Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ Harry Potter and (the rest of) The Beast Within ❯ The End of the Story ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


(NM)MNK - Over the next however many (unwritten chapters) Sapphire recovers, and Crabbe and Goyle turn their behavior around. Sapphire adopts the cat they hurt and names it “Moissanite,” or “Moysee” for short. The students finish up their year without further drama, and soon, graduation day arrives.

But you know what didn't change? My not owning Harry Potter. That never changed. I still don't own Harry Potter.


The End of the Story

“And now...” Albus Dumbledore smiled broadly at the rest of the graduating class. “When Professor McGonagall calls your name, please step forward to claim your Diploma.” The Graduating class cheered, and Professor McGonagall cleared her throat, smiling warmly at the class once the ruckus had died down.

Sapphire lost interest as the Headmistress called forth people she didn’t know, or barely knew. Instead, she amused herself by looking for Harry and the others among the graduates. Surprisingly, Ginny Weasley was graduating with her other friends, as she’d taken extra classes and made grades almost as high as Hermione. Neville had finally passed potions, after several tries. Harry, Sapphire was proud to say, had gotten better grades every quarter, so he was just higher than Blaise with his last three years. Unfortunately, though, his first two dragged him down, and the remaining two years didn’t help much. Still, Sapphire thought, he did quite well.

Harry caught Sapphire’s eye, and she smiled proudly at him. He’d killed Voldemort in his fifth year, after fighting back since his first year at the school, and he wasn’t nearly as affected by it as she had been after the war in her homeland. It had started in the winter of her eighteenth year, and lasted till the spring of her twentieth year, and she was scarred for life because of it. In fact, only after she started really getting to talk to the others without him around, she hadn’t even NOTICED that he’d been affected. Now, Voldemort and most of the Death Eaters were dead, Peter Pettigrew was imprisoned and being used to track down the rest, Sirius was cleared of all charges, and the Wizarding World was safe again.

“Finnigan, Seamus,” Professor McGonagall called out, jarring Sapphire from her reflection. Hermione would be next. The student whom she’d thrown the cored apple at Christmas Day walked toward the Headmistress, and claimed his Diploma, heading for his usual spot at the Gryffindor table. “Granger, Hermione.” Sapphire smiled up at her friend as she accepted her diploma, and headed down to sit across from her.

“Congratulations, Hermione!” Sapphire said shaking her friend’s hand.

“Thanks, Sapphire.” She grinned. They watched as Viktor walked up and claimed his diploma, shaking hands with McGonagall and Dumbledore. Soon, one name and student blended into another. Before she knew it, McGonagall called out, “Potter, Harry!”

Sapphire’s breath caught, stolen by the pair of bright green eyes seeking hers in a crowd of hundreds. Earlier this year, she would never have thought twice about Harry Potter—he was just another human in a whole world of humans. Now, she couldn’t imagine her life without him. She lifted her hand to her throat, fingers closing around the shining blue poppy that she hadn’t taken off since she came back to him. Diploma in hand and a smitten grin on his face, Harry walked toward her through the parting crowd. Sapphire’s eyes dropped to his lips just in time to catch the words they formed.

“Yes,” she cried, flinging her arms around his neck and burying her elated grin in his neck. “A thousand times yes!”

Neither heard McGonagall’s congratulations to the graduates. They had more important things to consider…such as whether the ministry would authorize marriage between a wizard and an alien wanderer.



(NM)MNK – and there you have it, folks. That’s a wrap. That’s all I wrote of The Beast Within. There were planned sequels, which were even less fleshed out, but the basic premise involved Harry moving to Sapphire’s world to marry her, his family and friends meeting her family and friends, and all sorts of nonsense.

Remus and Peridot married, and she was quickly knocked up. Sirius and Iris married. Azalea and Snape stuck together; she stays on earth during the school term, and over summer, they alternate between traveling and staying with her family. They haven’t made any plans beyond that. Sapphire has been slowly recovering from her injuries in the end of “The Beast Within” and struggles with taking it slow; the Dursleys have never met her, and have only heard of her. Judging by her name, they believe she’s a stripper.

Viktor Krum emigrated to Britain to be with Ginny and, with Ron, has been breaking Quidditch records for a local-ish team. Ron and Hermione are dating. Blaise said “screw earth, it smells like feet” and moved in with Crystal and her family full-time.

I’ll spare you the majority of it, but there are a few snippets I do want to share - some because they weren't too awful, some because they're ridiculous, and some because they show improvement from all...this. Enjoy the cringe.