Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ Dracuna ❯ The Kiss ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The rest of the weekend passed without anymore encounters with Draco. It wasn't until Tuesday morning that Luna saw him again. Luna was passing Moaning Myrtle's bathroom on her way up to Gryffindor tower during morning break when she saw Draco's head poking out the door. When their eyes met, Draco quickly pulled his head back into the bathroom. A second later, she saw his head again, except this time he motioned her into the bathroom with a jerk of his head. As soon as the bathroom door shut behind Luna, Draco asked “Did anyone see?”
“No, I don't think so.”
“Good,” said Draco sounding relieved.
“What did you want me to come in here for?” asked Luna.
“Well, I couldn't risk anyone seeing what just happened, now could I?” he replied as if this was obvious. “Why else would I want you in here? I'm just lucky it was you who saw me and not someone else.”
“Well, you could have told me to go or some-“ Luna began, but before she could finish the sentence she found herself against the wall, with Draco's face an inch away from hers. She gave him a quizzical look and wondered if he was going to curse her or something. Draco stood with his hands on the wall next to Luna, so that his thumbs were just touching her shoulders. Luna barely had time to register the strange look on Draco's face before his lips were touching hers and they were kissing very passionately. When they parted, Draco took half a step backwards and whispered, “Then I wouldn't have been able to do that.”
Luna stood frozen against the wall, her eyes locked on Draco's, then said the first thing that came to her mind. “Oh, that's nice,” the words came out in a softer tone than usual. “Well, goodbye.” At these words, Luna gave Malfoy a friendly smile, walked out the door and all the way back up to Gryffindor tower. Up in the tower, she searched for her Divination and Transfiguration books, but they were nowhere to be found. This didn't worry her though so she headed back down the stairs, into the Gryffindor common room. She nearly collided with Ginny, who was running up the stairs to the room they shared. Within seconds, Ginny was running back down the stairs clutching her school bag.
“Come on Luna! We're going to be late!” Ginny urged and grabbed Luna's arm. The two of them ran all the way to Transfiguration and managed to take their seats just as Professor McGonagall closed the door and began class. Once they were free to practice on their own, Ginny whispered to Luna, “Are you ok? You seem quieter than usual.”
“Oh, it's nothing really,” replied Luna.
“Are you sure? You're not upset that your books went missing again, are you?”
“No, I'm just…surprised.”
“About your books being stolen?” asked Ginny, looking confused.
“No, they'll turn up eventually. Draco-“ Luna hesitated before finishing the sentence, “Draco kissed me.”
“He WHAT?!” Ginny exclaimed in a shocked, somewhat loud whisper. Professor McGonagall gave them a warning look. Luna blushed and repeated herself, but Ginny still couldn't believe it. “When?” she asked.
“During break. He was doing something in an empty classroom, and I guess he saw me pass. He called me in and the next thing I knew, we were kissing.”
It took a few minutes for Ginny's shock to wear off, but when it did she began to look skeptical. She had formed a theory, which she told Luna. “You know it's unlike Malfoy to be nice to anyone. He's usually walking around as if he owns the place, being cruel to anyone who's not in Slytherin, especially lately. Maybe this is some sort of twisted trick.”
Ginny shrugged off Luna's theory by saying, “Draco hasn't done anything to me. I know he may threaten people, but I really don't think he's as bad as everyone thinks.”
Ginny stared at Luna incredulously, and said “Maybe that's what he wants you to think. Just don' underestimate him, ok?'
“Oh, I won't.”