Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ Moonlight ❯ chapter 11 ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 11
Sage grinned; baring her newly formed fangs then groaned. She grasped her head and screamed, “Make it stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Blaise rushed to her side, despite Dumbledore's orders.
“Sage? Are you okay?” he asked. She looked up at him then hissed.
“Get away from me!!!”
Blaise backed away, then looked at the headmaster. “Professor? What's wrong with her?”
“She's in pain. When you become a vampire, you suffer from excrutionary amount of pain.” Dumbledore explained as he walked over to the vampire. “The pain will last for 3 days. Until then, none of you can get near her? Who knows what she'll be willing to do to get rid of it.” He picked up Sage and with that, he left.
“I can't believe Dan was a vampire.” Ginny sighed. Harry nodded and stretched.
“I can't believe Ron was with Voldemort.” Harry said then scratched his head. “And, I can't believe Voldemort asked Dumbledore if he wanted to lick Ron.” They all shivered at the thought then looked sadly at the floor.
“I can't believe Sage is a vampire….” Blaise groaned and shoved his face in his hands. Draco glared at the miserable slytherin then shot up and grabbed Blaise by the collar of his shirt.
“Pull yourself together man! And you better not dump my sister! She's already been through a lot because of me. So you better not put her in anymore misery!” Draco growled then shoved Blaise back. He looked at Draco with wide eyes then glared.
“Yeah! You did put Sage in a lot of pain! I can't believe you!!! You knew that your sister was a gryfinndor before you found out it was Sage! You could've been a little nicer to all of them!” Blaise screamed at the blond. “I mean it! Look at yourself! Even though you know who you're sister is now, you still treat mudbloods the same! They're still human, dammit! I don't even understand why she forgave you!”
Draco looked at his friend with wide-eyes. “I don't think she ever fully forgave me for all the times I made fun of her. For all I know, she secretly hates me.” he muttered, tilting his head back and ran his fingers through his hair. “I'm sorry. I just…” he paused for a moment then his eyes grew wider and he gasped. “Harry! Remember the letter?!”
“What letter?” Blaise asked and looked back between Draco and Harry who was rummaging through his pockets. Then smiled and triumphantly pulled out a letter. He handed it to Blaise who read it then looked up in shock.
“What is this?” he said, re-reading the letter. “How come you guys didn't tell me about this earlier?!” All three of them lowered their heads in shame.
“April 13th is so far from now, it just slipped our minds, and we didn't want you to worry.” Ginny explained.
“What kind of people are you?! Sage is in danger we have to tell Dumbledore about this!!” Blaise growled. “If you had told me earlier, I would've been more careful. I WOULD'VE BEEN ABLE TO PROTECT SAGE!!!” he screamed then stormed out of the room.
“Dumbledore, what are we going to tell Narcissa?” Professor McGonagall asked, looking down at the sleeping vampire.
“We have no choice but to tell her. Wither Ms. Malfoy stays at Hogwarts is all up to her mother.” Dumbledore replied. “Her fears have come true. Her daughter has been turned. I guess all her decisions in the past did nothing… To think, all this time Hermione could have attended Hogwarts without being tormented by her own brother.” Dumbledore sighed sadly and shook his head. Professor McGonagall patted the old man's back while gazing at the pale girl.
“Should I go to the Malfoy Manor and tell her?” McGonagall asked.
“No. I will tell her myself.” Said Dumbledore while staring at a necklace. He gave the necklace to McGonagall then instructed, “Give this to Ms. Malfoy when she wakes up.” McGonagall nodded as Dumbledore stood up and left the room after calling over his shoulder, “Take care of her, Minerva.”
Blaise was pacing back and forth in front of the headmaster's office when Dumbledore arrived. The pacing slytherin looked up then ran up to him “How is she?” Blaise panted.
“She's fine.” Dumbledore replied and patted the worried boy on the head. Suddenly Blaise shoved a letter in the headmaster's face with a scared look on his face.
“Read this.” Blaise said, Dumbledore nodded then went into his office, followed by the slytherin.
Dumbledore looked at Blaise when he finished. “When did you get this?”
“I just found out today, but Draco said that Sage had gotten it a few days before the winter ball.” Blaise answered, twitching. Dumbledore stared at the letter, troubled.
“Go back to your dorm, Mr. Zabini. I shall deal with this myself.” The headmaster commanded. Blaise nodded then rushed out of the office.
Narcissa stirred her tea then took a slip. She set down the cup and looked at the headmaster. “So, it came true huh?” Dumbledore nodded, sadly. The blond shook with anger.
“You promised you would protect my daughter!” Narcissa hissed, her eyes flashing.
“I know. I apologize. But I fear that Sage is still in danger.” Dumbledore explained. Narcissa blinked, frowning even more. He handed Narcissa the letter and the moment she finished, she shot up.
“Take me to my daughter.” She demanded. Dumbledore nodded and led her to Sage's room.
When they arrived, Sage was already up and Minerva was handing her the necklace. Sage looked at it and breathed, “It's gorgeous.” It was a red and silver flower , the petals were made of ruby then silver part in the petals; were made of crystal.
“It's a pendant that'll prevent you from attacking anyone when you're hungry.” Dumbledore explained while Sage put it on.
“Thank you.” Sage thanked the headmaster then saw her Narcissa staring at her with wide eyes. “Mom!” Narcissa rushed over to Sage and wrapped her arms around the vampire.
“Thank god, you're alright.” She cried, embracing Sage tightly.
“I'm alright, Mom. You can let go of me now.” Sage wheezed.
“Sage,” Narcissa began when she let go of the girl. “After you've finished turning… You and your brother are leaving.” Sage gasped then shook her head.
“No! I don't want to leave!” Sage refused, still shaking her head.
“W-what?” Narcissa hissed. “You're in danger! How could you possibly refuse?”
“Because, Blaise promised to always protect me! And Harry's here as well. I can take care of myself!” Sage protested.
“Yes, Blaise! I love him, mom! I can't imagine life without him!” Sage explained. Narcissa stood up and glared.
“Sage, we are going home!” Narcissa ordered. “I'll drag you home if I have too. I am not leaving you here, when you-know-who is out to get you!”
Sage glared. “Oh, so you leave me with the Granger's, rarely ever visit, while I go and become friends with Harry and Ron. Then know that I'm on the good side and still let Father give Ginny that book? I was petrified because of that. I could've DIED! Then you let father order the execution of Buckbeak, knowing that I would defend Hagrid?! You knew all of this, you knew I was in the D.A., you knew I fought with all those death eaters. Then didn't speak to me for a year because Father was sent to Azkaban. Now you tell me that you're not going to leave me here with Voldemort going out to get me? My best friend is Voldemort's archenemy! How could you, Mom?!” Sage cried, tears flowing down her cheeks. Narcissa stared at the crying vampire the sat on her bed.
“So you want to die?” Narcissa asked. Sage looked up at her mother with wide eyes.
“You're going to be fighting against the strongest dark wizard in the world, Sage. That's like signing your death sentence!” Narcissa explained the grabbed Sage's arms. “Are you sure?” Sage nodded, her eyes full of determination. Narcissa sighed. “Make me proud, Sage.”
Sage nodded and smiled. “I will mother!”
Then Narcissa bent over and whispered in Sage's ear, “Good luck with Blaise, honey.” Sage blushed the smiled more, Narcissa smiled as well and embraced her daughter once more. Then turned to the smiling headmaster. “Take care of her, Albus.”
“Dan, are things ready for the attack?” Ron asked the dark vampire who smirked.
“You know it, love.” The two smiled and looked at the dark wizard behind them.
“Make me proud.” Voldemort said, smiling mischiviously.