Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ My Dragons Story ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
My Dragons Story

**All standard disclaimers apply.**

AN: A great BIG thank you gose out gbheart for betaing!


Chapter 2
(Draco's POV)
We step into the green flames and come out in a large manor that I recognize instantly as the old Black place from pictures I found in one of my mothers old photo albums. Harry seeing my surprise speaks.
"This is my godfather’s home. I'm sure he'll welcome you with open arms."
As we passed a large open door way I could hear the excited voices pouring out.
A voice cried out and a red head, I recognized as Ginny Weasley, came running out and tackled Harry, causing him to lose his grip on me which ended up with me in a pile on the floor at Harry's feet. I could hear a course of Harry's come from inside the other room and the hall soon filled with people. I look up to see a heart breaking sight. The youngest Weasley had attached her mouth to Harry’s. I close my eyes and look away, knowing that it was too good to be true. I knew that Harry would never care for me the way I did for him. I reach up and grab the railing beside me and pull myself to my feet. This was no easy task mind you. I feel the familiar tingle of Harry’s touch as he wraps an arm around me once again to support me. But this time I tense and push his help away.
He begins but I cut him off.
"I'm fine. Just show me where I can get some sleep and I'll be out of your hair."
"Why you ungrateful-"
Ron starts to yell at my cold behavior but I cut him off as well.
"Weasley, I've heard that line already today from a man twice as strong as you could ever wish to be so save it."
Most of the group has fixed glares on me but I ignore then and turn away.
"Is someone going to show me to a room or should I just go up and pick which ever one I like best?"
"I'll show you."
Harry says unable to hide the hurt in his voice at my sudden change of attitude. But what can I say he just broke my, already trampled over, heart.
The next morning I'm awoken by a light knocking on my door. I instantly note that I'm not in my room at the manor and a jet of fear shoots through me. But then memories of yesterday flow back into my mind. I can't help but feel a sharp stab of pain, as the image of Ginny kissing my beloved Harry replays over and over in my mind.
It's Harry. I could recognize his voice anywhere.
I snap but soon regret it when I see Harry and his sweet face contorts in hurt. I sigh to my self I just can't get the image of him and the little redheaded whore kissing. I watch as Harry cautiously makes his way across my room and carefully takes a seat beside me on my bed.
"Draco, what's wrong? Yesterday when we got home it's like you turned back into the same cold Malfoy I went to school with."
"I am the same cold Malfoy you went to school with."
"No, yesterday in the stall you were Draco and not Malfoy. What happened to upset you so much between here and there?"
"What's it matter to you? Just give me time to shower and dress and I'll go back to my manor and get out of your way."
"No Draco, you can stay here. There's no need for you to stay in that large place by yourself."
"I don't want to be a bother to you or your godfather for that matter. I've got my own place to stay."
"Please stay here I insist you wont be a bother. Please Draco."
Then he did it he gave me the sweetest innocent look I've ever seen. I believe it's called the 'lost puppy dog' look and the cold shell I had spent most of the night trying to rebuild around my heart crumbled to dust.
"Fine but I insist on paying rent."
"You really don't-"
"I either pay rent or I leave."
"Ok so you’re going to pay rent. Now for the reason I came up here in the first place, lunch is ready if you’re hungry."
Slightly surprised when he said lunch I looked at the clock at my bedside to see that it was just past noon. Dear God, I haven't slept past seven since I was five. Father wouldn't have it. I can't help the feeling of relief that flows through me at the thought. I'll never have to worry about living up to his expectations again.
"Why didn't anyone wake me sooner?"
"Well you had quite a tiring day yesterday and I thought that some extra sleep would do you some good."
I nod silently and climb out of bed to shower and dress.
"I'll be down as soon as I've bathed and dressed."
Harry nodded and I went into the bathroom that was adjacent to my room.
I stop just out side the door to the kitchen and listen to the voices inside, even though I can't tell just what there saying. There’s our old DADA teacher Lupin, the Weasley twins Fred and George, The youngest Weasley boy Ron, then a voice I don't know, Harry, the deep voice I don't know, a light woman’s voice I think it might be Mrs. Weasley, a group laugh. Ok, so it's a large group - just as I had feared. I take a deep breath and hold my head high as I step into the kitchen. The room goes dead silent as soon as I'm spotted in the door way. These people are so predictable it's almost sad. A rude comment from Ron in 5...4...3...2…1…
"Oi ferret face, finally decide to grace us with your presence?"
"Ronald! Behave or go back to your room."
Ah I was right the soft female voice was Mrs. Weasley.
"Ron, please I asked you not to start anything. Draco had a hard day yesterday."
"Thanks for the sentiments Harry, but I'm a big boy now and can handle Weasley’s rude behavior. I can even go to the bathroom all by myself."
Harry blushed and I moved to the only empty seat at the table which happened to be beside, the bane of my existence, Ginny Weasley. On my other side was a dark shaggy looking man I'd never met but had seen many times in battles that my father had dragged me to. The dark man put his hand out to offer me a friendly handshake which I accepted.
"Hello we've never met. I'm Sirius Black and you saved my godsons life yesterday. I'd like to offer you thanks and let you know you’re welcome here any time."
"Thank you sir but if I'm to stay here - as Harry insisted I do - I'll be paying for my room and board. I would however like to thank you kindly for your hospitality."
A slight look of disgust formed on his face.
"Please call me Sirius like everyone else, being called sir makes me feel so old and there's no need to be so formal, anyway we're all friends here. As for paying to stay here I hope you realize that all of your assets will be frozen by the ministry by now."
"Ah, I bet all of the Malfoy accounts are but I've had the foresight to place a sizable portion of my money in random accounts in several muggle banks under multiple assumed names. I know how the ministry works. He may be a fool but he has some smart people working under him."
"I'm impressed that you even know what a muggle bank looks like Malfoy."
The second youngest Weasley has decided to rear his ugly head once again.
"I lived there for three months last year, Weasley I know far more about them than probably half of the ministry. That's one of my father’s lessons. I had to know the enemy just as much as I know you. You secretly love spinach even if everyone thinks you hate it. You can only eat if you've counted to make sure there’s an even number of pieces of food. Oh and you can't sleep unless you have your teddy zinnky with you."
I can't help but smirk at his shocked face. Ah at least some of fathers lessons are paying off. Just about everyone at the table bursts out laughing and Weasleys face turns just about as red as his hair.
"How do you know all of that? I live in the same dorm as him and I didn't even know he had a teddy."
"Simple observation and some snooping, I can tell you his entire daily routine as well as your own Harry. Anyone that I've ever considered my enemy, as well as a few others I just don't trust."
"Wow really?"
"Would like me to prove it Potter? First thing you do every morning once you've put on your glasses is remove the silencing charm on your bed. You put it back every night to keep the others in your dorm from been woken by your screams when you have nightmares. Then you go to the bathroom shower and brush your teeth. Then you dress, grab your books and meet your friends for breakfast. Say it's a Monday Double Potions, bathroom break, Charms, free, lunch, History of Magic, Defense against the Dark Arts. Then you usually have Quidditch practice until dinner. After dinner, if you don't have detention, you go up to your dorm and try to find an excuse not to do your homework and usually end up playing some random game or end up going back out for some more Quidditch practice. Need I really continue?"
"Harry, how could you? You told me that you'd quit having nightmares and that's why you didn't wake us anymore."
"Well I was tired of worrying you guys all the time that just seemed to be the only way to help."
"Really there's no need to get all flustered Weasley, you've got your own secrets that you've been keeping from Potter. Isn't that right Ms Granger?"
I love it when I'm right. Both Weasley and Granger blush and look away from Harry . . . I mean Potter. Damn why'd he have to be with that bitch.
"Ron, Mione? What's Draco talking about?"
"Well you see Harry me and Mione we've sorta been dating."
"For how long?"
I can almost feel the hurt in Harry’s voice. But I resist the urge to hold him and comfort him. That's what he's got the little Weasley for.
"N-not long Harry, please don't be mad. We just didn't know how to tell you is all."
"Not long Granger? I'd say just over a year was quite long."
That comment earned me a glare from the pair of no longer secret lovers.
"A…a…a year? Please tell me this is just a joke."
"No Harry, we have been dating as long as he said. I'm so sorry Harry, we just didn't want to hurt you or make you feel left out and well we just never found the right time to tell-"
"Stop it. You guys just didn't trust me enough. Why else wouldn't you have told me?"
I can hear the pain in his voice and can't help but think 'yes now you know feel pain let it tear you apart from the inside out. Let it eat you alive. Feel it stab your heart without remorse, like the pain you caused me' even though I think this my heart feels a twinge of regret at being the one to bring this pain upon my love, but I do my best to pretend it's not there and enjoy my one small piece of revenge.
"Harry I'm so-"
"Save it Ron. Let’s just eat lunch all right."
The room goes to an uncomfortable silence for the rest of the meal. It sorta reminds me of home. Home? I've used the wrong word. That place was anything but a home. It was just another oversized mansion, where I happened to reside. It was a house - nothing more. My train of thought is broken when my godfather walks through the door.
"What's wrong? I thought after yesterday you all would be floating on a cloud of happiness. But I come here to see you more melancholy then ever."
"Hey Sev, sorry but your godson has just brought some things to light that I hadn’t noticed."
"What could he have possibly said that brought you all down so much?"
"That Ron and Mione have been dating for over a year and have neglected to tell me."
"Oh, you couldn't tell? It's kind of obvious."
"To a Slytherin uncle Sev, remember there all Gryffindors."
I decide to join in.
"Ah how could I have forgotten, well onto the reason I came, Draco I've been sent to inform you that all your accounts and properties are to be searched for any dark paraphernalia before you are permitted to return them."
"I knew that. It could take months before they finish with the manor and I'm going to need clothes and such. Ah well, I guess this gives me an excuse to go shopping."
"You sound like a freaking puff when you say that Malfoy."
The youngest Weasley decides to rear her ugly head.
"Well I guess that's one way of saying it but I prefer just being called ‘just plain gay’ if you don't mind."
"You’re gay Draco?"
"Yes, does it bother you Harry?"
"No not at all, I'm bi and Siri and Remy are dating."
"Ah, that explains why they've been playing footsy."
I can't help but smirk when the pair blush and look at their plates.