Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ unbreakableBOND ❯ Blood, Sweat, and Tears ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: I don't own Harry Potter.
OI!!!: Wow! Again, thanks so much for those of you who reviewed or favourited/alerted! It means so much! You guys a frikin awesome! -Hands out cookies-
So I had one review going on about how Harry always blindly follows Dumbledore, and another about how Dumbledore is really mean. I think me making Dumbledore a bastard would be really cliche, so I'm going to try to keep him in character as much as possible, which would mean with him you never get the whole story until the very end. Well, not the very end but it will come later, weather or not he's a bastard isn't decided yet, so maybe I'll be a little cliche' :D
Oh, and this is to Kat, I'm so sorry that I made you angry! I didn't mean to!! I hope you don't stop reading this fic, because Draco gets better...At some point. But if does make you really, really mad then you can stop reading it, I don't want you to go on a rampage and punch a squirrel or something. Heh. :D
Uhm, there's a pretty intense fight scene in here...If you're not comfortable with spit andblood, then you may want to skip it....
Chapter Three: Blood, Sweat, and Tears.
Harry stared blankly at Dumbledore for a long time, he saw his lips moving and he heard the noise coming out but could make no sense of it. He watched Dumbledore walk away, a regretful look on his face. He could only hear the three words Dumbledore had spoken earlier, they were ringing back and forth through his head like a church bell on Sunday morning, loud and long.
'You will die.'
"Come on, Potter." Malfoy said surprisingly close to his ear. Draco began to walk away and Harry could only follow, his right arm outstretched from the vow pulling on him. He knew he looked like some sad puppy following Malfoy around like this. Draco headed up the stairs and Harry wondered where he was going, they passed by many doors and one open door reveled Hermione and Ron talking quietly. Ron saw them pass and jumped up, but the cry of 'Harry!' died on his lips when he saw his friends face. Hermione pulled Ron back down into the chair and Harry turned his head with a bitter smile and walked after Draco.
Malfoy was going back to Harry's room. As he entered Harry felt the sudden urge to tell him to get out, that they wouldn't stay in this room, that Malfoy would never be allowed in this room. He didn't though, he didn't want to say anything and yet he needed to say everything. Malfoy sat down on Harry's bed, and took his shirt off once more.
"Why are you getting undressed?" Harry asked, staring at the blonde boy before him.
"Why am I getting undressed? You were just told that unless you bond we'll die and all you can say is 'Why are you getting undressed?' Un-bloody-believable. I seriously misjudged you for someone with a bit of common sense." Malfoy smirked leaning back.
"Shut the fuck up, Malfoy, I don't need to deal with your bloody lip right now." Harry spat.
"Oh, touchy are we? Well, that's okay, Potter, I like it rough." Draco winked at him. Harry's eyes sparkled with something Draco had never seen before and suddenly there was a very angry Gryffindor jumping on him.
"You shut your dirty fucking mouth!" Harry screamed punching the blonde in the cheek. Draco felt his neck crack slightly as it was thrown to the side and the blood rush into his mouth from the hole that his teeth punctured.
Harry didn't know what came over him, he wasn't so sure why all of a sudden he felt such unadulterated rage towards Malfoy at the moment, all he knew that he wanted those lips to just shut up. Malfoy was jut a bit too mocking for him right now, with Dumbledore throwing everything at him like this and then fucking Malfoy just flinging it in his face? No, Harry couldn't deal with that, Harry had to make sure that Malfoy got it through his thick, finely groomed, blonde head that he would not take it.
Draco had seen the thoughts brewing behind those jade eyes and took that chance to catch Harry off guard. The Slytherin flipped them over and straddled Harry's waist, grabbing both wrists with one hand and holding them down then punching Harry in the eye with his other.
Harry cried out in pain, his eyes watering as he tried to wiggle his hands free fruitlessly. "Are you quiet done, yet?" Draco panted, his face close to Harry's as he glared at the boy. Harry spat in his face before quickly butting his head up and hitting the blonde in the nose.
Draco immediately let go of Harry's writs and reached for his nose, trying to catch the blood that was dripping from it. "Not on your life!" Harry barked, pushing Draco off him.
Draco let go of his nose to push Harry back, but the dark haired boy already had him covered. Harry now mimicked Draco's early position, however he never got a hit in, Draco shot up and Harry fell backwards onto the floor with a loud 'thump!' Draco grabbed on to Harry's shirt in the process and it was now ripped open. Harry held the back of his throbbing head and hoped Draco wouldn't hit him now.
"How bout now?" Draco spat blood in Harry's face, he could still feel Harry's spit running down his cheek. Harry let out a cry of rage and began clawing savagely at Draco's exposed chest, this nails digging into the flesh and removing the skin altogether to let blood drip down the pale chest. Draco hissed in pain reaching down to wrap his bloody hands around Harry's neck, it was then that the door burst open reveling a wild eyed Mrs. Weasley.
"Boys! You stop this right now!" But her cry from them to stop was lost in the sudden screaming from both boys. The ring around Harry's wrist had suddenly constricted, the feeling traveled up his arm slowly leaving his arm to feel like he shoved it into a red hot metal mold. Harry could tell that Draco was feeling the same thing from the sweat that was dripping off his brow and falling onto Harry's face, the grimace on his face and the shocked cry he'd just let out.
"Let...Go...Of...My neck!" Draco gritted out, and Harry realized that his hand were in fact around the blondes neck.
"Let...Go...Of mine!" Harry ground back. Draco's glare hardened but he let go of the scared boys neck and Harry did the same. Draco dropped down onto Harry's chest, his breath coming in pants. "I..Hate you." Harry gasped out once he had enough breath.
"Get over it...Potter." Was all Draco said before he fell asleep on top of the dark haired boy. Harry glared at the blonde head but decided he was too tired to do anything about moving the oaf and soon fell asleep as well, Mrs. Weasley watching them with concern from the doorway.
Harry decided waking up all the time next to Malfoy wasn't the best thing in the world. Actually waking up in the near vicinity of Malfoy wasn't please at all, Harry preferred his mornings, no life to be entirely Malfoy-free. Unfortunately for Harry, whoever watched over him from above or whatever either A) Hated him with a burning passion or B) Was a complete sadist.
A and B seemed to be the answer, Harry noted as he felt Malfoy's drool slid down his neck. "Merlin, this is gross." Harry groaned and Draco stirred a bit, "Malfoy, get up will you? Your drooling on me."
Draco opened his eyes and looked around blearily, he then noticed he was laying on top of Harry and immediately ripped himself of the boy, rolling into a sitting position as Harry let out a yelp of surprise. Draco's blood had dried between their chests and Draco had a feeling some of his skin was still attached to Harry, and he was pretty sure he pulled out some of Harry's chest hairs. Not that their was much there.
Draco looked over at Harry once he had let his breathing calm down from the sudden jolt of pain and let out a snicker at what he saw, "Merlin, Potter look at yourself."
Harry sat up and looked down at himself, hist shirt was ripped open and his chest was covered in Malfoy's blood, his eyes was sore and swollen, and he felt his face tighten a bit when he moved it a certain way. He remembered that Malfoy had spit in his face earlier, and that most of it was blood, so that was probably dried on his face.
Harry grimaced at this thought and looked to Draco, his hair was out of place, his chest scratched to all hell, covered in blood, there was dried spit on his face and dried blood running from his nose down his neck.
"Have you seen yourself?" Harry asked defensively, in truth he felt kind of bad for Draco. Draco hadn't really hit him, just kind of tried to get Harry to stop hitting him, while Harry had drawn blood three times. Actually he was surprised the blonde didn't start hexing him the moment he woke up.
"Don't think you won just because I didn't hit you," Draco's voice broke Harry out of his thoughts, "They're a few things you need to understand. Now normally I wouldn't help you in the slightest," All Harry's sympathy for Draco vanished and he returned to thinking the Malfoy heir got what he deserved, "But you're hurting us both here. I understand this may be hard for your little brain to grasp but do try to keep up. The UBV was made for one purpose only: Political alliances. As such one cannot bond or barry or whatever the hell you Muggles call it without some kind of harmony between both parties."
"It's marry, Malfoy." Harry interjected.
"Yes, whatever, marry. Anyway, you randomly attacking me isn't very harmonious. When things like that happen the vow tries to end it with the only way it can, with pain."
"Wait, the vow is the thing that keeps setting us on fire or whatever? That's bloody sick." Harry said in disbelief.
"Yes, you dimwit, what did you think it was? And how else would a vow make sure that you keep your promise? A Howler? Not bloody likely," Draco snorted at the thought.
"You know what, Malfoy-" Draco cut off Harry's rant before it started saying, "Shut up, Potter, I'm trying to save you some time and pain here. I don't have to, you know." Harry said nothing and he continued, "All right, now here's the thing, we have to be civil to one another at the very least. A bond cannot be successful unless both parties are at least on amiable terms." Draco explained.
"Wait, so I have to be friends with you?" Harry's tone reeked of disgust.
Draco bristled, "Potter, why wouldn't you want to be friends with me? The questions is why would I want to be friends with you?"
Malfoy was seriously asking this? Was he seriously asking Harry this? Yea, he totally was. "I don't know, Malfoy, it might be because that I would never revel the location your using to teach other people how to defend themselves against the maniacal snake man that's on the loose. I would never make up a horribly scarring song about your other friend,"
"Weasley's scarred from that? Seriously?" Draco sounded shocked.
"Yes, he is." Harry answered.
"Wow, I've really out down myself, thanks for letting me now that little tidbit of information." Draco said proudly.
"And maybe someone would want to be my friend because I'm nice! Merlin forbid there are just kind people in the world!" Harry shouted, irritated at Draco. This was exactly why Harry hated Draco, being proud of hurting someone's feelings, the git.
"Maybe if you didn't pick a fight with me every time you're having a bad day I'd be nice!" Draco shot back, "And if I recall correctly I offered you friendship in the first place, and you refused it!" Draco had nearly forgotten his mission of making Potter pay, but this conversation was just serving to remind him that Potter was not to be trusted. The stupid Gryffindor never did look before he leaped. Harry said nothing, and Draco took this as a sign that he had won that argument.
"Really, Potter, you brought this animosity upon yourself, so don't interrupt me again. As I was saying, we have to be friends or at least act like it, otherwise the vow kill us. And judging by your last attack, that won't take long." Draco eyed him, mockingly.
"Wait a minute, it's the vow that will kill us?! What the hell bull is that?!"
"Spell production was crude at the time, it was do or die." Draco shrugged.
"Wait, so do people still do these vowy things now?" Harry asked, genuinely curious. There was so much he didn't know about the Wizarding World and every time he got a chance to learn a little something he'd snatch up quicker than a chocolate frog.
"It's uncommon, but not outlawed. It's one of the few wizarding traditions that are technically considered Dark Magic to survive."
"Oh," Harry said. He felt awkward talking to Draco without him being malicious to him. He wasn't sure what to say next back Draco saved him from that.
"So, all we really need to do now is be calm with one another. Although, you're famous for your temper, try and keep it in check." Draco smirked at him. He was a Malfoy, and Malfoy's never lost their composure, Harry wanted to smack that composure off his pretty little pale face.
Only that was giving into what Draco wanted and he wouldn't have that. So Harry settled for glaring at the blonde instead. "Malfoy," He said suddenly, "Why are you so calm about this whole situation?"
"I'm always calm." Draco pointed out, "And I learned about this in June, my father told me a few days before my birthday, apparently he was hoping one of us would die before it came to this, pity isn't it?"
"So you knew and you never bothered to tell me?" Well really, what did Harry expect, they were enemies after all. Harry was so angry that he was always the last one to know about everything.
"Why should I have told you? Besides, then I would have never gotten to see that lovely look on your face earlier."
"You still could of told me!"
"What? Sent you an owl? 'Dear Potter, this is Draco Malfoy, I'm just writing to say that we're going to have to bond in a few months. Enjoy the rest of your summer, kitten, I'll see you soon!'? Yea, I don't think so."
"Well when you say it like that-" Harry stopped when Draco interjected.
"Listen Potter," Draco sighed, "I did try to owl you when I found out. Apparently there's a special ward on your house that rejects any mail from anyone associated with Death Eaters, obviously mine didn't go through." He said icily. Harry noticed a little glimmer of something in Malfoy's eye and called him on it.
"Malfoy, what happened when you sent me that letter?" He asked concerned.
"It's none of your concern!" Draco shouted, standing up off the floor, they'd been sitting for awhile now and Draco's bum was staring to go numb and Harry's had long ago. "I'm not going to sit here and chatter about nonsense with you any longer. You have questions, ask the Mudblood-"
"Don't call her that!" Harry shot to his feet, ready to hit the offending blonde once again.
"Whatever, ask Granger and the Weasel, I'm through with this." Draco was searching for something now, and refused to look over at Harry, this only confirmed the suspicion that something happened to Draco when he attempted to owl him over the summer. Harry could only stare at Draco's back, listening to the foot step coming up the stairs. "Bloody hell! Where's my wand?" Draco cried exasperated.
The door opened and both boys turned to the tall red head in the doorway, "Mum took both your wands," Ron said entering the room, it was then that he got a good look at them, "Merlin, you two did a pretty goo number on each other." His gaze flicked from one boy to the next taking in their appearance, "Whoa! Harry did you do that to Malfoy?" Ron said astonished.
"Do what?" Hermione asked from behind, "Ronald, will you get out of the way?" Hermione came in and gasped at the picture the two boys made, "Harry! Did you do that?!"
Harry looked down sheepishly, "Yes, 'Mione." He answered.
"Harry James Potter! What is the matter with you?! Beating up Malfoy like that?!"
"Wait a minuted, Granger, he didn't beat me up." Draco interjected.
"Malfoy, have you looked at yourself? I'd say Harry here pretty much won." Ron said.
"For you information, I didn't hit him very much on purpose, unlike Potter and apparently you, I'm not an idiot and at least I know how to handle spells placed on me."
"What?" Ron asked.
"He's speaking of the vow, Ron, if Harry and Malfoy fight eventually the vow will get angry with them and put them through immense pain. Liquid fire, right?" Hermione explained.
"Yes." Both boys answered.
"Oh, well Mum left you two some dinner, she figured you'd be starving from sleeping so long." Ron said.
It was then that Harry and Draco noticed the room was lit by a lamp and that it was dark outside, "Jeez, how long have we been asleep?" Harry asked.
"12 hours." Ron answered.
"It's 9:30, now." Hermione said, "Now, I guess I'll just clean you two up before Mrs. Weasley comes up here and as another heart attack. You two nearly did her in the first time she came up." Hermione scolded as she cast a cleaning charm on them both, "I'm not going to heal your wounds, those are something I'm going to let you live with as a reminder of you actions."
"Thanks a lot, Hermione." Harry said bitterly, knowing full well Draco and he would not be getting their wands back, and that Ron was crap at healing spells.
"Would you like to me to add to your collection?" She asked sweetly and Harry shut his mouth.
"Got you on a leash, does she?" Draco snickered and Hermione turned on him.
"Don't think that didn't go for you too," She glared, her tone icy. Draco held his hands up in surrender, Hermione did basically scare him half to death. "Now, put some clothes on and come down stairs." With that she turned and left the room a shrugging Ron following her.
"She's scary." Draco said.
"Yea," Harry agreed.
Draco and Harry made ti through dinner with no qualms, (that is after Molly spent about an hour berating them and refusing to heal the wounds) and Sirius enjoyed catching up with his God son and favourite cousin. Well, who did you think would be his favourite cousin? Surely not Bellatirx! Sirius and Harry laughed over jokes Draco didn't understand and Mrs. Weasley scolded them every once in awhile.
"You're still the best cook I know, Mum Weasley." Draco said once they were finished, Harry and Ron glared at him put he paid no mind as Mrs. Weasley came over and kissed the blonde on the head.
"You do flatter me so, Draco, it's no wonder all the girls are after you!" She said, rather proud.
"Not all of them," Ron muttered under his breath, "Just the evil ones." Molly fixed him with a glare and he immediately turned red. Everyone filed out of the kitchen to leave Mrs. Weasley to finish the dishes and Harry went to go play a game with Ron on the other side of the living room. He was about halfway there when his wrist pulled violently and caused him to make a 180 in his place.
"What the hell, Malfoy?" Harry asked as he noticed the blonde heading for the stairs, "I want to stay down here."
"Too bad," Was all the blonde said.
"No, not 'too bad,'" Harry gave a pull on his wrist and Draco jerked backwards falling off the third step he was on and down the stairs in an undignified heap. Sirius let out a roar of laughter, and Hermione immediately went to see if he was okay. Ron and Harry looked on in fascination as Draco untangled himself, trying to fight off Hermione's help.
"Harry! Look what you did!" Hermione pointed to Draco's chest, his wounds had reopened during the fall and blood was now seeping through his shirt.
"I'm fine Granger," Draco said testily picking himself up, Sirius who was still laughing in the corner came to stand beside Harry as well. "But, I think it's only fair that Potter come upstairs now, so I can change my shirt."
"That's...That's true, Harry." Sirius said through his laughter, and everyone present wondered where Remus was to keep Sirius in check, there was something seriously wrong with him. Seriously.
"Of course, they're going up stairs." Molly came in from the kitchen, "They're going to bed and they are not to leave their room until I saw so and that won't be until tomorrow, is that clear?" Molly asked.
"Yes," They answered, Harry hanging his head and Draco sighing.
"Good, now run along, up you go." She shooed them up the stairs and Harry called down his good nights from the top. Silence reined over them as they got ready for bed, Draco was surprisingly down first and slid into bed, when Harry realized the blonde had taken it over.
"What are you doing?" Harry asked, annoyed.
"Going to sleep, what's it look like?" Draco retorted, turning his back on Harry.
"Not in my bed," Harry answered. "So get out."
"I'm not sleeping on the floor,"
"I don't care if you sleep on the roof, get out of my bed!" Harry yelled, angrily. He was sick and tired of Draco getting his way here, he would not have him winning now. Draco needed to realize that Harry wasn't going to give into his every whim, hell, he was going to give into any whim.
Draco rolled over and looked at Harry for a second then said, "Get in," He moved back on the bed to allow the Gryffindor some room.
"What? I'm not sleeping with you." Harry answered in a disgusted tone.
"Listen dipshit, can't you feel the bond? It's asking for attention, and being in this close a proximity will help, this way we can charge up on being close together without actually having to be conscious." Harry ignored the dipshit comment and focused on feeling the vow, Draco was right it was tingling more than normal and was pulling slightly in Draco's direction.
Harry looked skeptical then climbed in bed, "You had better not drool on me, again."
"WAAAKKKEE UPPP!" A shrill voice screamed in Harry's ear, he jumped, pushing his back into Draco's chest. Harry opened his eyes and shut them against the light that poured in through the curtains that Mrs. Weasley just opened.
"Mum Weasley," Draco said, sleep coating his voice, eyes still closed, "What are you doing?"
"You two, are going to get up!" She answered.
"Whhhhyyyyy?" Harry groaned, head falling back onto his pillow and threw an arms over his eyes.
"Why? Well because today you to are going to do a little bonding." Draco let his head fall back onto the pillow and groaned as well.
A/N: Uhmmmm.....Yes......I don't know.....Review? So I basically can't wait until I get to the meat of this story, just trying to set the stage here. Ehehehehe..