Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ tournament of fate ❯ Let's begin ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Hi there, I added my own character plus another dark circle member. Here's chapter 7

Chapter 7: let's begin

Blade-I hope this tournament begins soon

Dagger-hi blade


Dagger-I went with boss to watch you in the tournament

Blade-great, thanks a lot. Who else is here?

Dagger-bijou and chaos



Hamster-welcome, are you entering the tournament

warrior-yes, I am

hamster-ok, name please

Warrior-it's Neteru

Hamster-ok, you're entered

Neteru-thank you, how many so far


Neteru-ok then, thanks

Hamster-no problem

Neteru leaves

Hamster-1 more left

A hamster enters in. he's all brown with very strong muscles (if you've read yami's fics at mediaminer.org, you should know who he is)

Hamster-you're a worthy opponent, name please

Bulky-is morph around

Hamster-there is a hamster named morph that is competing

Bulky-cool, I'll sign up also, call me bulky

Hamster-wow, neat name for a strong hamster


Bulky leaves

Another hamster enters

Hamster-hello again Hwang

Hwang-how many are there now

Hamster-we got all 16 Hwang

Hwang-great, get everyone to the dining room for lunch, then we can begin. Ok Michael

Michael-ok Hwang

To be continued

Character profile-Hwang

Name-Hwang Sung Kyung

Age- 28 (human) 4 (hamster)


Birth date-august 8th

Blood type-AB

Weapon-Chinese sword

Main weapon name-blue thunder


Magic s/he is able to use-fire

Character profile-neteru


Age-19 (human) 3 (hamster)


Birth date-February 9th

Blood type-A

Weapon-a legendary (now cursed) rod

Main weapon name- kali-yuga

Skills-long reach

Magic s/he can use-fire & water

Character profile-Bulky


Age-27 (human) 4 (hamster)


Birth date-September 3rd

Blood type-unknown

Weapon-giant ax

Main weapon name-kulutes

Skills-powerful strength

Magic s/he is able to use-none

There's chapter 7. The tournament begins next chapter. Merry Christmas and happy Hanukkah everyone!!!

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