Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ A New Life ❯ Chapter Three ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A New Life
Chapter Three
Lily Potter sat at the dining table in the dining room, sipping her warm mint tea. It was early morning and she knew her children wouldn't be up for a few more hours. It has been ten years since Voldemort had kidnapped her and her children. He left her alone in his manor with the children; only speaking to her when he wished to spend time with his only daughter and heir, Emily, or the twins. Loud footsteps and angry voices disrupted her thoughts.
“HARRY!!” A voice screeched loudly. “Give my dress robes back!”
“No.” Lily heard her eldest say smugly. “Come and get them yourself, Emily.”
Emily gave a scream of frustration. “Rosy, make him give my robes back!” She whined.
Lily gave a small sigh and set down the tea cup. So much for a few more hours.
The dining rooms' double doors opened, revealing Harry was holding emerald green dress robes out of his little sister's reach. Emily was in front of him looking very annoyed. Roslyn was glaring at her twin.
“Stop being a prat Harry and give our sister her robes back.” Roslyn said snippily.
“Yes Harry, stop being a prat.” Drawled the familiar voice of Draco Malfoy. The young Malfoy heir walked calmly into view and grabbed the robes and looking at them. He shrugged and threw them to Emily.
Emily caught them and inspected them for damage. “You bloody dunderheads wrinkled my favorite robes!” She screeched.
“I'm not a dunderhead!” Draco said. “Harry was the one who took them, not me!”
Emily turned to Harry and walloped him several times over the head.
“Ow! Stop it!” Harry yelped trying to beat her away.
“You deserve it! You wrinkled my favorite robe!”
Harry tried to run and hide behind Roslyn as Emily's swats became more vicious but his twin batted him away and sat at the table next to her mother. “Don't you try and hide behind me, Harry; I don't plan on saving you.”
“Mum tell Emily to stop!” Harry said.
Lily sighed and looked at Emily. “Emily stop hitting Harry and eat your breakfast. You too Harry, Draco.”
Emily scowled but stopped hitting the older boy and sat down in a huff next to Roslyn. Harry cast the young Riddle heir a weary look before sitting on the other side of Roslyn, Draco smirked and sat down next to Harry.
Lily smiled when her children and Draco began eating breakfast. “Roslyn, Harry an owl brought something for you both.”
The twins exchanged looks as Lily pulled out two envelopes from underneath the table. Harry saw his name written in emerald green ink. They grabbed their letter when Lily handed them to them. The only sound coming from the dining room the soft tearing of paper.
Harry got the parchment unfurled first and read the letter. His eyes lit up in glee when he read the words; `You have been accepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry'.
Roslyn squealed. “We get to go to Hogwarts!”
“When will we head to Diagon Ally, Mum?” Harry asked.
Lily thought about it for a few moments. “We'll leave after breakfast. Emily's father gave me more than enough money to get everything.” She turned to Draco. “Do you have to do your shopping too?”
Draco shook his blond head. “Mother took me last week all I need is an owl.”
“Alright finish your breakfasts so we can leave.”
Four pairs of eyes watched her eagerly. “We're done. Can we go?” Emily asked innocently.
Lily eyed the barely touched plates of food and sighed. She knew she should have waited to give Harry and Roslyn the letters. She stood up and brushed a strand of red hair out of her eyes. “Let's go then.”
James Potter stared blankly at the Butterbeer bottle in front of him. He was oblivious to the noise the inhabitants of the Leaky Cauldron were making. James ran a hand through his messy black hair; it's been ten years since he's seen his wife and children.
The fire in the corner of the blazed green and a red haired girl stepped out of the flames; she turned towards the fireplace as if waiting for someone. A blond boy was next out of the fire. James turned back to his Butterbeer before he could see the other people coming out of the fire.
“Mum can I get an animal too?” A girls' voice asked.
Someone groaned behind him. “Emily you're not getting an Owl or a cat or whatever until next year.” A boy said.
“But Harry!” The girl, Emily, whined.
James felt his heart skip a beat. Could it be his Harry?
“No Emily.” A very familiar voice said. “You know your Father doesn't like it when you whine.”
“But Dad isn't here is he?”
“No but you know he wants you to act like a proper lady.”
“I'm not even eleven and he wants me to be all proper.”
James heard a cough and gasp from where he knew Sirius was hiding with his new `toy'.
“Lily is that you?”
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