Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ Moonlight ❯ chapter 10 ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 10
“So when is the winter ball again?” Ginny asked Sage who was brushing her long black hair.
“December 24th. Who are you going with?” Sage answered, looking at Ginny.
“Harry.” Ginny replied happily.
“Yay! I'm so happy for you Ginny!” Sage squealed and the two hugged each other.
“So what are you going to where?” Ginny interrogated Sage who only shrugged.
“I haven't picked anything out yet.” Sage answered.
“WHAT?!” Ginny gasped in shock then grabbed Sage's hands and held them within her own. “Tomorrow, we're going SHOPPING!” Sage laughed and nodded.
Blaise was sitting in his room, rubbing his eyes when someone knocked his door. He sighed, got up and opened the door while scratching his head. “Yes?” he grunted groggily. Suddenly a pillow smacked his face and he stepped back, confused. “W-what???” He heard a laugh and felt arms wrap themselves around his neck.
“Good morning, sleepy head!” Sage chirped and kissed him on the cheek. Blaise blinked, smiled and wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her head.
“Good morning, hyper.” He replied and hit her arm with a pillow.
“Ow…” Sage whined while rubbing her arm. Blaise laughed and hugged her again while Sage literally purred in his arms.
“Oh, you're so cute, Sage.” Blaise sighed while blushing. Sage giggled and began spinning gracefully. Suddenly she grabbed his arm and spun him around.
“Dance with me.” Sage whispered while smiling. He smirked and picked Sage up and lifted her over his shoulder. She screamed and hit his back.
“Put me down Blaise!!!” Sage squealed but that only made Blaise smiled more and spin her around.
“What are you wearing to the winter ball?” Blaise asked after he set Sage down.
“That's a secret.” Sage replied with a wink then walked out of Blaise's room who smiled.
“So cute…” he sighed and lied down on his bed.
---- Winter Ball----
“Let's go Hermione!!!” Ginny screamed and pounded on her locked door.
“Ok, just a second!” the muffled voice of Sage replied and with that, her door unlocked and opened. Ginny gasped and stared; wide eyed. Sage's hair was slightly curled and had red strikes in it. She was wearing a stunning black and blue dress and black heels.
“Oh my…” Ginny breathed in shock then she shock her hair and screamed, “OH MY GOD! YOU'RE SO PRETTY!!!!!!!!!!!”
Sage laughed weakly and looked at Ginny. Her hair was put in a ponytail, with a few strands put out in the front. She was wearing a light blue dress and crystal earrings. “Well, you look absolutely stunning.” Sage commented.
Ginny took hold of one of Sage's hands and began to pull her down the stairs. “Come on, everyone's waiting.”
Blaise, Draco and Harry were all sitting in the common room when Ginny and Sage finally came down. They all stared wide-eyed at the girls. Blaise and Harry blushed while Draco smirked, and walked up to his sister. He held out his hand and said, “Hello there, princess.” Sage laughed and took his hand. She looked up at Blaise who was still blushing and smiled. He smiled back, stood up and walked over to Sage.
“Nice dress. It fits you perfectly.” He said and wrapped his arm around her shoulder. Sage smiled and rested her head on his should for a moment until the others starting gushing over the two.
“You two look so cute together!” Ginny squealed and the others nodded. Sage and Blaise blushed and looked down. They all laughed and went to the dining hall.
Dan eyed the group and whispered, “So it begins, my sweet.” A dark figure behind Dan giggled then wrapped its arms around Dan's waist.
“Have fun.” It whispered into Dan's ear who smirked.
Blaise and Sage were dancing on the dance floor, both smiling happily when someone tapped Blaise's shoulder. Dan popped out from behind and smirked.
“Mind if I cut in?” he asked, looking at Sage with desire. Blaise and Sage frowned then Draco's hand appeared on Dan.
“Move, midget.” He commanded. Dan glared then walked away. Draco turned to the couple and said, “If that kid bothers you again, just tell me. And I'll kick his ass.” Suddenly there was an explosion and students began to scream and ran. Dumbledore stood up and clapped his hands.
“Students return to your dormitories, head's stay here.” Dumbledore ordered. And everyone ran for their lives when they heard an evil chuckle.
“Saggggggeeeee!!!!!” the voice sang and a dark figure appeared from behind her. She screamed and fell back. Blaise caught her and pulled her away from the figure. The mist began to disappear and they saw who it was.
“RON!” Sage screamed, hiding behind Blaise now.
“Hehehehehe.” Ron giggled. “Nice to meet you once again. Hermione.”
Ron's face had scars everywhere, his left arm was missing and his hair had become an even darker red. He had a scar over his right eye and his other eye had turned yellow. “You look nice in that dress.” He said. Sage shivered then gulped. She got out from behind Blaise's back but he held her back.
“What are you doing here?” Blaise demanded, still holding Sage back.
“I came here for the girl.” He voiced. His eyes turned blank and something appeared from behind him. It was pale with red snake eyes. Everyone froze and stared in shock.
“He came because I commanded him to.” Lord Voldemort explained and wrapped his pale arms around Ron's shoulders. Then licked Ron's ear. “He's tasty… What to try?” he asked directly to Dumbledore who by then had long gotten out of his chair and was standing beside Harry.
“What do you want Tom?” Dumbledore asked. Suddenly Sage screamed they all turned to her.
Dan was holding her and was biting her neck. He looked up, eyes bloodshot, mouth covered in Sage's blood. Her neck had two deep piercings, blood spewing out of her neck. “What? Can't a vampire feed without measly humans staring? He asked, Blaise growled and pulled out his wand.
“GET YOUR FILTHY HANDS OFF HER!!!!!!!!” he demanded, Dan smirked and let go of Sage. She feel to the ground, panting. Eyes full of desire as she looked up at Blaise.
“Get away from her!” Dumbledore roared then banished Dan along with Ron and Voldemort away. His giggle rang in everyone's ear as they stared at Sage whose eyes had turned a shocking light blue. She turned a dealthy pale color and opened her mouth.
“What's happening to me??” she asked, showing two long fangs. She looked away, confused then locked her eyes on Blaise and licked her lips. She stood up and walked over to the frozen figure of Blaise and licked his neck. Then her new vampire fangs sank into his neck. Blaise howled in pain and tried to get away. Then mananged to push Sage away. She fell with a thud then looked at Blaise in shock. “WHAT'S HAPPENING TO ME?!!!” she screamed, tears filling her eyes when she realized she caused Blaise to shed blood.
“You're a vampire.” Dumbledore explained and pulled Blaise away from Sage.
“A v-vampire?” Sage echoed and looked at Blaise with extreme bloodlust then licked her lips. “Awesome.”