Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ My Beloved... ❯ Some Clubhouse Fun ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter Seven: Some Clubhouse Fun
Hitomi walked out of the bathroom. She had just washed herself clean, well as clean as she'll get. She came into the room with everyone waiting for her. Hermana, Penelope and Cappy were all napping. Hitomi took a seat at the table. She rested her head in her palms. Panda moved over to her.
“Panda… please, don't try to comfort me.” She said. “I want to play a game. It's not named, but it involves plenty of sex.” Hitomi said.
“I would have thought you needed to recover from your rape.” Maxwell said.
“No, I need to have sex to calm the nerves.” Hitomi said.
“Okay, touchy.” Maxwell replied.
“Right… Who hasn't been lai…” Hitomi was about to finish, but a bolt of blue lightning went through one of her ears and out the other. It was unseen but there, it was harmless also. Because of part of her power, something just told her someone dear to her just died. Everyone looked at her, she looked shocked. Panda touched her shoulder and shook her gently.
“Hitomi, are you okay?” He asked. Without warning, she just burst into tears. Everyone was confused, maybe the rape is catching up, well, that's what they thought. “Hitomi? What's the matter?”
“He's dead…” Hitomi cried. “Flash just killed him.”
“Who?” Maxwell asked.
“Kai…” Bijou answered. Hitomi just continued to cry.
“Wait a minute… was there actually someone Hitomi truly cared for?” Howdy asked. Hitomi rubbed her eyes. She stood up.
“Hey! You're not going to meet him are you?” Boss asked.
“You bet I will!” Hitomi replied. She walked towards the door. Stan got in the way. “Move your ass, Stan.”
“No! I won't let you throw you life away.” Stan replied, he held his arms out to block her path.
“I SAID GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY WAY!!!!” Hitomi roared at him. Smack! Hitomi fell to the ground. Stan had just slapped her across the check. She just stayed where she was, on the ground, crying her eyes out.
About an hour later, the hams had returned home. Hermana too. Hitomi was alone with Boss and Snoozer. Hitomi was trying to make convocation with Snoozer.
“Snoozer… Snoozer… do you ever wake up.” Hitomi asked.
“I am awake, cause you're keeping me from sleeping.” Snoozer said, sleepily.
“Sorry, Snoozer. I'm just bored.” Hitomi replied, guiltily.
“Get some action from Boss.” Snoozer replied.
“No way. I don't care about sex, but the last time I fucked him I was nearly ripped in half. Besides, he's been done.” Hitomi replied, with a blush on. “I don't even like the guy that much.”
Boss on the other hand was wanking off in his room. He was imagining he was having sex with Hitomi, since Bijou was Hamtaro's. But still, he was violating her mentally. Hitomi's pussy started leaking for no apparent reason.
“How awkward… Boss…” Hitomi told herself. She walked over to his door quietly. She listened through the door and heard him moaning her name. She had a peak through the keyhole and saw what he was doing. She went red in the face and returned to the table. She was so bored, anything could entertain her. She thought to herself, `what can I do that'll be fun?' She thought for a couple minutes. She smirked as she came up with an idea. She walked over to Boss's room. She knocked on the door and heard a clunk. She had surprised him so much that he literally jumped falling to the floor. He wiped himself clean, hastily.
“Uh… uh… come in.” He said. Hitomi walked in and smiled at his sweating body. He was nervous because the girl he was masturbating to just walked in. She walked over to him.
“What're you doing?” She asked.
“Oh, nothing… just… thinking about what my fellow hams and I will be doing tomorrow.” Boss replied, making up an excuse.
“Oh Boss…” Hitomi said, pressing her index finger against his chest, pushing him onto the bed. “…Don't think to much, or you're dick will fall off.” She said, seducing Boss. Boss gulped. Hitomi had forced him onto his back on the back. She climbed on top of him and put her crouch on his belly, using her finger to ring circles on his chest. “Boss, why do you run the show around here?” Hitomi asked, childishly.
“Well, because I am the boss and this is my home. It's my rule. Plus I am the best of the guys.” Boss said, trying to be impressive.
“I guess… but if you're the best of the guys… why don't you have a sexy bird to fuck?” Hitomi asked him, still rather childishly. She felt his erection on her back, twitching.
“I've got you…” Boss said. Hitomi smiled horridly.
“You wish.” She said, harshly. She rolled off of him and landed on her feet on the ground. She walked towards the door.
“I thought we were…” Boss started.
“Don't you think you dicks had enough of your wank session? I don't think it'll survive a sex session.” She replied as she walked out. She closed the door and giggled. `That was fun.' She thought.
Hamtaro and Bijou were wrapping up another `session.' Hermana was watching from the small house in the cage while masturbating.
“Oh…oooohhhh….” She moaned. “Why can't I do that?” She asked, half moaning.
“AHH!!!” Bijou yelled as she released herself all over Hamtaro. “I've had enough.” She said.
“Ooh… But I haven't cum yet.” Hamtaro moaned.
“Sorry, but I've had enough.” Bijou repeated. Hamtaro pulled out. “I'm too tired.” Bijou finished, falling to sleeping. Hamtaro walked towards the house, where Hermana quickly acted asleep. Hamtaro stepped in to find all his children sleeping. Hermana was breathing unusually heavier than the others. Hamtaro whispered to her, so not to wake the others.
“I know you're awake.” He said. Hermana pretended she was asleep still. Hamtaro repeated himself. Hermana gave up. She sat upright and looked at him. “Wanna talk?” Hamtaro asked her. He nodded. “Let's go outside.” So that's what they did.
Hermana started speaking first.
“I still… don't understand.” She said.
“What? What don't you understand?” Hamtaro asked.
“How can my mother be my sister? It's illogical.” Hermana replied.
“What's so illogical? I know for you age your speaking is rather good, but I think you've got it wrong.” Hamtaro said. “It's a very possible thing to be related to your mother in two ways. Flash is a despicable man. He is your father and your grandfather.” Hamtaro said.
“But how?” Hermana asked.
“He raped Hitomi when she was little. He kept on raping her until she birthed you. You see, She is your mother, because you grew up in her. But she is your sister because you're your father's baby. It's confusing, but possible.” Hamtaro said, trying to explain.
“You said he was my father and grandfather. Explain that.” Hermana ordered.
“That about as confusing as the first. But he is your father because it was his sperm that pierced her egg creating you. And he is your grandfather because it was his daughter that birthed you. Understand?” Hamtaro asked.
“Sort of. It's still muddling my head.” Hermana replied.
“Well, don't think about it too much. Consider Hitomi as your mother or your sister, it doesn't matter. What does matter, is that she is your family and nothing is better than that. Get some sleep and you can talk to her tomorrow.” Hamtaro walked back over to Bijou and rested next to her. He fell to sleep. Hermana closed her eyes and fell to sleep too.
The next day Howdy, Dexter, Panda, Maxwell, Cappy, Hamtaro, Bijou and Hermana were at the clubhouse, plus Snoozer, Boss and Hitomi. Pashmina and Penelope were nearly there and Sandy and Stan were a bit late. Oxnard was over sleeping.
“I must say, the expression on my owners face was priceless to see me back.” Maxwell said.
“I bet.” Bijou giggled.
“I've already earned her love! You will have to give up!” Dexter yelled.
“Oh yeah, Well just see about that, partner. I'll make Pashy mine and there's nothing you can do about it.” Howdy yelled back. Pashmina and Penelope walked in.
“Is someone talking about me, my ears are burning.” Pashmina said. Bijou giggled.
“Dexter and Howdy were, but what does zat have to do with your ears burning?” Bijou asked.
“Well, they say your ears burn when someone talks about you.” Pashmina replied.
“Yeah, that's true. It's also said that your pussy leaks when someone wanks while thinking about you.” Hitomi added. Penelope started laughing.
“I've never heard that saying.” Bijou said.
“Well, I started leaking last night for no reason. Then I caught Boss wanking away.” Hitomi said. “So I teased his horny ass.”
“Did you screw him?” Hamtaro asked.
“No, I don't fuck wankers.” Hitomi replied.
“Hey! You screw me before!” Boss yelled.
“You weren't wanking then.”
“So, where's Stan?” Hitomi asked. Everyone swapped glances and came up with the same answer.
“No idea. Why?”
“Because I want to know.” Hitomi replied.
“You want sex Stan don't you?” Penelope asked.
“…No comment.” Hitomi replied. The girls started laughing. “What's so funny?” She asked.
“No one falls for his charms. Why are you any different?” Pashmina asked.
“I'm not. I've not fallen for his shit attempts at flirting. I've screwed Boss and Panda. Dexter and Hamtaro are off limits, as is Maxwell. Cappy's too young for me and also off limits. Howdy isn't worth the time it'd take for his puny dick to orgasm…”
“Hey!” Howdy called.
“Jingle isn't here, and I have to say, his dick is the best.” Hitomi was cut off.
“You've had sex with Jingle?” They asked.
“Yes. I met him before I met you. He rocks.” Hitomi said, blushing her heart out.
“Whoa… is she in love?” Hermana asked.
“Sister please, I don't fall in love.” Sandy and Stan walked in followed by another Ham.
“Hey, guys. Look who we ran into.” Stan said. Sandy and Stan moved out of the way and Jingle walked in.
“Hey there, ham folks.” Jingle said. “What are you all digging today on this extraordinarily fine day today.” He asked. Everyone except Hitomi sweat dropped. Hitomi on the other hand was all hearty eyed. “Well, well. If it ain't my travelling friend brought back to me by fate.” Jingle said, referring to Hitomi. “How's the baby ham girl?”
“She's… over there…” Hitomi said, sounding as if she were mesmerised.
“Oh, I see. The puny things grown I see.” Jingle said walked up to Hermana. Her rubbed her head. “Dig the eyes.”
“Hey, what are you doing?” Hermana complained.
“Stroking your head.” Jingle replied.
“Right… you can stop now.” Hermana said. Jingle released his hold on her head.
“So, Jingle. How have you been?” Boss asked.
“Usual, travelling around in the sun and the breeze with my pig Herbert, following my heart were ever it goes.” Jingle said. More sweat drops.
“Excuse me.” Hitomi said as she ran off towards the toilets. She arrived and almost instantly started pleasuring herself. `What's happening to me? I've never fallen for a guy before, what's so different about him?' She thought to herself. She heard two knocks on the door.
“Hey, my precious flower, care if I join you. I know what you're doing.” It was Jingle. Hitomi opened the door and looked at him. She was getting mesmerised again.
“How do you know what I was doing?” Hitomi asked.
“I can hear you.” Jingle smiled. Hitomi let him in. “Right. I think I'll spread you out this time.” Jingle said. Hitomi was in joy. `I can't wait… fuck me now.' Jingle held onto her shoulders.
“Jingle… do we have to do it here. Can't we go into another room?” Hitomi asked.
“Sure, anything for my flower.” Jingle replied. The two walked out of the bathroom paw in paw towards a more `fitting' environment. They entered one of the guest bedrooms and towards the bed. Jingle lifted Hitomi onto the bed and then joined her. She laid back onto the pillow and waiting for Jingle to take over. “You ready?” Jingle asked.
“You make it sound like I am a virgin.” Hitomi replied.
“Sex with you will always fell like a first time.” Jingle replied.
“Well, then there's something wrong with your sex hormones.” Hitomi joked. Jingle spread Hitomi's legs and leaned in closer to kiss her, she wrapped her arms around his neck as he entered her. He only just poked in and she nearly screamed with the pleasure it gave her. Unusual. Jingle then began to pound into her, with her doing the same with every thrust. `I don't understand. I've had sex loads of times in the past, why do I feel so much pleasure when I am doing it with Jingle? I never feel anything with anyone else.' Hitomi mentally thought to herself. Jingle was pleased with the amount of moans and screams he was making Hitomi let out.
Back at the table, everyone could here her.
“What the fuck?” Boss asked. “When I fucked her, she didn't make a sound. Not anything, except she was very surprised to how big I was.” Boss bragged.
“Yeah, I never got her to moan either.” Panda added. “But with Jingle, she sounds like she's having her orgasm all the way through it.”
“Well, I zink she's over reacting. She's probably making zee whole zing up.” Bijou said.
“Damn it! It's not fair!” Stan cried out.
“What's your problem?” Sandy asked, with her usual tone she gives her brother.
“It's the sex!” Stan cried. “Everyone is getting laid but me!”
“I ain't getting laid.” Howdy said.
“Yeah, but you probably don't have anything to lay a girl with, so you don't count.” Stan said.
“That was a low blow, Stan.” Howdy said.
“Always saving the best till last.” Snoozer said in his sleep.
“Oh yeah! I am the best!” Stan said.
“Actually, she might never have sex with you Stan. She might just finish her ways with Jingle and live with him forever.” Sandy said, destroying Stan's hopes before they could shoot to the stars. He mentally found himself in a dark corner.
“You know what…” Oxnard said. “Hitomi is very, very hot. She nearly compares with Pepper.”
“She almost compares to Sandy too.” Maxwell added. “But Sandy will always be my number one.” Sandy looked at Maxwell.
“I don't know if that was a compliment… or an insult.” Sandy said. Maxwell sighed.
Hitomi was on her side now with her eyes clenched and moaning in ecstatic pleasure. Jingle was really doing and number on her. She then climaxed all over him and he came into her body. She didn't care that he could impregnate her. She didn't know why? She was so worn out that she fell asleep. Jingle laid down next to her, not removing himself from her and joined her in sleep.