Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ My Beloved... ❯ Psychic Kai ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter Five: Psychic Kai.
The Hams were around the table, attempting a best to think of a plan.
“Flash is far too powerful for all of us combined.” Boss said, giving up.
“If I recall, Boss, Hitomi was your first shag. Am I right?” Bijou asked.
“Uh… yeah.” Boss said.
“What? My mother screwed this bonehead.” Hermana asked, in disgusted shock.
“One who is in dire peril might do what was done to calm the pain. Zu, zu, zu” Snoozer said, as he slept.
“What?” the other hams asked, except Maxwell.
“What he means is that Hitomi was raped, which meant being dicked. So, she kept on screwing because somehow it made a sense of balance for her and kept her calm. However, for someone who was raped so much, I would have expected her to quiver in fear and the mere mention of sex.” He explained.
“You make it sound like she should have been weak.” Hermana yelled. As you may have guessed, she is completely cured. It was merely a shock to the energy system; draining her energy and making her need to rest. “She's a sister of mine. It sounds weird but she is.” Hermana went quite.
“I know you are family, but still.” Maxwell said.
“Back on topic, we need to rescue her.” Hamtaro said.
“What are we suppose to do?” Cappy asked them.
“Yeah, it's far to risky for a frontal assault.” Dexter said.
“There's got to be something we haven't thought of.” Pashmina added.
“What about making an invention? Panda asked.
“Won't work.” Penelope replied. Everyone looked at her. “It won't work because Flash too smart and strong to be beaten by it.”
“Well, what then?” Stan asked.
“I, like, think we she split up. Some can be a, like, distraction for a bit, whilst the others save Hitomi.” Sandy suggested.
“Won't work.” Penelope said.
“Now why?” asked the others.
“Flash not be easy to distract. Plus lives of those distracting are at risk. Say Howdy Panda Hamtaro Boss distract Flash while Maxwell Cappy Penelope Pashmina Sandy Dexter etc were to save Hitomi. Howdy and co can be destroyed. Then Flash find rest of us, take us girls, kill boys and make us all slaves for his lusts.” Penelope explained, detailing the flaw of the plan. Everyone sighed
Hitomi was final able to draw proper breath. She was resting, expecting her knight in shining armour soon. Her face was absolutely covered in tears. After his last time, Flash had done many things to Hitomi. He forced her to suck him too. She was covered in his mess and she hated it. It was sticky and horrible. The door opened and Hitomi squeezed her eyes closed, expecting to be raped again. She was touched on the back and the chin. Her head was lifted up to face someone, but she didn't look.
“Did he… did he blind you?” a calm voice asked. It sounded like this person was concerned. Hitomi opened her eyes slowly, thinking it might be her imagination and it was actually Flash. But it wasn't. She looked to see a scarred Hamster, who was a grey and black colour; he had a cool hairstyle for a fringe that was averagely in the middle of short and long at the back. It was grey at the front, black at the back.
“Kai… Kaietaka.” Hitomi said, she was nearly crying in happiness. Was she going to be saved? (A/Ns: Kai-eh-ta-ka)
“Hitomi, my sweet, I will help you.” Kai said.
“…Thank you…” Hitomi said as she began to relax. Kai was about to unchain her when…
“You think I'll let you take her from me?” Flash asked, as he walked in. Kai stood and faced him.
“Flash! You'll never stop, will you?” Kai spat.
“Nope, Hitomi is the best.” Flash smirked as he walked over. He stopped; he opened his eyes wider and frowned in concern. He couldn't move. Kai's eyes had fully turned blue and were glowing. His third eye appeared on his forehead. Flash was lifted up. He flew into the nearby wall and Kai walked up towards him.
“The best yes, too good for you. Hitomi is my best friend and you violated her. This is an unforgivable crime you must be punished for. Flash! I'm going to destroy you.” Kai said. Flash fell to the ground. He searched around and found a stick to use. He picked it up and twirled it around his body in a cool fashion. He then stopped and got ready to fight. “Oh please.” Kai said, asking for a stronger challenge. Flash ran over and struck but was stopped by thin air. He was thumped in the stomach and sent flying. Kai watched as he launched him into the sky. Kai took this chance and ran over to Hitomi. His eyes glowed again and the chains broke. Hitomi was too exhausted to move so Kai lifted her mucky body onto his back. He ran out of the warehouse and towards the nearest hiding spot.
“Club… house…” Hitomi said.
“What?” Kai asked.
“Club… house.” Hitomi repeated.
“Right.” Kai replied. He searched her thoughts and found the location. Kai booted it towards the place he was tracking.
“I got it! If we…” Maxwell was interrupted.
“Doesn't matter, we don't know where she is.” Pashmina said.
“We can't give up on her. She's done too much to help us, we need to help her.” Panda said, reluctant to give up.
“We might as well, no location, no plan.” Cappy agreed with Pashmina. The door burst open and Kai walked in. Boss stood up.
“Who are you and what do you think you are doing bursting in here without knocking?” He yelled. Kai walked in and turned around a bit to show them the used girl. They all gasped and ran over to her aid. Kai lowered her to the floor; Penelope came over with the pillow they used earlier. Hitomi looked very bad. She had red marks on her body, arms, legs and neck from the strain on the chains. She was covered in slime and was leaking from her front exit. Her face was covered with tears also. She was fast asleep. Kai took a seat next to the door, closing his eyes and crossing his arms. Hermana budged everyone aside to care for her mother.
“M… mommy… Mother…” She cried. “Are you… alright… please… speak to me…” Hermana said, nearly crying her eyes out. This was a side of her, no other ham had ever seen. Boss walked over to Kai. Kai looked at the towering ham.
“Who are you?” he asked.
“I'm Kai…” Kai replied.
“We thank you.” Boss thanked.
“For what…?” Kai asked
“You saved one of the most important girls in my life.” Boss replied.
“I wouldn't try anything with her.” Kai said, closing his eyes.
“What do you mean?” Boss asked. “You mean she's your girl or something?”
“Absolutely not. But she'll never be yours either.”
“Why not?”
“Because… she's afraid of relationships.”
“But she's been screwed by most of us here. How can she be afraid of relationships?” Boss was confused.
“She gives herself away to males she feels sorry for. Because they've gone through most of their lives without sex. But she'll never feel right about a relationship because of her father. If he were dead, she'd be afraid of a relationship. But he is alive which makes it worse. Whilst that man is breathing, she'll never feel right about relationships.”
“But, if she's afraid of relationships… why does she give herself away to those she doesn't care for?”
“Well… because she feels as though she hasn't got anything to lose. Did you know, that through her sex even if she seems like it, she'll never ever enjoy it. She knows others like it but she'll never ever like it like anyone else. She'll never want to have children again. I mean, having your own sister will do that to you.” Pashmina walked over.
“…I don't understand… She will never go into a relationship with a boy?” She asked.
“What did I just say? No, she won't. You could never understand how she feels.” Kai replied, angrily.
“But, then how do you understand?”
“I don't!” Kai yelled angrily. “What made you think I understood her feelings?!”
“But you make it sound like you completely understand.”
“No I don't! No one will ever understand what she's been through. Never ever!” Kai shook his head violently. “Her life is a complete misery and it's not over till Flash draws his final breath. I had to help her; I was the only one who could. By the way, did Hitomi disguise herself as a blue haired girl called Kylia?” Kai asked,
“Yeah.” Panda said joining the convocation.
“She was my sister… before Flash got her. He mocked me about her, saying she was never as tight as Hitomi. But he kept raping her again and again… eventually… she died because she couldn't survive all the pressure.” Kai said, he was nearly in tears. “Hitomi's different. She's stronger, but falling to pieces. Before she committed suicide, I stopped her… but recently I've been thinking I should have let her. But she is the only one that can defeat Flash. So if she did die, Flash would rape every girl-ham he could find until his dying day.” Kai explained.
“How are you a part of her life?” Pashmina asked.
“I taught her to use her fears to ease the pain, a hard task indeed.” Kai answered.
“What? What do you mean?” Boss asked.
“Hitomi first met me after she fell from a window and I saved her. She feared me because I was a male, but she's a sweet girl and it didn't take me long before I got her trust. I taught her that having sex would calm the pain. I know it doesn't make sense, but it's true. She trembled at the mere mention of the words sex, dick or anything else involving sexual interaction. But over time I managed to lay her down properly. I didn't do this to get laid; I did it so she didn't kill herself. You probably think I'm nuts. But there are benefits to it, she came and saved you girls from being taken away and raped to death. I know she couldn't save you from being raped, but she did her best. She also laid a bunch of virgins. So there are good points to this.” Kai finished of his explanation. Everyone went around the table except Hitomi and Kai. They all sighed and stayed quiet for ages. Kai finally spoke up.
“I want to know… which ones of you boys have been laid by someone other than Hitomi.” He asked, then taking a seat at the table.
“I have had sex with Bijou.” Hamtaro said.
“I have had sex with Sandy.” Maxwell said.
“I have had sex with Pashmina, even though till now she kept it secret.” Dexter said.
“What you had sex with Pashmina!” Howdy yelled.
“Yes.” Dexter replied, with a cocky tone.
“Dexter, It never was secret, cause I caught you two doing it.” Hamtaro said.
“And you watched them constantly.” Sandy said, teasing Hamtaro.
“Sandy! That was private.” Hamtaro said, angrily.
“And perverted.” Pashmina added.
“Anyway, continuing. I had sex with Penelope.” Cappy said.
“You're a little young to be mating, aren't you?” Kai asked.
“Disgusting isn't it.” Pashmina said, eyeing Cappy.
“From what I've seen, this is absolutely no where near disgusting.” Kai replied.
“Watching your best friend and sister being raped whilst being chained to a wall. Watching your sister die because she couldn't handle the pressure. Watching your best friend birth her sister. That is disgusting. So, not many things disgust me anymore. Two children having sex out of love, that's not disgusting.” Kai replied. “So, anyone else?”
“No, there are only four girls here and we don't really like to share.” Dexter said.
“Well…” Oxnard blushed. “…I…” He was so embarrassed.
“What's up Oxy?” Hamtaro asked.
“I sorta… mated with Pepper when I went to visit her.”
“Wow, really?”
“So… who's had sex with Hitomi?” Kai asked.
“I have.” Boss said.
“Me too.” Panda added. “And Snoozer got a blow. But I don't think she laid him.”
“Just three? I was expecting better than that.”
“We played games for it. I kept winning, well except against her, and I got two blows and a dick warmer.” Panda said, rather proudly.
“Losing to Hitomi, sounds about right. Let me guess, dice, coins, cards…?” Kai asked.
“Yeah. She's really good at the stuff she did. Like when Penelope and Cappy were breeding, Pashmina wanted to stop them. Hitomi got in the way and did this coin trick…” Panda started.
“Let me guess…” Kai said, looking over to Pashmina. “…The one in the pink scarf?”
“She gave you three options, right?” Kai said.
“Yes.” Pashmina replied.
“She span around really fast and you chose both hands and a foot, right?” Kai continued.
“All were wrong, but yes.”
“By the looks of you, she put it in your scarf right.” Kai finished.
“…Yes… how did you know?”
“Because, I taught her that technique. But she mastered it far beyond me.” Kai said.
“How do you mean?” Hamtaro asked.
“Well, when I did the trick, it was only to someone who had some fashion item on, from backpacks to scarves. I would spin at an incredible velocity and they would be so distracted by my spin that I slip under the arm of the bag or in the neck part of the scarf. But she's mastered it completely. She only does it to Girls or to boys with something like a bag or other thing like that. With the boys with stuff on she puts it under the bag strap or scarf like I do. But with a girl, if the girl doesn't have anything like that, it's cool where she puts it.” Kai explained.
“Well, what about if she did the trick to… Sandy?” Bijou suggested.
“Well… that's the thing, which one is Sandy?” Kai asked.
“I am.” Sandy said, lifting her paw.
“Okay… You would find it… in probably the most unexpected place.” Kai said.
“Like, where? I can't think of where she could put it, I've not got a scarf or anything like that on. Only my tail bow. Would she put it there?” Sandy asked.
“Nope, she'd need to go behind you to do that.” Kai said.
“Then, like, where?” Sandy asked. Hitomi spoke up quietly.
“I'd put it in your clit.” She said. Everyone was shocked.
“WHAT!!!” They all yelled, except Kai, Hitomi and Snoozer.
“I'd put it there… but…you wouldn't notice…then the next time you need the loo…you feel strange and it'll pop out. You'd be amazed.” Hitomi said. “Kai…”
“What is it, Hitomi?” Kai asked, walking over to comfort her.
“Chances are… I'm pregnant again… I don't want to birth my brothers and sisters again.” She cried, dropping tears again. But they weren't dribbling down slowly, they were pouring out of her eyes. Kai touched her fur on her back; he started crying along with her. He clenched his fists.
“That… that sicko… I'm going to kill him!” Kai roared. “How can I help, precious?” He asked, trying to calm Hitomi.
“…Kill me…” Hitomi said. Everyone was shocked. “I don't want to live like a tool anymore.” She cried.
“I… I can't…” Kai said. “I watched my sister die… I am not letting you die too. What will I do without you?” Kai asked.
“If I can't die… then you can't help me.” Hitomi said, as she went back to sleep. Kai stood in anger. He headed for the door. He left, slamming it behind him.