Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ A New Life ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A New Life
Summary: Harry and his twin sister Roslyn and their mother, Lily Potter, are kidnapped by Voldemort. What will happen? AU!!! No getting mad at me if you don't like it.
Prolong: Kidnapped
A young red headed woman smiled at the sight of her children playing on the carpeted floor. The little boy blinked his emerald green eyes and reached out to grab his twin sisters' plush teddy bear she was cuddling.
“Harry,” Lily Potter warned gently. “Leave Rosy alone.”
Harry pouted. “Teddy mine.” He whined in a childish voice.
Roslyn flashed him a smug baby grin and continued to cuddle the bear.
Harry reached over and hit his twin on the head. When Roslyn put her hands over her head, Harry grabbed the stuffed animal and hugged it happily.
“Mine!” Roslyn cried grabbing one of the legs and tugged.
“No!” Harry tugged back and soon the toddlers were playing tug-a-war with the bear.
Lily sighed and leaned down to grab the teddy bear. “If you two can't play with Teddy together you can't play with it at all.”
“Mummy!” The twins cried out.
“No.” Lily shook her head and looked at the clock. “You can play with it tomorrow. It's time for bed right now.”
“Aby?” Harry asked.
“Yes, Harry. I'll sing you a lullaby.”
Harry clapped his hands and smiled.
“Come on.” Lily picked up both children and carried them up the stairs and into the first door on the right.
Lily put them in their crib and placed a light blanket on top of them and smiled softly. “Hush, little baby, don't say a word. Mama's gonna buy you a mockingbird.” She sang softly.
“And if that mockingbird won't sing,
Papa's gonna buy you a diamond ring”
Harry smiled sleepily.
“And if that diamond ring turns brass,
Papa's gonna buy you a looking glass”
Lily continued, patting Roslyn's back gently. Roslyn shut her eyes and seconds later her breathing evened out.
Harry, before falling asleep, whispered, “I wuv you Mummy.”
“I love you too Harry.” Lily whispered back kissing both their foreheads. Lily walked to the door and walked out of the room, smiling.
Lily re-entered the living room and began to clean the toys on the floor. She froze when she heard a bang at the front door. “Hello?” She called out uncertainly.
Nothing answered but something made a noise again.
“James? Is that you?”
Lily walked nervously to the front door, she opened it and looked up and down the street and saw nothing. Lily stood there for a few minutes, letting the evening breeze play with her long dark red hair. Lily gasped when she heard the panicked cries coming from the nursery. “Harry! Roslyn!” She yelled.
Lily ran back into the house, the front door wide open, and thundered up the stairs and into the twin's room. The red head gasped loudly. Two cloaked figures were standing next to the crib; one of the figures was reaching into the crib, grabbing Harry with long, pale hands.
“Voldemort…” Lily breathed lifting a shaking hand to her mouth. “Let Harry go...”
Voldemort lifted his head to look at Lily, red eyes glinting evilly, and said, “Ah, Mrs. Potter.” He whispered in greeting.
Voldemort handed the Death Eater Harry and gave him instructions to take him and Roslyn to Malfoy Manor. The other man bowed slightly and disappeared from sight with a small pop. Voldemort turned to the frightened Lily and smirked.
“Give me back my babies.” She whimpered softly, not liking the look on his snake-like face. “Please.”
Voldemort sneered down at the red head and grabbed her arm, throwing her down onto the plush carpet and leaning down to kiss her roughly.
Lily struggled violently, trying to block him with her hands, but, with him being stronger; he pinned her arms above her head. “No, get away!” She cried as he started undressing her.
Voldemort smirked lustfully and removed his robes, reveling a pale chest and abs. He positioned his throbbing erection near her entrance and thrust in all the way to the hilt.
Lily's form shook violently as she sobbed; blood trickled slowly down his member, coating it with the sticky substance, and onto the white carpet.
Later that night James Potter and his best friend Sirius Black apparated inside Godric's Hallow, to find the house surprisingly cold and dark.
“Lily?” James called uncertainly. Lily said before he left that she would wait for him to get back. “Harry? Rosy?”
“Maybe they went somewhere?” Sirius suggested.
“Where would she go?” James asked looking turning to look at the dark haired young man. “It's almost midnight. Harry and Rosy would be asleep by now.”
“Then go check the nursery. Lily might have fallen asleep in there. She's done it before.”
James nodded. “Good idea. Let's go.”
James and Sirius crept up the stairs and into the nursery, totally unprepared for what they saw. The crib was empty, the blankets were gone. James caught sight of the floor and gasped loudly. A silver skirt and blue t-shirt lay on the floor along with white lace bra and panties; both ripped apart. James felt his heart drop when his eyes landed on the small puddle of blood on the carpet.
“Shit.” James heard Sirius mutter beside him. “We should go to Hogwarts and tell Dumbledore.”
James tearfully nodded and, raising his wand, disapparated with a small pop. Sirius followed a second later, giving a saddened glance at the nursery before he left as well.
There, please be nice and review!
Chapter Preview:
Harry awoke to the sound of a startled cry. The raven haired toddler blinked in confusion and looked where he heard the scream. A little blond boy about the same age as him and Rosy was staring at him, silver-blue eyes wide in shock.