Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ Knockwood: Orychle's Story ❯ Arriving and Settling in ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

While Harry Potter and his young friends battle with Lord Voldemort along with their standard Hogwarts life, there is another school, thousands of miles away. Stateside, a school, like Hogwarts, exists. Hidden on a set of islands off the eastern coast of the United States, is Knockwood; the school for Advanced Witchcraft and Wizardry. Unlike the English wizarding world, the stateside wizards have a different curriculum. Young wizards and witches spend five years in a basic school for Witchcraft and Wizardry, and when they turn sixteen, they graduate to the Advanced School. This Wizarding "high school" follows a more mature set of rules than the average wizarding school. Their spells are harder, their classes more intense., and their students. Well….their students are like no other.
And that is where we start our story, with a first year, on his way to his first year . His life is going to take interesting turns as he learns more about himself, the wizarding world, and of life in general. . .

Orychle Devlon stood at the front of the boat anxiously. He had excelled in basic wizarding school, and was looking forward to the Advanced school. He ran through his head everyone he had known before, wondering who would be joining him here at Knockwood. Many of his friends decided not to advance, much against their parents dismay. Some of his friends transferred to other wizarding schools across the globe. He was happy, however, to have his half-brother, Ian Flanagan, advancing with him. They had been close friends since they were toddlers, and helped each other through basic school. Wherever Orychle lagged, Ian excelled, and visa versa. He smiled to himself as he thought of the late nights with Ian going over arithmancy over and over again. He was so bad at math, thank Merlin Ian was a math-genius. He himself was a master of charms, something Ian was good at, but far from expert in. For brothers, they complimented each other well. They even looked somewhat similar: both had the same fiery red hair (though Ian's seemed to have darkened a bit after puberty), and they both had amazingly striking eyes. Orychle's eyes were a hollow grey, and many said they were extremely wise. Ian's eyes, an emerald green, were always said to show an age far surpassing Ian's. Both had fit bodies (though Ian's was muscular where Orychle was simply well-toned), and both were fairly tall (Orychle being around six foot three, Ian just a few inches shorter).
Yes, they were alike in many a ways, but from a personality standpoint, they couldn't be more different: Orychle was quiet, and enjoyed watching those around him, Ian was very-outspoken and part of the crowd. Even at this moment, with Orychle staring at his future, Ian was below deck, playing some card games with a few girls from their old school.
The sea crashed against the front of the boat, sending a salty spray into Orychle's face. He didn't mind, he loved the ocean, always had. He breathed in the salty sea-air deeply and gazed upon the island. They were close now, and he could see the school near the center of the main island.
The boat was coming in on the Eastern shore of the island, where the docks were. To their right, was the Quidditch Isle, where all practices and games were held. On the main isle, a few hundred yards from the docks, was the Aeridorn Dormitories. Their owl-crest stood, watching all entrants wisely above the doorway. Large and college-dorm styled, each houses' dorm buildings held two wings (one for boys, the other for girls) and a huge lounge/commons area. There was also a third wing, jutting out of the back of the building, he had heard rumors that Knockwood had recently allowed co-ed dormitories for their 18-21 year old students, apparently, this was it. He gazed into the distance, far off, on the northern part of the isle, was the Everard house; their crest, a large, noble boar, embedded over the front entryway. Barely visible, on the opposite side of the island from Aeridorn's dormitories, was a blue and gold decorated building. This was the Kinrick House. Their house mascot was the playful sea otter, which there was an over-abundance of off the western shore of the isle. South of the main school, Orychle gazed in both fear, and bewilderment at the strong, yet dark, Wolfsbane Dorms. Their house colors were black and red, their mascot: a sinister-looking fox. They were usually the bullies of Knockwood, boasting cruel senses of humor, and often evil intentions. Their house sat closest to the Dark isle. An island a few hundred yards off of the southern coast of the island, boasting a menacing looking cave. This island's other name is the Forbidden Isle, since no student under 18 is allowed there without express permission and accompaniment. Orychle was relieved in the thought that he would most definitely not become a Wolfsbane member. No, he knew his place would be in Aeridorn, where those with a thirst for knowledge and understanding are always welcome.
His eyes fell now onto the castle. It was gorgeous. There were four HUGE floors, sunrooms here and there on the corners, a spacious, decorated garden and courtyard. He could not wait to explore the castle itself as well as the castle grounds. His feet and curiosity itched with excitement as the boat lurched into the dock. He turned around and watched about 75 students shuffle towards the plank. This was only about half of the first years, the rest coming in on brooms or across the ferry off of the west shore crossing over from Ingrixton. Not only that, he knew that there would be about four times as many students total then there was at his previous school. This made him slightly anxious, until Ian came up and slapped his hand on Orychle's shoulder.
"Don't let it pull you down, brother. Just take one step at a time, and remember not to make any enemies the first day." He winked, his sense of humor was sometimes dry and slightly cruel. Silently Orychle wondered if Ian would be placed in Aeridorn or Wolfsbane, he was made out for either. They would know by this afternoon, their first stop was the main hall of the castle, where they would be sorted.
It was a good forty-five minutes between exiting the boat and walking through the front entryway of the castle. Orychle had lost track of Ian some twenty minutes earlier (this happened when he noticed a few new girls that had not come from their previous school, Ian always felt it necessary that the new girls knew his name immediately). Pushed and prodded through the crowd, Orychle sighed heavily and awaited anxiously for the sorting ceremony to begin. His surname started with a "D", so he knew he wouldn't have to stay crowded very long.
"Welcome, everyone to the Knockwood School of Advanced Witchcraft and Wizardry," a tall, black-bearded wizard bellowed in front of them. He stood on the top steps, separating the crowd from the great hall itself. "I am Headmaster Arborshate, if you'll all wait patiently, and try to make a split in the crowd, we will begin the sorting ceremony shortly." He admired the crowd and waited patiently for them to part, which they did (though anyone who walked through the "part" would still feel rather crowded). Once everyone was settled, his voice echoed throughout the hall: "If we are all ready, we will move steadfast to place you all in your houses, once you are sorted, you shall join your house's table, and please; try not to make too much noise greeting your new housemates, there will be more than enough time for it after the ceremony is complete." This was answered with a soft chuckle coming from the crowd of first years like a wave.
A younger teacher, surprisingly young for an advanced school, approached the Headmaster's left side, and whispered something to him. "Thank you, Professor Intrite." he said, and turned back to the crowd, Orychle took a moment to visually scan Professor Intrite: he was a shorter man, with a strong kind of face, yet wise, hazel eyes. His hair was slightly askew, and far darker black than that of the headmaster's. Orychle wondered what he taught, but lost his train of thought when Headmaster Arborshate spoke again. "Candy Berrt," he said, and a shorter girl with light brown hair and strikingly bright blue eyes all but skipped up from the back towards the headmaster. Once she stood before him, he raised his hand and the entire castle seemed to rumble "Evvvverrraarrrddd" the girl's legs shook, and she had a nervous look on her face when the castle spoke, all was quickly resolved when Arborshate put his hand on her shoulder and motioned her to along table in the Hall.
Orychle stood, staring in awe as one after another was called forward, and each time, they stood there, emotionally barren before the headmaster, and had the castle lurch out a house name. Orychle listened a bit, paying some attention to the sorting, catching only a few names at a time. "Killy Brooks,-Wolfsbane; Roxanne Carter- Aeridorn" a few more names and he finally heard his: "Orychle Devlon," the headmaster boomed, and he walked down the part, nervously.
He hated being stared at, though he knew it was unavoidable in this particular instance. He stood there, staring at the headmaster, waiting for the castle to decide, but nothing happened. The headmaster stared down at him, the looked around him expectantly. "Well?" he said aloud, and of a soft hum vibrated throughout. The headmaster raised his head and stared straight forward, as if he was listening intently. "Oh, is that so?" He chuckled softly to himself and knelt down before Orychle. "Boy, the castle seems to be torn with you, it looks like you would fit perfectly in Aeridorn, Kinrick, OR Wolfsbane. Go ahead and pick your house then, it is your choice." The headmaster's eyes were so wise, Orychle fixated on them a moment, dazed in their stare. So friendly, he though, yet pained. He looked away so he could decide. He had wanted Aeridorn, but confronted with the option, he wasn't sure….He supposed he may enjoy Kinrick, but all the same, "Aeridorn, sir!" He said, proudly, and the castle lurched harder than before, the hearty laugh of a centuries-old castle. The headmaster then directed him towards his table.
He listened still for awhile, admiring the older students around him. He heard "Tyler Dias-Wolfsbane; and Brandon Diggorced-Kinrick" before a third year boy slid in next to him.
"Hi, I'm Alexander, welcome to Aeridorn." He smiled warmly, and extended his hand, which Orychle gladly shook, returning his name. "We're excited to see how many Aeridorn's we get this year, the last few years have been kind of slim." he laughed, Orychle couldn't help feeling strangely comfortable with the boy, as if he had known him for a long time, though they had just met. Before Alexander could speak again, Orychle jerked his head to his brother's name "Ian Flanagan" All he could see was the top of his brother's head as it bobbed up the steps towards the headmaster. Ian stole a glance at his brother and smiled. The castle stood quiet again, however, Orychle just chuckled to himself. Again the hum vibrated throughout and the Headmaster nodded his head in understanding. "You too, it seems, may choose your house." Before the headmaster could even finish speaking, Ian burst out "Wolfsbane!" And lunged up the steps towards his new house table.
Orychle's heart sank a little. He had kind of hoped Ian would be sorted into Aeridorn, and was furthermore hurt that not only was he not sorted into Aeridorn he had chosen Wolfsbane. It should have been expected, really, Ian was a bit darker personality-wise. He belonged in Wolfsbane, Orychle convinced himself.
He spent the rest of the ceremony listening back and forth, catching three more Wolfsbane girls' (Angel Indred, Libby Ollie, and Erica Riddle); An Everard (cassie nester), and another Aeridorn girl (Sharie Morse). Those were just the names he caught, of course there were many more, but he and Alexander had stricken up a conversation about the conversion of potions into spells (something Orychle had a great deal of interest in), and were completely lost in themselves.
The ceremony was followed with a wonderful buffet-like meal that appeared on their plates before them, and once the plate was empty, one had but to think of what the wanted next, and it appeared. Orychle barely got through one plate of his favorite meal: Chili dogs with extra cheese with a heavy side of seasoned fries and two apples for dessert. He couldn't help notice that Alexander went through three different pastas, each a double helping. When noticed, he simply laughed and said something about a “heavy Italian appetite”. After everyone had had their fill, and the plates stayed empty (though their goblets stayed filled) the headmaster stood and called everyone to attention.
“Now that you have enjoyed your first meal here at Knockwood, I shall keep you no longer. By now, you have no doubt started a good many conversations with your new housemates, and have begun catching up with your friends from previous years. I will remind you that classes start in one week, and that students are allowed anywhere on the main castle Isle, and allowed over to Ingrixton only during the daytime hours, and only after informing a teacher or prefect of their leave. For those of you who are new, or very forgetful, I will say it again as I have every year: anyone under the age of 18 is absolutely NOT allowed on the Dark Isle without both express permission and a suitable guardian. This is not an idle threat, my students. There are things in that cave even I would have nightmares over, so do not find yourself brave and run there to prove yourself.” He paused and gave the entire room a `you know who I'm talking about' glare before continuing: “Now that I have that out of the way, I wish you all a wonderful year here at Knockwood, and remind you that my door is always open if you need to speak with me. Thank you, you're prefects shall lead you to your dormitories, and the rest of the evening is yours from then.” He gave a heartfelt smile and nodded slightly, a signal every prefect was waiting for. They all stood up at once, almost in unison, and began ushering their housemates down the grand staircase and out the front enterance where the large group separated into four smaller ones.
Orychle glanced over, trying to catch a glimpse of his brother, but was lost in the mass of students surrounding him. Alexander nudged him on his left. “See something you like, eh?” and gave a playful wink.
“No,” Orychle laughed, “I was going to catch my brother, but it seems quite impossible in this crowd. Alexander responded with a nod and excused himself. Orychle watched him elbow his way through the mass and put his arm around a young blond girl, who began chattering excitedly with him. With a sigh, Orychle trudged on toward his dormitory house.
The dormitory was even more massive than it had appeared from the boat. The entryway was almost as large as the castles', and the crest embedded above the door was that of a beautiful silver owl on a rich purple background with the words “Aeridorn : Where curiosity and desire for knowledge abound” inscribed below it.
There were twelve steps up to the large, darkened cherry-wood doors, and Orychle took every step in awe. Inside, there were rich banners of purple and silver surrounding the heavy banisters and strewn across the main foyer. Three prefects stood at the foot of the staircase with their hands raised trying to get everyone's attention, but failing miserably. Finally, a lanky dirty-blond boy held his wand to his throat and bellowed “Sonorous” and everyone stopped talking at once. Removing his wand, he began: “I am Chris Terrins, the third year prefect, to my right is Alvin Davies, the second year prefect; and to my left is Maria Dashan, the sixth year prefect.” Orychle took a moment to absorb the two other prefects. Alvin was shorter than Chris, with a less than attractive face, and almost buggy eye of cobalt blue. Maria, on the other hand, was a vision of Eastern Indian beauty. She donned a purple hajab which matched the Aeridorn purple perfectly. It framed her delicate face and deep brown eyes amazingly.
“One of you first years will receive a letter on your bed within the next few days declaring you the first year prefect. There are no fourth or fifth year prefects this term.” He paused, letting everyone absorb this information so far, then “Now, behind us is the main stairwell, to my right is the multi-purpose room, and to my left is the main lounge room. Up these stairs and to the right are the boys rooms. Search the doors for your name; there are three boys to a room. Up the stairs to the left are the Girls' rooms, you will do the same. The center room is off limit's to anyone under the age of 18, it is the co-ed hallway, and you are not permitted to enter it unless escorted by one of its tenants.” He glanced around the room, making sure he still had everyone's attention. “Go ahead and find your room, and get comfortable, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to speak with either Alvin, Maria, or myself, respectively.” He gave everyone a final glance and smile, then turned and went up the stairs, heading straight for the middle doorway.
Orychle was more than anxious to find out who he'd be rooming with, and he searched the hall feverishly for his name. Finally, three rooms from the end of the hall, on his left side, there was his name. Below his name were two other ones “Jacob Evans, first year” and “Marcus Fereline, second year”. He was a little surprised that there were mixed years, but he later learned that once you're in a room, you are there until you graduate. And Marcus’ former two roommates had dropped out after the previous year.
He pushed the door open and found Marcus already sitting in a desk by the window. Marcus was unusually short, probably around 4'10, and had thick black hair and piercing green eyes. Orychle introduced himself and stood there a moment, taking the room in. It was a relatively large room, considering it was a dorm room. There were three beds, two bunked and one not (Marcus got first choice, being the second year and had already taken the un-bunked bed); three desks, two by the window, their backs touching, and one close to the door, wedged between the bunk bed and the closet. There were heavy tapestries over the window and surrounding the beds, and the entire room was made of cold gray stone. Not exactly a warming place, at least not at first.
After Orychle had taken in the room, and began unpacking his things (he had settled on the top bunk), Jacob walked into the room, a strong smile across his strong face. His hair was an average brown, and his eyes a usual blue-green. His physique, on the other hand, was quite impressive, being thick-armed and broad shoulders. Orychle wondered immediately if he was a Quidditch player.
“Hey guys, I'm Jacob.” He said, his voice was almost deep, and very rich; his smile warm and inviting.
“I'm Orychle, I hope you don't mind I already started putting my stuff up here,” he motioned towards the top bunk and gave a nervous smile.
“No, that's not a problem, I tend to sleep-walk, and I'd hate to break my neck” he laughed heartedly. He turned toward Marcus “Marcus, right? You knew my brother, David Evans.” He said, and stood there expectantly.
Marcus simply turned from his desk, where he was rather engrossed in a thick book and nodded “Yup, ran with him and `ole Fur last year.” Then gave a weak smile and turned back.
Orychle couldn't figure out if Marcus was stuck up, or just really into that book. He stole a glance at the cover “Apparition and You: an idiots guide to not killing yourself”. He couldn't help uttering a soft laugh, he had read all of two chapters of that book before falling asleep, it was so bland and boring. If Marcus was reading it, however, he must need to, no one would be so enthralled in that particularly piece of literature unless their future relied on it.
“Well, Orychle,” Jacob said, while pulling his trunk out of the closet (apparently every house-elf on campus had worked over-time to get the belongings in their respective rooms during the sorting ceremony), “I'm not a big fan of windows either, do you mind taking that desk then?” he smiled and moved towards the cramped desk.
`Thank Merlin' Orychle thought, he was a little claustrophobic and would have went nuts in that little space. “No problem, I was actually hoping for it.” He said, almost beaming, this day was just getting better and better.
After both he and Jacob had unpacked, Orychle stretched out on his bed and let out a relaxed sigh. It had been a long boat-ride down the east coast, and that sorting ceremony was less than soothing. He was still slightly baffled that the castle was actually alive, or at least could speak. He mentally noted himself to inquire about that to his first teacher. With that thought, he decided to give a quick look-over to his class list. He only had five classes, like most first years: Multi-cultural magical studies, Alchemy, Charms and Enchantments, and `Curses, Hexes & Dark rituals', a class Ian had convinced him to take.
He knew M.C.M.S. was a two-hour class, as was alchemy. He wondered how long the other two would be; their times were not fully listed. It truly didn't matter, he was looking forward to Charms and Enchantments, no matter how long or short the class was. It was, after all, one of his best subjects.
He wasn't sure what to do next, it was far too early to go to bed, but he was not exactly the type to run around making new friends; he felt uncomfortable enough in a room with two strangers. Just as he was debating whether to head over to the Wolfsbane dorm and see how Ian was doing with his new roommates, Alexander knocked on their open door.
“Hey Orry, come on, I'll introduce you to some people,” his smile and ever-going cheer was almost ridiculous, “don't want to seem like a prude, do you?” he laughed, Marcus chuckled.
Orychle chuckled nervously, “I'm not exactly great with new people, Alexander.” He said, still unsure. “Oh stuff it and come on before I stupefy you and drag you with me” he joked, “and call me Alex, please.” He leaned against the doorway and waited for “Orry” to jump down from the top bunk and straighten up his hair a bit. With a nod, he followed Alex out into the semi-crowded hallway.
It took all of one introduction for Orychle's palms to begin sweating. The only thing that made him more uncomfortable than new people was a crowd of new people. And that is definitely what was everywhere at the moment. He had no siblings besides Ian, and knew noone, save Alex (who he was still slightly nervous around).
They `worked the crowd' for a good twenty minutes, Alex practically shoving Orychle into quick introductions with loads of people. It didn't take him long for the day to finally catch up to him. After meeting Alex's third cousin twice removed, he announced he had to get some sleep, he was exhausted. His host gave him a sympathetic, yet sad, look and an apologetic nod “I'm sorry, I should've dragged you around tomorrow instead.” He sighed and smiled, “How about we head over to Ingrixton tomorrow and have lunch with a couple of my friends from last year? It'll just be a small group of us, so you have no reason to complain,” he had added the last bit quickly.
Orychle, of course, could not refuse, Alex really was just trying to help. “Ok, sure.” He smiled, “I'll come by your room once I get up, ok?” His response got a questionable look, “ Don't worry, I never sleep past noon anyway” he added, trying to end the conversation, he had grown so tired so quickly. Alex finally nodded.
“Ok, but if I don't hear you rapping on my door by 12:01, I'll come drag you out of your room, got it?” he chuckled, Orychle could not believe how happy this guy always was. It was almost annoying. He nodded a heavy nod and turned to head back to his room.
Once there, he noticed Jacob had already gone to sleep, and was snoring heavily. “Terrific” he said, and glanced over at Marcus, who was smiling at him.
“Consider yourself lucky, last year both of my roommates snored, and either one of them could have brought down the building on a nightly basis.” He gave a playful wink and stretched his smile a bit wider.
After Marcus' statement, Orychle DID consider himself lucky; he began rummaging in his closet for his pajamas. Once he found them, he turned around and stopped cold. Marcus was standing there, next to his un-bunked bed, stark naked. In a split second Orychle's eyes flashed the man's entire stature. He was surprisingly more developed than expected, and had a good number of tattoos on his upper chest and legs. His eyes fell on the space between Marcus' legs and felt himself grow hot. He turned away embarrassed when his eyes rose and he found Marcus staring at him, unmoving.
“I–I'm sorry. I didn't mean to–“ he fumbled for words.
Marcus just laughed. “Don't worry about it, kid. I don't mind, look all you want.” He gave a wink, and scratched his chest a bit, still standing there. Orychle couldn't resist but take another quick look. He bit his lower lip, he had never quite realized how attractive a man's body was, his nose was always shoved in some book or another. Nor had he ever wondered about his sexuality, though he was sixteen and everyone else he knew had already had boyfriends or girlfriends.
He turned away again, and stripped himself, and pulled on his navy pajama pants. When he'd turned back around, Marcus was laying in bed, head propped up by his arms, eyeing Orychle. “Don't mind if I look too, right?” he said, quietly. This, of course, made Orychle quite nervous and his response was shorter than he meant it to be.
“No, it's fine” he said, then crawled up onto the top bunk. When he turned back around to pull the tapestry closed, he saw Marcus staring up at him, one of his arms now gone from his head and buried underneath his cover. He gave him a smile and pulled the tapestry closed. He lay there for a while; the day's event's running through his head, feeling himself drift towards sleep. He finally nodded off into dreams to the sounds of his new roommates sensual moans.