Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ What We Never Expected- A Harry Potter OC story ❯ Three Down, Only The Rest Of Our Lives To Go... ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
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-Year 3-

-Kumiko Pov-

I sat in our usual compartment, with Oliver and Ayame, waiting for Skee. Ayame had a new book, plus that mysterious article. To our surprise, Akari sat with us, which she had never done before. I guess everyone was doing something new, because Skee was a full five minutes early, and she had Cedric with her. Oliver, Akari and I sat on one side, while Ayame, Skee and Cedric sat on the other. I hope Skee could behave herself, but I think that was too much to ask. We started to talk about our summer, Akari skipped, so did Ayame, and Skee, well, she was a little preoccupied. So it was me and Oliver, talking about our summer.

-Akari Pov-

Skee and Cedric sat across from me, whispering and giggling. I didn’t have to wonder about what they were saying. I smirked. Kumiko and Oliver were talking about stuff, and Ayame was reading, and would glare at Skee every few minutes. I laughed. Ayame glanced at me, looking a bit scared.

-Skee Pov-

I had my legs swung over Cedric’s lap, my arms stretched towards the wall, and my back facing Ayame. “Hey” I started. “Let’s whisper back and forth, to freak them out, make them think we’re talking about something nasty.” I giggled. He chuckled.
“Sounds like fun, let’s do it.” We started to whisper, and started to make whispering noises. He glanced at Ayame, I guess she was making a disturbed look, because Cedric smiled, and I giggled in response. This went on for quite a while, but I started to get bored. I leaned back, my head resting on Ayame’s leg.
“Hey” I said, looking at her bewildered face through my sweet sunglasses. She closed her book, and lifted it above my face. “Wait! Not my sunglasses!” I said, before she dropped it. I ripped off my glasses, and folded them into my hand. “Ok, now you can.” I said, stupidly. She dropped, what felt like an almost 30 pound book, on my face. “Ow!” I yelped. Cedric just laughed, so did the rest of the compartment. I sat up, quickly, and stayed like that for quite awhile. Eventually, I fell asleep. What felt like moments later, Cedric woke me; “Are we there?” I asked half awake.
“No, but I need to go to the bathroom.” He said, trying to lift my legs from him lap. I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck.
“No!” I groaned, like a child, in his ear, now fully awake. He reached back his hands and unlatched my hands from his neck. “You’re going to pay for that.” I threatened. He rose, and left the compartment. That’s when I got an Idea.

-Ayame Pov-

Cedric left the compartment, and Skee had the look of a pouting child on her face. Then suddenly, her expression changed. She stood and stated; “I got to go somewhere.” Without an answer to Kumiko’s curious question, she left. She turned right, and Cedric had turned left, so I doubted she was going with him. Boy was I wrong. Seconds after Skee left the compartment, I saw an orange blob speed by the inside window. After I heard a loud crash, and someone yelped. I peeked out the door, it was Skee, and she had tackled Cedric. I rolled my eyes.
“Someone get them a bucket of cold water!” I turned around and sat in my seat, getting back to my book. Kumiko, Oliver, and Akari all looked too. I just smiled and shook my head.

-Skee Pov-

“I told you, you’d pay.” I whispered, inches from Cedric’s face. He just smiled and tried to get up.
“Really, I do have to go to the bathroom.” He told me, when I wouldn’t let him go. With a groan, I got up, and stormed back to the compartment. I sat there quietly, until Cedric came back.

-Akari Pov-

After Skee’s, little fun, it got quiet, even Kumiko had shut up. I just sat there, looking all around the compartment. Skee had fallen back asleep, her jaw hung down, and when a little drool escaped her mouth, she’d suck it back in, loudly. Other than that, it was all quiet. I was staring out the inside window, watching the people pass, when I saw this boy. He had bleach blond hair and was kind of short. I immediately sat up to get a better look. But by then, he was already down the hall. The train came to a quick stop, throwing everything forward, including Skee. She landed face planted on the ground, once her face touched the floor, she sprang up saying: “I’m ready boss!” She was up on her feat. We all just stared and laughed. We collected our things and walked out of the compartment. I looked back to see Skee standing there, smirking.
“Skee what’s wrong?” I asked. Kumiko and Ayame looked at her too; I guess they knew what was coming.
“I wonder where my luggage is.” She said loudly. Ayame grabbed my arm and pulled me, quickly out of the compartment, before an ear bleeding scream yelled. “Skee, your luggage is over here! Over here!” I covered my ears, it was still loud even oust side the door. “Found it!” She yelled, silencing the scream. She walked out with her luggage in hand, and a smirk on her face. Boy did I feel bad for Cedric, having to deal with that all day every day. How did he do it?
We got to the Great Hall, for the feast and the sorting hat. Great, new students, I remembered that kid from the train. Maybe I’ll be able to find out who he is. I thought. I sat next to some other Slytherin girls, and as far away as possible from Marcus and Bole. I sat attentively waiting for Professor Dumbledore to call in the first years. They walked down the great isle, and there he was. Damn, a first year. I coursed in my head. I might have to wait until next year. I thought. The names flew by, I saw him walk up. Draco Malfoy, hm? I thought. And better yet, he was Slytherin! Yes, I love it! There was an open spot across from me, and he took it. He started talking to the other Slytherins around; I just tried not to stare at him.

-Ayame Pov-

I saw three new kids that looked like they were all really good friends. Their names were Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley, Fred and Georges little brother. Ugh, another Weasley kid, great, that’s just what I needed. I internally groaned. The Hermione girl was nice enough, Harry too, but that Ron kid, hell no. I got talking to Harry and Hermione, and ignored Ron. He didn’t care; he wasn’t too interested in talking to me anyway. I looked over to the Ravenclaw table, and saw Kumiko greet and new student. Then I looked over to the Slytherin table, and just barely saw Akari. When I looked over to the Hufflepuff table, I saw Barret and Gethrow, but no Skee, or Cedric. I didn’t want to imagine what they could possible doing, but I did anyway.

-Skee Pov-

We were sitting in the court yard, just far enough from the Great Hall. We were sitting on the soft new grass, leaning our backs against the hard stone of the school. It was silent for a long time; I was starting to feel weird. So I broke it. “So, how about them Mets?” I asked, looking up at him. He chuckled, and kissed my forehead.
“You’re amazing.” He whispered; I blushed. After that, it all went silent. That is until they were let out of the great hall. We blended in with the crowd of Hufflepuffs, and headed to our dorms. We were in the common room soon, sitting on the couch. Barret was in the chair, and Gethrow was on the floor. We were talking about our summers, when Cedric asked, “Skee aren’t you hungry?” I just laughed.
“I eat on the train.”
“When?” I just smirked at his bewildered face.
“When you least expected it.” I giggled, and got back to the conversation at hand. Soon it was time for bed and I was extremely sleepy. I said goodnight to Batter and Gethrow, and Cedric kissed me on the forehead, again. I walked sleepily up the stairs to my dorm, but I quickly ran back down again. I wanted to kiss Cedric goodnight again. But before I appeared in the light of the common room, I hear Gethrow ask, “So have you kissed Skee yet?”
“And not that little crappy kiss either, we want to know about the big first kiss.” Barret pressed. This was an entertaining conversation. I sat down on the steps waiting for the rest of the conversation to continue.
“No” Cedric sounded a little embarrassed. Too damn bad I was stuck on the stairs, and not in there, I would have loved to see that! There was an awkward silence.
“What, are you gay?” Barret asked bluntly. I was a bit surprised by that, and so was Cedric.
“No!” Now I bet he was blushing.
“Oh look, he’s blushing.” Gethrow pointed out, just for me.
“Thank you Gethrow!” I whispered. I listened to a little bit more of the conversation, and decided that it was boring, and I skipped back to my dorm and to bed.

-Akari Pov-

I’d decided to sit on the couch in the common room a bit longer. I didn’t want to go to bed just yet. I saw Draco walk into the room, with his two minions Crabbe and Goyle. I was still sitting there, when they walked out a few minutes later. I was greeted by a fellow third year, Adrian Pucey. “Hi Akari.” He said/ I said hi back. He just cut to the chase, “Will you go out with me?” I wasn’t too too shocked, but I was distracted by Draco. I thought about it for a second, the longest I’d ever taken to think about a reply. I did need a distraction until next year, so I could go out with Draco.
“Sure” I replied, thinking it would be fun. After that, I headed off to bed.

-Ayame Pov-

I got to know Harry and Hermione pretty well before bed, but I was tired. So I said goodnight, and ambled sleepily up to my room, and quickly fell fast asleep.
I lifted my head off the dark wood table, to find I was sitting in a silk lined chair. I’d fallen asleep waiting for my knight. I sat no longer than a few seconds, and I heard his voice. “I’ve been waiting.” He smirked. I was speechless. My lungs filled with ear, but I couldn’t breathe. He walked over and placed his hand under my chin, lifting it, and kissed me. My eyes closed, and I lifted my hand to cheek. He pulled back, “What no hello?” He asked still smirking. I breathed in a huge lung full, and replied.
“Hello” I said smirking. He released my chin, and placed his hand, under my shirt, over my heart. My breathing stopped for only a few seconds, but my heart was still racing. He bent down and kissed my face, then my lips again. We stayed like that for a few moments longer than the last time. When we separated, I spoke. “What do you mean you’ve been waiting?” I smirked. He just chuckled and Kissed me again, deeper than the last, and more fervent. I could feel his need grow as fast as mine was, and it was unbearable. I stood, and he followed. He stepped aside and hopped me onto the table. I pulled him to me, holding on to his coat, as tight as I could. Our kiss ended with a gasp from both of our mouths. His eyes were glazed over, as well as my own.

-Skee Pov-

End of the year

We were sitting awaiting the announcement of who won the house cup. “In last place, Hufflepuff” We all groaned. We did worse than last year, which was stupid. “Third place, Ravenclaw” I bet Kumiko was ecstatic, like I cared. “And In second place, Slytherin” Wow, that was a surprise. Poor Akari, really, when did I start to care? “And the house cup winners this year are Gryffindor” Dumbledore said, their whole table rose and started screaming, and yelling in joy, great for Ayame. I heard some rumor about Ayame’s new friend Harry, that he got a teacher fired. Also that he found the legendary Philosophers Stone. Yeah right, probably just something that him and his friends made up to make him sound cool. All in all, I think this year was great, Quidditch was great, but we didn’t win every match. That damn Harry Potter kept catching that damn snitch. But, he’ll just have to wait until next year, cause I’ll wipe that field with his cocky little face.