Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ Moonlight ❯ chapter 9 ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 9
Blue-eyed lovers
Sage fell to the ground when Blaise finally stopped pulling her up staircases and down corridors. She looked around her and found herself in an unfamiliar room. “W-where are we?” She asked the pale slytherin.
“Room of Requirement.” Blaise panted and looked at the sweating blue-eyed girl that he loved. She blushed when their eyes met. Blaise frowned sadly and stepped closer to her only she stepped back. He frowned even more. “What's wrong? Are you surprised?” he asked but Sage shook her head. “Then what's wrong?”
Sage blushed and turned her head away. “I…” she began and blushed even more.
Hermione you idiot, why'd you stop?! She thought and mentally kicked herself. TELL HIMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“What?” Blaise asked while lightly gripped her chin and turned her head back to his face. “Sage, look. Back at the library with Pansy, I apologize for her wretched behavior, but believe me. I really DO love you.” Blaise explained. “Please believe me Sage. I LOVE YOU! I loved you before everyone found out that you were Sage. I loved you as Hermione as well. All this time, I was trying my hardest to talk to you but you were always surround by Potter and that bastard Weasley. And I knew that if I had gotten even 8 feet of you they would jinx me or something. And that day, I was so angry because when I say what he was doing to you. How much he HURT you, it just made me so angry. I wanted so badly to rip his throat out. I wanted to kill him at that very moment. But before that, you just looked so happy with him, I thought if I did kill him, you would hate me for life. And I just wouldn't be able to bare that because I had finally just started talking to you. And I'll do anything for you. I just want to protect you from that kid Dan and Ron. Please Sage. Believe me” he pleaded, growing sadder by the second. By the time he finished, Sage's face was beat red and had gotten a lot warmer.
“Blaise…” she began then thought, I have to tell him. Then she closed her eyes, and took a deep breath. She looked into Blaise's eyes and whispered, “I love you too.”
“What?!” Blaise cried out and blushed as well, his eyes grew wider then he began to laugh, “Oh my god, she loves me too!!!!” He smiled brightly, eyes twinkling and wrapped his arms around Sage's waist. “Sage...” he began, smiling still. “Do you want to go to the winter ball with me?”
Sage smiled and wrapped her arms around Blaise's neck and hugged him tightly. “Yes.”
Draco sat with Ginny and Harry near the library's exit. “I wonder where they went.” Draco sighed. Ginny shrugged while Harry cleaned his glasses.
“So what made Hermione suddenly decide to confess to Blaise?” Harry asked Draco who grinned and pointed at himself.
“Me!” he declared proudly and stuck out his chest. Ginny laughed and Harry shook his head.
“Why?” Harry wondered then Draco's eyes widened and started fumbling in his pocket then handed Harry a note who read it then looked up.
“When did you get this?” Harry demanded, giving the letter to Ginny who gasped and looked at Blaise.
“Draco, this is serious. Ron is as stubborn as a bull. He'll never stop once he's set his eyes on something. We have to find both of them just in case.” Ginny warned and stood up. Draco and Harry agreed and walked out of the library.
“Dan, how are things going?” a dark voice asked.
Dan snickered and replied coldly, “She's being such a sweetheart. You won't even recognize her once I finished.”
“Exellent.” The dark figure began to laugh which caused a ripple of cold air fill the room. “The fun's just about to begin my dear.” The dark figure sang as he watched Sage and Blaise's embrace threw a crystal ball.
I wonder who the `dark figure' is
*thinks really hard*
guess who he is
next chapter comin up ♥