Hana Kimi Fan Fiction ❯ Oh, Screw It ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: Hana-Kimi is not, nor will ever be my property. However... if anyone ever comes across a Nakatsu look-alike.. Well... lemme know.

"He's not going to make the first move," Nakatsu stated, his voice soft.

Since Mizuki had moved out of the room she had shared with Sano two days ago, she had become accustomed to taking her walks with Yujiro and Nakatsu. She didn't, of course, know that Sano had been doing the exact same thing.

The companions continued to walk the familiar path, making a slight detour in order to avoid the field where Sano normally practiced. Things had been tense lately, to say the least. Nakatsu was still doing his best in order to reunite his friends, but he was having a difficult time with it. Sano seemed adamant about giving Mizuki her space, while the cross-dresser herself was convinced that her boyfriend wanted to be anything but.

A heavy sigh slipped passed Mizuki's lips, and she stopped a moment to kneel beside Yujiro. "I don't even know what to say to him..." her voice was barely above a whisper as she began stroking the dog's head lightly. She looked up at her friend, her eyes impossibly innocent.

Nakatsu sighed, running a hand through his bleached hair. "I'm sorry, Mizuki, I really am.. but I don't think that anything I say will convince him to talk to you. I know he's still very much in love with you, but something's keeping him from coming forward. I mean... you are always the one that comes back to him. Maybe he's just so used to the pattern?"

Though the comment was somewhat of a true statement - and also quite a depressing thought - Mizuki found herself laughing. Tears ran down her face and she held her side as she let out a long, very unladylike belly laugh.

Which, by the way, left Nakatsu quite speechless.

When Mizuki had finally quieted down, she turned to see Nakatsu's inquisitive stare. "Um..." she scratched the back of her head, "It's funny."

Nakatsu rolled his eyes as Mizuki continued to pet Yujiro, a happy smile gracing her lips. 'I guess that means she's kind of getting back to normal...'


"Hey, Kayashima...!"

"Eh?" the stoic boy turned upon hearing his name, "Oh, it's you, Nakatsu."

"Well, who did you think it was?" Nakatsu responded sourly. He had been looking for the psychic since he had left Mizuki with Yujiro, and it put him into a very sour mood.

Kayashima shrugged, "I thought perhaps it was that spirit that's been following you all day..."

Suppressing a shudder and a desire to quickly turn around, Nakatsu continued. "Listen, can you come back to our room today? I think that maybe, if we give them a little shove, that Ashiya and Sano might be able to patch things up."

"Sure," Kayashima shrugged again, "Besides... it wouldn't do to leave you alone with that malevolent ghost for too long..."

"Do you really need to tell me things like that?" Nakatsu asked. His desire to shudder came back at full-force.

"I suppose not. What would you prefer I to say to you, then?"

"I don't know... nice stuff. Things that'll make me smile instead of piss my pants," though Nakatsu certainly couldn't imagine his roommate thinking of something nice to say...

"OK," he responded, surprising Nakatsu out of his thoughts, "It's a very good thing that Ashiya and Sano work out their differences. Their auras are not only extremely compatible, but they seem to meld together whenever they are near each other. I think that, perhaps, those two are soul mates."

Nakatsu didn't even bother asking Kayashima to explain as he walked away.

Besides... the truth was, Nakatsu kind of already knew.


"Did you get tired of being around grumpy Sano?" Mizuki asked, noticing Kayashima laying in his own bed, reading a book. She had spent as much time as she could manage with Yujiro, taking comfort in the soft fur and his inability to speak and tell her she was being silly. She had even missed dinner in order to cuddle with the dog a bit more, and she kind of surprised to see Nakatsu's roommate back in his own bed. She, however, just smiled and shrugged it off. "That's OK," she said, "As long as I have a bed to sleep in, I can study and what-not on the floor."

"Um, Mizuki," Nakatsu blushed, cursing her ability to be so incredibly naive, "Kayashima is sleeping in his bed tonight."

"Oh," Mizuki frowned thoughtfully, then smiled, "Am I supposed to share with someone?" Nakatsu was sure a nosebleed was inevitable.

"No," Kayashima responded, saving his roommate from humiliation, "You are supposed to return to your own room."

Mizuki frowned as she mulled this news over. "Go back?" she asked, her voice small, "To Sano?"

"I'm sorry," Nakatsu said, placing a hand on his friend's shoulder, "But the only way to get you two to talk and make up is to push you together forcibly. Sano doesn't understand that he did anything wrong, and you may be unbearably sweet and understanding, but you can be stubborn when you want to be. So... sorry, Ashiya, but I've got to kick you out."

A bear hug was certainly not what Nakatsu had been expecting. He was, however, very pleasantly surprised as he felt the soft curve of Mizuki's breasts against his chest.

When she released him, her smile was radiant. "Thank you so much, Nakatsu. You really are a wonderful friend, and I love you."

In such a hurry to return to her boyfriend and confess and apologize, Mizuki missed the softly whispered words, "I love you, too, Mizuki..."


She quietly knocked on the door, her other hand twisting painfully in her short locks. 'What if he says no? What if he's still mad...?'

"Yeah?" a call from the other side of the door sounded. His voice sounded dull and tired.

She took a deep breath, her hands shaking as she wrung them in front of her, "Um... Sano? Can I.. Can I come in?"

The door had opened before she could finish.

Sano stood in the doorway looking as handsome as ever. He was in his high jumping uniform and his hair was unkempt, as though he had just finished flying through the air. His eyes, however, were red with lack of sleep and his face just a tad more pale than usual. No one would have noticed unless they cared to look... which, of course, Mizuki did. She cared far more than she was willing to admit at the moment.
Mizuki winced at the name. Had they not graduated to first names only a day or two before?

"Sano, I..." her voice was small, and she looked past him into the room they normally shared.

"Oh," Sano cried, flustered, "Of course you can come in. You don't even need to ask." He moved aside, allowing Mizuki to enter the room.

As soon as the door was closed Mizuki lost what little control she had mustered. Which, really, wasn't that much to begin with. "I can't stand this!" she said, her eyes tearing, "I can't stand being away from you like this, Izumi!"

'She's so honest.' Sano mused, a small smile tugging at his lips, 'And she gives me courage to be honest, too.'

"Mizuki, I'm so sorry about the things I said."
At his words, her face lit up. "Really?" at his nod, Mizuki flung herself into his arms, "I'm sorry too!"

"I trust you." Sano whispered as he ran a soothing hand over her hair, "I've always trusted you. Sometimes I'm just so scared that I'm going to lose you..."

"You won't lose me." Mizuki's voice was muffled as she spoke into Sano's shirt, "I want to always be by your side."

They shared a short, emotional kiss before Sano broke it to just hold her.
They stayed that way for a while, just holding each other, Mizuki's silent tears falling slowly down her cheeks. Sano didn't need to question her... he knew her well enough by now to know that they were happy tears. She was finally home, with Sano, and she cried with the realization that she needn't leave again.

She never would. She wouldn't leave Japan, and she wouldn't leave Sano Izumi for anything in the world. She thought back to the time, not so long ago, when they had so many secrets and so little intimacy. Mizuki felt so grateful that she had been able to share every part of herself with Sano. She was even glad that he had fallen in the shower, despite the fairly large bruise that had erupted on his ass... Blushing, she pushed that thought from her mind. She was never a spontaneous person... and the only time she completely gave into everything she ever wanted was the one time that irreversibly changed her life for the better. They had changed so much over the past week, together.

Her thoughts began to drift as they held each other, and she began musing over the silly misunderstandings that had separated them for two days, while Sano silently thanked whatever deity existed that he had, for once, had the courage to speak what he truly felt. Mizuki snuggled closer to her lover, his arms supportive and his chest warm with life. "I'm so glad," she muttered sleepily, and Sano knew that she was falling asleep. He picked her up and set her in his own bed, determined to hold onto her for as long as he could. As he lay down beside her, he heard her mutter again, and his eyes shot open with surprise.

"I'm so glad, Nakatsu..."

Author’s Notes:

Hurray! I finished another chapter in less than three months!

Thanks oh sooo much to my new beta, Jess. (Dude, we have the same name, how cool is that??) She’s helping both my stories and my self-esteem, so in my book, she’s pretty damn cool.

Anyway, I’m having a bit of a bipolar week, so I apologize if some of my personal life leaks into the story.

One quick thing: A reviewer mentioned that the plot of a rapist seemed familiar. Well, if you’re referring to the volume with Makita, then yeah, it kinda stems from that. If you’re referring to another fanfic, then I’ve never read it. This plot is my own–I would never steal someone else’s story. Just wanted to clear that up!

Hope all is well with my wonderful readers, and that you’ll leave me a review to make me smile. :-)