asked.
“That freaky voice.” Hermana spoke.
“No, maybe it's one of the locals.” Hamtaro said.
“And they know our names, why?” Hermana asked.
“Maybe you are hearing zhings.” Bijou suggested.
“Can we please get to the clubhouse quickly?” Hermana asked.
“Sure.” Hamtaro said. “Wanna race?” he asked, playfully.
“You're on.” Hermana said, slyly accepting his challenge. They all got ready and said GO! All three dashed to the clubhouse.
All the hams were around the table, including a new ham.
“So, Panda. You were about to introduce your new friend.” Boss said.
“Yes, this is Kylia.” Panda said.
“Hi.” Kylia said, girlish. She had yellowy-goldy fur, but blue hair all messy around her fringe and back of her head, she also had brown eyes.
“Wow… okay.” Boss replied. Crash! Hermana skids in through the door.
“I win.” She said.
“Well, I would have won… had I not crashed.” Hamtaro said.
“Into a tree, a rock, the wall to the clubhouse AND that cats foot.” Hermana teased.
“Her… ma… na… eet's not… funny… I zought we were cat food.” Bijou said, regaining her breath.
“Well, hamha to you all too.” Boss said sarcastically. The two older hams were still catching the breath, as Hermana was ready to go again.
“Oh no!” Kylia yelled. Her ears were twitching faster than anything the hams had ever seen.
“What is it?” Panda asked.
“He… he is here… he is…” Kylia said sounding rather scared. “I thought that I… uh, she killed him.” She slipped.
“Who, Hitomi? Wait! Flash! Flash is alive!!!” Panda yelled.
“What! How do you know Flash and Hitomi, Kylia?” Sandy asked.
“I was, uh… a good friend of Hitomi's a long time ago. She always came to me telling me about her father. I was rather lucky cause I escaped before he got me.” Kylia said.
“Okay…” the other said.
“Back on track, I heard that Flash raped people down here and was killed after Hitomi used the Mega Stone Flash Crasher. But I can sense his presence. He is still alive.” Kylia said, this scared the shit out of everyone.
“What! We're in deep shit!” Boss said. “He took us all on and beat us all at once! We can't beat him.” Boss said. “Hitomi is gone and she was the only one strong enough to defeat him.” Boss was panicking. They all heard footsteps. Then the door blew of its hinges and flew past everyone, who all managed to dodge it. Flash stood in the doorway.
“Little pigs, little pigs… I'm coming on in.” Flash mocked them.
“How did you survive!” Boss yelled.
“Simple! It was a weak attack.” Flash said.
“What! It was an attack design specifically to kill you!” Kylia yelled at him.
“Well, well. Look who it is. You should be dead too, you know.”
“I got away, remember?” Kylia said.
“But, it was your attack.” Flash said. “You sacrificed yourself to kill me. But it failed. It had to have failed because I am still alive… and so are you.” Flash teased.
“Arrr….” Kylia growled.
“Let me see… Sandy, Penelope, Bijou, Pashmina, plus my second barrel of fun… and you. Who to have first?” Flash asked himself.
“You ain't doing me! I've suffered enough because of you!” Kylia yelled.
“You make it sound like a bad thing to have happen to you.” Flash said.
“Being raped is a bad thing!” Kylia yelled at Flash.
“Well, it's a joy for me.” Flash replied.
“Okay! All hams! Charge!” Boss yelled. All hams did not charge, afraid to get beaten again.
“This is boring. Why not just give me the girls and you'll be spared… for a little while.” Flash offered. Hamtaro went red in the face.
“I will never let you get Bijou! Or any other girl in this room. You only get them over my dead body!” He bravely shouted.
“That can be arranged.” Flash said. Hamtaro yelled out and charged Flash. Flash grabbed his neck and slammed him against the wall, making a cracking sound. “One.” He said. Boss charged with shovel in hands. Flash grabbed the shovel and pushed it away, he grabbed Boss's shoulder and snapped it. “Two.” He said. Kylia walked up.
“Okay! STOP!” She yelled. Everyone stopped to look at her. She faced the ground. “O…okay… I… I will go first…” She reluctantly offered.
“WHAT! No!” Panda yelled.
“Well, I'm glad you are finally seeing the light.” Flash smirked.
“But… let's go outside. I don't want everyone to watch my pain.” Kylia pleaded.
“Fine with me.” Flash said. He then left, and Kylia followed.
“Kylia!” Panda called. Kylia looked back and winked at him.
Outside, Kylia and Flash walked over to a rock.
“Now… I never wait, get down so I can rump you.” Flash said.
“Nah…” Kylia replied.
“What? You're disobeying me after accepting you fate?” Flash said, harshly.
“Uh huh… I was just waiting to get out of the way of the others. How about another round.” Kylia said.
“You'll never learn.” Flash said. The others ran out from the clubhouse.
“We can't let this happen!” Panda said. They ran over and heard fighting.
“Chestnuts roasting over an open fire!” Kylia yelled. She began thumping the hell out of Flash, her fists moving faster than the eyes can see. Flash caught one and threw Kylia down away from him. He was battered. “That attack did more than you thought, Flash.” Kylia said. Flash just up and left.
“Wow! You did it, Kylia.” Panda cheered. But in the instant, Kylia fell to the ground. Everyone gasped and ran over. Panda grabbed Kylia in his paws. “Kylia! Kylia, are you alright?” He asked, very concerned. Kylia was out cold, not replying to anything. The hamsters ran back inside the clubhouse, Panda carrying Kylia.