Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ Memories Of A Past Life ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hiya! I am Cyberwerewolf09 and I decided to try my hand in writing a Harry Potter fanfic! I used a couple of Xeniah1999's ideas, but not too many, and my story doesn't involve fixing past mistakes, although it does involve the past. Also, several people will b extremely OOC, and there will b a couple OC's (but no Mary Sue's).

Pairings are Harry/Ginny, Neville/Hannah, and Ron/Hermione.

It begins when the trio leaves the head's office. Ready? Alright here we go!

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Harry, Ron, and Hermione walked silently towards Gryffindor Tower, ready for the sleep they had been denied for the last two nights. However, as they neared the portrait of the Fat Lady, Harry suddenly decided he'd much rather look for Ginny and maybe talk to her about the year they spent apart.

"Go ahead and go on without me, I have some things I need to take care of" Harry said once they had reached the common room entrance.

"We'll go with you" Ron said automatically.
"Actually, Ron, I was hoping you and I could talk..." Hermione trailed off nervously, her eyes darting between Harry and Ron.
"Oh! Well, will you be ok, mate?" Ron asked. He was really hoping Harry would say he was fine on his own, as he wanted to talk to Hermione about the kiss they had shared in the hallway before the horrible incident in the Room of Requirement.

"Yeah, I'll be fine, you to go ahead and talk. I'll be up later."
"Ok, Harry, we'll see you later" "Yeah, later mate!"

Harry took a deep breath and started off for the Great Hall, the last place he'd seen Ginny.

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An hour later, Harry still hadn't found Ginny and was starting to get a little concerned. He wished he'd thought to get the Marauders map from Hermione before he'd started looking. Now, he was worried he'd interrupt something he really had no desire to see.

'I'll look around the grounds, and if I still can't find her, I'll go get the map anyways' Harry thought before walking out the doors.

About thirty minutes later, Harry was about to run for the map when he caught sight of long fiery red hair. She was walking back into the castle.

"GINNY! WAIT UP!" Harry shouted, running after her. She didn't seem to hear him and went inside without stopping.

Harry ran into the castle to catch up to her, but when he got there, he couldn't find Ginny anywhere. He cursed under his breath, knowing she'd probably used a secret passage to disappear quickly. He had the sudden thought that she was probably angry with him. He started panicking. The few times he'd actually allowed himself to think of surviving, he and Ginny just sort of....fell back together, as though they'd never broken up. Obviously, Ginny felt differently.

'Calm down' he thought. 'She's grieving. Fred, Remus, and Tonks just died. She just needs some space first' He quickly threw off the guilt that threatened to overwhelm him and walked the long trek to Gryffindor Tower alone.
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Ten minutes later, he was once again in front of the Fat Lady.

"Er" Harry said, having forgotten that he didn't know the password.

"You don't need to worry about a little thing like that silly password, Mr. Potter." Said the Fat Lady. "You can just go on in"

"Thanks" Harry said, relieved. He had not relished the idea of tracking down Professor McGonagall to get the password. "Hey, did Ginny Weasley come in here?" Harry asked suddenly, right before climbing through the portrait hole    He may understand the need for space, but he still wanted to make sure she was safe. After all, Death Eaters were wandering the grounds.

"Yes, Mr. Potter, she got here about five minutes before you did"

Harry sighed with relief, and then thanked the portrait before clambering into the common room.

The sight that greeted him was not one he ever wanted to witness. Ron and Hermione were lying on the couch, enjoying a rather heavy snogging session....and clothing was becoming scarce. Instead of making his presence known and embaressing them and himself (any further than he already was, anyway), Harry simply turned and walked up the stairs to the seventh year boys dormitory. He walked up to his bed, and without removing any of his clothes or his glasses, fell forward and started falling into a deep sleep. His last thought before falling unconscious was 'I hope Ginny will talk to me tomorrow'
The next day, Ron shook Harry awake.
“When did you come in?” Ron asked. “We waited for you, but you never came up”
“That's because you and Hermione were to, ah, busy, to notice me” Harry said tiredly. After falling asleep, he'd been assaulted my nightmares of loved ones, dead and alive, who'd screamed at him that it wasn't fair that so many people had died for him, and for him to not have died when he face Voldemort. They said he should have died instead.
“Oh!” said Ron, realizing what his friend had meant by `busy'. “Can you really blame us, Harry? We had put off being together for a very long time. I've wanted to be with her since fourth year when Vicky took her to the Yule Ball.” Ron said, scowling as he said Vicky.
“Yeah, I understand, but try and keep your clothes on, at least when your in public” Harry said, grinning.
Ron blushed and made a very rude hand gesture towards Harry, who merely laughed before getting up to take a shower.
“Hey, Harry? How'd it go with Ginny last night?” Ron asked. He'd seen his sister storm up the stairs to her dorm last night, but hadn't seen her this morning at all.
“It didn't” Harry replied. “By the time I'd found her, she was coming up here and she didn't hear me calling for her, I guess.”
“What do you mean, you guess? Either she heard you, or she didn't.” Ron said confused.
“Well, she either didn't hear me, or she was ignoring me.” Harry said, feeling more than a little depressed at the thought.
“Nah, she probably didn't hear you, Harry. Don't worry about it. The only reason she would be mad at you would be because you left, but she understands that you had to do it” Ron said, trying to make his best mate feel better.
Harry smile, and replied, “Your right Ron. Thanks. I'm going to take a shower; I will meet you in the Great Hall.”
“Alright Harry, and no problem, its what friends are for”
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A few days later, however, and it was quickly obvious that Ron was wrong, and that Ginny was avoiding Harry. Every time he walked into a room and Ginny was there, she rushed out as though Voldemort himself had just strutted into the room. Whenever someone asked Harry what he'd done to make Ginny upset, Harry always shrugged. He'd tried several times to talk to her, only to have her ignore the fact that he even existed. He was used to this, seeing as how its what the Dursleys would do whenever Harry was living with them. Which was why he surprised by how much this hurt. Every time Ginny ignored him, it was like someone was twisting a knife deeper and deeper into his heart and lungs. He started thinking that perhaps he had done something unintentionally and was at a loss as to what to do about it. The worst part about it was that Harry no longer even had Ron or Hermione to talk to about what was happening. The day they got back to the Burrow, Ron and Hermione had shacked up together in Ron's room and spent the whole day in there together, only coming out for meals. Harry was happy for them, but he really wished that they hadn't forgotten about him. Ron had even told everyone the evening of their return home that he and Hermione were going to share a room, and if they (they being his parents) didn't like it, Hermione and himself would simply move out. So now, Harry was sleeping alone in Bill's old room, and unable to talk Ginny, or even his best friends. He was beginning to think that his uncle was correct all those times he said that Harry was a worthless burden that no one would ever love. He was also starting to believe his dreams…
Two weeks later and Ginny was still ignoring Harry. He'd given up trying to talk to her, although he often watched her whenever he was able to.
As the months passed, June turned to August, and Harry was surprised to see the arrival of Hogwarts letters to himself, Ron, and Hermione as well as Ginny. Harry, who'd fallen into the habit of waking up before anyone else, even Mrs. Weasley, didn't bother to wait for anyone else to get up to open his letter. As he read, he thought about whether or not he should accept. After all, he still wanted to be an Auror. He sighed, and then found some parchment, a quill, and some ink. He then wrote his reply and sent it with the tawny owl that had delivered the letters. As he watched it fly off, he felt a pang for Hedwig. `Well, I suppose that's another thing I should think about getting while I'm in Diagon Alley getting supplies for my seventh year at Hogwarts' Harry thought.
The next day, Harry was in Diagon Alley purchasing his school supplies. He'd arrived with Ron and Hermione, who had wondered off, yelling to something about having a lunch date and that they would catch up with him later. Harry shrugged and continued with his shopping, Ginny silently walking and gathering her supplies behind him. He tried several times to draw her into conversation only to have her completely ignore him. Harry sighed and continued his shopping. He decided that as soon as they were done, they were going to wait for Ron and Hermione at the ice cream as Ron had suggested (coughyelledcough) and return home as soon as possible. After thirty minutes, they finished.
An hour later, there was still no sign of Ron or Hermione. Harry sighed and asked Ginny if she wanted to continue waiting with him or just go home. She wordlessly stood and walked back into the leaky cauldron, Harry watching her floo home and making sure she was not bothered by anyone who might be looking for trouble. After ensuring that she made it safely, he sat back down and prepared to wait. Two hours later and he finally admitted to himself that they forgot about him. He sighed and apparated to the Burrow, finally coming to a decision on an idea he'd been toying with all week.
Well, that's it for the first chapter. What do you think? I hope you enjoyed it, because it was a pain in the arse to find a suitable stopping spot. But there you have it, the first chapter of