Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ My Beloved... ❯ Horrible Histories ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter Six: Horrible Histories!
Two cages were set on a desk, next to a flat screen computer. Four Hamsters were in one of the cages; this cage was frilly and bright as the other was gold and flashy. But they were in the frilly. There were four hamsters, as said, two adults and two pups. One was unfortunately unable to take the pressure of its birth and couldn't sustain life. The other was more fortunate. It was a girl and the two adults were very proud of the way she turned out… quite cute. A man walked over and took the dead hamster. Doing what with it next is unknown and unimportant.
“Flash dear, isn't she sweet?” Mariko said.
“Yes, she is precious.” Flash replied.
“What do we name her?”
“I don't know, the choice is entirely yours.”
“Actually, it's our owners choice. I can't choose so they will.”
“Hey Matt, what should we call the new hamster?” Joey asked.
“I don't know, I like my Hamster's name so lets call it something similar.” Matt replied.
“Okay, how about Hirokan.”
“It sounds too masculine and I think it's a girl.”
“Still too maleish. Maybe something else.”
“Nah, to prissy.”
“Okay… Hitomi.”
“That sounds alright, fine. It's a shame that the other died though.”
“No point crying over spilt milk.”
“Fine. But it still is a shame.”
“Hitomi… I love it!” Mariko said.
“Yes, it is a brilliant name.” Flash replied. The two hams began cuddling up with their baby girl.
Unfortunately, Mariko was feeling sick and week just three days after Hitomi's birth. Flash was worried about her. Since she was sick, they hadn't been able to mate since. But that wasn't his main concern. Halfway through that day, Mariko passed on and had to be buried in the garden by the owner brothers. Now Flash was alone with his daughter. He thought it'd be fine, he'd lost his mate but his owners would probably get him another soon. You see, Flash has this sexual problem. He can't go very long without sex. When Hitomi was a little older, able to talk and walk (A bit younger than Sandy and Stan before the previous story), she became afraid of her father. He rattled his cage in frustration of going so long without sex. His eyes were changing from the posh calm ones he used to have to evilish ones. He was going insane. One night, Hitomi was sleeping in the middle of the cage. Flash was awake and watching her body move up and down as she breathed. He was behind her, leaning on the side of the cage. He had a fully erected dick that twitched every three seconds cause of lack of sexual attention. He couldn't stand it anymore. He stood up and crept over to his sleeping child. He mounted her carefully so not to wake her.
Hitomi shot awake and cried out as if she'd just been speared. As a matter of fact, she had been. Her father was on top of her, thrusting himself into her. He was satisfying his sexual needs. She on the other hand was bleeding badly. Not something that happens very often. She was too small for his shaft and it was ripping her insides open. She screamed and screamed, trying to get him off, but she was so small and he was so much bigger and stronger than her, it was impossible. Flash continued to fuck his daughter hard until her cum flowed out mixing with her blood. Flash eventually let himself loose inside of her. He ripped out of her and looked at his work.
“Why did I…” he asked. “Why… did I not think to do this before?” He smirked. He then started to lick Hitomi all over her body.
“…D… Daddy…” Hitomi muttered, crying out. “What did you do to me?” Flash smiled.
“Something I am going to do again some other time.” Flash said. He then got off of her and she booted it down the other side of the cage. She looked at him and his blood and cum covered crouch, knowing instantly just what he did. She didn't understand sex at all. She just knew what he stuck in her and where he stuck it. She panicked and tried to get further away from him as he began to walk over. He came up to her and she clenched her eyes shut. He whispered in her ear. “That… was better than anything your mother gave me… and I like it.” Hitomi panicked as he touched her in-between the legs, he seemed to be brushing her clean. He leaned in and licked her. She moaned a little in a bit of pleasure and a bit of pain. After Flash finished licking her clean he looked at her. “Sweet…” He said, wiping his mouth dry. He opened her legs up and got another erection, which struck her again. She clenched her eyes again as he re-entered her. He then thrust fast as he kept widening her legs.
“Haaa-AAAAAHHHH!!!” Hitomi cried out as she began bleeding again. She tried pushing him off of her, but he got frustrated quickly and thumped her in the eye. Her head crashed into the cage, causing a pain. She tried more to get him off but he thumped her in the chest. Now he was attacking and fucking her at the same time. Again, he came into her and got out. He then threw her across the cage. She remained in the middle of the cage, completely unconscious.
The next day, Hitomi woke up. She was in great pain. Flash wasn't there, in fact… no one was. Maybe they though he was bleeding somewhere because of all of the blood. Hitomi tried to stand, but she ached everywhere. Her face was bruised, her crotch was in pain. She was screwed up. She woozily went over to the cage door. She opened it and fell out of her cage. She went over to the window. Luckily it was open. She climbed out and fell off the window ledge. She thought she would fall to her doom, but she never hit the floor. Someone grabbed her. She opened her eyes and another ham had caught her. She noticed he was male and rolled out of his arms quickly and ran off to the side of a tree, trembling in fear of him. He walked a few steps towards her. She clenched her eyes shut and panicked.
“Wh… what's wrong?” He asked her.
“Don't… please… don't do it to me…” She cried.
“My name is Kaietaka. What don't you want me to do?” He asked. He noticed she was beaten to a pulp. He walked over to her, she just panicked. He touched her, which made her flinch. “Please… I am not here to hurt you.” He said. He checked her all over, seeing cuts and bruises everywhere. He noticed she was covered in dried blood around her crotch. He looked at her with major concern. He lifted his paw and put it in-between her legs and gently pushed his fingers into her. She cried as he touched an open wound inside of her. He pulled out and stroked her. She looked at his concerned eyes.
“…” Hitomi couldn't speak.
“You are so cute. Who could have done this?” Kai asked. He placed his paw over her clit and it began to glow. Hitomi felt weird and felt better. She didn't feel any more pain. Kai looked back at Hitomi. He placed his paws over her chest and did the same, her body then recovered. Kai then placed his paws on her face and did it again. Her face recovered like the rest of her and she was as beautiful as before, maybe even more. Hitomi relaxed, feeling as though she might be able to trust this guy. “What happened to you?” Kai asked her.
“I don't know. I… my daddy… he…” Hitomi said.
“He didn't…” Kai started. “Do you live alone with him? Is there another girl ham?”
“No… I am alone with him.” Hitomi replied.
“Then… did he… did he rape you?” Kai asked. He rested his paw on her head, where her third eye would be. He concentrated.
“Why… did I not think to do this before?”
“…D… Daddy… What did you do to me?”
“Something I am going to do again some other time.”
“That… was better than anything your mother gave me… and I like it.”
“Haaa-AAAAAHHHH!!!” Smack, Slam, Crack, Pow, Thump.
Kai shot awake and stared at Hitomi. “I don't believe it.” He said. Hitomi was crying again. She opened her eyes to look at Kai again. “I don't want to scare you. But let me do this.” He said. He moved towards her face and he kissed her. She didn't do anything except close her eyes. Her paws moved closer together, clenched with fear. Her legs were closed tightly. Everything went white.
Kai stood in front of Flash under a tree. Flash was smiling. It was raining and dark. Kai was flaming with a dark red aura. Flash was calm like the wind.
“How can you bring her so much pain?!” Kai roared at Flash.
“You can't say you're not satisfied with my ways of treating my children.” Flash said. “If I didn't rape my sweet Hitomi, you wouldn't have had sex with her.” Flash laughed.
“I never wanted to have sex with her unless I was going out with her. I wasn't so it was horrible to have sex with her. She feared me and I tried to calm her. You drove her to the point where death seemed to be her only escape. I had to have sex with her to cool her and make her learn a hard tactic. Every time I fixed it, you went and fuck it up!!!” Kai roared with anger and tears.
“Actually, I fucked her. You should know how I feel, because she was tighter than every other girl I've ever screwed. She was the utter most best of all of them.” Flash said. “You didn't screw her to help her. You did it cause you knew you could and you were horny. You just took advantage of her as I did. We are equal in her rape.”
“You filthy fuck! How dare you!” Kai roared as he ran over and punched Flash. Flash caught his fist and broke it. Kai roared in agony and attacked with the other paw. Déja Vu. Kai was defenceless. He used his psychic ability, but Flash was blocking it with his evil aura. He punched Kai and turned him around. He grabbed his head.
“Join your dead sister in the depths of hell!” Flash yelled. He twisted Kai's neck in an improper position and killed him. Kai dropped to the cold floors below.
His final thoughts were, `Hitomi… I am so very, very sorry.'