Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ My Beloved... ❯ Hitomi’s History. ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter four: Hitomi's History.
The hams were around the table. Everyone was asking their friend, Hitomi, questions.
“How long have you been alive since your attack?” Boss asked.
“Three days.” Hitomi replied, immediately.
“What have you been doing before you deceived us?” Dexter asked rather harshly.
“You make it seem like I betrayed you all. I was recovering from that attack. You see, I can only use it once. Well, it was supposed to be like that. I was supposed to die after that attack. But I lived somehow. I was turned to stone. But after a few days, I returned to normal. But the statue was still there. So, I decide to play around a little and keep you thinking I was stone, whilst it figured out why I was still living. But my answer came to me when I came here and Flash showed up. He instantly knew it was me. So I lied about getting away from him and I lied about being my best friend. I'm not the type of person who comes along saying, “I'm dead, how are you?”” Hitomi explained.
“Okay, why did you leave us with Hermana?” Hamtaro asked, nearly as harsh as Dexter.
“Why, was she a problem?” Hitomi asked.
“Yes! She was a pain!” Hamtaro yelled. Out came the bonberry. Hitomi lifted it and threw it at Hamtaro who was sent flying into the nearby wall. Hitomi, who had a mean face on, pulled out another.
“Anyone else want to criticise my daughter?” Hitomi asked. “Because I have someone who wants to meet you.” Hitomi said, referring to her weapon. Everyone else just gulped and kept quite. “Hamtaro, for an answer to your question, I gave Hermana to Bijou because I believed she would take good care of her. How do you think I felt? I was willing to give my life to make sure my father did not hurt her or the rest of the girls here. I felt heartbroken as I gave away my daughter to someone I hardly knew. What I hear from you, Hamtaro, is very insulting. You think you had it bad!!! You know what I went through! The least you could have done was be a little nicer about it! How would you feel if you were me? Raped by your only living relative and giving birth to you own sister. You're such an insensitive jerk!” Hitomi lectured, she stood and walked out. Hermana was completely stunned. Boss turned to Hamtaro, who felt really bad, mentally and physically.
“That was well out of order Hamtaro. Poor girl's been through to much to be treated like that.” He yelled at him.
“Sorry… Boss.” Hamtaro said.
“It's not me you should apologize to.” Boss said. Hermana started speaking.
“…My… sister…?” She said, still rather stunned. “…She's… my sister?” Panda walked over to her.
“Are you okay?” he asked her.
“My… My mommy is… is my sister…?” Hermana asked, not replying to Panda at all.
“Now look what you did, Hamtaro.” Bijou said. “She's right, you were rather insensitive.” Bijou said crossing her arms.
“But… I wasn't the one who said she was Hermana's sister.” Hamtaro said.
“But you caused Hitomi to say it with your insensitivity.” Bijou said.
“AHHH!!!! That can't be true! It's not true! How can you mom be your sister! That's just against nature!!!” Hermana yelled as she grabbed her head, trying to process this disturbing information. She ran out behind Hitomi. Hitomi turned to face her sister.
“Hermana…” She said, quietly.
“M… M… Mom…?” Hermana stuttered.
“…Yes… I am your mom.” Hitomi said, feeling ashamed.
“…But… you're my sister.” Hermana continued.
“Yes… that's true too.” Hitomi finished.
“But… just how is that possible?” Hermana asked.
“Because our father raped me… and you… are the result.” Hitomi said.
“So I was a mistake.” Hermana said.
“Never. I never wanted to give birth to you. I wanted you to either never exist or stay inside of me. Because either way, you were safe… but you still came. And that was one of the first joys of my life, the very first. You weren't a mistake… I was…” Hitomi said, clenching her fist, closing her eyes while facing away towards the ground, nearly in tears. “My life… is so messed up. Hermana… you were the best thing that ever happened to me… but in some ways…” Hitomi faced away from her daughter. “You were also the worst.” She finished.
“I can't understand how you could say that.” Hermana said, nearly crying also.
“You scared me. I was scared. When I felt you coming out of my body… it was the scariest thing that ever happened to me. I was hoping you would be a boy, but also I wanted a girl. I wanted to have a boy because father couldn't molester a boy. He's all for girls. But I wanted a girl… because I didn't want my son raping me as well.” Hitomi explained as she began dropping water.
“…” Hermana could not reply.
“You scared me… because I was scared that father would get you and do the many horrible things he did to me. He didn't just stick his dick inside my clit. The horrid stuff he made me do… just thinking about it… makes me want to vomit. I want to forget but I'm always reminded. I will never be a normal girl, never. My father stole my first, all the way up to one hundred and fifty-third times from me. I took every thing he wanted to do to you too. I never let him touch you… except once… when I was powerless to stop him.” Hitomi turned to face Hermana, who was completely stunned. “That's right Hermana… you are no virgin…” Hitomi finished. Hermana finally let them drop. Water pouring from her eyes. She fell on her butt, trying to cope with this information. Hitomi walked over. All the other hamsters came out. Hitomi was getting closer to Hermana, when with one footstep she heard a weird click. “Huh?” She wondered. Then it was over… Hitomi was sent flying followed closely by the noise and light of an enormous explosion that sent Hermana flying towards the other hams. What happened to Hitomi was completely blurred.
Hitomi opened her eyes as best she could she could. She looked around, but it was very dark and she couldn't really see anything.
“Hitomi…” called a voice. It was a maniacal voice that sent shivers down her spine. She attempted to stand but noticed her paws and legs were chained down to the ground. She couldn't stand on her hind legs. She noticed also her neck and body were both chained also. She waited. She then felt someone rubbed vigorously on her hips. “Hitomi… when was the last time? When did I punish you last?” the voice asked again.
“Flash! You… you wouldn't…” Hitomi said, scared. “Would you?” she asked, half-heartedly.
“But of course. You were the nicest to have sex with. Out of all those girls I did, even your sister… you were the best. But I want more. And since that useless hag of a hamster, Sandy only produced boys. I want more. And you are going to give me them.” Flash whispered in her ear. It freaked her out.
“N... no… I've already given birth… I don't want to do it again.” Hitomi cried and panicked.
“I find it quite amusing, Hitomi. Two things enlighten me about you and… really turn me on. One is that you gladly accept to have unsafe, unnecessary sex with all those boys in the clubhouse, yet you fear to do it with me.” Flash explained before being cut off.
“Well, th… that's be… because I am n…not related to them...” Hitomi said as her face was lifted up, having strain put on the chain around her neck. Flash began sucking at her neck.
“Sweeeet…” He said. “And the second thing is… when confronting me face to face… your like a cat after a hamster… but when captive… you more afraid than a mouse being chased by a hawk. That makes me… so very horny.” Flash harassed her. She closed her eyes in fear. He let her head drop and went behind her. He got on top and pressed his fully erected equipment against her fragile and ruined clit. She began fussing and panicking more than ever, fidgeting and screaming.
“No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Don't. Please, don't do it. Stay away. Stay away. Get away right now. Keep away from me. Get back. STAY AWAY!!!” She screamed out, but she didn't explode with power this time. She was so very powerless. She felt unsaveable. She thought to herself, `someone will come and save me right now.' But she soon realised… no one was coming to prevent her rape this time.
Hermana was still recovering from her shake up. Maxwell was treating her.
“Her gift was so wonderful.” Sandy cried. “Maxi's alive… he's alive.” She cried aloud. Bijou was with her.
“Hitomi has done too much for us. We need to repay her.” Bijou said. Panda and Howdy walked in.
“Sorry, partners. But we couldn't find a trace of the girl.” Howdy said, sadly.
“Actually… we found this.” Panda said, holding out a long blue ribbon.
“A ribbon…” Bijou said. “Wait, zhat ees what Hitomi uses to keep her hair in a pony-tail. “Where was zis?” Bijou asked.
“On a try branch. It wasn't there by accident either.” Panda said.
“What do you mean?” Boss asked.
“It was tied… with a note.” Howdy said, trying to spook everyone out with a deep voice.
“A note?” Bijou asked.
“Yeah… it said… `I've got her back. Now I'm coming for my second daughter.'” Panda said. Hermana tried forcing her eyes open.
“He… he… he has… my… mother… my sister…” She said, weekly. “We've… got to get her back…” She then fell back to sleep.
“She has a point.” Dexter said. “She's done too much to let him ruin it now.”
“It's too late.” Stan said, lowering his head.
“What do you mean?” Sandy asked.
“She's been gone under his captivity for over an hour. There's no way he hasn't had his way with her. It's too late. He's raped her… again.” Stan finished. Everyone was stunned.
Flash rolled off of his daughter, panting at his own disgusting work. Hitomi was crying, being forced to relive her bad memories.
“Why…” She cried. “Why do you do this?” She sniffled and wanted to rub her teary eyes. “Why do you make me suffer so?” She asked. “Why must I relive something I escaped from? How did I end up being back in the same place I was when you first started doing this?” She couldn't stop crying. “You're no father. You're a monster. A real dad would care for his child and would comfort her when in pain. But you cause me pain.” Hitomi said as she cried. She felt it again. Flash had got on her again. “Please… you've… got to stop…” Hitomi pleaded.
“No I don't. The last time I had sex with you, I did it a few times and you were knocked up with just one child. This time I am going to fuck you ten times more. Then perhaps you'll pop out a lot more. And for your sake, they'd better be girls.” He then started fucking her again. He was forcing so hard she actually started bleeding… badly.
“I can't… choose their sex.” Hitomi said, she was absolutely terrified.
“If they're girls, they'll be having sex.” Flash cockily mocked.
“Please… stop…” Hitomi pleaded. “I've suffered enough.”
“Well, you might have had enough. I haven't even started yet.” Flash said, with his cocky tone. “I love being `cocky.'” He joked.
Hitomi began finding it hard to breathe. She tried at best to suck in some air, but it didn't seem to work.
“I… I can't breathe.” She tried to yell out, but it came out quiet.
“What, my dearest daughter? You want more? So be it.” Flash then fucked harder.
“I said I can't… breathe!” she tried yelling. She was louder than last time. Flash decided to finished her off. He thrust fast and faster till he exploded into her womb. Hitomi passed out as Flash ejected her clit.
“Goodbye… my pet.” He said as he left. Hitomi slept on the mucky ground, waiting for her saviour.