Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ Harry Potter and (the rest of) The Beast Within ❯ Explanation ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I'm (No More) Mister Nice Kai, and I'm here to unleash a travesty upon the internet. That travesty? The remaining completed chapters of Harry Potter and the Beast Within. (That's Harry Potter and the Beast Within, Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction | MediaMiner, if you want to familiarize yourself with the original.)

There’s only one reason this is being updated in the first place, such as it is, and that reason is reviews. You read that right. I let my connected email lapse and lost access to my account sometime during college, and that was…oof. Long enough ago that even thinking about this story makes me throw up a little in my mouth. I keep the original documents of my old fanfiction around on my hard drive as a reminder of how much I’ve grown as a writer, and I only searched this out online to see if I could delete the postings. Despite the poor quality, this story got reviews that I didn’t find until last year-ish, so that means it meant something to someone other than me. For that reason alone, I’m going to publish the rest of the chapters as-is with no real editing or improvements aside from some deletions.

There are a couple of exceptions to the no edits. I cut out any and all songfic moments, and I've corrected a few things that made me twitchy. If a scene was unfinished, I either noted that and described what was planned or I wrapped it up as quickly as possible. I also cut out all sex scenes. When I started writing this, I was an underage virgin who thought it was possible to unzip someone’s pants with your coochie lips “if you have enough talent and practice.” Yep. I was way too young to be writing smut. I had no business writing smut. Now that I’m a grown (married) woman, the things I thought were possible make me want to ask where my parents were and why I was unsupervised. I’m going to spare y’all the trauma and bile. This means the rating will be dropping, and the fact that it's ridiculous merited a change to "comedy." I would apologize for any inconvenience, but I’m saving us all a boatload of trauma.

Fair warning: The story was left unfinished and it's going to stay that way. I still remember what was supposed to happen, to an extent, and I'll fill you in. Also, these chapters suck like nothing else, and I see no point in getting them fixed before posting; over the years, I made edits out of mortification, but if you polish a turd, it’s still going to be a turd, you know? There will be spelling and grammar errors, bad writing, and incorrect punctuation and capitalization; you’ll find amateur plot devices, OOC, psychotic, and unacceptable behavior, weebishness, anime behavior in un-anime places, and things that make you cringe almost as badly as they make me cringe. They are what they are. I started writing this in middle school and gave up on the chapters-in-progress and sequels (Yes, that's multiple sequels) in college, and I’m now an old fart with a husband and cats. Take from that what you will.

To the kind souls who reviewed the original chapters of this story, thanks for your kind words regarding the word-vomit of my pubescent brain. I appreciate that you enjoyed this little mess at the time, and I hope you, too, can look back on this story, laugh, say, “wow, that’s awful,” and feel proud of how much you’ve grown as a reader. I’m sure there will be flames, but honestly, I’ll probably laugh my ass off because what’s written won’t be half as bad as what I think about this story. XD Honestly, it’s taking all the restraint I have to not throw sarcastic MST trash talk everywhere.

Lastly, before anyone asks, yes, I do still write, but you probably wouldn’t recognize the new stuff if you’re used to all…this. I’m using a different pen-name, I’ve settled into who I am and given up on hiding my various traits, faults, and neuroses behind multiple personas. I’ve not told a soul that I was ever Mister Nice Kai. I’m not going to divulge my current pen-name, and I’ll probably never claim this old crap with it; someday, someone might recognize something from these stories and connect them to my future work, at which point I’ll have to crawl under a rock or something.

After I publish the remaining chapters of any abandoned works-in-progress, I’m probably going to (attempt to) forget this whole chapter of my life ever existed, demolish an entire cheesecake and a whole bottle of wine in one sitting, and stare off into the sunset like a cowboy who just drove his last head instead of someone questioning the contents of their head. This ain’t no country for old women, y’all.