Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction / Supernatural Fan Fiction ❯ Supernatural Magic ❯ Chapter 7

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I still don't own any of these.
Due to a broken wrist my writing may be a bit slow for the next while.
Please check the poll for my latest story and the story itself.
Chapter 7
“I was wondering when you would show up.” Evan stepped back from the door, only relaxing a little when John walked through his wards.
“Would you like tea, coffee, water?”
“What have you done to my boys?” John growled out and Evan spun around to face him, pulse racing.
“What do you mean? Are they alright?” Evan began a mental list of the first aid supplies and weapons he had available.
“Dean would never work with a witch.” John spat and Evan frowned.
“As far as I know they haven't been. Would you at least stop pacing? Today's lab was migraine inducing and that's not helping!” Evan snapped, wishing for a headache reliever but not wanting to leave John long enough to get one. Apparently that was the wrong thing to say as Evan found himself shoved against the wall and a gun in his face.
“Whatever you did to my boys, you're gonna undo it right now. Understand?” John snarled and Evan shut his eyes. Hurting John would not be a good way to earn his trust.
“I haven't done anything to them other than patch up a few injuries and stand between Dean and a Reaper. Besides I'm not a witch, I'm a wizard. If you're going to accuse people of things at least learn the proper terminology. Sam is my friend, has been since we started college. I did everything I could to save Jess but I got there too late. Using magic as you've suggested goes against everything I believe in. Yes, I fought in a war and I did use magic in it but I never killed with it. Disabled and injured yes but never killed. I chose to study medicine because I was sick of watching people die and being unable to do anything. I can't help the fact that I was born with a gift, just like my parents and their parents had no say in it. So get off your high horse Winchester before I make you!” The last was hissed out and Evan was struggling not to react to the threat John currently presented. Despite the years of peace he was still a trained warrior and his instincts screamed at him to attack. But if he did he would never have a chance to convince John that he wasn't a threat, that not all magic was evil.
“You're a liar, like all your kind. So what is it? Demonic deal or do you just like killing people for the rush?” John insisted and Evan banished his gun. John didn't let that distract him though as he came up with a knife but Evan already had a shield up. He simply immobilised John and then put him on the couch.
“I'm not going to hurt you; I just want you to listen. I've know Sam for nearly five years now, he's my best friend. For the first four years I didn't even know he was a hunter, not till that demon showed up to kill Jess. Since then I've only seen them a handful of times. I managed to keep Dean from ending up as being listed as dead or wanted for murder the first time we met up again and I didn't even know they were going to be in St. Louis. The next time Sam called me because Dean was dying and he needed someone to help, plus he knew I'm studying medicine. I dropped everything to go and try to help save Dean. I even risked being killed to try and save him and broke several laws to do so. Our society has pretty strict laws about telling people we exist and I went ahead and told them anyway. I could get in a lot of trouble for helping your family. I do it despite the risks because Sam is one of the few close friends I have. Dean, well, Dean grows on you...kind of like mould really. You on the other hand I don't like. Sam rings you to say Dean's dying and you ignore his calls? What kind of father are you! I have no memories of my parents; I was too young when they died but compared to Sam and Dean I'm lucky. At least I know they loved me so much they died to protect me. You care more about vengeance than your own children.” Evan was ranting and he knew it but people like John really annoyed him. Yes he had lost his wife but he had two wonderful children who needed him.
John stared up at the young witch, wizard, whatever. They were all the same no matter what the name was. He tried to glare as he stared into blue-grey eyes but it wasn't very affective since he couldn't move. He swallowed as he found he couldn't break the stare and then murky images began flashing past his eyes, images of war and death. It didn't take John long to realise that somehow he was seeing pieces of the boy's life. The images moved on, showing a broken teen running from everything he'd ever known, being taken in by a girl maybe a few years older, starting school and then Sam was there. He couldn't help the feeling of pride that surged up as he saw Sam doing so well at school. Then he saw the confrontation with the demon and Jess's death. Evan blinked and the images stopped, leaving John feeling worn out as he sagged against the couch, not immediately realising he could move again.
“What did you?” John started; finally comprehending he had been freed.
“Alteration of a spell someone once used on me. Instead of seeing your memories I let you see some of mine.” Evan shrugged and sat on a chair facing John.
“Sam really loved her.” John murmured and Evan nodded.
“They were pretty much inseparable. I was helping him ring hunt before Dean showed up.” John looked up at him then, expression hardening.
“I won't hunt you but you leave my boys alone.” He demanded.
“No. You have no right to tell me who I can be friends with. If Sam and Dean decide they don't want me around then fine, I'll do as they ask. But don't you dare think you can come in here and order me to abandon them.” The `like you' was silent but obviously there.
“As for hunting me? I'm a federal agent and a powerful wizard; I don't want you finding me you won't. I could erase your memory of ever meeting me but I don't like messing with people like that and Dean would probably threaten to kick my arse when he found out. I'll leave you alone if you do the same to me. Now, I have a test to study for.”
Sam laughed as Evan's message showed up on his phone, even as he worried for his friend's safety. Dean looked over at him from the driver's seat.
“What's so funny?”
“Apparently Evan thinks Dad is an ass.” Sam told him with a grin.
“And he waited this long to say it?” Dean was amused though he hid it.
“I don't think so.” Dean turned his head to stare at Sam.
“Eyes on the road please.” Sam pleaded as he saw the corner coming up.
“Evan went looking for Dad?” Dean turned his attention back to the road.
“He has exams; I think Dad went looking for him.” Sam commented and Dean grimaced.
“Should have seen that coming. Think we should ring Dad; make sure Evan didn't turn him into something for annoying him?”
“Evan wouldn't do something like that, I think. You've annoyed him often enough and he hasn't done anything.”
“True, but I'm usually dying when I bug him.”
“I trust him; he won't have done anything to Dad. Well, he might have done something to take his weapons away. Let's face it; Dad does not like magic so I really can't see that visit starting peacefully. Evan might have done something to make him sit still and listen but not anything that could wreck any chances of Dad giving him a chance.” Sam rambled and Dean relaxed since it made sense.
“Think we should let Dad know what Evan thinks of him?” Dean grinned and the brother's exchanged a look before laughing. They'd stay quiet on that one, for now.
Harry stared across the desk at the woman who was technically his direct superior. He appeared completely relaxed as she read a report but anyone who knew him would know better than that. And Anita did know him, had since three months before he had fulfilled the prophecy. Figuring she had left him to think long enough she lowered the report and met his stare.
“Care to tell me what you've been up to this past year?”
“Medical school, occasionally catching up with friends from Stanford, not much.” The raven haired young man shrugged disinterestedly and she sighed.
“Facing down a high level demon, a shape shifter, a Reaper, shadow demons? Breaking the Secrecy Act? None of this sounds familiar?”
“Jessica was under my protection as is Sam so of course I faced that demon to try and save her. Obviously I failed. With the shape shifter, I had no clue what I was getting into when I agreed to help Becky with her brother's case, I thought it was polyjuice. As for the Reaper it was being controlled by Black magic so I was well within my rights to stop it. As for the Shadow Demons I was merely in the right place at the right time. And since Hunters know about the supernatural does it really count to tell them?”
“You should have obliviated them!” Anita insisted. Harry was a good agent and one of, if not the most, powerful wizards alive but he was not one for obeying the rules unless he wanted to.
“Why? They know evil exists, what is so wrong with showing them that magic can be good as well? Not like they'll tell anyone. I trust them Anita, they'll keep my secrets. There Dad's a bit more iffy but he won't say anything till he's positive I'm evil which won't happen so no problem.
“Harry...” Anita sighed.
“Alright, I'll let it go, for now. But if you're wrong and they spread it you will be the one to obliviate all involved, you will be given a new identity and swear to never contact them again and you will be fined one million galleons. Clear?”
“As crystal. Now if you'll excuse me I have an exam in two hours.” With that Harry apparated out of her office, through her wards as if they were nothing.
“Show off.” Anita muttered but couldn't help but smile. He may be a pain but at least he was their pain. She pitied the British for never seeing the real Harry Potter but their loss was America's gain.
“Surprise!” Becky jumped as warm hands covered her eyes and then smiled as she recognised the voice. She turned in his arms and threw hers around his waist as his hands slipped down to her waist. They ignored the curious glances from the students milling around the campus.
“Missed you Evan.” Rebecca told him happily.
“So what have you been up to?”
“You know the usual. Studying, saving the Winchester brothers, nothing interesting.” Evan shrugged as they separated, taking her bag from her and letting Becky pick their direction.
“You've seen Sam and Dean again? How are they?” Becky asked excited, she hadn't talked to Sam since they'd left St. Louis.
“Dean nearly died from heart damage due to accidentally electrocuting himself while on a hunt. We got him cured and got the bad guys, outing me as a wizard in the process but not as harry Potter.” The last was a barely heard whisper.
“They're still a little iffy on magic not being evil but we're doing good. Sam calls at least once a weak. Met up with them after a hard case they had where Sam learnt some stuff I won't tell you as it is his secret. Then a few months later the protection charm I gave Sam went mad and I ended up saving them from demons and meeting their mythical dad. Who I do not like. We have a truce, sort of. Anita called me in on what's been going on but we came to an agreement, they don't spill I don't have to wipe their memories, get a new identity and pay a big fine. How has your year been?”
“A lot less exciting than yours. Zach's doing well, he's back in classes and he was fully cleared as you know. Our parents went back to finish their time in Paris. And I maybe, sort of, have a boyfriend?” Becky gushed and then waited for the reaction. Evan froze, blinked and then let out a whoop of joy, actually lifting her and spinning around.
“Way to go Becky! Who is he? Do I know him or is he not someone we hung with? When do I get to threaten, um meet him?”
“His name is David, no you don't know him and you may meet but not threaten him if you stay long enough for lunch.” She answered as they started walking again.
“Drats! I have to be back for class in half an hour.” Evan pouted and Becky laughed.
“Don't your friends ever wonder where you disappear too?” She asked curiously and Evan shrugged.
“We're not as close as I got to you, Sam and Jess so not really.” He admitted and Becky frowned.
“I'm happy Becky, more so than I thought I'd ever be again.” Evan smiled at her and she gave an annoyed sigh.
“Fine I'll drop it, for now. So now that you're updated on my love life, how's yours?” He shot her a glare for that question.
“Medical student don't have time to date.”
“But...? Come on Evan, there's more to it than that.”
“Fine. I might, might I say, like someone.”
“Do I know him?” Becky asked, grinning in delight. It was about time.
“Well that narrows it down to...please don't say Sam. He's completely straight and I don't want you hurt.”
“No, not Sam. I got over that small crush within six months of meeting him.” Evan admitted and Rebecca racked her memory for anyone they both knew that Evan had seen lately...