Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ What We Never Expected- A Harry Potter OC story ❯ Our First Year ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
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Year 1-

- Kumiko Pov-

“All right little ones! Get on the train!” I heard Hagrid yell to the first years. “The train waits for no one!” I heard him again, but I did not see him. That was a surprise. As I boarded the train, I tried to find an empty of close to empty compartment. But to no avail. The only relatively empty compartment had this green haired girl in it.
“Hey, is anyone sitting here?” I said as politely as possible. She looked at me, then looked away.
“No” She mumbled as a reply. I walked in and hauled my luggage over my head and into the overhead shelf. With a sigh, I plopped down into my seat opposite the girl. “So what’s your name?” I asked trying to make conversation.
She looked me over, “Ayame Hoshi, and you?”
“I’m Kumiko Holden, nice to meet you.” I was almost tempted to hold out my hand, but I didn’t because she probably wouldn’t take it. “What are you reading?” I asked, as another weak attempt to make conversation. She glanced at me and replied.
“Lord of the flies” As she spoke I noticed a small twang of a foreign accent.
“Do you mind if I ask where you’re from?” She looked to be deliberating her answer for a moment.
“Germany, you?”
“I’m from Finland, although my accent isn’t very strong.” As I finished up my sentence, I heard some low conversation going on outside of the compartment.
“Look at her, thinking she’s all that and a slice of cheese. She just barely made it on the train.” Someone said.

-Skee Pov-

As I walked down the hall of the train, I could hear loud mummers escape some of the compartments. My orange-fire hair bounced against my shoulder blades with each stride, as I nonchalantly looked for a compartment. I approached an open door and stepped though. I saw a girl with short green hair, and another girl with long blue hair, I gapped for a moment then asked, peering over my black sunglasses: “Can I sat here?”
The one with blue hair replied, “Yeah” I sat down next to the girl with green hair.
“Hello, I’m Skee Belanger.” I said to both of them.
“Hi, I’m Kumiko Holden, I’m from Finland.” The one with blue hair told me. The green one stayed silent. “That’s Ayame Hoshi, she’s from Germany.” Kumiko sure was a strange one.
Deciding to go along with the whole country thing I spoke again. “Ok, I’m from England.” I started to talk with Kumiko about this new music group, Ayame commenting every now and then. We talked about other random things too, such as food, TV, and our families. That’s where things got a little rocky.

“So, Skee what’s your family life like.” Kumiko asked after she told us about her almost picture perfect home life.
I hesitated, but replied: “Boring” Yep, that pretty much summed it up.
“What was your childhood like?” Kumiko asked yet another queer question. I had to ponder her question, to word it just right. I didn’t suppose that the terms “Shitty” and “Worst days of my life” would be accepted.
“Skee,” I heard, for the first time, Ayame’s voice. I didn’t even think she could speak.
“Oh, it’s nothing. It was fine, I guess.” I answered Kumiko’s question.

-Ayame Pov-

“So Ayame, what’s your home life like?” Kumiko asked me now. I paused, lifting my head up from my book.
“Nothing special, I don’t really want to talk about it.” Kumiko dropped it after that.

The rest of the train ride was silent. Getting close to the end of my book, I put it down and started to stare out the window. After a short while, I started to get bored. I looked around the compartment, which was equally boring. Kumiko was sitting, writing something in a notebook, and Skee was passed out next to me, her mouth wide open. I turned back to the window, plopped my chin on my hand, and started again to stare out the window. A little while later, the train stopped. “We can’ be there yet.” Kumiko said, surprised we stopped.
Then a voice can on to loud speaker, “Sorry for the inconvenience. We will be moving again momentarily. Please be patient.” Then the voice disappeared. I looked back out my window, expecting to see an endless field of grass. I gasped, when I saw a man standing in the middle of that field. He had chocolate brown hair and a black trench coat on. I’d seen him before somewhere, but where? When I blinked, he was gone. Or was he ever there? The train started to move again, I stared out the window and tried to remember where I’d seen that man before. Before I noticed, we were at the end of the tracks. I grabbed my luggage, and on my way out, I kicked Skee awake.

-Skee Pov-

My pleasant dream of vampires started to fade unwillingly, as I started to feel an ache in my shin. When I eyes fluttered open, I saw Ayame kicking me. “HEY! What’s your prob?” I yelled. She looked at me.
“We’re here”
“Oh” I said. I stood, the said something else, that would surely get me slapped. “I wonder where my luggage is.” Ayame looked at me again.
“You idiot, you don’t know where your luggage is?” Before I could explain to Ayame what I was doing, a piercing scream sounded in the compartment.
“Skee, your luggage is over here! Over here!”
“Found it!” I yelled before I went deaf. My luggage had been bewitched almost two years ago, by my brother, because I could never find it.
“What the hell was that?” Ayame yelled, oh she was pissed.
“That was my luggage.” Ayame was about to say something, but Kumiko stopped her.
“It’s not worth it.” Kumiko mumbled to Ayame.
I assumed that she tookKumiko’s advice, because she just walked out of the compartment and off the train, without a second look. I silently grabbed my luggage and followed Kumiko and Ayame off the train.

- -

When we got off the boats, that took us to the school from the train, we walked into the school and to the great hall. We waited outside the doors to the great hall, with Professor McGonagall. She told us something about being patient and we had to organize ourselves into two parallel lines. She looked pretty old, and she wore a pointy hat, like the ones on all the Halloween decorations. When we made the two lines, Ayame was behind Kumiko, while I stood next to Ayame in the opposite line.

-Kumiko Pov-

I looked at Skee, then glanced back at Ayame. We all were a bit nervous. Breaking my thoughts, the huge doors opened and the great hall was exposed. Professor McGonagall led us in, and stopped us at the base of a small stage. This rather old man introduced himself and a rather old hat as well. He called it the ‘Sorting Hat’. He began to list off names in alphabetical order by last name. He ran thought the A’s, and started with the B’s, I heard a familiar name: “Skee Belanger” I saw Skee step up to the stool where the Sorting hat would be placed on her head. Only moments after the hat was placed on her head, it spoke: “This is obvious, Hufflepuff!” I watched as Skee bounced down from the stage and to her rowdy house table.

-Skee Pov-

I sat down at the table with the rest of my house. The rest of the B’s went by; the C’s flew by too. About half way thought the D’s I looked up, I don’t know why but I did. ‘Oh, wow. He’s a cutie.’ I thought. Moments after the Sorting hat was placed on his head, the hat yelled “Hufflepuff” He got up and jogged/walked to the table. There was an open seat next to me, and just my luck, he took it. After he sat, he looked at me.
“Hi” He said smoothly.
“Hi, I’m Skee Belanger.”
“Yes, I know. I’m Cedric, Cedric Diggory.” He said with a smirk pulling at his lips.

-Kumiko Pov-

After the D’s, the list got rather small. A little while later I heard Professor Dumbledore call my name, “Kumiko Holden” I walked up to hat and sat at on the stool.
“Hm, let’s think.” It pondered. “Ah! Ravenclaw” I hurried down the steps to my awaiting house. I was kind of disappointed that Skee wasn’t in my house, but there was still Ayame. Soon after I sat down, they called Ayame up. It took the hat a little longer than it did on me, to decide where to put her, but it decided, “Gryffindor” She ran to her house. Now this is sad. My only friends here aren’t even in the same house as me! Great!
As the list came to a close, the last name called drew my attention, “Oliver Wood” I didn’t know why, but it just did. I looked at him and prayed, for some odd reason, for him to be in the same house as me.
Although my prayer was useless, “Gryffindor” damn Sorting hat.

-Ayame Pov-

It was a good thing I wasn’t alone when we went to the Gryffindor chambers, because I would have gotten lost. We approached at painting with a fat lady on it. “Hello Fat Lady” The head boy, Bill Weasley, said.
“Ah, hello” Replied the Fat Lady. “You know the drill; if you want to get in you must give be the password first.” She informed the first years.
“Alright, alright, the password is Mandrake.” Bill told us, and at that the giant frame of the Fat Lady moved aside and exposed a dark hallway. We walked through it, and immerged in the common room, that led off into two different stairways. Bill told us about everything we’d need to know, including the girls staircase, “I recommend that all boys stay off the girls’ stairs, let’s just say, it has a mind of its own.” He chuckled under his breath.
When I went to my room, I found that I had two roommates; I didn’t bother to remember their names. I unpacked my luggage, and placed my brown and black owl, Yamiko, on the night stand. I was pretty tired so I decided to go to bed early.

-Skee Pov-

The head boy, like I’d remember his name, walked us through half the school to this still life portrait. “This is the Hufflepuff doorway.” He said, the pulled the frame back to reveal a long hallway. I glanced around to see if I could see Cedric. When I was about to give up, someone spoke to me.
“Who are you looking for?” I turned to see a boy with black hair and cedar brown eyes standing next to me.
“I’m looking for Cedric Diggory. Do you know him?” I asked.
“Oh. I don’t know him but if you tell me what he looks like, I’ll try to help you find him.”
I thought for a moment, “He has blond hair, and gray eyes, and is just a little bit taller than me.” He nodded.
“Ok! Gethrow is on the job!” He said excitedly.
I looked at him, “Gethrow? Your name is Gethrow? Hell, I’m one to talk, I’m Skee”
“Oh, hi, well let’s split up. I’ll go this way, and you go that way.” He pointed to each end of the group. But before we could do anything, the group started to move.
“Shit” I mumbled under my breath. We walked into the common room and the head boy instructed us to put our things in our dorm rooms. When I arrived at my dorm, I found out that I had five roommate; all of whose names I’d forgotten three seconds after they had told me. I unpacked my things and placed Crowflick my black owl, on the night stand. Once I was finished, I went down to the common room to find either Cedric or Gethrow.

-Kumiko Pov-

After The Ravenclaw head boy dragged us several floors of Hogwarts, we finally stopped at a blue door with a golden knocker. “Now, to get in just knock the knocker and answer the question” He knocked on the door with the knocker. Suddenly the knocker came to life.
“Here’s a question for you, if you want to get in you have to know the answer. What came first, the phoenix or the flame?”
The head boy smirked, “The answer is, the circle has no beginning.” The knocker replied by unlocking the door and letting us pass. When we entered the common room, our head boy told us to unpack, and get ready for bed. It was pretty late, so as soon as I unpacked and placed Yorkie, my owl, on the night stand, I dressed for bed and crawled into bed. I wanted to go to sleep right away, but I ended up staying up later with my roommates, Jess, Ally, and Wendy, for almost another hour.

-Ayame Pov-


-Skee Pov-

“Gethrow, did you find him?” I asked starting to panic.
“No sorry Skee.” Gethrow replied.
“Why the hell can’t we find him?” I growled.
“Find who?” I heard someone ask from behind me. I turned and Gethrow followed.
“Barret, can you help us find this kid? His name is Cedric Diggory; he’s got blond hair and gray eyes. Will you help?” Gethrow all but begged. Barret looked at the both of us.
“Ok, I guess”
I leaned over to Gethrow and asked: “Who’s Barret?”
“He’s my older brother; he’s a second year so she knows his way around.” Gethrow paused, “I hope” Barret looked back at us, and stuck his tongue out at Gethrow.
“Oh, hi, I’m Skee” I told Barret. He just nodded. All three of us spent a good hour looking for Cedric, but to no avail. Batter stopped us and told us we better head off to bed, we could search for him in the morning.
As I turned to the stairs I heard Barret ask Gethrow, in hush; “So why are we looking for Cedric anyways?”
Gethrow sounded puzzled when he answered, “I don’t know. She’s been looking for him ever since we got to the dorms.” I was on the third step when I stopped dead.
“But why?” Barret pressed.
“I don’t know, maybe she likes him.”
I gritted my teeth, “I can hear you, you know!” I growled looking back at them. They both had wide brown eyes and tousled black hair. After a brief moment, I turned and stomped up to my dorm room.


When it was time to leave for breakfast, I was more frustrated than usual. As I was leaving the Hufflepuff corridor, I heard Gethrow call my name. “Skee, wait up!” I turned and saw Gethrow and Barret running towards me. ‘At least I’d made a few friends’ I sighed to myself. When they caught up, they both sighed.
“Sorry Skee, we couldn’t find him.” Barret confessed. I sighed too.
“We’ll find him sooner or later.” As I started to walk forward someone caught my shoulder.
“Find who?” I gasped, it was Cedric.
“N-no one” I stuttered. I kept staring at Cedric while he introduced himself to the other two.
“Hi, I’m Cedric.” I would have done it, but I was a little preoccupied. Both Gethrow and Barret looked at me. I barely noticed that they were smirking.
“Hey, I’m Barret. And this is my little brother, Gethrow.” Barret shot me a glance, grinning. “It’s nice to meet you.” He continued.
“Yes, you too” Cedric replied grinning also. I knew something was going on, but what????
-Ayame Pov-

I awoke with a jump, startling my two roommates. “Oh, good you’re up. If you don’t get up soon, you’ll be late for class.” Sam, one of my roommates, told me.
“Ok, thanks” I replied.
“So, why did u jump awake?” Lesley, my other roommate, asked.
“Huh? Oh, bad cream I guess.” I lied. I had a dream about that guy I’d seen outside the train yesterday. I dressed, grabbed my things and said my goodbyes to Yamiko, then headed down to the great hall. Hopefully I don’t get lost. Before I exited the common room, I bumped shoulders with a fellow Gryffindor.
“Oh, I’m sorry.” He apologized.
“No, it’s ok.” I replied as bent down to grab the book that had slipped though my arm when we bumped.
“Well, I’m Oliver Wood.” He looked at me cheerfully. I hadn’t really looked at him at all during our little introduction.
“Hi, I’m Ayame Hoshi.” I replied.
“So what are you reading?” He asked.
“Lord of the Flies” I answered as we walked out of the common room, and into the main corridors.
“Oh, I’ve read that. It’s a good book. Jack was terrible though.” As he said that, I eyed him curiously.
“You really think so?” By that time we were in the great hall, and were getting into a ‘Bash Jack’ rant, although I remained indifferent throughout the whole conversation. Before we got to the Gryffindor table, I saw Kumiko. She looked at me and smiled, I waved her over. It looked like she all but sprinted over to us.
“Hey. How’s this?” She asked.
“This is Oliver Wood, a new acquaintance of mine.” I told her.

-Kumiko Pov-

“Hi, I’m Kumiko Holden. It’s nice to meet you.” I think I stuttered a little, I’m not sure.
“It’s nice to meet you too.” He replied. He had an incredibly great voice. His Scottish accent was very strong, I liked it. I tried not to stare, but I failed miserably. A few moments past, Ayame and Oliver were still going on about ‘The Lord of the Flies’ book, which I didn’t get. Some more minutes rolled by, I was still staring, and we were greeted by Skee.
“Hey” she yelled from halfway across the Great Hall. When she walked over, she was followed by three boys. Leave it to Skee to have an entourage.

-Ayame Pov-

Skee walked over with three guys; leave it to Skee to have a gang of stupidity already. I sighed. “Who are you?” Skee asked. Oh god, what a rude child.

-Skee Pov-

When I arrived at the group, I saw an unfamiliar boy. “Who are you?” I asked bluntly. Ayame sighed and smacked me in the back of the head. “Ow! What was that for?” I asked.

-Ayame Pov-

“Skee, that was rude!” I scolded. She glared at me. I glanced behind her at the three boys. “So who are they?”
“Oh, them, I almost forgot. This is Cedric,” She indicated to the tall one with blond hair. He nodded. “And those two are Barret and Gethrow.” She pointed to the two boys with black hair. “Barret is second year, and is Gethrow’s older brother.”
I heard Oliver speak from behind me. “Hey, I’m Oliver Wood.” I could see Skee’s face fall a little, she was in awe. The other, Kumiko, was still in awe which was odd.

-That evening-(9pm-10pm)

I slumped to my room, with my two roommates. I was too tired to change clothes; I collapsed in my bed, and drifted into a deep sleep.

-Skee Pov-

We made it back to our common room, we parted our ways. “Night guys” I called to them as I turned to head to the girl’s stairs.
“Night” I heard Gethrow and Barret reply.
“Yes, goodnight Skee” Cedric said huskily. My face turned hot red, good thing my back was turned.
When I made it back to my room, I collapsed on my bed. Before falling asleep, I whispered my goodnights to Crowflick. I remembered what had happened down stairs, and drifted in to a solid slumber.

-Kumiko Pov-

I could still hear Oliver’s voice ring in my head. I walked steadily to my room, got ready for bed, ready to pass out. I walked to my bed and jumped in, falling into a deep blissful sleep.

-Ayame Pov-
I woke with a jolt. I sat up closing my eyes trying to re-picture the man. That’s when it hit me. The man from the train was Barty Crouch Junior. I grab my clock, it was midnight. I walked silently out my dorm, and headed down the spiral staircase hiding between things like the armor, waiting for Filch to leave the area. I made it near the kitchen and headed to the Hufflepuff common room. It was the only house without a password which was weird, I tip-toed up the squeaky staircase; opening several doors, until I found the right room.
I peered in, to see Skee sleeping with her pillow in her grasp. A smile spread on her pale face. ‘What the hell? She smiles while she sleeps?!’ I thought. I shrugged and shook her slightly.
“Cedric” She whispered. I scoffed in disgust and whispered.
“Skee you dumbass wake up!” She woke with a frown on her lips.
“What?” She asked in an annoyed tone her bed hair taking full affect. I tried to keep in a laugh.
“I need to borrow your invisibility cloak!”
“I just do!” I raised my voice.
“Ok jeez it’s over there!” She pointed to a dark blue and green cloak. I put on it was lighter than air, and then, I was gone. I whispered a thanks and Skee fell back to sleep with a snore.
I managed to reach the library. That was easy but getting into the restricted section wasn’t. I moved to the locked door careful to move anything when I took a quick glance to make sure I was alone. My wand stood out of the cloak as I breathed; “Alohamora” The door unlocked. All the books were filthy and looked untouched. I headed down the line, telling myself that the grumble I heard was from my stomach. I reached a filing cabinet reading “Daily Prophet Archives” I slid the drawer open, dust seeped out. I cough unwillingly. The years went all the way back to 1883. I knew it was around the 1980s. I kept filing through till I found it. It had a moving picture on the cover; it was of a man wearing a suit with his brown hair gelled back. He looked around nineteen-years-old. His eyes were mad as he was being held back by aurors. I scanned the picture for a second, and then looked at the article.
ÒCrouch Sends Own Son to Azkaban!Ó
Then it hit me. He was sent to Azkaban for torturing Frank and Alice Longbottom. I also remember that he had died in the prison. How could I’ve seen him on the train? Maybe it wasn’t him. I took another long look at the picture. He looked so angry and afraid, not to mention extremely hot. I blushed slightly. I heard a noise outside the door. I pulled the cloak over me once again, while hugging the article to my chest. “Nox” I said putting out the light from my wand. I headed back to my dorm, tossing Skee’s invisibility cloak aside. I tucked the daily prophet under my pillow to read tomorrow.


The next morning I awoke to the sound of people giggling. My eyes fluttered open, then quickly snapped closed. It was my roommates, they were giggling about some new transfer student. I didn’t want to get up, but I had to. With a sigh, I retched myself out of bed almost completely forgetting about the article I’d stole last night. ‘I can’t let those two see this!’ I thought franticly. I shoved it under my blanket, once I was dressed; I grabbed it and hurried out the door. While I walked down stairs, I folded the article into my pocket. Once I was clear of the Gryffindor chambers, I headed down to the great hall for breakfast.

-Skee Pov-

After about five minutes of trying to silence whatever was trying to wake me, I gave up. I rolled myself, angrily, out of bed. I looked at the nearest clock, I was ten minutes late. ‘Shit’ I thought. I sped around my room getting ready as fast as possible. My roommates were probably downstairs in the great hall by now. ‘I bet the guys are down there too!’ I thought as I grabbed my cloak. I skipped every other step, going down the stairs. To my surprise, when I fell off the last three steps, my friends were waiting.
“Hey.” I looked up, wide eyed, it was Cedric.
“Uh, hi” I stammered. I wasn’t so smooth in the morning.
“Are you hungry?” He asked but before I could answer, my stomach growled. “I guess so.” He smirked. I blushed. Gethrow and Barret followed us down to the great hall. As we walked, we met up with Ayame. “Hey” I called. She glared at me, clutching an old piece of newspaper. “What’s that?” I asked. She blushed.

-Ayame Pov-

Skee ran over to me, I was holding the article. “Where’s my invisibility cloak?” She asked.
“I’ll give it to you later.” I said rushing down into the great hall. As I sat at my table, Skee and her gang of stupidity sat at theirs, and Kumiko walked in with someone I didn’t recognize.

-Kumiko Pov-

When I was about two hallways away from the great hall, I spotted a young girl, she looked lost. “Are you lost?” I asked she turned around; she had long black hair and emerald green eyes.
“Uh, yes, can you help me find the great hall?” She had a think Russian accent.
“Come with me, I’m headed there now.” As we walked into the great hall, I noticed her cloak. “So you’re Slytherin?” I asked purely curious.
“Um, yes, I just got transferred this morning from a school in Russia.” She informed me. As we were about to part ways, it popped into my head.
“I’m Kumiko Holden!” I’d forgotten to introduce myself.
“I’m Akari Shindeft. It was nice to meet you.”

-Akari Pov-

I sat in an empty part of the Slytherin table, I looked around. There was an orange haired girl making a fool of herself, and a green haired one smacking her in the head. I wish I could have a group of friends like that. My thoughts were interrupted by a young boy standing behind me, I turned around. “Can I help you?” I asked.
“Well I just wanted to tell you that you were hot. And I wanted to know if you’d go out with me?” He asked.
“What’s your name?”
“Marcus Flint”
“Akari Shindeft, sure I’ll go out with you.” I smiled. He smiled too. What better way to get friends like the ones I’d been looking at then blending in at once.

-Skee Pov-

After I’d finished making a fool of myself, and eaten, me, Cedric, Barret and Gethrow headed off to our classes. Barret and Gethrow soon left, leaving me and Cedric alone. It turned out that we had our first class together, Potions. I’d never been really good at potions, but I’d try. Once I got in the class and got a look at the Professor, Professor Snape, I wanted out! I ended up staying, only to stare at Cedric the whole time. We were handed our text books and given seating assignments, then started with the class. It was an hour and a half of listening to a dreary old man mumble on about ingredients for some potion we weren’t making for like another week. The most boring thing I’ve ever had to sit though in my life. Just as I was starting to nod off, Snape stopped talking. “Miss. Belanger, give me the two ingredients that should never be mixed.” I froze.

-Kumiko Pov-
As I walked out of my second class, on the way to eat lunch, I was knocked into some passing boys. As I bent down to grab my things, a hand was there picking them up. “Hi, you’re Kumiko, right?” He asked. I looked up, it was Oliver.
“Uh, yeah, hi, Oliver right?” Like I needed to ask.
“Yeah” He smiled, handing me my books. “So where are you headed?”
“Um, great hall you?” I asked.
“Same” I just nodded. As we walked our hands touched, then flinched away. I blushed. As we walked Oliver asked me questions about myself and my friends. “So how did you become friends with Ayame and Skee?” He asked just before we turned into the great hall.
“I met them on the train.” Oliver looked surprised.
“But you guys look like such good friends!”
“I was home-schooled, and never really had any friends. Also, Skee and Ayame don’t get along very well, so I kind of keep the peace.” I laughed. When we entered the great hall, I saw Skee stuffing her face, Ayame reading a new book, and Akari sitting close to another boy Slytherin.
“I guess I’ll see you later.” Oliver said before walking off to his table.
“Yeah, later” I said in a daze.

-Skee Pov-

I was walking down a hall on the second floor, when I slipped on a piece of paper. “Are you ok?” Crap, Cedric was with me. I must have looked so smooth.
“Yeah” I grabbed the paper I’d slipped on. “Holy crap” I stopped breathing. This yellow paper with black lettering made my day.
“What is it Skee? Are you alright?” I could hear Cedric’s concern. I felt his hands on my arms, pulling me to my feet. “What’s wrong?”
“Oh my god, I have to leave, I have to get ready! I’ll be right back!” I almost yelled to Cedric.
“Wait! Where are you going?” He grabbed my arms again. I though the paper at him, then ran to my dorm.

-Ayame Pov-
I was on my way back to class when I saw Skee freaking out. “What’s all the hype about?” I asked. It looked as if Skee was too excited to answer, I don’t think she even knew I was there. After she ran off, I asked again, “What’s all the hype about?” Cedric didn’t answer either, he just ran after her. “What the hell is wrong with them?” I mumbled to myself.
“Hey Ayame, what are you doing?” I heard Kumiko’s voice; she was walking up to me with Oliver and that girl from yesterday morning. “This is Akari.” Akari nodded in greeting, I nodded back. “Where did Skee go? I thought I heard her out here.”
“She and Cedric ran off, they didn’t tell me where.” I fumed. Akari giggled. “What’s so funny?” I asked, it sounded a bit harsh.
“Well, are those the two I see everywhere, they are always together? She’s got orange hair, and his is blond?” We nodded. She giggled again. “Well, it looks to me they like each other.” Holy crap, how come I didn’t notice that. Why the hell didn’t she tell us? “I wonder where they could have gone” Akari asked, smirking. “Or what they could be doing.” Her smirked widened. I thought for a moment. I blushed. I looked up at Kumiko, she and Oliver were blushing too.
“What makes you think of that?” I asked, stuttering a bit.
“I’ve had boyfriends too, you know.” She skipped off, in the direction of a nearby Slytherin boy. I took it, that he was her boyfriend.

-Skee Pov-

I never thought I’d ever get this chance, so I didn’t want to screw it up. The tryouts were scheduled for this afternoon, during lunch. I only had twenty minutes until it was over. “Skee wait up!” I heard Cedric behind me. I was in the common room by now.
“I don’t have time! I’m not going to get this chance again!” I yelled from half way up the stairs.
“There will be other tryouts!” Cedric yelled from downstairs.
“Catch!” I threw down my broom. I heard a crash. “Is my broom ok?” I asked once I’d finished changing and had jumped down the stairs.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Thanks.” Cedric was sarcastically.
“Sorry, are you ok?” I laughed. He jumped up.
“Fine and dandy” We both laughed.
“No time for laughing! Off to the Quidditch field!” I led the way, running. When I got there the last of the athletes were just about to land. “Wait!” I yelled.
“Who might you be?” Asked, who I assumed to be, the captain.
“Skee Belanger, I’m sorry I’m late.” He looked at me.
“You ready to show us what you got?” I smirked.
“Hold my stuff, would you Cedric?” He grabbed my bag, it had my school uniform.
“What position are you playing for” the captain asked.
“Keeper” I hopped on my broom, he did the same. He yelled at some of the other players to do so as well. I guess to test me. I got up in front of the rings, ready to take whatever was thrown, literally. Each player took turns throwing the quaffle at me. I block all but one, which was better then what the team could do. Once I was finished, I went over to Cedric. “Come with me.” He followed me. But that he didn’t know was that, I only need my bag. “Watch to see if anyone is coming.”
“What? Why?” He looked at me, then quickly turned away. I guess he was embarrassed. Well I was changing right in front of him.
“Oh you’ll get over it.” I mumbled under my breath. I think he heard me, because his face turned even redder. I laughed under my breath. Once I was finished, I stuffed my clothes in the bag and walked out from where I’d been hiding, Cedric followed.
“You’re good. We’ll see you later, four o’clock.” The captain smiled, I nodded. Once the team left, I screamed.
“I can’t believe it! I made the team!” I yelled walking back to the school; I was fifteen minutes late to class, but I didn’t care. While we were on our way down the hall to our class, I was reliving the greatest event in my life when I remembered something that I didn’t process until now. “Holy crap, he touched me!” I yelled. Cedric looked back at me.
“Nothing” I quickened my pace, my face flushed, and arrived at our class.

-Ayame Pov-

After my last class, I decided to go for a walk. I was strolling around the third floor when I heard a familiar voice, it was Kumiko. And she wasn’t alone.

-Kumiko Pov-

“I like you, Kumiko. I really do.” I couldn’t believe that Oliver was saying this. I just stood there, gaping like an idiot.

-Skee Pov-

Cedric and I had decided not to go the class we were late for, so we walked around in my invisibility cloak all day, just hanging out. We on the third floor when I stopped, I thought we were caught. But I heard Kumiko’s voice, she was with Oliver. “Why did you stop?” Cedric asked. I shushed him. He didn’t stay quiet for long. “Can I talk now?” I ignored him. He asked again, louder. I couldn’t hear what Kumiko and Oliver were saying.
“I can hear someone over there.” Kumiko stated, I guess she pointed in our direction because I heard Oliver’s footsteps. I had to think quickly. I grabbed Cedric and pushed him down into the corner; I grabbed my cloak and pulled it over us. Once Oliver rounded the corner, we were covered. When he backed around to the other side of the wall, I sighed a breath of relief. I pealed myself off Cedric’s chest and resumed to listen.

-Ayame Pov-

Oliver walked over to the opposite hall, good thing I wasn’t over there. I thought. Seconds later, he walked back over to Kumiko.

-Skee Pov-

I had my back to the wall, Cedric behind me, listening closely. I guess he got the hit not to talk anymore, because it was silent until we heard what Oliver pulled Kumiko aside for. "Will you go out with me?" Holy shit. I blushed. I dared a glance at Cedric behind me, he was blushing too. I tried to stay silent, but my surprise was too overwhelming. My mouth was wide open, as if I was going to scream. I couldn't hold it anymore, I was about to let out a noise, when Cedric's hand came over my mouth.

-Ayame Pov-

Wow, I saw this one coming.

-Skee Pov-

Wow, I didn't see that one coming.

-Kumiko Pov-

Wow, as much as I wanted it, I did not see this one coming. I was frozen for a while. It was a long while until I was able to speak again. The only thing that came out of my mouth was a muffled: “Yes” He smiled, and grabbed my hand. We started to walked, I didn’t pay attention to where.

-Skee Pov-

“Crap” I mumbled through Cedric’s hand. Kumiko and Oliver were coming this way. I grabbed my cloak, and Cedric’s hand, and ran. I hope they couldn’t hear my footsteps.

-Ayame Pov-

I saw Oliver and Kumiko clasp hands, and walk over to the other hall. I could hear loud footsteps, too loud to be from them, running away. I wonder who that could be. I thought. Once I was clear, I turned and walked away. I was so astonished. I walked back to the Gryffindor tower, and to my room.

-Skee Pov-

Once I was sure we’d lost those two, I stopped to catch my breath. Little did I know I was still holding Cedric’s hand. We were against the wall, breathing heavily. I saw Ayame round the corner, she looked at us. Her eyes wide in shock, like she had just seen something surprising, she didn’t believe it when she had first heard it. I wonder what was going through her mind.

-Ayame Pov-

I was strolling around a corner, and I saw Skee and Cedric. No big surprise, until I saw their hands. Holy shit, Akari was right! I felt my face twist, it was sad that Skee could get a boyfriend before me. Was I a bit jealous? I didn’t want to think about that tonight, because we were headed to Hogsmeade tomorrow. I went back to Gryffindor Tower, and flowed into my dorm, under the covers. Before I passed out, I snuck a quick peek at the article. I sighed, and drifted into a steady sleep.

-Kumiko Pov-

After I awoke this morning, I raced down to the Great Hall. Yes to eat, and to see my friends, and for another reason, to see my boyfriend! I’ve always wanted to say that. I got to the doors, and saw Oliver waiting, coming from the other direction; I saw Akari and her Boyfriend, Marcus Flint, coming towards me. I waved, she waved back. Marcus looked a little, shall I say, disgusted with that. I ignored him and continued to Oliver. “Hey” I said. He smiled.

-Skee Pov-

I was so excited for Hogsmeade, that I didn’t get any sleep the night before, and ended up sleeping too long. ‘Shit’ I thought. “I bet Cedric is already down there.” I whispered. I guess my roomies heard me because they looked at me.
“So what’s going on between you and Cedric Diggory?” One of my roommates asked.
“What’s it to you?” I glared back.
“Just wondering” She smirked.
“Go ask him.” Her smirk faded. Haha got you. I strode out of the room, slipping my sunglasses on. When I finally got to the bottom of the steps, I saw Cedric. My roomies were behind me, I waved to Cedric. He waved back.
“You ready to go to Hogsmeade?” Cedric asked.
“Totally” I was so excited, that I forgot about how hungry I was. My stomach growled.
“But first, we eat.” He smirked, and walked off. I followed, blushing.
When we arrived at the great hall, Kumiko and Oliver were just outside the door. I guess I looked at them a little funny, because Cedric knocked my shoulder. She waved, I waved back. She told me the good news, I already knew. I congratulated her trying to get this over with so I could go eat, but that didn’t work. Thanks to my smooth talking boy over there, we were able to escape. I skipped over to our table, and started to eat, Cedric sat next to me. I saw Ayame at her table, I waved, she just rolled her eyes. Once I had my plate full, I started to eat. “Hey Skee, can you pass me the bacon?” I looked at him, then at my plate, and back and forth. I was deciding whether or not to get him some bacon. After a few seconds, I started to each again. I heard him laugh. “Fine” Before I could react, he leaned over to grab some bacon. I guess he just had to reach over so he was only an inch from my face.
‘Holy crap’ I thought, my eyes widening. I don’t know how long he was just sitting there, it felt like forever, but once he moved he was clam. My eyes were still wide, and my mouth was dripping food. I looked back at Ayame, she wore the same expression.
I could hear her clear as day, when she said: “My eyes, I can’t see my eyes!” I laughed.
“What’s so funny?” Cedric asked. I stopped.
“Nothing” I stammered. After I was finished, we headed out. “Crap, I forgot something.” I cursed. “I’ll be right back.” I ran off back to the Hufflepuff tower, leaving Kumiko, Oliver behind. Cedric was only feet behind me. I ran up the stairs and into my dorm, my roommates were there. I grabbed my bag, and filled it with crap I didn’t really need, like some money, but I did have stuff in it I would absolutely need, like food. Once It was close to full, I closed it up and trounced back down the stairs, and ran back to where the others were waiting.

-Akari Pov-

I was headed to meet the others when I met up with Ayame. “Hey” I called. She looked a bit downer than usual. “What’s wrong?” I asked. I was curious.
“Well, I kind of feel left out. I know it sounds a bit funny, but it’s true. Since you have Marcus, Kumiko has Oliver, and now Skee has Cedric, I feel out of the loop.”
“Wait, Kumiko and Oliver are an item now? When did this happen?” I asked, surprised. She looked at me, “Sorry, that was insensitive.” It was.
“No, I shouldn’t be putting all this on you. I’m sorry.” She apologized; we walked to the others, only a few corners away. “So where’s Marcus?” She asked, breaking the silence.
“Well, let’s just say, he doesn’t have the patience to deal with others as I do.” I laughed. “I think he was a little grossed out when Kumiko waved to me this morning.” I laughed again.
“Well that’s understandable. Has he met Skee yet?” She smirked. I laughed.
“I hope not anytime soon.” I said as we approached the others, Skee was late, as usual. When we saw Skee and Cedric run towards us, I saw Ayame flinch. “I wonder why she hasn’t told us about Cedric.” Honestly, I was curious, I might ask her later. Tagging along with them, were the other boys Skee hung out with, Gethrow and Barret. Once we were all ready, we headed out.

-Ayame Pov-

Once we arrived at Hogsmeade, we slip up. Kumiko and Oliver wanted to go to Scrivenshaft’s Quill Shop, Skee and Cedric, with Gethrow and Barret, wanted to go to The Three Broomsticks, and Akari was supposed to meet up with Marcus at Honeydukes Sweetshop, being bored, I decided to go to the Shrieking Shack. I managed to get in, although everyone says it’s impossible, when I finally got in, it was almost sun down. I decided to take my knowledge and save it for next week.

-One Week Later-

The morning went by pretty slowly; we had to wait for Skee, again. Once we got to Hogsmeade, we split up and agreed to meet up at the station at sunset. I, quickly as possible, got into the Shrieking Shack, by then I only had an hour. It was cold, but bearable. I walked quickly and silently up to the Shack, opened the door, and into, what I assumed to be, the living room. I sat against the far wall, and pulled out the article. I just stared at it, until my mind started to fade…
I was sitting at a table, I had no memory of how I got there, and there was a man standing against the door frame, staring at me. “You’re awake.” His husky voice flipped my stomach. He smirked. He walked over, still smirking; his brown locks, glittering in the faint sunlight. He grasped my chin, and lifted up. I looked deep into his dark brown eyes, I couldn’t move. He leaned down, his face slowly getting closer to me. At last, I felt his lips on mine. He chuckled, “Don’t I get a hello?” I couldn’t breathe. Seconds later, I heard a loud crash, knocking my mind loose of the dream. I heard loud clanking of feet against the weak wood floor. The door suddenly flew open, scaring me. I clutched the article, reflex. A man walked through the door barrier, a black trench coat, black pants and shirt. His hair was the same as the man in my dream, also his eyes. I looked down at the article, then back at him, my mouth wide opened. Was this really him? Could it be? “What are you doing here? What are you looking at?” Holy crap, it was him!
I was frozen, my eyes were wide eyed. I don’t think I was breathing. He just stood there, staring at me; a smirk faintly grew on his lips. “Why, Barty, you’re so handsome.” He said, trying to sound feminine. “Why thank you.” He said with a more masculine tone. I for sure, stopped breathing. His smirk widened. He walked over to the wall I was sitting at, and sat down inches away. I was frozen, despite my will; I kept the article visible to him. “That’s not a good picture at all!” he complained, with a smirk. I gasped.
“It’s is so!” I disagreed. His face stretched with shock.
“She speaks!” His smirk somehow got wider. I blushed. I mustered up enough breath to ask a question.
“Were you outside the train this year?” His smirk wavered, his eyes widened. After an insufferable minute, he spoke.
“You saw me, did you?” I nodded. “Well, that’s not good.” He sighed.
“I won’t tell anyone.” I pleated. I was starting to panic, but I didn’t know why. His eyes flashed to me, surprised. I guess it was the fact that he was a murderer and was suppose to be dead, and I wasn’t scared.
“What’s your name?” He asked. I answered, and we continued to talk. I looked out the window, it was well past sun down.
“Shit” I whispered harshly, but before I could say I had to leave, I heard a loud crash then a curse. “Shit” I knew who it was, Skee. “I’ve got to go.” I told Barty. He looked a little disappointed. “I’m late to meet my friends.” We both stood.
“Don’t tell anyone you saw me, I’ll know if you do.” He was dead serious. I nodded in promise, I turned to grasp the door, but before I was a foot away it flew open. I glanced back to Barty, he was gone. I sighed in relief. I was a bit depressed after that, and I after that I never stopped thinking about him.
“What are you doing in here?” Skee asked. “You were late, so we went looking for you. The others were too chicken to come in here, so they left it to me.” That explains it. I heard another pair of feet climb up the stairs. “I found her Cedric.” I grimaced as he walked through the door. “Ok, let’s go. This place creeps me out.” Skee said hurrying out of the room, and down the stairs.

-Akari Pov-

I arrived at the meeting place, and Kumiko, Oliver, Barret, Gethrow were there. No sign of Ayame, Skee and Cedric. “I take it you guys didn’t find her?” I asked. Kumiko shook her head. Just as I sighed, I heard Skee yell.
“Hey! We found her!” I turned around. I saw Skee walking towards us, Cedric right behind her, and Ayame not too far behind, she had a queer look on her face, I laughed. Once we were all reunited, we set back to Hogwarts. I met up with Marcus t the school, leaving my friends. I arrived at my common room; Professor Snape asked to talk to me. I was given detention for staying out past dark.

-Skee Pov-

When we arrived in the Hufflepuff common room, Professor Sprout asked to speak to us. Crap, I knew what this meant. We had stayed out too late tonight, and people started to worry. She handed us detention. “Professor, it was my fault that they were out so late. I should be dealt the punishment not them.” She looked at me, pondering.
“I too, was the reason we were so late.” Cedric confessed. She looked at us, and continued to ponder. After a few moments, she gave us her decision. I knew that Barret couldn’t afford to get a detention, he was already on thin ice with most teachers, and Gethrow was his little brother, things were expected of them both. She said that only Cedric and I had to serve the Detention, but we had to detention three days.

In the morning, I saw Kumiko, Ayame, Oliver, and Akari. They too, received detentions for being out too late. My father would have a field day with this. During breakfast, I received a letter from my father, and just as I thought, he did.
-Kumiko Pov-

This was the first time I’d ever gotten a detention, and it felt weird. We were told to go to our house leaders’ class room, so when I arrived at Professor Flitwick’s class, I sat in a seat and waited for detention to end.

-Ayame Pov-

Detention wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. I was told to go to Professor McGonagall’s class; I sat there and did some homework, waiting for it to end.

-Akari Pov-

I was never a ‘good’ child, but I’d never gotten a detention before. I walked to Professor Snape’s room, and he told me to clean out each caldron and sweep the floor, while stay quiet. It was pretty boring.

-Skee Pov-

Cedric and I were a few minutes late to Professor Sprout’s detention. She made us clean the entire greenhouse, the floor, the tables, the tools, everything. We didn’t finish cleaning until the third night, and I think we did a pretty good job.

-End of the year-

The rest of the year was pretty boring, minus the fact that Hufflepuff won a lot of Quidditch matches. It was time to give out the house cup, and I doubt that Hufflepuff would get any better than third. I wasn’t one the house would be proud to say that I’m one of them, except when it comes to Quidditch. I sat next to Cedric and the other two in the great hall. We were waiting for Dumbledore to announce the winner of the house cup. He went down the list, “Forth place, Ravenclaw.” The room applauded. “Third place, Hufflepuff” again the room applauded. “Second, Gryffindor” The room applauded again. “And first place goes to, Slytherin!” the Slytherin table went wild. They were jumping around and screaming. I think I saw Snape make a happy expression, but I wasn’t sure. All in all, this was a pretty awesome year, and I can’t wait for the next one.
-The End-