Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ Uki Stew ❯ fourth stew ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Alone in her cage and worried Bijou was headed for her inevitable, the inevitable which worried her... Maria was going to make sure her french ham became a mother. The reason why Bijous was worried is because she didn't know who would be the ham that would soon knock her up. I just hope he's nice. Maria looked into the cage and saw her hamster that seemed to have a uncertainty to her. "My poor Bijou, don't be so sad. I've made sure that your partner will take good care of you. It's only right to have the best for you, non?" she said in an attempt to cheer her hamster up.

"Easy for vous to say, you get to choose who to have sex weeth." Bijou said back.

Maria went inside the house and to the room with Bijou's cloaked cage in hand. She gave three raps at the door and it then opened. "Bonjour, Laura." Maria greeted.

"Bonjour, Maria." Laura greeted back, then the two girls gave each other kisses.

"Everything ready, I presume..."

"Yup, all set, just set your cage on the bed."

Maria did so and the two girls walked over to Hamtaro's cage. Bijou was still worried, scared even. Too scared to open the cage and run away, so the white ham decided to await her destiny. Please, Erosia, hear my prayers: Let zhees male be gentle with me... Bijou thought, shedding a tear. Then she heard something that brought her mind at ease. "Maria, I want you to meet Hamtaro. Hamtaro, say hi to Maria." Laura said.

Hamtaro woke up from his stupor, "Heke?" was his response.

Maria peered into the cage, "He's so cute." she said.

"Would you likie to hold him?"

"Sure I would like that."

Laura opened Hamtaro's cage and took him out of it and placed him into Maria's hands. Oh yeah, I remember now. Laura's puttin me to stud with some girl ham. thought Hamtaro. Well, at least her owner is nice...

"Monsieur Hamtaro," Maria began, "before I let you plant your seeds, I have a request to ask of you."

That accent... it's familiar somehow...

"I'm going to leave my sweet Bijou in you care, and I want two things to happen. I want you to be gentle with her and I want her pregnant, so make sure you go ze right way and give her your essence, no?"

"Um.... okay?"

"Well, no I will show you your prize."

Wait a minute, she said..... Bi-jou...

Maria put Hamtaro on the bed and removed the cloaked from her cage, showing the female ham behing the bars. The eager ham walked up to her and the hams began to trance into each other's gaze. "See him, Bijou, zat ham you see eez who you'll be courted by." said Maria. "I hope you are happy weeth heem."

Believe me, I am... Bijou's thoughts trailed off.

"I guess we're doing it, huh?" Hamtaro asked.

"Oui, oui." Bijou answered with a blush.

"Are you okay?"

"Just happy... happy I know who you are."

"Would you have wanted it any other way?"

"No, not at all."

Laura opened Bijou's cage, picked up the french ham and went over to her desk, where the hamster house was moved just for this occasion. Maria picked up Hantaro and followed Laura. "Now Bijou, my Hamtaro is a very sweet and very kind hamster, you be good to him." she told Bijou.

"Don't worry, I will." Bijou said, then Laura placed her inside.

"Okay Maria, hold Hamtaro carefully and plop him right inside." Laura said to Maria.

"Of course." Maria said back. She opened the door to the hamster house and held her hands in front of it, letting Hamtaro walk right off her fingers and inside. This hamster house was changed, so it actually look more like a hamster-sized doll house. Hamtaro and Bijou were placed in the main part of the house which had a nice cotton bed in it, big enough for a breeding pair of hamsters, and everything was there for them. food pellets, water bottle, even a seperate room which doubled as a nest for hamster rearing. Laura and Maria pulled all the stops out for Hamtaro and Bijou. Laura placed the house near the window, then sat on the bed. Maria soon joined her and they watched their hams get accustomed to their new surroundings. It didn't take long for that to happen and once that was taken care of, Hamtaro cleaned himself off quickly and advanced to Bijou.

Well, I guess I better get this over with. thought Hamtaro. I have to be gentle with her, since Bijou, like all virgin girls, seems fragile and delicate. Caution must be the game played here.

I guess it's time I presented myself to Hamtaro... Bijou thought. But, I'm not ready for eet yet. Here he comes, what do I do?

"Here we go." Laura whispered.

"Yup, here it comes." Maria whispered back.

Hamtaro walked over to Bijou... and just walked past her to the bottle of water. "Boy, I'm thirsty." he said.

Bijou dropped to the cage bottom anime style, Laura and Maria also followed suit to the ground. .....I don't get it. thought Bijou, Hamtaro just walked by me....

The girls pick themselves up and sit back on the bed, "What just happened, Maria?" Laura asked.

"Hamtaro, he walked past her." answered Maria.

"Hamtaro you doofus..." Bijou said and walked over to her mate-to-be.

"What?" asked a confused Hamtaro.

"You just walked by me like I'm, how you say, garbage."

"Fine, bend over. I'll hump your scared frame as soon as I'm done with my drink."

Bijou was dumbfounded, the french ham had nothing to say... but much to ponder. He knows zat I am afraid... Eet all makes sense now.....

"Something's wrong here, Hamtaro should've been mounted Bijou by now." said Laura. "Maybe that..."

"He knows Bijou's scared of mating." Maria finished.

Bijou sat away from Hamtaro, scared and zoned out. She was in a constant stare that seemed unbreakable.... But it was by a simple touch. "Bijou, are you okay?" asked Hamtaro.

"Non, I am frightened." Bijou answered.

"I see. Well, if that's the case now...." Hamtaro began to walk away. He headed for the door of the hamster house and stepped out of it.

"I guess Bijou isn't ready after all..." said Laura.

"I guess so." agreed Maria.

The girls went to collect the hamster when they saw something they thought they'd never see, Bijou pulling Hamtaro by the arm into the hamster house. Laura and Maria looked at each other and sat back down on the bed, looking into the house all the while. "Do you promise to be gentle weeth me, Hamtaroo?" Bijou asked with a blush, still a bit afraid.

"Of course my petite, though it may hurt at first." answered Hamtaro, but he now felt bad about the last part of what he said.

"I didn't hear the last part, Hamtaro."

"Uh, floor or bed?"


"Right, let's go."

"I hope they actually do it now, because this is taking too long." said Laura.

"Oui, oui, way too long." added Maria.

[Ironic, isn't it?] That's women for you, always wait 'til the last damn minute. I hope I can get some now. thought Hamtaro. Forget it, I'm not waiting any longer, it's pointless now. Hamtaro just mounted Bijou, who barely got on the bed. The golden hamster began to work his magic now that he was in position, but Bijou however... "Can I get all the way on the bed?"

"You should've thought about that before going through the motions." Hamtaro answered.

"Well, excusé moi for being scared."

"Fine, I'll push your butt on the bed."

And Hamtaro did just that, then continued his workon Bijou's insides. "Finally, they're getting somewhere!" yelled Laura.

"Make sure your 'feeling' is felt by Bijou, Hamtaro." said Maria.

"What?" asked Hamtaro and Laura.

"Just fill her up with love."

Frenchies... thought Hamtaro. "Maria needs a boyfriend." he then said.

"He's in France." said Bijou. "But Laura seems to be a nice intermediate."

"But Laura likes travis...."

"Do I look like I have a PHD in s-e-x?"

"What's a PHD?"

Bijou mumbled something in french, translation; "Just shut up and fuck."

Three minutes later, the two hamsters were asleep in bed. "Well, that wraps it up for them." said Laura.

"After eet took too long." added Maria.

"Should I leave Bijou here with you?"

"Sure, I'll take good care of her."

"Well, I better be going. I'll see you later, au revior Laura."

"Later Maria."

The two girls kiss and off Maria goes.