Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ My Dragons Story ❯ Chapter 10 ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 10
(Draco's P.O.V)
"Please, take a seat. Would you like something to drink, Sev?"
"Draco, I'm just going to get straight to the point. I – we want you to come home."
"What ‘home’, Severus? The manor was seized by the Ministry, as were all the Malfoy accounts."
"And who is Minister, Draco? All your lands and accounts are yours."
"And what of Lilly? I can't just uproot her from all she's ever known."
"You’re making excuses, Draco."
"You’re right, as always, Sev, but I'm not going back there; I'm quite happy here. Besides, I'd be going back into a snake pit full of people who would kill me as soon as they see me. They would strike out in any way to hurt me, which means Lilly would be in danger."
"But I don't mind, daddy, I wanna see where you came from."
"Lilly, how many times do I have to tell you not to do that?"
"How did she do that? She's far too young to apparate."
"Mr. creepy man, isn't it cool? I taught myself when I was four. Daddy fainted the first time I showed him. Three months ago, I figured out how to do it without making that awful, loud popping noise."
"Sev, look at who her parents are. She's destine to have amazing powers, which is just another reason for her not to go. You know what people over there would do. A Malfoy with this kind of power would be killed, as soon as she was discovered."
"I wouldn't allow it."
"Harry, do you honestly think you could kill your friends to stop them from killing a girl you just met? You know how harsh they can be when they’re scared. They all know my family’s track record, and who knows how powerful Lilly will end up being. They'll probably think I've been teaching her to be the new Dark Lord."
"I can take care of myself, daddy." Derrick opened the door.
"Lilly did it again."
"I know, sorry, Derrick. Lilly, I know that you can take very good care of yourself, but you've never had to fight like you would have to if we went back. Nearly no one could be trusted and you let your feelings be seen far too easily. Maybe in a few years, when you’re older, we can visit but, as things are, I simply couldn’t take you into the danger of such a place. If we ever went back, you would have to undergo lots of training. People over there expect a lot out of a Malfoy."
"What's a Malfoy?"
"That's our real last name. You see honey there's a lot I've neglected to tell you, that you would need to know if we were to go there. People over there tend to be far different. You know how people with powers like us just mingle with people who know nothing about them here? Well, people over there with powers separate themselves: pureblood, half-blood, muggleborns and muggles. Malfoy is the last name of a very prominent pureblood family, which means that no one in the family has ever married someone who wasn't born from a long line of wizards. Harry here is known as a half-blood because his mommy was a muggleborn witch, while his father was a pureblood. Is this making any sense, Lilly?"
"Yes, daddy."
"Okay, well, you know Nick has two muggle parents, which means he's muggle born? Over in Europe, things like a person’s blood type tend to determine the social rank – pureblood being the highest, and muggleborn the lowest. You, Lilly, would be known as a half-blood because Harry is your father. That means that a lot of the purebloods would look down on you. Do you understand?"
"Yes, daddy, but I don't care if they make fun of me, I really wanna go."
"They will do anything to hurt you, not just through nasty words. And not just about you, I've committed sever crimes in many of their eyes."
"Like what?"
"Well, first I had a hand in the death of the Dark Lord. And then, to add insult to injury, I had a child with someone who wasn’t only a pureblood, but a man. If my father were alive he would have to disown me for the honour and pride of our family."
"So grandpa Malfoy is dead?" I can't help but flinch at her question.
"Yes, and so is grandma Malfoy. We are the only living Malfoys that I know of."
"Do we have a big house like Uncle Derrick’s mommy and daddy?"
"Yes, it's called Malfoy Manor. It has; 13 gardens, 2 large lakes, a Quidditch pitch, and a stable that used to be filled with some of the most beautiful horses and ponies you've ever seen."
"They still are, I've kept the place up and tended to matters of business in your stead, hoping that we would find you well. Draco, please come home."
"I can't Sev this is my - Lilly what are you –?" I start to ask, just a moment too late to stop Lilly as she grabs Potter. I and Sev blink out of the hotel, leaving Derrick alone and mildly confused. We re-appear in the stable of Malfoy Manor, scaring the stable hand, who, as soon as he recognised me, dropped to his knees.
"Lilly, what did I say? No apparating other people; it's not safe."
"Master, welcome home."
"Stand up, Steven, you know that you don't have to bow to me. As for you, little missy, you’re in more trouble than you could have ever imagine. You could have killed us all, do you know that? Transporting four people this far, I'm amazed we're all in one piece."
With that she starts to cry and I turn away.
"It's been so long, Draco, I was sure you'd been killed by a Death Eater. I'm glad to see you in such good health and with a child, no less." He said, as he stood and came to hug me.
"I'm glad to see you’re well. How did things turn out with that Scottish lass?"
"She's my wife, thanks to your help. She's expecting our 3rd in a few weeks. Two boys, she said that, if this ones not a girl, she gonna start sleeping with the milk man." He replied with a slight laugh. A loud whinny to my left pulled my attention, and I turned to see my old stallion, Storm.
"Storm, how’s he been?" I asked Steven, as I rushed over to his stall.
"No one's been able to ride him since you left. Stubborn old thing throws them all, just like always."
"That's my boy, Storm." Without a second thought, I open the stall, grab his mane, and pull myself up onto his back. Storm takes off out of the barn. I'm quickly lost in the free feeling that I used to live for, as Storm carries me as fast as he can run through the open fields. But, it doesn't last long before I realise that I left everyone back at the stables.
"Easy, boy, it's been quite some time since I've been on the back of a horse. Come on, lets get back to the barn. I can't believe I left Lilly."
Storm prances back into the barn where I find everyone trying to calm Lilly, so that she'll stop crying. I can't help but sigh. I know that I yelled at her, but she really could have hurt or even killed us all, apparating us all to an entirely different country. I slide off of Storm, who follows me over to my crying child. She looks up at me; her eyes red and puffy. I open my arms without saying a word and she runs into them, crying on my shoulder. I pick her up and walk away from the group, Storm shadowing my every move.
"Daddy, I'm sorry, honestly, I didn't know it's was so bad. I promise that I'll never do it again. Never ever, ever."
"Shh, baby, it's okay. I'm sorry I yelled at you like that, it just really worries me when you do stuff like this. Now, dry up those tears, and I'll show you where I grew up." Lilly wiped her tears away eagerly, a small smile forming on her lips. I turn back to the group.
"Are you coming or not?" Harry smiles and rushes up to us, but Sev shakes his head and signs that he needs to finish talking to Steven. I nod and sit Lilly up on Storm’s back. Then, the three of us walk over to the manor.