Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ A New Life ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A New Life
Chapter 2: The morning after
An old man, with long white hair and beard and normally twinkling blue eyes, looked stonily at the two young men sitting in the wooden chairs in front of his desk. They had raised hell when they reached the Hogwarts grounds. James had gone postal and had to have a calming drought from the school nurse, Madam Pomfrey.
“Let me get this straight.” The old man said looking very grave. “Voldemort broke into Godric's Hallow and took the twins and then raped Lily and kidnapped her too?”
“Yes Headmaster.” Sirius said. It pained him to see James, who was more like his brother than his real one was, like this. To see him so broken. If it had happened to him; he would have found the sick bastard and kicked his sorry arse. “What are we going to do?”
“The Order is going to try and find them.” Dumbledore answered simply. “You both may stay in the castle until we hear something.”
Sirius nodded and turned to his best friend. “James.” He said softly. “Come on, mate, let's go.”
“Go where?” James asked flatly.
“To the guest rooms, Mr. Potter.” Dumbledore said looking sad.
James nodded and got off his seat and following Sirius out the door. The powerful old wizard frowned in concern. This was very bad.
While this was going on at Hogwarts, in Malfoy Manor some trouble was brewing between the three one year olds.
Harry was awoken with a start because of the high, shrill scream that echoed throughout the room. Harry scrunched his eyes before opening them and looked at a young boy that was standing the crib, gripping the side and watching Harry carefully.
The boy looked to be around Harry's age. He had soft blond hair that fell adorably in his wide silver-blue eyes. “Who you?” The blond boy demanded.
“Harry.” Harry answered, looking down at his twin. She was still sleeping, her small thumb in her mouth. “You?
“Dwaco.” The other boy said with a nod. “Why are you in bed?”
Harry shrugged his small shoulders.
“MUMMY!!” Draco screamed loudly.
Roslyn flinched in her sleep but did not wake up. There were footsteps and a very pretty blonde woman walked into the room.
“Draco!” She scolded softly. “I do not want you to wake our guests.”
Draco gave her a confused look. She smiled at the adorable picture that her son had made and ran her fingers through Draco's soft locks.
Harry frowned at the scene, suddenly wondering where his mummy and daddy were and why they had left him and Roslyn there. “Where's mummy?” He asked the lady uncertainly. “And Daddy.”
Narcissa Malfoy frowned softly at the question and looked at the boy. His wide emerald green eyes were full of uncertainty, confusion, and fear.
“Your mummy will be here later today.” Narcissa answered.
This, of course, was completely untrue. The Dark Lord had appeared close to an hour later after Lucius had returned with the twins. In his arms was a broken Lily Potter. She had her eyes closed, the sheet she was had been wrapped in had patches of blood on it.
Before the Dark Lord left; he ordered the Malfoy's to care for Harry and Roslyn until their mother was back on her feet.
Harry, Narcissa noted, didn't seem to like this answer because his stunning emerald eyes filled with tears.
“I want mummy!” The dark haired boy whimpered.
“She'll be back later.” Narcissa insisted.
This was the wrong thing to say to the toddler because he began to wail loudly.
“MUMMMY!!” He screamed, tears flowing down his cheeks in waves. “I WANT MY MUMMY!”
Roslyn turned her head to the sound of her brothers' distressed cries. Narcissa mentally moaned. It had taken her forever to put Roslyn down, if she woke up now, Narcissa had a feeling everyone in the Manor would be woken up if that happened.
Narcissa picked the upset child up and let him put his head on her shoulder. “Keep Roslyn company Draco, mummy has to speak to daddy.” She walked out the door.
Draco watched as his mother left him with a girl he didn't know. As soon as he thought Narcissa was down the hall; he pressed his foot into Rosy's gut.
Roslyn whined and opened her stunningly green eyes; she hit his foot, still pressed against her gut. “Get `way.”
He hit her arm in retaliation. “Don't touch me.”
Roslyn, never one to obey; even at only a year old, swiped at Draco. Her fingers caught on his pajama bottoms, making them fall to his ankles, showing her his Blue's Clues diaper.
“Hey!” Draco whined loudly. He lifted one leg out of the clothes and then kicked the bottoms onto the floor.
Narcissa walked calmly toward her husband's study, Harry still in her arms. She stopped when she came to the double doors and knocked once before entering. Lucius looked up, startled, at the wailing child in her arms.
“Cissa, what are you doing?” He questioned.
“Harry's upset that Lily isn't here and he won't stop crying for me.” Narcissa explained.
“But Narcissa, love, I have all this work to do.” Lucius waved his arms at all the paper on his desk.
“Take twenty minutes and sing to him.”
“But I can't…!”
“I know you can sing, Lucius. I heard you sing to Draco one night.”
Narcissa handed Harry to Lucius and took out her wand and transfigured a piece of parchment into a playpen, complete with toys. Harry stopped crying and looked curiously at the toys. The boy saw a silver dragon stuffed animal and pointed at it.
“Dwagon?” Harry asked.
Narcissa picked up the dragon. “Do you want it, Harry?”
Harry nodded holding both arms out for the toy, wiggling slightly. Narcissa smiled and gave him it. Harry giggled, his green eyes sparkling happily, and wrapped his arms around the dragon, cuddling it.
“He is calm again.” Lucius said. “Now will you please take him back up to Draco's room, I have a lot of work to do.”
Narcissa nodded and picked Harry up from Lucius' lap and cradled the small body protectively in her chest. Harry whined softly and twisted his body around to look at Lucius. He made a grabbing motion with his hands and looked at the older man expectantly.
Narcissa smiled and looked at Lucius. “He wants you to play with him.”
Lucius sighed and looked into Harry's green eyes, “I'll play with you after I finish this, ok?”
“K.” The toddler said through the toy in his mouth.
“Let's go back upstairs, Harry. I think Rosy's awake by now and wondering where you are.”
“Rosy?” Lucius asked looking up from his work to stare at his wife.
“Harry's twin sister. Roslyn Potter.”
“Twins…Great. They'll probably try and corrupt Draco.”
Narcissa laughed at this statement and shook her head. “They won't corrupt Draco.”
Lucius smirked. “Maybe not now but when their all older. Remember that their father is James Potter. Pranking is in their blood.”
“True, but their only a year old. It's not like they'll start pranking everyone in the Manor.”
Harry, tired of the adults talking, started to wiggle around in Narcissa's arms
Narcissa sighed and looked down. “Come on Harry, let's head upstairs.”
Narcissa turned around and made her way to the door and walked through it and, before she started down the hall, Harry looked behind her to Lucius and waved a small hand and said, with innocence in his words. “Bai Bai,” His green eyes glittered in mischief. “Luci.”
Narcissa, upon hearing the boy call Lucius `Luci', giggled openly. She glanced behind her and giggled again at the shocked look on `Luci's' face.
Lucius mock glowered at his wife and the giggly baby in her eyes. “Very funny. Don't you have some babies to take care of upstairs?”
Narcissa smiled. “Yes I do. I'll see you later…” Her smile widened. “Luci.”
Narcissa took off running when Lucius made to get out of his chair, her laughter bouncing off the walls. Narcissa hurried up two flights of stairs and speed walked to Draco's room and entered it.
Draco, without a diaper, was sitting on Roslyn, who was hitting him to get him off.
“Draco Lucius Malfoy!” Narcissa snapped.
Draco's blond head snapped toward her, a deer caught in the headlights expression on his chubby face.
“Get off Roslyn, now, and how did you get your diaper off?”
Draco got off the dark haired girl. “She rip it off, Mummy.”
Narcissa sighed and took out her wand, waved it and made the wet diaper disappear. She set Harry down and went to pick her son up.
He was wet and reeked of pee. Narcissa sighed again. “Dobby, Bunkie!” She called.
Not even a second later, two identical pops were heard and two creatures with tennis ball sized green eyes, long pointy ears, and long fingers appeared. They, both wearing dirty pillowcases, bowed the young Malfoy matriarch.
“Dobby, please get the bathwater running for Draco and our guests' bath.”
“Yes Mistress Narcissa.” The House Elf named Dobby said in a squeaky voice and disappeared with a click of his fingers.
“What do you need of me, Mistress?” Bunkie, an elderly female elf, asked.
“I need you to wash the crib's bedding and go get another large crib.” Narcissa ordered gently. In her opinion, Bunkie was getting far too old to be still serving any family, she was over a century old, but Narcissa knew to free her was a death sentence.
Bunkie bowed and, with a snap of her fingers, made the wet bedding disappear. She disappeared next.
“The bath is ready for the young Sirs and Miss.” Dobby squeaked appearing from the bathroom and taking the wide eyed Harry into his small, thin arms and reentered the bathroom. Narcissa picked up Roslyn and carried her and Draco into the bathroom.
The large bathroom's walls had been painted pale blue and the floor was tiled with white marble. There was a large mirror hanging on the left hand side of the room, a sink also made of white marble was sitting under it. A toilet was next to the Jacuzzi like bathtub. The bathtub had a couple of inches of water and multi-colored bubbles in the tub.
“No bath!” Harry protested loudly from Dobby's arms. He twisted wildly, trying to get out of the house elf's grip. He hit Dobby a few times over the head with his flailing arms.
“Bath!” Draco and Roslyn said in unison both making grabbing motions toward the bubbles. Narcissa gently placed a naked Draco into the warm bathwater and he splashed the water with his small hands, giggling.
Roslyn squirmed in Narcissa's grip. “Bath!” She whined pitifully.
Broken emerald eyes stared up at the darkened ceiling as Lily Potter fought not to cry out from the pain she felt between her legs. She sat up, red hair spilling over her shoulders and into her eyes, and looked around the room. From what she could see in the darkness, the room was plain white; a small desk was sitting in the corner of the room, a potted plant sitting on top of it and a large shelf with many multicolored potions was against the opposite wall, next to the door, which opened and admitted a middle aged woman with her dark hair up in a tight bun, she was wearing a white lab coat.
“Ah, good.” The unknown woman said smiling. She flicked her wand and the door snapped closed and the lights were turned on. “You're awake. We've been wondering.”
“Where am I?” Lily asked staring in the other woman's cool charcoal grey eyes.
“Your in my lords' hospital wing, dear. My name is Evelyn; I'm the healer that took care of you when He brought you in last night.” Evelyn looked disapproving. “Are you in any pain?”
“A little.” Lily said wincing as pain shot through her legs.
Evelyn turned away from the bed and walked over to the shelf with the potion bottles. She picked out a bottle that was murky grey. “Here you go, dear, drink it all.” She said handing Lily the bottle.
Lily grimaced but obeyed and drank the potion, trying not to gag at the horrid taste. “That's not right.” She coughed violently after drinking it. “Whoever made such horrid tasting potions deserves to be shot!”
Evelyn silently handed her a glass of water, taking the now empty bottle out of Lily's hands.
Lily took of sip and sighed in relief when the pain slowly subsided. “Evelyn?” She questioned softly, setting her water aside. “Did you notice any toddlers with us when He brought me here?”

Evelyn looked at Lily, startled. “I don't know, you'd have to ask him yourself. But most likely he sent them to live with one of the families that support him.”
Lily sighed again and looked down to the white bed linins, disappointed.
“Why did you ask me that? Did he take your children?”
Lily looked in her lap, tears filling her eyes making her vision swim. “He took my one year old twins and gave them to one of his Death Eaters. I have no clue where they are now.” She whispered.
The door creaked open, unknowingly to the two women, and Voldemort walked in, Nagini slithered in after him, and he shut the door.
“The Potter twins are safe in Malfoy Manor.” He informed the women.
Evelyn jumped at the sound of her master's cool voice and turned to face the Dark Lord. The dark haired woman heard Lily whimper behind her. “What brings you here, Sir?” Evelyn asked looking down at Voldemort's booted feet.
“It is none of your business, Lyn,” He hissed softly red eyes glinting. “But, if you must know, I'm here to update her,” He gestured to Lily, “on how her kids are doing.”
Lily looked up at Voldemort, hope shining in her emerald eyes, “When can I see them?”
Voldemort ignored her and continued to talk to his Healer. “She's fine now?”
“Yes, Sir.” Evelyn said in a teasing voice, saluting him mockingly.
“Good. I'll send one of the maidservants down to take her to her room. Oh, before I forget, Lyn?”
“No trying to prank Naomi while she is here, you here me?”
Evelyn grinned at him. “Did anyone ever tell you suck all the fun out of a room?”
Voldemort chuckled, shocking Lily, “Actually,” He said in a serious tone. “I have been told that several times.” However, suddenly Voldemort clapped his hand together and smiled while saying, “Oh, wait! I remember now! It's you who keeps telling me that isn't it?”
Evelyn laughed, “Don't you have to go be somewhere?”
Smirking; Voldemort turned around and walked out of the room, robes billowing behind him. A minute later a young woman entered the room. She was pretty with dark blonde hair and dark blue eyes.
“Naomi!” Evelyn said happily. “Where have you been?! You haven't visited me in weeks!”
“I visited you last Monday!” Naomi said loudly. “You effing attacked me with an effing mop!”
“You SLIPPED in a puddle of water and fell on ME! Of course I attacked you; you were crushing my poor body.”
“Are you implying that I'm fat?”
“Perhaps, you do weigh as much as a house.”
“Evelyn Jasmine Diana!” Naomi screeched. She began cursing Evelyn out fluently in Germen and French.
Evelyn went pink. “Can you even do that?” She asked meekly.
“We can try,” Naomi threatened reaching for her wand.
Evelyn reddened even more. “No, that's alright. You have to show Mrs. Potter to her room anyway, so bye!” She ran past Naomi, slamming the door behind her.
Naomi glared at the shut door, “Bitch.” She muttered then turned to face Lily, a smile lighting up her face. “Hello, you must be Lily, I'm Naomi.”
“Yes, I am.” Lily smiled at the woman who looked to be only twenty-one. The red head hopped off the bed and followed Naomi out of the white room and into a corridor with doors, some open and some closed, on both sides of the corridor.
“How long have you been here?” Lily asked.
“I've been here for about seven years.” Naomi replied.
“How did that happen?” Lily asked.
“My parents died when I was eleven and the Dark Lord saved me from dying in the streets of London.” Naomi said.
“Oh, I'm sorry.”
Naomi shrugged. “It was a long time ago, I don't mind serving Him.” They started to walk up a flight of stairs.
“How did Evelyn meet him?”
“Evelyn met him when they were eleven. She got him to trust her and they became friends. She's been with him since; I imagine he trusts her more than he trusts his Death Eaters.”
“That makes sense then. He was joking around with her a few minutes ago.” Lily said.
Naomi nodded. “I've only seen him laugh and be almost playful when Evelyn's around. They've been friends for forty years. I remember four years ago when Voldemort killed one of his Death Eaters cause he injured her.”
“Does she love him?”
“I think of him as my baby brother.” Evelyn answered behind them. “Of course I love him. Just not romantically.”
Naomi and Lily jumped.
“Your only three months older than him.” Naomi pointed out, and then hit the fifty year old medi-witch in the arm. “Don't bloody sneak up on us like that.”
“Language, child.” Evelyn chided gently. “And I can do what ever I want. Tom said so himself.”
“That's only because you're his best friend.” Naomi said.
The older woman smiled fondly. “That's right. I was the only one who truly wanted to be his friend. Took our entire first year until he realized he could trust me.”
Lily listened to the other women talk with her head down. If Voldemort was so kind hearted to Evelyn why did he rape her and kidnap her, taking her babies away as well? Tears welled up in Lily's normally bright emerald eyes and she sniffled softly at the thought of her children who must be so frightened.
Many miles away in Malfoy Manor, Harry and Roslyn were adjusting to life with the Malfoy's. The twins spent the rest of the morning playing with Draco in a playroom on the second floor; two or three young house elves were on hand to supervise the three one year olds.
“Dotty?” Draco asked.
A young, small female elf that had huge bat-like ears and tennis ball sized blue eyes trotted up to the toddler. “Yes Young Master?” She asked in a soft squeaky voice.
“We hungy.”
Dotty snapped her fingers and Dobby appeared with an assortment of foods that the children would like.
Dobby turned to the female. “Must you calls me when the Masters ares hungry?” He asked his younger sister. “You dos this all the times!”
“Well you are part of the kitchen staff.” Dotty pointed out almost smugly.
Dobby glared at her and disappeared with a pop. Dotty turned back to the children, happy she had annoyed her excitable brother yet again. None of their other siblings were this easy to annoy.
Dotty's cousin, Dippy, sent her a disapproving glare.
Harry was chewing on a piece of mango when he got a bright idea and lobbed the fruit at his sister. The gooey yellow goop landed with a thwack on Roslyn's cheek. Roslyn yelped and blinked at Harry.
Harry grinned a smug little baby grin but it disappeared when something sticky and cold hit his forehead. It ran down his face and into his lap, it was chocolate pudding. Draco and Roslyn burst into fits of giggles and Harry pouted.
The raven haired boy grabbed a handful of vanilla pudding and flung it at Draco. Draco gave an indignant cry as the white dessert landed in his sleek blond head. Roslyn giggled harder than ever and fell out of her seat.
“Now we has to give the young masters and mistress another bath!” Dotty said as Dippy and the two other frantic elves gathered the three toddlers in their arms and carrying them into the bathroom. “Stupid brother of mine, giving the children pudding!” She walked into the bathroom and shut the door to the protesting cries.
There! Chapter 2 is finished! Chapter three is a time skip and Harry and Roslyn's 11th birthday and you'll meet their little sister, Emily.