Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ Memories Of A Past Life ❯ Chapter 2

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hey! I just wanted to say that I will most likely be updating the story on Thursdays, Saturdays, and Mondays (because those days I work, and it still gives me plenty of time to write the next chapters. Be warned though, I mostly work nights, so they might not be up until after 9 pm). I also wanted to say that I cannot stand writing on paper, I prefer to type my stories, so more often then not, I will be emailing chapters from my cell phone (the first chapter was typed entirely from my sidekick while I was in Waco, TX last weekend) so I wanted to apologize now for any spelling or grammar errors that was in the last chapter and any that could occur in a future chapter. Thanks again to Xeniah1999 for letting me use some of their ideas from ­A Second Time Around. Alright, here we go again
DISCLAIMER: I forgot this last time, but here it is now and for the rest of the story as well: I DO NOT OWN HARRY POTTER! THIS IS J.K'S WORLD, I JUST PLAY IN IT!!!!!!!
As soon as Harry aparated back to the Burrow, Mrs. Weasley rushed over to him and gathered him into a great, bone crushing, lung collapsing hug.
“I was fine Mrs. Weasley, I was just waiting for Ron and Hermione, but they seemed to have forgotten that they were supposed to me at Fortescue's…” Harry trailed off, fidgeting nervously under Mrs. Weasley's sympathetic gaze.
“I see” Mrs. Weasley said, frowning as she realized that Harry had been spending quite a bit of time by himself, either outside or at Andromedia's with Teddy (I had forgotten all about Teddy in my last chapter).
“Mrs. Weasley, I was wanting to talk to you about something” Harry said, hoping that she wouldn't mind talking to him long enough for him to explain himself.
“Yes, Harry dear, I'm listening” Mrs. Weasley said, sitting down and giving him her full attention. Harry didn't always come to adults about the decisions he makes, something she suspected he learned as a survival technique with those awful Dursleys. `No time for that now, Molly, Harry is talking to you', she reminded herself.
“See, the thing is Mrs. Weasley, I was thinking that as an adult, I really should get out on my own and live in my own house, that way I can have Teddy stay the night, and so I won't be a burden to you any longer” Harry stated, proud of himself that he had been able to say exactly what he had planned, and not break down and beg her for forgiveness for whatever it was he'd done to make Ron, Hermione, and Ginny so angry with him.
Mrs. Weasley immediately zeroed in on the fact that Harry was planning on moving out, and therefore didn't hear what he'd said about being a burden. She wanted to beg him not to leave, tell him that he was too young to leave, that he hadn't finished his education, and a million other things, but she forced herself to remember that he was an adult who could take care of himself, he had plenty of money, and that no matter how she felt, the truth of the matter was that Harry was NOT one of her own children. So she saw no other option than to sigh and reply with “When can we expect you to leave, and have you found a place to stay?”
Unbeknownst to her, Harry took her sigh as one of relief, and not one of pain, and had been hoping she would argue with him against leaving, and talk him out of it. When she did not, he knew without a doubt that he had been a burden on her, and was dismayed to realize that his uncle had been correct about that as well.
“I was planning on staying at Grimmauld Place. I know it's not in the best of shape, but since only Order Members can enter it again, and since Kreacher has gotten better and is now loyal to me, I figure I could stay there. After all, it's in much better shape than my house in Godric's Hollow. Plus it has a lot of extra rooms for Teddy and anyone else who might want or need a place to stay.”
Mrs. Weasley once again fought down the urge to beg him to stay and instead asked “And when will you be leaving?”
“In two days” Harry answered. “But I wanted to ask you if you would let me repay you for letting me stay her by cooking dinner the night before I leave”
“No! Absolutely not! You don't need to repay me, Harry, you are welcome here at anytime!” Mrs. Weasley exclaimed, appalled that he thought he needed to do something simply because they let him stay there.
Harry, however, was determined, and insisted that she allow him to cook the dinner. “After all, this is the perfect chance for me to see of I need to take cooking lessons or, if I can survive on my own skills” Harry lied, knowing full well that he was a good cook, after all, his cooking had been good enough for the Dursleys.
“Very well, Harry. But I do hope you let me help you” Mrs. Weasley sighed, knowing that he would use the pout that always melted her resolve.
“I'm afraid not, Mrs. Weasley, I would like to do this on my own. I need to see if I can survive on my own” Harry said, a small smile making its way onto his tired face.
“Oh alright, but after we eat, I AM cleaning. You already know you can do that” Mrs. Weasley said in a voice that brooked no argument. Still, Harry tried.
“No Mrs. Weasley, that's not necessary, I can clean up after my self.” Harry didn't think he was really making it up to them if they had to clean up the mess he made.
“No, Harry. I will let you cook, but I am going to do the cleaning”
“No buts, young man, except for yours marching up those stairs to call everyone down for dinner. By the way dear, when are you planning to announce your departure?”
“Oh, um tonight, I suppose. I'll just go and get everyone down for dinner…and we will talk more later about who is cleaning after the dinner before I leave” And with that out of the way, Harry turned and hurried up the stairs to get everyone for dinner.
Well, there is chapter 2. I know its short, but I wanted to get this chapter up today, but we are having a storm and I'm slightly worried that we may lose electricity here at wok, and if that happens, the way this computer is set up, I may very well lose the whole chapter.Now, Contrary to what I said when I first stated writing this chapter, I will likely have a few more chapters up before Monday, because I probably going to be stranded here from 5 pm today until 7 am Monday, so…yeah… Anyways, Thanks to all those who reviewed, and to those of you who added this to your story alert, or your Favorites, I can so totally feel the love lol.