Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ unbreakableBOND ❯ Wait A Damned Minute! ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

<b><u>A/N:</u></b> I don't own Harry Potter.
<b><u>OI!!!:</u></b> Wow, I wasn't expecting all that feed back! I've never gotten so many hits/reviews/Author Alerts/Story Alert so quickly! It was amazazing! Thanks everyone!!! I'd really like to thank those at AFF.net, you've been great! One reader did ask me a question though, it was 'How was Kingsley able to get through the wards at Grimmuald place?' Well, that was entirely my fault. I forgot to mention he apparted <i>outside</i> the wards, and they walked in. Although I'm pretty sure in DH they can just apperate on the doorstep. Which isn't a spoiler okay, it's random information that has nothing to do with anything so don't bite my head off!
<b>Chapter Two: Just Wait a Damned Minute!</b>
Draco Malfoy decided that this, this moment in time right now, was the best moment of his life. Finally, finally after all these years of trying to out-wit, humiliate, kill, hurt, beat, and any other horrible thing you might want to do to a person he had succeed. Yes, now it was his turn to laugh at Potter, now it was his turn to look down upon Potter, it was his turn to have to upper hand, it was his turn to <i>beat Potter</i>.
And he would beat Potter, he would make sure that Potter suffered for his past discrepancies. And just what were those? Refusing Draco's hand in friendship, calling him 'Ferret', trying to make him look bad, and there were countless other things the haughty Gryffindor needed to punished for but the one thing, the one single thing that Draco would make sure he paid for was really quite simple.
Potter ignored him.
All the time. You do not ignore a Malfoy, ever. Yes, and Draco would see to it that Potter paid, very, very close attention to him in the weeks, moths, <i>years</i> to come. See, thing was, Potter wasn't raised in the wizarding world, and as such he had <i>no idea</i> what bonding implied. Of course Draco knew what this bond would bring and he wasn't very sure how they were going to manage it really.
There was also the fact that Draco had been told back in June about the bonding, so while it still sucked, he was pretty much used to the idea. Last night, the same thing happened to him that happened when he turned 17. There was however, less pain, but that was because both parties weren't involved at the time and it was just Draco. He knew that Potter could feel the small ring around his wrist, tugging a bit, the tingly sensation probably traveling up and down his arm. But, Draco reasoned, he probably didn't feel where the pull was head, and if he could, he's be horrified.
The pull was drawing them both together, it had been hell in the summer for Draco, to be so far away and have the damned thing pull him out of bed, across his room, and smack into a wall some nights. He was also going to make Potter pay for living so bloody far away from the Manor. Yes, there were so many things Draco would get him for, but for now, Draco was going to enjoy the look on Harry's face.
Harry's mouth was hanging open, his eyes were wide with shock, his breathing, heavy and every once in awhile he would close his jaw and then try to say something. No sound would come out however, and he came out looking like a dying Goldfish with a severe case of asthma.
Finally, some higher power took pity on poor Harry and returned his ability to form words, and maybe even sentences back, "WHHHHAAAA?!" He managed out and Draco snorted.
"I see you can speak again, pity, I enjoyed the fish-out-of-water look on you."
"Wait just a damned minute, Malfoy! What do you mean we're getting <i>married</i>?!" Harry screeched. Fear gripped his insides, being married to Malfoy was not on the top of his to do list. Suddenly his head felt a whole lot worse, in fact Harry thought he may just AK himself to get rid of the pain, and the sickness in his stomach.
"I mean we are going to bond, or how you Muggles put it, get married." Draco laid back down, smirking in triumph. Ahh, yes, this was the good life, making Potter suffer, and it was only the beginning.
It was while Draco was basking in his glory that the door burst open reveling an irate Ronald Weasley, an exasperated Molly Weasley, an amused Sirius Black, a concerned Remus Lupin, an angry Hermione Granger, and a melancholy Ginny Weasley. Draco stared from face to face, wondering how the hell all of them fit in the hall outside the door.
"Come to watch the show? Too bad, Harry and I just finished up here. Isn't that right, love?" Draco turned to Harry smirk on full blast. All of the groups face resembled a tomato at that point, only Sirius and Ron's were the ones that weren't from embarrassment. Ron, Ron was so angry Harry thought top of his head just might pop off and steam would start coming out of any orifice oh his head, like in those Bugs Bunny cartoons. Sirius face was red for an entirely different reason all together. In fact, Sirius wasn't mad at all, no, Sirius was <i>laughing.
At least one of them is good for something, Draco thought, probably because he was raised like a proper pure blood.
"Sirius!" Remus snapped once the animagi had gotten out of control, his laughter died down a bit but he was still chuckling like mad.
"Malfoy!" Harry yelled once the sudden embarrassment had passed, although he still had a little blush.
"I swear to Merlin, Malfoy , if you ever try <i>anything</i>-" Ron's rant was cut short by Mrs. Weasley interjecting.
"RONALD WEASLEY! DON'T YOU DARE MAKE THREATS TO DRACO!" Mrs. Weasley still refereed to Draco, as well Draco. Little known fact, Ron and Draco used to play together when the were very young. When they were seven they stopped speaking to each other entirely. Molly, however, still thought Draco was a nice boy and treated him just as she always did.
And he was....Sometimes.
"Come along Ronald, we have much to discuss." Hermione strode forth and grabbed Ron by the arm, dragging him kicking in screaming out of the room, at the door she shot Harry and apologetic smile and told him she'd speak with him later.
Sirius, Remus, Molly, and Ginny were left. Ginny's face was still red at Draco's early comment but she did her best to glare sullenly at the blonde adonis.
"Ginny, dear, please stop glaring at Draco and go downstairs with the others." Molly told her daughter.
"But, Mum-" Ginny started.
"Touchy." Ginny mumbled as he left the room.
"Now, dears, tell me how you feel, you must have had a rough night." She said hurrying over to them and began fussing about with Harry's clothes and hair.
"Actually, I haven't had such a restful night since I was back at Hogwarts." Harry answered, smiling at them.
"And you, Draco? How do you feel?" She smoothed some hair away from his face and Harry watched on in horror as the mother of his best friend who hated Malfoy treated him just as she would Harry.
"I'm fine Mum Weasley, I don't hurt that much anymore, and I slept well from all the exhaustion." Draco gave her a disarming smile and she beamed back at him.
"Good, good, glad to hear it." Harry's eyes were wide and his mouth slack jawed. Remus looked a little shocked, but Sirius didn't seem to notice anything amiss, he'd visited his with his cousin a few times when he went to see the Weasley's over the years.
"Now, Harry, Draco, could you please follow me? I'm sure you're wondering what's happened so Dumbledore's going to speak with you." Remus said stepping forward a bit.
"Yes, of course." Harry jumped out of bed and made his way over to Sirius as fast as he could. Only to be pulled back harshly and landed flat on his back, his head making a loud 'Crack!' on the floor.
"Oh, dear!" Molly rushed over and knelt beside the groaning Harry. Sirius and Draco had immediately started laughing, Remus hit Sirius a few times on the arm before kneeling opposite of Molly on the floor.
"Harry? Are you all right?" Remus asked, pulling some chocolate out of his pocket. "Here eat this."
"Oh bloody hell, Remus! Not everything can be cured with chocolate!" Molly snapped at him, this only caused Sirius and Draco to laugh harder. Draco was burying his face in a pillow to muffle the sounds while Sirius was bent over and leaning on a wall for support.
"Shut up, the both of you!" Remus snapped and the two immediately calmed down, sensing the danger, "And for you information Molly, this <i>does</i> help, now eat it." Remus shoved the chocolate in Harry's face and the dark haired bot quickly took it lest he upset the werewolf even further.
"Now, Harry dear, try to sit up, slowly." Molly instructed and Harry did so.
"Really, Mrs. Weasley, I'm fine. I don't really know what happened though, it's like something pulled at my wrist and I fell." Harry explained, perplexed. Remus and Molly gave each other knowing looks.
"Okay Harry, you're just going to have to wait for Draco to come over here, okay?" Molly said, helping him up.
"What? Why do I-" Harry was cut off when Lupin interjected, "Just wait until you see Dumbledore, okay?" Harry nodded while Molly hurried Draco over. The boy got out of bed and stretched languidly, the muscles on his stomach contracting and expanding, they then settled to show the taunt six pack.
Harry, Remus and Sirius blushed at the blatant display of body, Molly saw the way the others reacted and said to Draco, "Oh, dear why don't you put a shirt on? You both have been through so much this past evening it would do no good for you to catch a cold."
Draco nodded and grabbed his shirt from the floor where he flung it in the middle of the night. The four made their way downstairs and back to the room where they were last night.
"Hello boys, how are you feeling?" Dumbledore greeted them, smiling.
"Fine, Professor Dumbledore." They replied in unison, then they both turned to glare at the other simultaneously, which only enraged them further. Dumbledore chuckled to himself, it seemed he had his work cut out for him. "Why don't you two take a seat?" They did so and Dumbledore began, "Well, as we were interrupted last night, and I didn't get to tell you, may I ask? Draco, your father told you what was going on, correct?" Draco nodded and Dumbledore continued, "Yes, so did you have a chance to talk at all?"
"Yes," Draco replied for them, as Harry was still fuming about everything in particular.
"And did you inform Harry what happened?"
"All he said was that we were getting married." Harry interjected, looking at Dumbledore pleadingly, he really just wanted him to deny everything.
"Yes, I'm afraid so, my boy. Although it is not quite marriage." Dumbledore stood up and walked to the far side of the room, gazing at nothing in particular. "Marriage and bonding...I'm not sure which you would rather refer to it as, Harry."
"Professor, I don't understand, why is this happening?" Harry asked.
"Well, you see a long time ago your great-great-great-great-grand-"
"Great," Draco interjected. Dumbledore smiled and nodded before continuing, "Great-grandfather William Potter and Draco's great-great-great-great-great-grandfather Linulcius Malfoy-"
"Did your family always have to give their children such crackpot names?" Harry interrupted.
"For your information, Linulcius is a good, solid name. Unlike <i>William</i>, Merlin, what bloke wasn't named William back then?" Draco retorted.
"Linulcius," Harry answered.
"Boys, may I continued on with the reason you're in this predicament or would you rather argue about great names of the Thirteenth Century?" Dumbledore asked, turning to face them once more. Harry quickly shut his mouth and Draco tightened his jaw, glaring at Dumbledore, he was supposed to be making fun of Potter right now, not dealing with this old fool! "Alright, as I was saying William Potter and Linulcius Malfoy were great friends." Harry's eyes went wide, this was about as weird as Draco calling Mrs. Weasley 'Mum Weasley.' "One day they decided that when they had children, they would bond. To make the deal official, the made what in that day was known as 'The Unbreakable Bond Vow'."
Dumbledore stopped, he noticed Draco was making stupid faces at Harry and Harry was doing his best to ignore him, "Draco, what is 'The Unbreakable Bond Vow'?" Dumbledore asked.
"Well, Professor, the UBV was essentially the same thing as an Unbreakable Vow, but when made the two parties involved would vow to have their children married, it was way from keeping arranged marriage plans from failing. Of course in the 18th century the vow was banned and anyone caught preforming the vow would be severely punished." Draco explained, looking smug. Huh, did Dumbledore really think he hadn't done his homework?
"Very good, Draco. Now, when William and Linulcius made this vow they were prepared for the fact that they may have only boys or girls. And why was that a problem then, and not now Draco?"
"Because back then, it was a problem from men and women to have children with the same sex, it could be down, but was frowned upon because of the heavy dark magic it required. Most children ended up deformed while they tried to perfect potions in spells. Though, after a few years they did perfect it and then evolution took over and now wizarding men and women can be impregnated by the same sex." Draco looked bored as he recited off knowledge any four year old wizarding child knew.
Harry, on the other hand, was completely freaking out. He had no idea that it was possible for men to be with children in any world. Why hadn't anyone told him this? How come he had never seen a pregnant man before? Wouldn't someone say something? A professor? A friend? Stan from the Knight Bus?
Dumbledore then went on with his tale, hoping Harry could handle all thins information at one time, "So they put a time limit on it, as most wizards did. The contract has expired, 'The 7th child after the first,' was the time limit. You two are the 7th."
"And what would had happened if one of us was dead?" Harry asked.
"Then it would transfer to the second heir." Dumbledore answered.
"There's something I don't understand Professor, last night why was I in so much pain?" Draco asked. He knew that there would be pain, he just wasn't sure why so much.
"Ah, see when Harry here turned seventeen the contract became valid. Draco when you turned seventeen the same thing happened, correct?"
"Yea, just not like that." Draco answered.
"Well, because you are both the direct descendants of the Malfoy's and the Potter's the connection was immediately forced unto you. When you turned seventeen Draco, the contract activated and at times you'd feel yourself pull towards something, right?" Draco nodded, "Last night Harry entered into the contract and because you were so close to one another, the vow longed for contact. It was so painful because the contract had been waiting for so many years and it needed to bind your magic to the contract. Draco wouldn't have been affected so if you two had been in contact when you turned seventeen, Harry nor would it have been as painful." Harry looked away, a little shamed. "There was also the fact that the vow wanted to be fulfilled." He finished.
Draco nodded and Harry sat their looking bewildered. Draco smirked, glad to know that Potter was in such shock.
"Do you have any questions Harry?" Dumbledore asked.
"Questions? <i>Questions</i>? What do you mean do I have any questions you stupid old fool?! Of course I have bloody questions!" Harry shouted. Draco looked taken aback, he wasn't aware that Harry ever questioned his beloved Dumbledore on <i>anything</i>. And now to sit here and watch Dumbledore take it all with out blinking an eyelash? Bloody weird, that is. "How about we start with oh, I don't know, WHAT THE BLOODY HELL IS BONDING AND WHY THE BLOODY HELL AM I DOING IT WITH MALFOY?! Maybe WHAT THE BLOODY HELL IS THIS THING AROUND MY WRIST?! Or for instance WHY CAN'T A BE FOR THEN SEVEN BLOODY FEET FROM HIM BEFORE I'M JERKED BACK AND FALL FLAT ON MY BACK CRACKING MY SKULL OPEN?! Or how about-"
"Harry, did you say you couldn't be more than seven feet away from Draco?" Dumbledore interjected, it was quite weird really, here was Harry screaming his head off, things rattling on the walls because he was losing control of his magic, and Dumbledore just interrupts him like they were having a normal conversation.
"Yes, I did." Harry bit out.
"Oh, dear, it's worse than I thought." Dumbledore stood, "I'm going to have to go back to Hogwarts for awhile and try to figure some things out. I'm not sure how deep the contract wanted the bond to be. For now, you two are just going to have to stay near one another, don't worry it's nothing serious. The vow just wants closeness. And if you two start to get along, then you can be further and further apart. That's what you feel around your wrist Harry, that's the vow." Dumbledore answered Harry's early question.
Dumbledore made for the door, the two boys standing and following him, "Professor," Harry hesitated, wondering if he really wanted to know the answer to his question, "What would happen if Malfoy and I don't bond?"
"Well," Dumbledore said gravely, "You will die."
<b><u>A/N:</u></b> Aheh...I don't know what to tell you all here. Except that today's Friday, but I'm not posting this till monday. Why? Because I don't want you people think I'm a quick updater, because I'm not. I don't know why this was so quick, don't ask me. Anyway, what did you think of this chapter? Did everything make sense? So tell me what you think!!!!