Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ My Beloved... ❯ So Long Everybody! ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter Eight: So Long Everybody!
The hams were around the table. It was quite since Hitomi and Jingle finished their fun. Hermana was confused.
“You say she never makes this much noise when screwing any of you.” She said.
“Nope.” Panda replied.
“She's a good sucker though.” Snoozer added randomly.
“I wanna fuck her!!!” Stan roared. Wam!!! Sandy clunked him over the head.
“Will you, like, totally watch what you say?” She asked, half asking, half having a go at him. Maxwell sweat dropped.
“I would like some head from Pepper.” Oxnard said, randomly.
“Oxy, I will totally hit you too. You're, like, showing a bad reputation for my child minded brother.” Sandy said. Oxy felt guilty.
“But I do.” He said.
“Then ask Hitomi for head.” Howdy suggested.
“What ees she? Your fucking sex toy?” Bijou asked angrily.
“Seems it. But she can't be a toy.” Howdy replied.
“Why not?”
“Because, a toy is fun to start with but over time gets boring. Hitomi isn't boring yet. So she can't be a toy.” Just then the whole clubhouse went dark.
“Fuck, power cut.” Boss said. Then in the next split second, a large scream was heard from the room Hitomi and Jingle were in. The hams tried to be heroic and run to the door, but ended up falling all over themselves and each other. They managed to sort this out when Panda pulled out a homemade touch. Everyone rushed to the room bursting the door open, and then they heard the scream again. They shone the touch over to the bed, nothing, they shone it to a corner of the room and Jingle and Hitomi were there. Hitomi scrunched into a ball and Jingle trying at best to make her snap out of it. Suddenly lightning flash through the whole clubhouse, scaring the shit out of Hitomi who clung onto Jingle tightly. Then came the roar of thunder, which caused her to faint. Jingle lifted her limb body and took her to the bed.
“That is a serious fear of thunder and lightning.” Boss said.
“No, I zink she is afraid of zee dark.” Bijou corrected.
“That was awkward. I didn't think she was afraid of anything.” Oxnard said.
“Well, we just found out she's afraid of somezing.”
“Every ham has a fear.” Snoozer said from the other room.
“I hope this storm pass's quickly.” Pashmina said.
“Yeah.” Replied the rest.
Later on, the storm had past and the power was back on. Jingle was with Hitomi and the rest were around the table. All in the same room
“Oh, precious. Please be calm, calm like a breeze blowing over beautiful flowers the laminate the radiant garden.” Jingle said, making everyone, except Hitomi sweat drop.
“Does anything he say make sense?” Hermana asked.
“It makes sense, you just don't see it.” Snoozer said while sleeping. Hitomi was in Jingles arms and he was twirling her hair around his finger gently.
“Sister, dear, I thought you didn't fall in love.” Hermana mocked Hitomi.
“I don't care… I'm in love now.” Hitomi replied, lovingly as she snuggled up to Jingle.
“What about you Jingle, do you love Hitomi?” Hamtaro asked.
“I love the petals on a daisy as they flow into a wave of many curves, as thinking of a daisy, I think of a rose, and with the rose blooming to let everything see its radiance is how I see Hitomi in my arms, snuggling tightly hoping I will never go away. But thus, I cannot stay.” Jingle spoke in poetry like manner.
“Then I'll come with you.” Hitomi said as she lifted herself to look at him.
“What about me?” Hermana asked.
“That's up to you, Hermana. You can think of me as a sister, saying farewell as I leave to travel with Jingle, or as your mother where you can't bare to see me go and thus must come along.” Hitomi said.
“Is she turning into Jingles female side?” Boss asked.
“Looks like it.”
“Well, if they marry, she will be his female side. We'll call them Jingle and Jinget!” Howdy chuckled to himself. Sandy clobbered him with one of Maxwell's biggest, heaviest books.
“Like, shut up for once. You're jokes are like, totally not funny.” She said. Howdy just remained quite.
“But… before I leave I've one more thing to take care of… Um… where is Bijou?” Hitomi asked.
“She went for a walk.” Hamtaro replied.
“FUCK!” Hitomi yelled. She stood up and ran outside.
Bijou was in a large flower garden. She smelt the flowers as she walked past them. The flowers were only little about as tall as she. She wasn't concentrating and was tackled from behind and knocked onto all fours where she was mounted.
“The last of the girls will be mine at last.” The attacker said.
“F… Flash…” Bijou said.
“I never did get you… did I Bijou?” Flash asked evilly.
“I will be saved. You won't get away with zis.” Bijou said confidently.
“Well, lets see if I can reach my limits in you hindquarters before your fellow hams realise you are an open target and I have struck and they came pitifully to you rescue.” Flash said. He then began to hump her.
“Noooooooo!!! Get out!!!!” Bijou cried. Flash ignored her as he began to enjoy her pain. She wasn't in any actual pain, since she isn't a virgin anymore, her body was flowing pleasure through her spine. She hated the fact she was almost enjoying it. She tried to shake him off, but wasn't strong enough. “*Uki*…” She moaned.
“See, you love it really.”
“No I do not!” Bijou yelled “*Uki*…” She moaned again. Flash began to go faster.
“Come on baby, scream for me.” Flash asked. And she did so. She let out a horrifying scream of terror to get someone's attention. A beam of light shot past the tall grass knocking Flash clear off of Bijou. Hitomi jumped to the rescue.
“Bijou, Go!” She ordered. Bijou started to cry as she ran off towards the clubhouse. “Satisfied yet! You've raped them all!”
“Not satisfied. I was enjoying that.” Flash said, wiping the blood from his mouth.
“Bring it on. I will kill you now!” Hitomi yelled. She charged Flash head on. Flash knocked her away and she quickly recovered. She charged him again and punched him in the chin. He flew into the air where he was grabbed by the ankle, swung around and flung into the floor. Flash recovered rather quickly as Hitomi landed. Hermana came through the grass.
“Mum!” She called as she threw two bonberries at Hitomi. Hitomi caught them and swung them around in circle. She ran at Flash with the bonberries in hand. She swung with one, which Flash ducked out of the way of, and Hitomi swung the other, which collided with his gut, launching him aside. Hitomi ran, jumped, flipped and came down with both bonberries, Flash move out of the way and the two bonberries made a large dent in the ground. Hitomi quickly swung both bonberries at Flash's Head, but he ducked and kicked her feet, making her trip. She fell, dropping one of the bonberries. Flash picked it up and swung it at Hitomi. Hitomi jumped up out of the way and swung hers as he swung his. They collided and it was fate that decided which person the friction affected. But instead of sending a shockwave through their bodies, Flash's bonberrie top flew off. He was distracted and Hitomi swung around and brought the bonberrie down on Flash's head. Crack. Flash neck bone and spine were both shattered. Thus finally putting his life to an end. Hitomi threw aside her bonberrie and collapsed next to it. Jingle calm walked over to her.
“Precious…” He said. Hitomi was on the floor, but not out cold. She started laughing.
Hitomi placed her bag on Herbert's back. She turned to her daughter.
“Are you sure your staying.” She asked.
“As you said. I can think of you as a leaving sister or a mother I can't let go. I have friends here and the travel won't do me good. I'd make lots of friends I'd have to leave. I will stay here. I know I lived inside of you for two and a half weeks… but to me, I can't think of you as more than my sister. In my eyes, Hamtaro and Bijou are my real parents. Besides, we're better off as sisters.” Hermana explained. Hitomi smiled.
“Okay… then from here, we forget Flash ever existed and we are nothing but sisters.” Hitomi said. The two “sisters” hugged each other where secrets were told quickly and quietly.
“Besides… I have a crush on Panda.” Hermana whispered.
“Just wait till you get him in bed. He's a good shagger.” Hitomi replied. The two broke apart.
“That's not something a mother should say.” Hermana joked.
“What are you talking about? We're sisters, remember.” Hitomi added to the joke. “When I return. I want to see them.”
“See who?”
“As you mum, I want to see my grandchildren, as your sister, I want to see my nieces and nephews.” Hitomi smiled. She climbed onto the pig with Jingle. “I'll see you when the wind returns me to you.” Hitomi said, waving to the group. They all waved back. The three travellers began their journey.
“Bye, my sister!!!” Hermana called out. “Until we meet again!”
“So long!” “Bye!” “Au Revoir!” The other hams called. Hitomi looked back at them.
“Bye-bye!” She called back. She then turned to Jingle and snuggled into his fur. He spoke to her.
“Lets go… My Beloved…”