Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ A Muggle's Revenge ❯ Chapter 3
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Mina woke after only a few hours sleep, stopping quickly to make sure Nessa was all right, she grabbed her bag and started the long trek down to the clearing. She’d needed to set these traps before dawn broke or risk being seen by someone. It took close to fifteen minutes to get there; as Mina entered the clearing she dropped her bag and started pulling out wires and triggers. Digging several shallow holes that lined the perimeter Mina placed her flash bombs in them. The sun was just rising as Mina finished covering up the last hole. Hoping the hoard wouldn’t think to look too closely at the ground when they arrived. Returning to where her bag was sitting Mina packed the rest of the wires, a slight pop signaled Nessa’s arrival. “Mistress?” Mina smiled and handed a small metal piece covered with a black plastic on one side. “This is a bug, or listening devise. It’ll let us hear what the bastards are talking about.” Nessa nodded and inspected the object curiously. “theys will look for spells, but nots this!” Nessa exclaimed with wonder, a smiled lighting up her face. Mina smiled in return and gently lifted a small block of what looked like clay to Nessa.
Holding it with care Mina pulled out another bug this one slightly bigger and with several brass looking pins sticking out of it. Pushing it into the clay, mina stood and walked to the center of the clearing checking the sun again. Kneeling down mina started explaining what she was doing to Nessa. “This is plastic explosives we’re going to put it here in the clearing with those containers of beads, and when I hit a special button an eclectic charge with make the clay explode throwing the metal beads, now what we need to do now is find a way to hide it here.” Nessa took a moment to think through what Mina told her and looked at the clay block in her hands “ifs we leave it, theys will finds it. But Nessa can appiriate it fors mistress” Nessa spoke with an unsure tone. Mina sighed she was going to have to find a way to get Nessa to be a little more confident in herself and to realize that Mina was not going to hurt her, this constant uncertainty from her was getting a little annoying.
“No I don’t want you anywhere near them its way too dangerous.” Mina said firmly starting to dig a hole.knowing it would have to be extremely shallow or she risked it not doing what it was suppose to. Nessa’s brow scrunched with thought, “Nessa not needs to be heres. Nessa wills just sends its.” Stopping Mina looked at the house elf again and the sun that had almost cleared the horizon now, and nodded filling up the small hole, “good idea Nessa, as long as you’re gonna stay clear of here ok”. Walking back to the house elf Mina could see Nessa was still red eyed from last night and took a deep breath. The world of magic freaked her out, the thought that anyone could pop in or out at anytime or take her anywhere and she’d have no control scared her. However, she could see that Nessa’s help may prove to be invaluable, and she did know that oaths sworn in magic HAD to be kept. Holding out her free hand to Nessa, Mina said “come grab the bag and lets go back to camp… please” Nessa’s head shot up her eyes stared into Mina’s for a moment the she nodded enthusiastically and rushed over snapping her fingers, the bag flew into her hand as she grabbed Mina’s hand.
Mina felt as if she was being squished again and then they were back at camp. Nessa looking very pleased with herself, and put the bag back with the others. Mina could see Nessa had cleaned up camp before coming to find her, the bags were all lined up nicely, and the blankets had been folded up and placed on top. She looked over Nessa as the elf ran about putting the bag away and grabbed some food from another. The sight was both sweet and sad; the towels covering her were in a hideous state and barely covered her. They couldn’t possibly be warm enough, and the fact that Nessa shivered every few minutes proved that thought. “Nessa, if your masters can’t give you clothes to wear how do you come by your cloths usually?” the question made Nessa falter but only for a second, then Nessa turned with a sandwich in her hands and handed it to Mina. Who placed to plastic explosives down gently and sat on a stump patting the spot beside her for Nessa. Waiting till Nessa had seated herself Mina ripped the sandwich in half give Nessa the larger piece.
Nessa’s eyes widened and she started to shake her head. “If you don’t eat Nessa, neither will I” Mina stated calmly, holding out the food. Nessa looked stunned then took the food, “so?” Mina probed. “House elves makes their cloths themselves, wes makes them with whats wes find” oh well the towels now made sense “do you not know how to make a proper pair of pants or shirt?” Nessa watched Mina take a bit and followed suit then answered. “No Mistress” Mina nodded. They ate the rest of their food in silence; Mina took the time to think out her next few steps. The attack tonight would probably be the last ‘easy’ one after tonight; she knew they would catch on that their routines had been picked up on and change them. It had taken eight months to stumble on their routine, and that had been pure luck. “Nessa tell me about your world” Mina asked finally as she moved to pull out her rifle scarlet.
Mina had spent the last few hours cleaning out and readying scarlet, listening to Nessa speak about the magical world. It had astounded her to learn there were magic shopping districts, schools, and about all the magical creatures. The shopping district Mina thought could be a good place to harvest some information. After she had scarlet prepped and ready, she called Nessa over, “these sweaters are useless to me take care, garbage now” Mina spoke while pulling out three sweaters pulling the sleeves off one to use as arm covers. Waving at the pile she turned away hoping once they were ‘garbage and useless to her’ Nessa could use them. She heard some rustling and then Nessa walked over to her carrying scarlet’s case, only now she wore a pale green sweater like a dress the pulled off and tied as a makes shift belt, the sleeves of the last sweater coved her arms in the same fashion Mina wore.
Smiling Mina nodded and headed to the spot she had pick out earlier to wait for her quarry. The listening device she had decided would be sent once the men had arrived that way it would be too dark to see and no one would think to check for it. Nessa carried scarlet’s case keeping silent, but with a small smile on her face the whole way. Mina climbed to her spot, shifting around till she and Nessa were stable on the branch. It took several hours for the men to begin to show up, Nessa had looked as though she wanted to speak several times but had held her silence in favor of allowing Mina to concentrate. The first to show up was a tall man covered in a cloak that didn’t allow Mina to see his face, and three others a short chubby man with a rat like face, a tall skinny woman who had a mad look to her and a tall man with long white blond hair.
The three went to work casting more spells and creating a thrown for the cloaked figure to sit on. Mina watched with cold intent waiting till they had finished and more men started to arrive. Reaching down she picked up the listening device and attached a recorder to the receiver, handing it to Nessa with a nod. Nessa held to little black bug for a moment then it disappeared, Mina smiled and then nodded to the bomb next. This she told Nessa earlier she wanted in the center of the clearing since the men seemed to always stand in a circle around their leader. Mina didn’t wait to watch Nessa make it disappear as well; she turned back to her scope and watched to see if anyone seemed to take notice, and prayed they didn’t. No one noticed it to Mina’s relief it didn’t take long after that for a large group to form and the cloaked figure to stand.
Holding it with care Mina pulled out another bug this one slightly bigger and with several brass looking pins sticking out of it. Pushing it into the clay, mina stood and walked to the center of the clearing checking the sun again. Kneeling down mina started explaining what she was doing to Nessa. “This is plastic explosives we’re going to put it here in the clearing with those containers of beads, and when I hit a special button an eclectic charge with make the clay explode throwing the metal beads, now what we need to do now is find a way to hide it here.” Nessa took a moment to think through what Mina told her and looked at the clay block in her hands “ifs we leave it, theys will finds it. But Nessa can appiriate it fors mistress” Nessa spoke with an unsure tone. Mina sighed she was going to have to find a way to get Nessa to be a little more confident in herself and to realize that Mina was not going to hurt her, this constant uncertainty from her was getting a little annoying.
“No I don’t want you anywhere near them its way too dangerous.” Mina said firmly starting to dig a hole.knowing it would have to be extremely shallow or she risked it not doing what it was suppose to. Nessa’s brow scrunched with thought, “Nessa not needs to be heres. Nessa wills just sends its.” Stopping Mina looked at the house elf again and the sun that had almost cleared the horizon now, and nodded filling up the small hole, “good idea Nessa, as long as you’re gonna stay clear of here ok”. Walking back to the house elf Mina could see Nessa was still red eyed from last night and took a deep breath. The world of magic freaked her out, the thought that anyone could pop in or out at anytime or take her anywhere and she’d have no control scared her. However, she could see that Nessa’s help may prove to be invaluable, and she did know that oaths sworn in magic HAD to be kept. Holding out her free hand to Nessa, Mina said “come grab the bag and lets go back to camp… please” Nessa’s head shot up her eyes stared into Mina’s for a moment the she nodded enthusiastically and rushed over snapping her fingers, the bag flew into her hand as she grabbed Mina’s hand.
Mina felt as if she was being squished again and then they were back at camp. Nessa looking very pleased with herself, and put the bag back with the others. Mina could see Nessa had cleaned up camp before coming to find her, the bags were all lined up nicely, and the blankets had been folded up and placed on top. She looked over Nessa as the elf ran about putting the bag away and grabbed some food from another. The sight was both sweet and sad; the towels covering her were in a hideous state and barely covered her. They couldn’t possibly be warm enough, and the fact that Nessa shivered every few minutes proved that thought. “Nessa, if your masters can’t give you clothes to wear how do you come by your cloths usually?” the question made Nessa falter but only for a second, then Nessa turned with a sandwich in her hands and handed it to Mina. Who placed to plastic explosives down gently and sat on a stump patting the spot beside her for Nessa. Waiting till Nessa had seated herself Mina ripped the sandwich in half give Nessa the larger piece.
Nessa’s eyes widened and she started to shake her head. “If you don’t eat Nessa, neither will I” Mina stated calmly, holding out the food. Nessa looked stunned then took the food, “so?” Mina probed. “House elves makes their cloths themselves, wes makes them with whats wes find” oh well the towels now made sense “do you not know how to make a proper pair of pants or shirt?” Nessa watched Mina take a bit and followed suit then answered. “No Mistress” Mina nodded. They ate the rest of their food in silence; Mina took the time to think out her next few steps. The attack tonight would probably be the last ‘easy’ one after tonight; she knew they would catch on that their routines had been picked up on and change them. It had taken eight months to stumble on their routine, and that had been pure luck. “Nessa tell me about your world” Mina asked finally as she moved to pull out her rifle scarlet.
Mina had spent the last few hours cleaning out and readying scarlet, listening to Nessa speak about the magical world. It had astounded her to learn there were magic shopping districts, schools, and about all the magical creatures. The shopping district Mina thought could be a good place to harvest some information. After she had scarlet prepped and ready, she called Nessa over, “these sweaters are useless to me take care, garbage now” Mina spoke while pulling out three sweaters pulling the sleeves off one to use as arm covers. Waving at the pile she turned away hoping once they were ‘garbage and useless to her’ Nessa could use them. She heard some rustling and then Nessa walked over to her carrying scarlet’s case, only now she wore a pale green sweater like a dress the pulled off and tied as a makes shift belt, the sleeves of the last sweater coved her arms in the same fashion Mina wore.
Smiling Mina nodded and headed to the spot she had pick out earlier to wait for her quarry. The listening device she had decided would be sent once the men had arrived that way it would be too dark to see and no one would think to check for it. Nessa carried scarlet’s case keeping silent, but with a small smile on her face the whole way. Mina climbed to her spot, shifting around till she and Nessa were stable on the branch. It took several hours for the men to begin to show up, Nessa had looked as though she wanted to speak several times but had held her silence in favor of allowing Mina to concentrate. The first to show up was a tall man covered in a cloak that didn’t allow Mina to see his face, and three others a short chubby man with a rat like face, a tall skinny woman who had a mad look to her and a tall man with long white blond hair.
The three went to work casting more spells and creating a thrown for the cloaked figure to sit on. Mina watched with cold intent waiting till they had finished and more men started to arrive. Reaching down she picked up the listening device and attached a recorder to the receiver, handing it to Nessa with a nod. Nessa held to little black bug for a moment then it disappeared, Mina smiled and then nodded to the bomb next. This she told Nessa earlier she wanted in the center of the clearing since the men seemed to always stand in a circle around their leader. Mina didn’t wait to watch Nessa make it disappear as well; she turned back to her scope and watched to see if anyone seemed to take notice, and prayed they didn’t. No one noticed it to Mina’s relief it didn’t take long after that for a large group to form and the cloaked figure to stand.