Hana Kimi Fan Fiction ❯ Oh, Screw It ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
He watched, mesmerized, as the club went through their morning routine.

So many boys doing the exact same movements--yet they were all so very different. No two individuals looked the same, caught in a constant stream of motion.

Yet one individual stood out. One person didn't quite fit with the rest of them... or, at least, not in his eyes. 'Mizuki, why are you so mad at me? I'm only trying to protect you..."

As though she could hear his thoughts, the slender girl stopped her movements and stood straight, eyes searching for something. When she saw him, her mouth opened in a small "o" before blushing and hurriedly looking away, concentrating once more on her morning practice.

He turned away, feelings of shame and regret bombarding him.

"She just wants your trust, you know," a smooth voice behind him spoke.

Sano turned to see Nakatsu, a somber look on his face. "She has my trust."

Nakatsu shook his head, "Not regarding everything, she doesn't," he leaned in conspiratorially, as though he was revealing a great secret, "you don't trust her to take care of herself."

Sano's eyes widened, a frown still plastered on his face. "I- I want to, but... I'm so scared that if I'm not there, then she'll..."

Nakatsu shook his head, "Don't think that way. If you smother her like that, you'll only push her further away."

"Why are you trying to help, Nakatsu?" Sano asked, leaning against a railing. "You have a good heart and all, but... well, you do love Mizuki, don't you?"

Nakatsu's smile was tainted as he replied, "Yeah... I love her enough to wish for her happiness, not her love in return," and he walked away, his bitterness overcoming his desire to help his friends.


"I talked to Sano."

Mizuki turned in the lunch line, her gaze landing upon Nakatsu's face. "You did?"

Nakatsu nodded, "Yeah. He... well, he..."

Mizuki turned to him fully, her eyes pleading with his own, "What did he say, Nakatsu? Please, tell me."

Nakatsu's shoulders slumped and a sigh escaped his lips, "He won't listen to me, Mizuki. He–he knows how I feel about you, and he thinks that I'm conspiring against him. Just... give him a little more time. I'm sure that he'll come around."

Her head hung low, Mizuki turned around again, "He'll come around... but will I be here when he does?"

"What do you mean?" Nakatsu asked, his voice tinged with worry.

"It's just..." Mizuki sniffled, a couple of stray tears falling down her cheek, "Sano's the whole reason I came to Japan. Without him," her voice turned to a whisper, "I have no validation for being here."

Speechless, Nakatsu continued down the line behind Mizuki, his concern growing for his friend with every step.

Mizuki walked silently to a table, head cast down. Nakatsu noticed that she was not sitting at their normal table, and hurried to join her. She looked up, surprised, as she felt him sit beside her.

"Mizuki, I..." he began, and coughed into his hand as he blushed. "I... I want you to know that, even though you're here for Sano, that... well, I won't abandon you, Mizuki." He looked away as his cheeks flamed. 'I already confessed my love to her in front of everyone,' he thought, 'the whole school already thinks I'm a homo. Why would this stupid confession embarrass me so much?' So lost in his thoughts, he was startled to feel a soft touch on his hand, and looked up to see a small smile on Mizuki's face.

"Thanks, Nakatsu."

'Although...' Nakatsu smiled back and gently took his hand back, 'I'll withstand any embarrassment... As long as I can see her smile.'


"What if she were to go back to America?" he asked, trying to get the high-jumper's attention.

Sano stopped dead in his tracks, whirling to face his friend. "What did she tell you?" he asked, his voice shaking.

Nakatsu was taken-aback by his friend's anxiety. "She told me that you are the only reason she's here in Japan," he responded, "and that there's no reason for her stay if she can't stay by your side."

Sano's face turned thoughtful, a small frown curving his lips. "She wouldn't..."

"If she thought she could never be with you again," Nakatsu interrupted, "she might."

Sano turned back to the soccer player, "What about you? And Nakao, and Noe, and Sekime, and everyone... wouldn't she stay for you guys?"

Nakatsu shook his head, "We're not enough, Sano. She left her family for you. Here, in Japan... you are her family. Don't you get it? You're the only thing keeping her with us!" forgetting his mission for a moment, his anger overcame him, "So stop being so damn selfish! I love Mizuki, too, but my love isn't enough to keep her here! I'm not enough to keep her here!" his voice cracked, emotion overcoming him. "Just think about what you're doing for a second, Sano," and he walked away, his anger and bitterness once again dominating his desire to reunite his best friends.


"Hey, Nakatsu!"

Nakatsu turned at the sound of his name, surprised to see Nanba jogging to catch up to him. "What do you want?" he asked, irritated.

Nanba flashed him one of his patented smiles, "Oh, nothing. I was just wondering... who's this mystery girl of Sano's that everyone's been talking about."

"Huh?" Nakatsu looked confused, "What are you talking about?"

Nanba nudged him with his elbow, laughing, "Don't play dumb! A bunch of people heard you talking to Ashiya about her, and I saw you yelling at Sano about it just a little while ago! So, come on," he nudged him again, "who is she?"

Nakatsu was horrified. "People heard me?"

"Yup," Nanba's smile grew.

"Ah, shit."

"What's wrong?" Nanba frowned.

"N-nothing," Nakatsu quickly responded, "it's just that, well... no one was supposed to know about her. She's a little... well," he frowned, trying to think of a viable excuse, "She's kind of, well..."

"That bad-looking, huh?" he was interrupted by Nanba's thoughtful response, "Ah, yes, I see it now... Sano fell in love with a hideous girl!"

"Sh-she's not..." Nakatsu tried to protest.

"Oh, I know. I'm sure her glowing personality more than makes up for her looks," Nanba winked, "That's just like our Sano. To see past the exterior and to see the inner-beauty!" his eyes shone, "If only I were such a strong man..." and he strolled away, his imagination still running wild.

"Damn Nanba!" Nakatsu growled, "Always coming up with those damn stories!" he sighed, "He's getting as bad as the R.A. from Dorm 3..."


"So everyone thinks that I'm dating some other girl from America, and that she's really ugly?" Sano mused, taking a sip of his tea.

Nakatsu nodded, "At least that's what Nanba told me. Apparently some people heard our little argument, and never even connected this mystery girl to Mizuki.."

"Well, that's a relief, at least," Sano replied.


The two were walking down the street, Sano holding onto Yujiro's leash.

The companionable silence was interrupted, however, when Sano cleared his throat. "So... um.. how is Mizuki?" he asked quietly.

"Very sad," Nakatsu replied quickly, "And quiet. She doesn't talk to me a lot, and when she does, she's usually telling me how much she misses you."

Sano shook his head, "So why hasn't she approached me yet? It's not like her to hold a grudge like this."

"I've told you. She's really hurt this time, man. She needs you to approach her, for you tell her that you trust her and know that she can take care of herself. She loves you too much to be OK with feeling like a burden."

"She's not a burden!" Sano quickly protested.

Nakatsu raised his hands in defense, "I know that... but she doesn't. Besides... for once, you should be the one to give in first. She's always been there for you. This time, be there for her."

Sano heaved a heavy sigh. "I still don't understand why you're doing this. Just a few days ago you were asking me about my intentions and I'm sure you were plotting something. You love Mizuki just as much as I do... so tell me again. Why the hell are you trying to help us?"

It took Nakatsu a moment to reply. He understood now why Mizuki was so upset. Though he knew that they were his friends and that they cared about his happiness, Sano still refused to see that best in people. He would always be suspicious, even of his best friends. It was tiring and frustrating and it made Nakatsu just want to give up. But, he reminded himself, he wasn't just doing this for Sano. He was also doing it for Mizuki. "Because I love both of you," he finally replied, his voice careful, "And I care about what happens to the two of you. Right now, you either need to go kiss and make up already, or you need a mediator. Neither of you seem quite ready for the former, so it's up to me to be the latter."

Sano shook his head again, "And yet, I still don't understand it," he put an arm around his friend, his face turned away, "But I'm still very, very grateful."


Author's Note:

I apologize greatly for the incredibly short chapter. But I realized a little bit ago after receiving another review that I hadn't updated this fic in such a long time! I had no idea so much time had passed!

And so, since I'm a bit of a defensive person and I take any opportunity I can to talk about myself, I'll give you my excuses here:

I'm currently enrolled in 19.5 units in school.

I work 24-30 hours a week.

I'm involved in a play at school.

I'm absolutely obsessed with fanfiction, and end up reading more than I write everyday.

OK, so there ya go. I apologize yet again to everyone that's been waiting. Thank you to all reviewers, you are definitely my inspiration to keep going. (insert sappy music)