Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ Harry Potter and (the rest of) The Beast Within ❯ Chapter 7: Iris And Azalea: Two Sides of One Coin ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

If you think I own Harry Potter or any of the other neat stuff Rowling has written about, you are sadly mistaken. Poor you.


Chapter 7: Iris And Azalea: Two Sides of One Coin

It was a dark, stormy Saturday afternoon, and things inside the school weren’t going too well either. Severus Snape had found out the night before about Sirius and Iris’s getting back together, and was heart broken. Naturally, he masked it with rage.

He was stalking past the front doors on his way back from lunch, when there came a knocking at one of them. He flung it open. “WHAT?!” he growled. A figure a bit shorter than him wearing a hooded black cloak stood on the front step, beside one about a head shorter than the other.

“I am told that Iris Flurdali is in this castle,” the taller figure said softly.


“Can you please take me to her?”

“No, but I’ll lead you to the tower.” He stepped aside so the figure could enter the hall. 

“Thank you.” He heaved the door shut, and turned around to see the cloak sliding off the shorter figure’s shoulders. The taller figure, hanging hers up, astounded him.

She was rather petite, slim and buxom, with vivid green eyes. Her hair was about shoulder length, black and shaggy, streaked in places with a brilliant shade of dark pink. A long, slender cat-like tail of the same coloring hung just above her rear. She wore tight black jeans, black hiking boots, and a green sweater that was almost black. Hanging from a black leather cord around her neck was what appeared to be an unusually large fang. As for the shorter one...Snape did a double-take. She looked almost like Sapphire, except that her hair, skin, and tail were much darker, and her eyes were a pale red-specked grey that sparkled like diamond dust.

“Who are you?” Severus asked in awe as he watched the taller hanging her cloak on the wall. She flipped her hair out of her face and turned to him, adjusting her necklace.

“Iris’s younger sister - Azalea Lute.” She gestured to the shorter. “This is my youngest step sister, Crystal.”

“You...resemble Iris…very little...”

“Mainly because she’s had that sad look about her ever since she left Hogwarts. I’ve never seen her so happy as she was when she was staying here. I came to visit once or twice, and she told me all about Sirius and some other man...Oh, what was his name...” She rubbed her chin. “Severs...Severely...Severus!” She snapped her fingers. “That’s what his name was! Severus... I don’t think she ever told me his last name. I only know the other’s last name because of the publicity surrounding him.” Snape led the two Wanderers through the darkened halls that led to the East Tower.

“So...” he asked her tentatively. “What did she say about this...Severus...?”

“Why? Do you know him?”

“Quite well. It’s not something that would upset him, is it?”

“Unless he hates taking compliments, it shouldn’t upset him,” Azalea answered, following him closely. “She said she was equally in love with both of them, but when they found out about one another’s relationships with Iris, all Hell broke loose. The two men had always been bitter rivals, she said, but it apparently became worse when they both fell for her at the same time.” She sighed. “It was so odd that she would fall for two men at once. Still, she loved those two more than life itself. When she fell ill nineteen years ago, she nearly died. During her short periods of semi-consciousness, she would only say one of two phrases, one of which was ‘If only I could’ve seen my boys one more time.’ She says she called them that often, even though they hated each other.”

“Yes, she always called them that,” Snape said quietly, fighting back the lump in his throat. “What else did she say about him?”

“She said he was rather handsome, kind and gentle, though he had some issues with anger at times. Usually it was because Sirius, Remus, Peter, and some boy named James were constantly picking on him. According to what Iris has told me, Sirius didn’t so much mind Severus being around until he found out that Severus held feelings for her, too.” Azalea sighed again as the stairs decided to shift positions on them. Feeling it would be better to wait it out, she took a seat on one of the steps. “Those boys ruined Severus, she said, but there was nothing she could do to stop them. She barely had any control over Sirius when they were together, and absolutely none when they were apart.” Snape sat down on the marble steps beside her allowing the silent Crystal to stare about her and silently survey the shifting stairs. “She tried many times to get them to lay off, but they’d start up again, the moment her back was turned. According to her, it was mostly that ‘Peter’ kid. In the letter she wrote me a while back, she said that James and Lily’s son, Harry, was actually a kind, quiet young man. Hardly like his father, and just like his mother. A great kid. But she also said that Severus has taken a job teaching here, and hates Harry and his friends with a vengeance. Poor kids. Poor Severus.”

“He doesn’t need your pity,” Snape snorted, standing abruptly. “He gets along fine without anyone else.” Finally their staircase was back in place, and they resumed their trek to the tower.

“Oh, Iris and I both think he’d be a lot happier if he could find someone special to care for him.” He glanced at her out of the corner of his eye. She didn’t notice.

“Perhaps you’re right,” he said quietly. Finally they reached staircase that led up into the tower. “I can go no further. Have a good evening.” With that, he hastened back to his quarters, trying to make sense of the emotions in his heart. Meanwhile, Azalea knocked at the door of Iris’s room.

“Come in,” Iris called out. Azalea looked back to see if the strange man who’d accompanied her had decided to stay a bit longer. She was disappointed. She opened the door and walked in, followed by Crystal. “Hey, sis, Crystal!”  Iris embraced her sister tightly. “How have you been?”

“Fine, I guess. I’m still lonely, though.”

“I see you met Severus.” Iris smiled, leading Azalea over to the chair. Azalea’s eyes popped wide open.

“S...Severus?!” she squeaked. Crystal rolled her eyes. “N...No, you must be mistaken. The only man I’ve come in contact with here is the one who led me to your room!”

“That was Severus, Honey. His scent is all over you. It’s faint, but it’s there.” Azalea looked down at herself, trembling. “What’s wrong?”

“We...We talked...I didn’t know it was him!”

“Well, I hope you didn’t say anything to offend him.”

“I only told him the things you’ve told me!”

“Then there’s no need to worry.” Azalea sighed, and walked over to the window. She stared out over the grounds. “What’s wrong?”

“Oh, nothing. You were right...He is rather handsome. I can tell he has a bit of an attitude problem, but after losing you to one of his worst enemies, I don’t blame him. He seemed very angry for some reason...Probably because you and Sirius got back together.”

“Yes.” Iris sat down on the edge of the bed. “Sirius was hard to control when he was younger, but he’s changed. I can tell. I think it started when James died; he’s mellowed out and he’s not as intense as he was before. He and Severus would get along now, I think, if neither of them remembered the past. But, alas, The past cannot be changed, so they’ll remain bitter enemies till death. I’ve got a feeling that he’d go back to the happiness he knew when we were together, if he could find someone new.” Iris glanced pointedly at her sister.

“What?!” Azalea backed away, holding her hands up as if to protect herself from the truth. “You want me to replace you?!” Iris smiled her sad smile.

“All that is keeping me from being as happy as I used to be is the fact that he’s unhappy. As long as he’s miserable, I’ll never be able to fully appreciate what I’ve got, and as long as he’s mourning over me, he’ll be miserable. You and I share so much. I feel that he could easily fall for you. It’s up to you, of course. I can tell you already harbor some feelings for him, so it might actually work.”

“So all you want is his happiness?” Azalea asked warily.

“And yours.” Iris smiled softly at her sister. “You mean so much to me, Azi, and you’ve been so lonely after you and that stupid human broke up. I hate seeing you lonely, and you two would be perfect for each other. At least think about it, won’t you?” Azalea sighed.

“Alright. I’ll think on it. Where will Crystal and I be staying?”

“This tower continues down into the basement. There are a couple of rooms down there Dumbledore has set up for you.” She glanced at the clock. “Well, it’s lunch time. Let’s go to the Dining hall.” Then Iris thought of something. “Azalea...” she stopped her sister, and stared sternly into her green eyes. “Just...don’t do anything you’re going to regret, okay?” Azalea rolled her eyes and nodded, then, followed by Iris, left the room.


The Dining hall went silent as Azalea and Iris walked into the room. Severus Snape tensed up in fear as she advanced toward him with a violent look on her face. When she reached him, she stopped and stared him down. Without warning, she pulled back her fist and slammed it into his stomach so hard he was sent flying across the hall and slammed into the wall, causing the massive stained glass window above it to rattle.

“Nice to meet you, Severus!” she snarled, without even turning to look at him. She ignored the cheering students and the stares of the teachers, but she did notice that her sister Iris had slapped a hand over her eyes and groaned. “What?” Azalea asked shrugging. “I don’t regret that!”

‘Not YET you don’t!’ Iris thought grimly. The two sisters walked up to the end of the hall where the teachers were seated; Iris took a seat between Hagrid and Professor Lupin, but Azalea just stood there. She turned to the headmaster and asked quietly, “Would it be alright if I just took some fruit or something back to the room? I’m not exactly up to company right now.” Dumbledore nodded, a knowing look in his eyes.

“Certainly,” he said quietly, then gave her directions to the kitchen. “You can fix anything you want when you get there, but be sure to tell them it’s to go.” He smiled. She returned it, and turned to leave.

“Thank you, Sir.” With that, she stepped off the platform and walked back through the hall, passing the Gryffindor table on her way. Sapphire turned to say hello to her step sister, but something she saw in the woman’s eyes shut her mouth. She shot a warning look to the others, who wisely kept their mouths shut. Having accomplished what she came for, Azalea left the hall without looking back.

“What was with that?” Harry asked quietly, once the hall had become full of talk again, signaling that she was gone. “And who WAS she?”

“That’s my stepsister Azalea...” Sapphire sighed. “...Iris’ younger sister. She probably came to see Iris, but I haven’t a clue as to why she would attack your Professor Snape like that.” She frowned thoughtfully at her rice for a moment. Suddenly her face lit up in realization. “Good grief!” she squeaked. “His name isn’t SEVERUS Snape, is it?” Dazed, the others nodded.

“Why?” Hermione asked.

“It’s a long story...” Sapphire warned.

“We’ve got time,” Harry answered. Sapphire looked around to make sure that she had the attention of everyone in the group, and that no one was listening in that shouldn’t be.

“You know that my older sister Peridot and my stepsister Iris came through here when Sirius and Remus were in school, yes?” The others nodded. “Well, Severus Snape was here that same year. You DO know that Sirius fell head over heels for Iris, but what you obviously don’t know is that he had competition.”

“If you tell me she snogged Lucius Malfoy, I’m gonna puke up my pastrami on rye,” Ron butted in.

“Like THAT’LL be hard,” Ginny grumbled. “Stuff smelled like something DEAD!”

“No, Ron. His name wasn’t Lucius.” She looked seriously about them. “It was Severus.” Eyes widened.

“You’ve got to be KIDDING!” Hermione squeaked. “That...That...BEAST...was having an affair with IRIS?!”

“Have you every wondered WHY he’s as he is?” Sapphire asked, annoyed at Hermione’s allowing her past experience and emotions to judge the whole picture. The human shook her head. “Sirius found out that Snape had a crush on her, and though he agreed not to lay a hand (or curse, or jinx, or hex, etc.) on Severus, he did NOTHING to stop the others in his pack from tormenting him. Remus was more subdued than the others, though the two kids she referred to as ‘Peter and James...’” Harry felt the bottom drop out of his stomach and his face grew pale. “...tormented him day and night. He’s really just...Harry? Koi, what’s wrong?” she asked upon noticing his reaction. The others grew silent as the grave. THEY knew what was going to happen next, even if Sapphire didn’t. “Harry?”

“Apparently we haven’t told you about Mooney, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs,” Harry said hoarsely. She shook her head.

“No. Why?”

“They were the nicknames given to Sirius and his three best friends: Remus, Peter, himself, and James. They were all named so because of the animal they could transform into. Remus is a werewolf, Peter became a rat...”

“Go figure,” Ron muttered under his breath.

“...Sirius can become a black dog, and m...James could become a stag.”

“Well, I know the story behind Peter Pettigrew, and how they condemned him to remain a rat for the rest of his life, so he can’t exactly become a rat any more, but what about...” Her eyes widened. “Oh, God!” she murmured, seeing it in how he had reacted to her tale. “James...was...”

“My Father,” he finished for her.

“I’m so sorry, Harry,” Sapphire said softly, staring at her abandoned plate. “I didn’t know.”

“Hey, it stopped raining!” Ginny broke in, hoping to prevent things from getting even worse. Noticing the clear sky reflected in the ceiling, Sapphire stood, emptied her water goblet, and left the hall. “Wonder why she left?” Moments later, they were startled to see a girl that could’ve passed for Sapphire walk hesitantly into the hall, and look around. The other students all glanced up, but thinking that she’d come back, they went back to eating and jabbering. As if not recognizing Harry and his friends, she didn’t even glance at them. “Sapphire?” Ginny called out. The girl looked straight at her, curiously.

“That’s not Sapphire, Ginny,” Harry said quietly staring at the girl who cast a last curious look at them, before leaving the room. “Didn’t you notice? Her clothes are different and her hair and skin are darker.” It was true. While she still wore the black mantle and knee-high black boots, the new girl wore a dark grey leggings and turtleneck suit. Her mantle was held on by a matching sash, much like Sapphire’s, but over her heart was embroidered a formation of silver crystals. Harry grew more suspicious every moment, and finally stood and headed toward the East Tower, followed by the others.


Harry, Viktor, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny all were on their way past the front doors when Neville Longbottom came barreling into the font hall. “THEY’RE GONNA KILL EACH OTHER!” he shrieked. Assuming that he was talking about Snape and Azalea, they went racing out the doors, excited that they’d get to see him beaten up. The group of five looked around in confusion, then their eyes landed on a petite, muscular woman in black leggings and a red mid-rise tank top, with black hiking boots on. Exposed by her sleeveless shirt was a somewhat large black tattoo on her upper right arm, that appeared to be the outline and shading of an azalea. Her hair was pulled back in a braid, and her green eyes were full of mischief and concentration. She skidded to a halt in mid-air, and lunged at her opponent. The shorter woman wore black Capris and a navy tank top with white tennis shoes. Her hair was pulled back in a high pony tail that swung back and forth as she parried her opponent’s blows. It was then that the students recognized them.

It was Azalea and Sapphire, fighting to the death. Both had their tails wrapped around their waists, and both sported at least twelve scrapes or bruises. But what shocked them most was that the stepsisters were fighting IN MID AIR!

“How the HELL are they doing that?” Ron marveled as they flew higher and higher into the sky, exchanging blows as they went.


“SAPPHIRE!!!” Harry screamed up at her. She didn’t hear him. Then it hit him. “Accio Firebolt!” he cried out. Within seconds, he had mounted his broomstick and was flying at break neck speed toward them. Within moments, he was almost there. Suddenly, he saw Sapphire’s fist coming toward his face.

“AHHHH!” they screamed in unison, Harry bracing himself for the impact. She had just flickered in front of him and was too close for him to dodge. When he didn’t feel the impact shattering his nose, he cautiously opened one eye, then the other. Not seeing Sapphire, he looked around. The stepsisters were on the ground with his gang, Sapphire shakily sitting down at the base of a tree. Harry flew down to her and skidded to a stop beside her. All too soon, Azalea came storming up to him and grabbed him by the hair.

“I don’t know WHO you think you are, you little prick,” she roared, “but you could’ve been KILLED!”

“Azalea, back off,” Sapphire said in a shaky, terrified voice. “Harry, come here please.” He cautiously knelt beside her once Azalea had released his scalp. He was terrified when he saw the fear in Sapphire’s eyes. “What were you thinking, Harry?” she asked quietly. “You could’ve been KILLED!” She finally turned to him with frantic eyes. “I COULD’VE KILLED YOU!! THAT PUNCH WAS ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE TO STOP! IF I HADN’T MANAGED TO STOP IT, YOUR SKULL WOULD’VE BEEN SHATTERED LIKE GLASS!  WHAT WAS IN YOUR HEAD?!”

“I...” Harry found that all the words he’d been wanting to scream at her had vanished, and his fear had dissipated, leaving only the feeling that he’d just done something incredibly stupid. “I was afraid...you’d...get...hurt...” he muttered, looking away. “Why were you fighting her? She’s bigger than you! You could’ve been killed!” Sapphire’s eyes widened even further.

“F...Fighting?” she asked incredulously. “Did you just say ‘FIGHTING?’” Harry nodded, confused.

“Yeah, why?” Sapphire threw her arms around his neck and began to laugh herself silly.

“We weren’t FIGHTING, Koi!” she giggled. “We were SPARRING! Practicing the moves one USES in a fight! We were pulling most of our punches, and managing to block almost all of them, not to mention we weren’t even sparring at full power!” He just sat there stunned, staring straight ahead as though Sapphire hadn’t just fallen into his lap in a laughing fit. “We weren’t even using our CHI!”

“But you were all scratched up!”

“We WERE over by that huge old tree. Sapphire dodged one of my punches, and ricocheted off of one of the branches.” Azalea smirked.

“First time I ever had a tree fight back, it was!” Sapphire laughed hysterically. “There I was, getting the snot beat out of me by a frickin TREE and Azalea came in after me! THAT’S how we got all bruised and bloodied!”      

“YOU SURVIVED AN ATTACK BY THE WHOMPING WILLOW?!” Ron squeaked. “You should’ve seen what it did to my Dad’s CAR during our second year!” Sapphire sobered up for a moment, her eyes wide, then collapsed in Harry’s lap guffawing her head off.

“As for that ‘You could’ve been killed’ crap,” Azalea snorted, “bigger isn’t always better. SHE’S stronger than ME!” The students stared at Sapphire, who was lying on her back and gasping for breath. Ron pointed at her.

“You’re talking about Sapphire, right?” he asked, dubiously. Azalea nodded. “THIS Sapphire?” Azalea rolled her eyes and nodded again. “THIS SAPPHIRE, RIGHT HERE, THAT CAN’T EVEN BREATHE RIGHT NOW?!”

“Yeah, Kid. THAT VERY SAPPHIRE. You may not know this, but we’re not even related except by marriage. Her mother married my father not long after Sapphire was born. She’s a purebred Salzain, but I’m only half. My father was of a weaker race known as the Saijins. She’s almost TWICE my strength.”

“I...am...NOT...” Sapphire panted. “You’re...not...that...weak...”

“Well.” Azalea smirked. “Welcome back to the land of the sober.” Of course, THAT remark sent Sapphire back into another laughing fit. “Wonder how long she’s gonna keep THAT one up.” She put her hands on her hips and turned to the other students. “Well, we were never really introduced. I’m Azalea Lute, Iris’ younger sister and Sapphire and Peridot’s stepsister. Who are you guys?” Hermione took over.

“I’m Hermione Granger. This is Viktor Krum, an FE student from Durmstrang. These are Ron Weasley and his younger sister Ginny, and the guy you nearly scalped is Harry Potter, her boyfriend. Other than him, we’re friends of hers.”

“Good to meet you all.” Finally Sapphire got to her feet.

“Now hear this!” she warned, dusting herself off. “First person to make me laugh again gets their lights punched out!” The others bit back the snickers they were aching to let out. “Now where were we?” Sapphire grinned evilly. “Oh yeah! I was kickin’ your ass!” She leapt at Azalea, and the two went back to their sparring, while the five friends sat down beneath the tree to watch. What they didn’t know, was that they, themselves, were being watched.

A pair of diamond-like grey and red eyes narrowed as they looked over the scene before them. “Of course,” Crystal snorted to herself. “She always has at least three different guys chasing her at the same time, and now she’s got two GIRLS after her TOO!” She turned and walked away from her twin and stepsister. “Stupid little bitch.”