Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ Dracuna ❯ Myrtle's bathroom ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“I'll catch up with you guys later,” Luna called to Ginny and Neville, opening the door to the girl's bathroom. As Luna flushed the toilet, she couldn't help that noticing that the bathroom was quiet, which was strange because she was in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. She listened for Moaning Myrtle's usual sobs, but only heard the door open and the footsteps of someone entering the bathroom. She was unlocking the door of her stall when she heard a loud thud of something falling and hitting the floor, and a low string of curses in a male voice. This peaked Luna's curiosity, so she left the stall and washed her hands and looked at the mirror above the sink. Luna smiled at the reflection; Draco Malfoy kneeling on the floor, with a cauldron in front of him.
At that moment, Draco looked up, saw Luna and scowled. “What are you doing here?” he demanded.
“This is a girl's bathroom,” Luna replied simply.
“But no one uses this bathroom,” said Draco in a rough tone.
Luna replied in her usual soft tone, ignoring Draco's harshness. “I had to use the bathroom, so here I am. What are you doing in the girl's bathroom?”
“I came in here to work on something in private, so I came here,” said Draco, in a slightly less-rough voice. He seemed to catch himself though, for he added in a who-are-you-to-question-me tone, “Why am I bothering to explain myself to you? I can be here if I want.”
“Well, I'm done now so you can have your privacy,” said Luna, her soft tone still not wavering.
For some reason, something about this last comment seemed to infuriate Draco. “Good. If you ever tell anyone I was here, I'll hex you,” he threatened.
“Don't worry, I'll keep your secret,” Luna said, looking and sounding completely unfazed by the threat. “Goodbye,” she added and left the bathroom. Luna spent the rest of the afternoon down by the lake, watching the giant squid. Luna had some bread in her pocket from lunch, so she broke it into pieces and tossed them, one by one, into the squid's waiting open mouth. When the bread was gone, Luna waded in the water and she and the giant squid splashed each other. After a while, Luna's stomach started to growl and she realized it must be nearly time for dinner. She turned to go back to shore and saw Draco standing by her shoes, watching her. “Oh hello,” Luna greeted him. “Are you finished?”
“Hi,” Draco responded. “Huh? Finish what?” he asked, looking confused.
Luna smiled and clarified, “Your project.”
“Oh, no I didn't. It's a big project.” Again, Draco found himself wondering why he was explaining himself to her, so he added in his usual aggressive tone, “You didn't tell anyone did you?”
“No, I said I wouldn't and I tend to keep my promises.”
Draco stood staring at Luna, looking doubtful for a few seconds before replying, “Good,” and turning to walk away.
“What were you working on?” Luna asked.
“What's it to you?” asked Draco, as if daring her to press him for details.
“Nothing, I was just curious.”
“Well it's none of your damn business,” huffed Draco before stalking off toward the castle.
Luna slowly made her way back to the castle as well for dinner. On her way there, she wondered why Draco always seemed so angry. She noticed that lately he seemed even more testy and secretive than usual. In the Great Hall, Luna found an empty seat next to Ginny at the Gryffindor table.
“Hey Luna,” Ginny greeted her. “I saw you and Malfoy down by the lake. “He wasn't being mean to you was he?”
True to her word, she didn't say anything about the incident in the bathroom. All she said was, “No, he wasn't. We were just talking.”
“He didn't say anything cruel? He looked angry when he entered the castle.”
“We were just talking.” Luna repeated.
Ginny looked skeptical, but she didn't try to push Luna for details. As long as he didn't threaten Luna or try to curse her, Ginny was satisfied. She was sick of Malfoy trying to hex people for looking at him funny, and acting as if he owned the place.