Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ What We Never Expected- A Harry Potter OC story ❯ Short End of the Straw ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
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Year 2

-Kumiko Pov-

The loud screech of the Train sounded; it was to take off promptly at eleven. "I made it!" I saw Skee burst into our compartment; she dropped her luggage to the ground. Ayame glared at Skee, for being so loud, over a yellow tinted 'Daily Prophet' showing that it was rather old, while I greeted Skee with a smile.
"How was your summer Skee?" She took a seat next to me, not bothering to put her luggage away.
"Same old, I was at my house, causing havoc" Skee said nonchalantly, her face lighting up with a smirk. "What about you Kumiko?"
"My parents and I went back to Finland for a month" I answered, smiling. Skee smiled too and asked about a few more things, before she looked at Ayame.
"Ayame did you do anythin- Hey that’s not a book!" Skee shouted, looking at the ratted newspaper in Ayame’s hands. I looked too and was also surprised. Ayame looked at Skee from behind the 'Daily Prophet'.
"I just stayed with my parents at home." Skee didn’t take her eyes off that 'Prophet'. I could see her dreaded curiosity building.
"How old is that?” Skee asked, raising a brow. Ayame thought for a moment, seeming to be debating whether or not to tell us. We both knew that Skee was too lazy to actually go and look it up.
"1982" She breathe out. Both our eyes widened. Skee scrunched up her face in confusion.
"Why do you have it?"
"It’s has fascinating articles." Ayame said in her usual monotone. Everyone remained quiet.

-Skee Pov-
I was by the door, looking through the glass when I saw him. Cedric Passed by my compartment, he was probably sitting with Barret and Gethrow. I caught myself staring at him, but before I could stop myself he saw me. He smiled for a moment, and continued to walk by. I felt my cheeks warming up as I smiled back, and then he was gone. I just kept staring down the hall of the train, a smile still plastered on my face as my thoughts drifted off.
The train ran smoothly, I found myself walking down the hall passing each compartment with such grace I’ve never had before. I sung my hips to a tune to a song that now flooded the train. Making his way down the hall, Cedric headed towards me, I was so enthralled by the music I found myself lip-singing to it. "I hear what you say. I see what you do. I know everything I need to know about you.” I reached Cedric and pushed myself to him. I had him pinned, I looked deep into his gray eyes "And I want you to know that it’s telling me, that you wanna be my lover." After those words left my mouth, my lips met by Cedric’s in a passionate kiss. His hands placed in the small of my back while I had mine wrapped around his neck. I felt a pain in her lower leg.
*End daydream*
"Come on Skee! We’re here" Ayame yelled, pulling out my earbuds. I opened my eyes to a very aggravated Ayame staring down at me. Kumiko had her luggage and was about to leave when she saw me looking hopeless to find her luggage. Kumiko's eyes widen, she grabbed Ayame’s arm and pull her from the compartment. A loud cry was heard from our compartment.
"Skee your luggage is here!" I covered my ears, and saw Ayame shake her head and walk faster off the train.

-Ayame Pov-
During the feast I got lost in my thoughts. I played with the potatoes in my plate thinking of one thing in particular. The man I’d seen last year, the man whom I searched forever in the restricted section to found the article on him. I’d actually seen him. *Daydream*
The Great Hall was filled with students who all were draw in to their food and held their own conversations, when the doors of the Hall opened abruptly. The doors hit the wall; everyone turned their attention to the man who came strutting in. He had a long black leather trench coat that showed a black shirt and pants he was wearing underneath. He continued to walk in the middle of the hall looking from one end to the other as if searching for something. His eyes landed on me, my eyes widen I looked behind me then around, but he was unmistakably looking to me. His tongue shot out of his mouth but returned just as quickly, I felt my face heat up. He was about five feet away. Barty just stood there; I felt some force pushing me to get up. I stood up in front of him, my eyes never leaving his; it was strange, I could feel my whole body going numb under his gaze. When He walked over to me, he scooped my whole body in his strong arms. My face went red when his warm lips met with mine...
*End Daydream*
"Ayame!" I came out of my thoughts and looked around to see who was shouting my name. I found a pair of matching brown eyes smiling at me.
"What?" I spat to them.
"Why were you blushing" Fred and George, Charlie and Bills’ little twin brothers, said in unison.
"I wasn’t! It’s just getting hot in here" I said, not looking to them, but I could tell they were still smirking at me. While I was looking away, I saw Akari. “Hey” I yelled, rushing over to see her, and to get away from the Weasley twins. She smiled as I approached.
“Hey to you too.” we started straight off, talking.
“So how are you and Marcus doing?” I asked curiously. She sighed.
“We broke up over the summer. Long story short, I wasn’t into him as much anymore.” She sounded so calm. After that I let it go. We soon met up with Kumiko and Oliver, where they ‘officially’ told us they were together. We laughed. Soon after, Skee sprinted up to us, with her entourage of idiocy not far behind. I’d only seen Barret and Gethrow a hand full of times, and I have to say, they are not the sharpest knives in the drawer. Well, now that I think of it, neither was Skee. To our dismay, it was time to head to the dorms. We said our goodnights, and went our separate ways.

-Kumiko Pov-

The wet grass left stains on our shoes, it was the first Quidditch practice of the season. Our Ravenclaw team headed to the field when we spotted a group of red blurs coming from the opposite side of the field.
Our captain Roger Davies; approached the Gryffindor captain, my Oliver. I moved closer to the two captains, while they we in some sort of argument.
"No Wood we’re signed up to practice today!" Roger yelled flailing his arms. I stepped in.
"Well we don’t have any classes today. Why don’t we split the time?" I said as calmly and polite as I could muster. Oliver smiled at me, then looked at Roger.
"Sounds good to me” Roger glared at Oliver
"Fine, but who goes first?!"
"Um, pick a number between one and ten." I said shyly.
"Ok three" Said Roger not taking his eyes off Oliver.
"Eight" Oliver glared back at Roger. They both looked to me to see who’d 'won'. "It was eight" I said blushing slightly. Roger just stormed off to the bleachers. Oliver smiled warmly and headed back to his team. I sighed, if Roger ever found out that I was actually thinking three, he’d kill me. I walked back with the rest of the team. I did some of that summer homework I hadn’t finished. When I finished, I look up to see Oliver blocking another quaffle. I bent down to get my water bottle. While I was taking a drink, I got lost in my thoughts.
*day dream*
It was after practice, I was getting my bag with my other clothes when I felt a presence behind me. I turned to be face to neck chest with Oliver. A pink tint swept across my cheek, I dared a look into his chocolate eyes. I was so close to him she could feel the heat radiating off his body. We’d been dating for la few months now, and I’d never been this closet to him. "I know you lied" Oliver smiled.
"What?" I stammered, I tried to sound calm but failed.
"The number you were thinking of was three wasn’t it?" I looked away from him and nodded. He smiled and lifted my chin with his right hand. My face redden more, my dark eyes staring into his, he place his warm lips on mine and hugged my body to him. I took in his warmth and kissed him back.
*End day dream*
"Kumiko!" I came rushing back into reality, putting down the empty water bottle. I looked at the girl who said my name. "You must have been really thirsty!" She giggled. I looked at her then down at my Quidditch robes. They were now damp, with water all down the front. Moments later, Roger yelled at Oliver.
“Wood, your time is up!” Oliver landed, then replied.
“I guess. Have fun practicing.” Oliver smiled. He looked at me, water dripping from my robes. I blushed, and just chuckled and walked off with his team.

-Akari Pov-

I bounded down from the girls’ stairway, into the common room. I walked over to the couch, and sat next to this young boy. He had short black hair, and had dark brown eyes. Defiantly a cute one, I looked over at him. I saw a faint blush cross his face. I smirked. “What’s your name?” I asked, turning to him. He looked a bit shocked.
“Bole, you” I guess he tried to sound cool, but I know better than that. I giggled.
“Akari, are you a second year?” I asked. I didn’t want to be hitting on a first year. That would just be twisted.
“Yeah, are you?” I nodded. We got into a quick conversation, and it was relatively interesting. Suddenly, I saw Marcus in the background, I flinched. He was staring at me, and it got me annoyed. “Hey, what’s wrong?” I looked at him. “Are you bored or something?” I shook my head, and explained to him what had me so mad.
“Marcus is staring at me, and I hate it when people stare at me for no reason.” He glanced behind him.
“I can take care of that.” He smirked, and looked at me. I saw him lean forward, he placed his warm lips on mine. At first I was shocked, but only seconds later I relaxed. I reached my hand around and dug it into his black hair. I opened my eyes a bit, to see Marcus with a disgusted look on his face. We sat there for a few minutes, kissing. Once we took a breath, I blurted it out. “You want to go out with me?” He didn’t answer; he just leaned back in for another kiss.
-Skee Pov-

We were in the common room, just hanging out. Barret was going on about how awesome it is to be a third year, and it eventually got annoying. Cedric and I were sitting on the couch, while Barret was sitting in the chair. Gethrow was around here somewhere, hiding from me. He had slipped what had happened last year, me looking franticly for Cedric, to Cedric. So now, if and when I see him, he’s going to become one of those heads on the wall. I sat there fuming, foaming at the mouth. Cedric had told us that, he wasn’t going to allow me to kill Gethrow. Well, I’d eventually find a way around that. I was contemplating ways of killing Gethrow, without Cedric finding out, when he walked down from the boys staircase. He shyly walked over to the couch, my eyes following him every step, glaring, and sat next to Cedric.
It was silent, until Cedric asked Barret to talk about anything. I continued to stab Gethrow with my eyes. Then all of a sudden; “I can’t believe you did that!” I growled. Cedric whipped his head around, and stared wide eyed at me. Gethrow looked up, a little sad puppy dog look crossing his face. I felt my anger fade. “Don’t give me that look!” I growled again. It quickly disappeared. I leaned towards him, “What crossed your mind that made you have the urge to say something stupid like that?” My voice started to get higher.
“I didn’t think about it! I just said it!” He stammered, leaning away from me. I squinted my eyes. “I remembered that it happened and I just wanted to point it out! I forgot he was there!” he pleated. By now, I was inches away from his face. My hand was clutching the back of the couch, while the other was extended in front of me clutching the armrest.
“Next time you have the insane urge to blurt out something so stupid, ignore it! Or so help me, you will never be able to-” I was cut off by Cedric.
“Skee” I whipped my head to him.
“What?” After I said that, I froze. We were only an inch away from each other. I was hovering over him, my arm behind his neck. “Uh” I tried to slow my breathing, but I couldn’t. I could feel his hot breath on my lips. I tried to calm my breath, but my heart kept racing. Faster than it had ever gone, too fast, my breath couldn’t catch up. I backed away from Gethrow, and back into my seat. I clutched my chest, my eyes closed. My body went numb; I fell. I fell into an involuntary sleep.

The next thing I remember, I was lying in the infirmary. Cedric was sitting next to me, Barret, Gethrow, Akari, Kumiko, and Ayame were around my bed. “She’s awake!” Kumiko yelled. Cedric snapped his head up. “You had us all worried!”
“Madam Pomfrey!” Barret yelled. She came running.
“All right, everyone step back.” She said checking me over. “Are you alright?” I nodded. “Does it hurt anywhere?” I shook my head, no. “Ok, you can go whenever you like.” She walked back to where she was, to continue what she was doing.
“Skee, what the hell happened?” Barret asked.
“Like I know” I shrugged, Cedric chuckled.

-Ayame Pov-
We were in the infirmary; Skee had passed out for no reason, and she’d been unconscious for a few hours. When she woke up; it seemed like she was back to normal, like nothing happened. We stayed almost all day, except when we went to eat, but Cedric stayed behind. Even if they weren’t dating, it’s cute. Madam Pomfrey walked over again, “It’s getting late, why don’t you guys take her beck to her dorm.” She was right, I was getting rather late.
“Yeah guys, we should head back.” I said. Skee nodded, and tried to get up. “I don’t think you should be walking.” I said, apprehensively. Skee just ignored me. I sighed, figures she wouldn’t want help.
“I’ll be fine.” I trusted her, but, I don’t think Cedric did. He shook his head.
“Skee let us take care of you.” Skee looked at him queerly. If he thought this was over, he was dead wrong.
“No” Skee always refuses to be helped, even when she really needs it. She was stupid like that.
“Well, I don’t know about you guys, but I’m not going to sit and wait for this to be over. See you tomorrow.” I sighed, and walked back to my dorm. I saw that Kumiko, Akari, Barret, and Gethrow, were behind me. “Looks like I’m not the only one who thinks that.” I said.
“Well, I know Skee. Well, let’s just say, she night end up spending the night in there.” Barret said, Gethrow nodded, they had a good point. Barret and Gethrow were the first to leave us, which was ok. I told them to tell their house that Skee was alright. It would quell their worries. Kumiko and Akari were next, then I was all alone in this huge castle. It was kind of eerie, the way it was so silent. I quickly got to my common room, and into my dorm. All of today’s excitement was exhausting, and I fell fast asleep.

-Skee Pov-

Cedric had lost that argument, like everyone else, and I walked myself back to our common room. Along the way, Cedric asked me; “What happened?” I stopped, then continued to walk.
“I don’t know, I told you guys that.” I didn’t sound too convincing, even to myself.
“I think you do.” He pressed. I caved.
“It’s nothing for you to worry about.” I sighed, but kept walking.
“Yeah, but I want to know.” He pressed again. I ignored him. He grabbed my arm and swung me against the wall. My eyes went wide. “Tell me” I gulped, nervously.
“It’s nothing to worry about, seriously. It’ll never happen again.” I said trying to escape his grasp. His eyes were sharp, and demanding, then suddenly, they were soft. His demeanor changed and he backed off.
“Sorry, that was incredibly rude.” He said, he turned around and walked off.
“Wait!” I yelled. He didn’t stop, I ran to catch up. I grabbed his arm, he stopped. I ran out in front of him. “Hey, I’ll tell- why are you blushing?” I asked, Honestly, I’d never seen him so red. As a matter of fact, I’d never seen him red. He pulled his arm back, and started faster away. I grabbed his arm again, and said: “Tell me!” He turned to me, only a faint layer red painted his face. His eyes were fierce, but determined. “Are you going to tell me or not?” I asked, smirking.
He smirked back: “Tell me what happened.” I felt the smirk die down, then come right back to life.
“Tell me why you want to know!” I had him there. His smile fell, he just stared at me. His eyes were softer than usual. He sighed. My smirk faded a bit. He was about to say something, but I cut in; “I was born with it, like I said, it’s nothing to worry about. I’ve been dealing with it for over ten years now. I don’t think it’s anything to worry about.” I breathed out a breath of relief. That was the first time I’d ever told anyone, outside the family. He lifted his head, surprised. “So, why did you want to know so badly?” I asked, breaking the awkward silence that started to grow. He started to blush again, he looked cute. I smiled, faintly.
“Uh, I was just worried, that maybe I was responsible somehow. That’s all.” He started towards the wall where he sat down. I followed him.
“Why would you think it was your fault?”
“Right before, you were, right in front of me. Well I thought I scared you or something.” He was looking down, he didn’t once look up. I didn’t know what to say, it happened because I was shocked, by him being so close, it was embarrassing. I started to blush too, just remembering it.
“Ok, I’m not going to lie. It did happen because you were so close. But It surprised me, I didn’t think you’d be that close.” Even to me, it sounded like it was entirely his fault. His head lowered, I heard him groan.
“It was my fault.”
“Ok, that’s it. You need to stop moping! It’s over and done with! Stop putting yourself down! I said it wasn’t your fault, so it’s not! I don’t like seeing you like this!” I just got so mad; he actually believed that me almost dying was his fault. I grabbed his hand and jumped to my feet. “Let’s go!” I said, aggregated. I dragged his sorry ass back towards the common room. We were about to round the last corner, when he stopped me.

-Cedric Pov-

Knowing Skee, I’ll never get another chance like this again. I have to do it now!

-Skee Pov-
“What’s wrong Cedric?” I asked. His head was low, and he seemed to be trying to work up to something. He lifted his head, and stared at me. He grabbed my shoulders, I could see that faint blush burst into a full on beat red color. “Hey Cedric, what’s the matter?” I asked. I soon got my answer. I felt warm lips press hard against mine. I closed my eyes, and kissed him back. We had to pull back, due to lack of air. “Hi” I said, dazed, a faint blush rose in my cheeks. He chuckled.
“So I guess you didn’t mind then?” He said, very seriously. I nodded. “You know what this means now, right?” He smirked. I shook my head no. “It means you’re mine now.” He chuckled, pulling me by the hand around the corner to the entrance to the Hufflepuff common room.

-Ayame Pov-

I sat at the wood table, in a silk lined chair, awaiting my knight. I sat for no longer than a few seconds, and he appeared in the door frame. “Welcome” His voice was beautiful than before. He walked over, with a smirk. I grabbed my chin, lifted it up to his lips. Our lips met, again. He pulled away; “No hello?” He smirked, wider. I couldn’t breathe, I felt like my lungs were frozen by his uncanny ability to make my limbs tremble. Seconds passed, and still, nothing. He was still grasping my chin, inches away from my face. Once I regained my breathing, I was able to utter a greeting.
“Hi” It came out as a breathless gasp, as if I’d just run several miles. He released my chin, placing that hand on the table in front of me. I breathing came in quick, rapid breathes. He sat on the table, and placed his hand, again, on my chin. He slipped hi down, under my loose button-up shirt, and placed it over my shirt. My breathing stopped all together, my heart still racing. I couldn’t function. He bent down and kissed my face, then my lips again.

-Skee Pov-

-End of the year-

This year was one of the best years of my life. I have my friends, my love, and my life-barely- and another year at Hogwarts School of Witch Craft and Wizardry. Hufflepuff didn’t do as well this year, like last, but we still put up a damn good fight. Again, we didn’t do any better that third in the house cup, Slytherin won, again. I didn’t really pay attention to what Professor Dumbledore said, during the ceremony. I was too preoccupied with Cedric, and trying not to look at him, of course now I can, but still. I think people would like to have a lucid Skee for the last few days of school. Once the ceremony was over, we were off to experience the summer. I don’t want to wait to see my friends, or this school. Why can’t this summer past by quicker than the year?