Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ The Legacy Of Blade ❯ The Bounty Hunter (continued) ( Chapter 15 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Here's chapter 15

Chapter 15: The Bouny Hunter, Continued

Blade and co. are at an Inn they're staying at. They are busy talking about That Bounty Hunter

Blade-who do you think could have shot him?

Dagger-probably some Psyco Maniac

Blade-who do we know that's a Psyco Maniac?


Blade-nah, he's not Psyco

Mitsurugi-Could it be that Legendary Bount Hunter Tungsten


Zeena-i've heard of him. He's an evil bounty hunter who kills innocent people who don't know his bounties

Blade-and i bet i'm on his contract


Chaos-what did you do wrong?

Blade-i bet anything that he was hired by the Dark Circle

Hamtaro-maybe he's after me

Blade-which reminds me..Why were you in the Dungeon in the first place Hamtaro?

Hamtaro-my mom was kiddnapped by a bunch of bandits. I was captured as well. They decided to ship everyonne out one by one. I was first. My mom couldn't get out because the lock is electric. I cried for help, but no one came. They shipped me to the Dark Circle castlebecause they get big amounts of Sunflower Seeds to capture a Hamster who is seperated from his or her mother or father

Blade-so they cheated and forced you to seperate?


Candy-that's just too cruel!!

Matthew-a bit of advice. Bandits are supposed to be cruel

Hamtaro-why were you Captured?

Blade-i dunno, they said something about me having some connection with some weird creature. Forgot what it was called though

Hamtaro-oh...why were you captured Matthew?

Matthew-tried to bust into their castle to prevent them from summoning that creature. But i got caught in the process

Candy-i'm starting to hate the dark circle now

Chaos-me too

Blade-i hated them from the start

a rumbling sound then occurs



Zeena-the Volcano...it's erupting!!!


Blade-is it supposed to Erupt today?

Zeena-not for a couple of months. Why is this happening?!

To be continued

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