Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ tournament of fate ❯ the 6 winged fighter ( Chapter 3 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
The next 2 HHK members are Naraku Boy and uyt
Chapter 3: the 6 winged fighter
Isaru was waiting at the tournament site for Blade and Hamtaro, one of the competitors named span enters.
Span-looks like your one of the competitors here
Isaru-yep, are you
Span-sure am, and I'm gonna win too
???-we'll see
Isaru and Span-huh
A hamster with 3 white wings and 3 dark wings enters
Isaru-who are you
Hamster-I'm one of the strongest fighters in the world, Beowulf De Alucard
Isaru-well, I'm one of the quickest fighters in the world
Beowulf-well, see you in the arena
Span-I'll beat you
Beowulf-yeah, as if
Span-you'll see!
Isaru-he's gonna be tough
Span-yeah, but he'll be going down
To be continued
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