Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ A fox, a bird, and a Shaman's prayer ❯ A Vision ( Chapter 2 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
2Unsettling VisionsA few weeks later.... on the other-side of the ocean"Oh Great Spirit. I pray to thee to give to me a sign. I ask for guidance for the offspring forthcoming." called out an elderly man.He stood upon a important rock, arms uplifted, face pointed up to the Heavens above. His skin was the hue of reddish rocks around him. His skin was wizened and wrinkled, from old age and the heat of the desert sun. He was one of the last of his special ilk, the last of the true Shamans. Yes a few were discovering the customs of his ancestry, but not their magick. It was something that had to be imparted from Head Shaman to a descendant. He was of the Atsah (Eagle) clan, the people of the sky, and of the Diné. Or as the white people called them, the Navajo Indian's. The People, as were referred as the whole,were slowly losing their magic, but his tribe was one of the few that still exercised the old ways. And right now he was awaiting for an response from the Diyin Diné (Holy People). It was his fourth day praying to his god and still he waited for a sign. His previous one was disquieting and he hadn't attempted another like it in over a year. But with Cunning Wind's child due any day now, he needed to know if the images he saw were forthcoming.As the sun commenced to set, the old man's legs grew fatigued and so he sat crossed leg and meditated. He watched as Yoogai At'eed (White Shell Girl) began to play her flute and cause herself to arise above the mountain. He slowly began to drift off as he observed her perfection radiate down upon the canyon around him. As he dozed, a notable aura of peace and love alighted over him. A soothing breeze blew around him and a delicate voice uttered his name, rousing him and he knew that the spirits had come."Oh great mother, I request you reveal to me the future and foreordained fate of the promised one." he bowed his head in honor and respect for the great mother spirit."Golden Eagle I will bestow upon you the answer to your request." came the eerie response of a spirit woman.She fluttered a hand and there materialized a village equivalent to his own. At first it appeared as if the children racing around were playing, but the next showed various women shouting and men rushing with buckets. A couple of the women were transporting hurt or limp children towards his self and a child in his shadow. He gazed closer but could not make out if it was a male or female child. He then saw his self ask the child a question, the child nodded and placed a hand on a boy child that was badly scorched and laying limp in his mother's arms. An bizarre luminosity encircled them and after a few moments the burns all but vanished and the child was sobbing faintly.The ensuing foresight flashed various children outside a large building. It was fashioned of stone and very momentous like the ones that he had experienced across the great sea. In this one the children were of the ages 12 to 15 and they were flourishing long slender sticks that appeared to induce items to float and vanish. Now and then they turned on each other and caused one of the other children to grow something or to change color. They seemed to be getting along quite well. Then an older woman in an green old Victorian style dress came out and seemed to admonish them but they all laughed and ran intothe building ahead of her.The third vision showed the same people as beforehand with a few other taking some pictures. They were older and seemed more mature then the ones by the building earlier. There was some strain around their eyes but otherwise they seemed content. A few of them appeared to have become couples. The following instant they were running outside and encountering various black robed figures. A squirmish initiated and buildings were soon ablaze. People were running about frantically and were ensnared between the two antagonistic forces. A green skull and snake materialized in the sky above them and as quickly as it initiated, the black figures evanesced leaving a trail of destruction behind them.The concluding vision indicated a young woman clinging to a dark haired man. Tears were coursing down her cheeks and he seemed to be saying something to her and then she pivoted to a door. Suddenly she was propelling him away and towards another door. He kept shaking his head no but she pleaded with him and he ultimately coincided. Just as he stepped through it the front door exploded open and several familiar faces appeared. They yelled at her and tried to follow after the young man but were unable to enter the other door. The vision faded out and the Shaman was left experiencing concern. He turned to the spirit."Will the child ever discover hózhó?" he gravely asked."As most others do." she replies cryptically. Suddenly another spirit showed up besides the first and began to speak."The child will be endowed from both parent's forefathers." a man's voice thundered through the canyon. "The goddess Brighid has sanctioned to give the gift of healing.' he said gazing upon the fair spirit besides him."And Child-Born-of-Water has consented to give the beneficence of language." the spirit Brighid declares presenting her comrade. "The child shall learn the thoughts from those of the animal world and in return they shall heed the child's words.""One last thing." the spirit of Child-Born-of-Water said raising his hand. "The child shall be named for the mother's origin. And when the time comes, be given a name for our people.""Take care of the child and educate the savior in your ways. They will be needed in the end." avowed Brighid. And with these last words both spirits faded into the darkness.For another hour Golden Eagle sat there and contemplated the visions and the instructions of the gods. One was the child's mother's god, a white witch from across the ocean and the other was one of his tribe's. Perhaps some good would come of this and the child would find peace and happiness after all like they claimed. And so with the emergence of the dawning of the sun, Golden Eagle trotted back to his village a little fearful for the fate of the child.Upon approaching the village, Golden Eagle observed the village dogs behaving erratically, and hastened to Shadow Hawks hogan. There he met Serene Flower and Shadow Hawk outside the door."What took you so long?" Serene Flower demanded as they walked inside. "Did you find out what you needed? You were almost late. Cunning Wind is ready to have the child." she chided the Shaman."Do not worry. I wouldn't have missed this momentous occurrence." Golden Eagle said as he entered the birthing room. "Are you sure you do not choose to have a doctor?" he asked the young woman lying in bed."No, I'm fine." Cunning Wind answered. "Besides I have you and Serene Flower here. Nothing will happen to the child." she smiles wanly as a contraction hits her. "The babe cannot wait any longer." she says as her Irish lilt becomes more pronounced."Hold on to me, Calla my heart." comes the soothing words of her husband Shadow Hawk. "I shall give you my strength.""That's it. Hold her hand while she pushes." declares Serene Flower as she readies the last of the supplies she needs for the birth. "Bring that cloth here." she adds pointing to a swalding blanket next to Golden Eagle. The next couple of minutes seemed to blur as everything occurred so quickly. The next thing anyone knew was that a babe was being held by Serene Flower and it was letting everyone know that she had entered the world. "You have a daughter." Serene Flower pronounced proudly. Quickly she cleans the little one up, weighs her, and bundles her into the blanket. Gently she hands her over to Shadow Hawk.Shadow Hawk appeared astounded that such a tiny being could be ever so perfect looking. With a tuff of reddish hair and slightly tanned skin, the babe showed both her ancestries. He sat on the bed besides his wife and they both looked her over. Counting her ten fingers and ten toes. Gently sliding a finger over her cheeks and down her legs, they both chuckled at the baby kicking her feet in objection. Suddenly she opened her eyes and peered up at her parents. Gazing at them as if to figure them out, she waved a small fist. She blinked her amber flecked cinnamon eyes at them and opened her tiny mouth to let out a squall of considerable proportion."She must be hungry." Serene Flower pronounces clucking her tongue. "Come now, out. Let mother and child rest." she adds shooing the two men from the room. She stayed behind long enough to spruce up the room and followed shortly after."We shall hold the baptism two weeks from now." Shadow Hawk was stating as she came out. "I've all ready sent word to her brother to come and join in, fore he is to be her godfather." he turned to Serene Flower. "Thank you mother. We couldn't have done this without you.""You're quite welcome my son." she replies patting his cheek. "Now I can help her finish planning the ceremony. Your father is still to perform the spirit protector?""He is, if he hasn't changed his mind." Shadow Hawk said turning to the Shaman."Why would I change my mind?" Golden Eagle asks looking heavenward. "I already know her protectors. And it will be several more years before her naming ceremony." Both chuckled at his seriousness and sat down to converse for a couple of hours before Shadow Hawk went inside to help his wife and the two new proud grandparents went to enlighten the village of it brand-new member.The following days blended into one another and family members from other clans and tribes showed up to help celebrate the wondrous occasion. Golden Eagle inform his son and daughter-in-law of his vision for their little one and told them of the spirits wishes for the babe's name. After much deliberation they came to and understanding and concluded upon her name. The week of the baptism was much celebration and was talked about for several years to come. Calla "Cunning Wind" brother showed up with his wife, even though he was still uncertain about his sister's chosen lifestyle. During the week and a half of their stay, Calla and her sister-in-law Nadia, made the two men go and try to comprehend each other a little more. By the time of the baptism both men came to the agreement of only wanting what was best for Calla and what made her happy. Both men stood proudly besides their wives as the priest gave the child to her godparents, Nadia and Alastor and made the promise to care for the child if ever something happened to her parents. After that Golden Eagle proclaimed Brighid and Child-Born-of-Water as her spirit protector’s and proclaimed the child to the clan as he handed her back to her parents. And so Erein Sukai, named for her mother's land and for the Clan of the Eagle, began her life of knowledge and strife.