Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ Harry Potter and (the rest of) The Beast Within ❯ Snippet: In their defense, Fred and George were unsupervised ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

During dinner, somehow, every single person manages to forget that Fred and George need to be supervised at all times. Dudley also manages to get separated from his parents without realizing it. The two occurrences collide with a bang.


“Hey, Dudley!” The boy spun around and shot a confused look at the redhead. Was that Fred, he wondered, or George?

“What?” he asked in a shaky voice, wondering what sort of trick the wizard had up his sleeves.

“Just wanted to apologize for the ‘Ton Tongue Toffee’ we gave you when we came to pick up Harry that time. Just a joke, yah know?” Dudley glared at the twin, remembering all too well the trauma that incident had caused him. “Well, just offhand, the joke shop that George and I started is going great,” Fred prattled as a pair of invisible feet left indentions in the grass, heading straight for Dudley’s back. “George has come up with this great new idea of...”

Dudley thought he heard something behind him, and looked over his shoulder. Seeing nothing, he looked back, hardly paying attention to Fred’s monologuing. “...and we speculate it will sell like crazy.”

Suddenly, Sapphire glanced up and saw the foot prints reach Dudley. She took a running leap and flattened George, causing him to spit out the invisibility gum he’d been chewing. Dudley spun about in shock.

“You little—little—” Unable to find a word in English, Sapphire spat a word in her native language that sounded something like Porsche mixed with rodent. George looked ready to wet himself. “I have been working so hard to get the Dursleys to be comfortable here, and all you two can think to do is torment their son?!” Sapphire rolled to her feet and held her arms out. “For a human—” The Dursleys finally noticed her tail, thrashing violently, and their jaws fell slack. “—Jewlarnia must be amazing! There are caves to explore, waterfalls to swim in, strange beasts to watch, and much more!” She backed George up against a tree, one eyebrow twitching spastically. “Surely you can find something to do besides terrorize the Dursleys!”

Fred was trying to sneak off when he felt Sapphire’s eyes boring into his back. He froze. “Eh...” He forced a swallow, pulled a tissue from his pocket, and pried the gum off the grass. “Just...making sure no one stepped on this.”

Sapphire held out her hand, and he reluctantly dropped the wad of gum and tissue into her palm. She flicked it into the air and incinerated it with a small blast of energy. The only people who didn’t stare at her as if she’d proclaimed her undying love for Voldemort were Harry, his friends, Azalea, Iris, Crystal, and Peridot. Everyone else stared as the wad of gum exploded in mid-air about a hundred feet above them.

“Did I get my POINT across?!”