Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ tournament of fate ❯ the battle shop ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

First 2 combatants from HHK are DVGBA and PatrickRox80; here's chapter 2

Chapter 2: the battle shop

Blade, Isaru, and Hamtaro all went to the weapon shop at chaos's old village to by weaponry, they enter to see shelves full of weapons such as swords, daggers, katars, gauntlets, and tons of body armor, but they won't need any

Blade-so Hamtaro, what do you want

Hamtaro-let's see….

He looks around the shop, and then he finds a nice sword

Hamtaro-wow, this looks great

It was similar to blade's broadsword, except it has ridges on the sides

Blade-go purchase it

Hamtaro goes to the checkout to buy the sword. Meanwhile, Blade looks around to see different items, and then he finds 2 different competitors, Naemond and Patrick, who are also buying their weapons

Naemond-look at this sword, this will definitely let me win for sure

Patrick-is that what you want


Blade-(looks like those two are my competitors)

Patrick-I'll win this year

Naemond-I'll become the best warrior ever, you'll see

Blade-(they must be working hard, I wonder if….uh-oh)

Patrick and Naemond were headed towards the cashier, blade was hiding because they were gonna think he was eavesdropping


Hamtaro-my sword was purchased

Blade-great, let's head to the battle site

Blade and Hamtaro step outside to find out where the battle location is, they inserted the dick into the recognizer an d the location was pointed out to them

Reader-congratulations, you are now a finalist in the Ultima tournament, you will now be taken to the battle site

The reader points out the coordinates, which lead to an old collosseum(did I spell that right?).

Blade-now we know where the battle site is, so lets go, Isaru's probably waiting for us


To be continued

Character profile-Naemond



Height-10.3 cm


Blood type-Unknown


Main Weapon Name-Lightning Sword

Skills-none at the moment


Character profile-Patrick


Age-14 (human) 9 months (hamster)

Height-5' 7" (human) 8.8 cm (hamster)

Birthday-March 13, 1989

Blood type-O

Weapon-Sword & Grenades

Main weapon name-Requiem and Flare Bombs

Skills-Rapid-fire explosions

Magic s/he is able to use-thunder

I'll get more HHK members in soon, please review