Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ What We Never Expected- A Harry Potter OC story ❯ Meeting New Friends ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
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Year 4-

-Kumiko Pov-

“What do you mean you can’t sit with me?” I wailed to Oliver.
“My new seeker needs some pointers” Damn he was so kind, too kind. I sighed. He took that as an ok, because he kissed my cheek and scooted off to where Harry was. Damn you Harry. Disappointedly, I slouched into my seat and waited for the others. Seconds later, Ayame and Akari walked in. I waved, why take out my frustration on them? I heard the whistle of the train.
“Skee’s late, again.” Ayame mumbled. Seconds later we heard a loud, very loud, wail come from down the corridor. “It’s ok. It’s only Skee.” Ayame said walking back to her seat from the inside window. I just nodded. Akari sighed. I wonder what she was complaining about this time.

-Skee Pov-

“Screw Gethrow and Barret, I want you to sit with me.” I demanded. Cedric just shook his head.
“I told you, Gethrow needs help with some spells, and Barret wants me to help him pray.” He rolled his eyes at that last part.
“Pray for what, a loss of virginity? Like that will ever happen!” I scoffed. Cedric chuckled. I heard a yelp of surprise sound from a few feet away. I guess Barret didn’t like that.
“No, he applied to be head boy this year remember?” I tilted my head thoughtfully.
“Nope” He just sighed; he knew it was no use. Trying to recall memories wasn’t my forte, and everyone knew it. He kissed my forehead and walked the few feet to the compartment where the guys were. When I walked by, I saw another boy in there. I stopped and backtracked to ask his name. “Who are you?” I asked, after roughly sliding the door open. He gawked at me for a few, then answered.
“Justin Finch-Fletchley” I nodded, then walked away; slamming the compartment door behind me. I guess it reopened, because I heard Barret speak.
“What the hell was that?” I started to storm back, but Barret’s voice stopped me. “I thought you said you’d kiss her over the summer!” I saw Justin through the inside window. I tried to duck, but he turned his head too quickly and saw me. I pointed at him, signaling certain death if he told them I was there. His eyes, widened, and quickly returned to normal. I continued to listen, but it went nowhere fast. I looked back at Justin, and signaled again certain death it he told. I turned and tip-toed back to my usual compartment with Ayame, Kumiko, and Akari. Along the way, I saw the compartment where Harry was in, I glared as I passed, remembering the oath I made to myself last year. I slammed the door open, and spat; “I’ll get you this year Potter!” I slammed the door closed and kept walking back to my usual compartment.
-Akari Pov-

I heard Skee’s voice from down the corridor, yelling something like; “I’ll get you this year Potter!” There was a slam, then silence. I rolled my eyes. Skee stormed into the compartment, and sat across from me, like usual. It was silent for awhile, until Kumiko broke it with the same question she always does.
“What happened over the summer?” I sighed. Ayame was the first to answer.
“Nothing really” Skee was next.
“Boring” Damn, it’s my turn.
“Same” I guess she didn’t like our answer because her face got all scrunched up.
“Ok, this is getting annoying! What’s so bad in your life that you can’t tell me? We’ve been friends for four years now; I think there’s a bond there!” I’d never seen her get mad, but she did have a point. I sighed; I guess I’d have to first.
“My home life isn’t very cozy. My parents are never home, and I have no friends there. It’s pretty lonely. I’m rich, but not happy.” I felt better once I had it all out. Kumiko looked at me, compassionately.
“I’m sorry; you didn’t have to say it.” She said; taking back her previous words. I shook my head no.
“It’s ok. Now that I have that off my chest, I feel a lot better. Thank you” We turned our attention to the other two.

-Ayame Pov-

Akari, Kumiko, and Skee turned their attention to me. I guessed it was my turn to share my dysfunctional home life. I sighed, and spoke. “My parents are lousy drunks who don’t give a damn about anyone else but themselves.” I saw a shocked look cross Kumiko’s face, and an understanding face cross Akari’s; like she knew what I was going through. We focused ourselves to Skee.

-Skee Pov-

Shit, my life sucks. After Ayame finished, I knew what I’d have to say. “My Mother died at my birth. My brother died when I was eight. After all that, my father hates me, and thinks it’s all my fault.” I sighed, I felt as though a weight had been lifted from my shoulders.

-Kumiko Pov-

Wow, don’t I feel like an ass. “I didn’t mean for you guys to feel so uncomfortable around me. My home life is pretty much a loving home.” I felt so bad, some tears started to escape. I quickly wiped them away; I didn’t want them to see me as a crybaby.
“You were born with it; it’s not your fault.” Skee said, oddly comforting me. Akari and Ayame agreed. My tears started to fade, and we laughed about it for awhile. It soon fell quiet. Ayame was reading again, Akari was as well, the Daily Prophet. Skee, well, she was sleeping as usual. Her mouth was wide open, and every few seconds she would mumble something like Cedric or she would smile. We all looked over, but we got used to it. Before we knew it, we were getting off the train. And Skee had that look on her face; the one she always had right before she said those dreaded words. “I wonder where my luggage is?” Seconds later, the scream was heard. I wonder why she always does that, it always ends up in our compartment anyway. We just sighed and walked off the train.

-Skee Pov-

Apparently skipping the welcoming ceremony was against the rules, Ayame had told me. Cedric and I ended up going. I wanted to see what house Justin ended up in. The hat took no time at all, once I heard Justin’s name, I was ready. “Hufflepuff” The hat sounded. He walked sheepishly over to the table, I waved him over. He came, like a good puppy, and sat next to me. After that, I didn’t really pay attention to the ceremony. I paid more attention on making sure the biggest chicken leg stayed in my sights. Once Dumbledore gave the ok, I grabbed the leg, and began to chow down. Not really paying any attention the guys.

-Ayame Pov-

I groaned when I found out about the new Weasley. Ginny, it just sounded stupid. I ignored her too, like Ron. I guess the only Weasleys I talked to were Fred and George, figures, the ones I talk to are the reason I don’t talk to the others. Wow, my brain is messed up. I think I’ve been hanging out with Skee a little too much. It was getting late, I said goodbye to Harry and Hermione, and sluggishly walked to my dorm. I fell asleep quickly.
I grew tired of waiting, and placed my head on the hard wooden table. Before I knew it, I was fast asleep. What felt like seconds later, I awoke to see my knight standing in the door way. “Nice to see you” He smirked. My breath hitched in my throat, like always. He walked over and placed his hand under my chin, lifting it up, and kissed me. My eyes closed, I glided my hand up his chest, feeling everything possible, and clutching his hair. He chuckled, and pulled back an inch. “What, no hello?” He smirked, again.
I smirked back, “Think that was a well enough hello.” I pulled his head back to me, and kissed him. He pulled back chuckling. He took his hand from my chin, and placed it on my heart, under my shirt. My chest was thundering under his touch. He kept his smirk, and kissed me. There was more need, more desire, than before. I reached my breaking point, and stood. I backed against the table; he lifted me up with ease. I pulled him to me, and laid down, clutching his hair in one hand, and his shirt in the other. He was quick to follow. I didn’t want this moment to end, but we did have to breathe. Only moments passed, but they felt like eternities. Once we caught our breath, I quickly resumed where we left off. His hand glided up my side, under my shirt. I felt this calloused hands rub against the soft skin of my side. Our kiss broke, but it didn’t end the passion. His lips quickly met the skin of my neck and drifted downwards. I let out a soft moan. My breathing sped, and my need grew stronger.

-Akari Pov-

This common room couch was getting rather gloomy. It was where I’d met Bole, and where Adrian and I first started to date, not to mention what Marcus and I did on it. I hope no one knew about that. Draco walked it, talking about something to do with Harry Potter. Crabbe and Goyle were close behind him. He sat in the chair across from me. He looked at me, and asked; “Who are you?” Crap, I was staring. I stuttered for a moment.
“Akari Shindeft” He just tilted his head thoughtfully. Suddenly his eyes got wide. I guess he figured out where he’d heard the name before. What I didn’t tell Kumiko, Akari, and Skee, was the reason behind my family being so rich. My father was the leader in one of the most notorious gangs in Europe and Asia. Which gave an automatic respect right to me, and it sucked. I knew Draco from somewhere, but I couldn’t remember. When he spoke again, it wasn’t like I thought he would.
“Whatever” He just turned his nose, and continued to talk about that Harry kid. I was surprised that he had the audacity to talk to me like that, but also, I admired it. It made me like him all the more. I looked at Crabbe and Goyle; they were looking at Draco like he was mad crazy. I guess they too, knew who I was. Good, I could use that to my advantage.
“Vincent, Gregory, beat it.” I said rather calmly. With a look at me, then at Draco, then back at me, they were gone. Draco glared at me, angrily.
“What the hell was that for?” He questioned. I just laughed quietly, to myself. “What’s so funny?” He spat. I stood.
“You think you don’t have to worry about me.” He stood.
“What is that suppose to mean?” I lifted my index finger to just below his chin, he was a foot away.
“I’m a fourth year, and your just a mere second year. There’s almost nothing scary about you. Excluding the fact of my father, I am highly intimidating.” His eyes looked embarrassed, but his face looked mad. I just couldn’t resist this opportunity to spill my guts in a very casual way. “I think I like you.” His eyes went wide, now he looked embarrassed; a blush running rapid along his face. “How would you like to be my boyfriend?”
“What, really?” He stammered. I just smirked.
“Only if you think you can handle me. I don’t usually date younger boys, so I might be too much for you.” He looked determined. It made me laugh out loud. I kissed his cheek, and left him there, while I went to my room to sleep.

-Skee Pov-

We were in the common room, Cedric, Gethrow, and I-Barret was off doing head boy crap. We just sat there, in silence. Gethrow looked at Cedric most of the night, it got me mad. “Why do you keep gawking at my boyfriend?” I asked, getting very annoyed with the silence and Gethrow staring at Cedric. They both looked at me queerly.
“What?” Gethrow asked. “I wasn’t gawking at him!”
“Well, then what were you doing?” Annoyance wasn’t something I could deal well with. So they had all of ten seconds to explain to me what the hell was going on. Nothing was working, so they ended up telling me, what Gethrow said was, the truth.
“I was trying to tell him something.” Now that I had him going, he would be almost impossible to stop. “I was trying to tell him to do something before it was too late. Before he lost his opportunity, and god knows, with you, there’s only one shot.” I cocked an eyebrow.
“It’s got something to do with me? What is it?” He covered his mouth with his hands. Great, the blabber mouth shut the mouth. Now what was I suppose to do? I turned to Cedric, and pulled my shades down. “Please tell me.” I asked pushing out my bottom lip. I guess he couldn’t because; he grabbed the back of my neck and launched himself at me, for the first time, kissing me on the lips. The next thing I heard was Gethrow’s voice call for Barret.
“Barret come here, he’s doing it!” Barret’s voice rang seconds later.
“Alright, get it on!” That was what they said at first but as the seconds passed, their encouragement died. “Ok, guys, you can stop now.” But I couldn’t, I was too far gone. “Get a room!” Barret yelled. Just out of spite, I grabbed a handful of Cedric’s golden locks and pulled him to me.
“Barret, my eyes!” Gethrow screamed. Cedric and I both laughed, not wanting to pull away, we knew we had to. I released his hair, and sat up. He placed his arm around me shoulders.
“So what were we talking about?” I asked. After e few queer stares from Barret, Gethrow, and even Justin, I decided to go to bed. “Good night” I said pecking Cedric on the lips. As much as I didn’t want to, I pulled back a bounced up the stairs to my dorm.

-Ayame Pov-

Last night was a very strange. I was used to having dreams about Barty, but that one was different than the others. It was so, I don’t know, different. I couldn’t concentrate on anything that day. My own head had weirded me out, that was sad. The gang and I had made plans to go to Hogsmeade later next month, so I had to comprise a shopping list. I went from my Transfiguration class to my potions class, which I had that class with Kumiko, Skee, and Akari. Wow, I want to know who made this schedule. Kumiko was sitting with Akari, so that left me to sit with Skee. Great. I thought.
“Ok, open up to page 394. We are making a healing potion.” We opened our books, and prepared for a lecture. Once Professor Snape finished with the lecture, he let us make the potion. “Skee, don’t touch anything.” I laughed under my breath. All was going well, until Skee got bored.
“I’m bored.” She complained, and started to though her book up in the air. She leaned back in her chair, still throwing and catching her book.
“Skee, watch what where your throwing that.” But it was too late; she leaned back too far, and didn’t catch to book on time. It hit her smack dab in the face, everyone started to laugh. I knew better than to take my attention off the potion, so I stopped mixing it, then I laughed. Not everyone in the class was that smart. Seams Finnigan, a fellow Gryffindor and, a second year, continued to mix ingredients to his potion. It ended up exploding. After that, Professor Snape wasn’t very happy with Skee. She had to sit there, not moving, for the rest of the hour. That had to suck, but I kept mixing the potion. Good thing one of us was competent enough to finish a simple burn-healing potion. I sighed. Skee just loves to get in trouble doesn’t she?

-Akari Pov-

After Potions class, after Skee had finished making an ass of herself; I went to the great hall for some lunch. I met Draco there, it was the first time I’d seen him since breakfast. I walked up to him, and grabbed his hand. I saw a faint blush cross his face. “What’s up?” I asked. He hesitated, then answered.
“Nothing much, I had a dual last period.”
“For what?”
“It was because the recent attacks on the students. Damn mud-bloods can’t protect themselves.” He spat. Everyone knew that Draco didn’t like cross-breeds, that’s what I call them, but they did have feelings too. I just sighed, and got off the cross-breed topic. We sat down at the Slytherin table and began to eat our lunch. We exchanged words now and then, when suddenly, I heard Skee’s frantic voice ring in the hall.

-Skee Pov-

“Skee, it’s nothing to worry about. He’s fine.” Ayame tried to calm me, but I was on a mission. I ran into the Great Hall, franticly.
“Where is he?” I asked, knowing all well where he was. “Justin! I heard about what happened in class today! Are you ok?” I asked, hugging him. I pulled back, and asked again. “Are you ok?” He just stared at me like I was crazy.
“Skee, like I said; he’s fine.” Ayame said. Cedric walked in.
“What’s going on?” He asked. I ran over to him.
“It’s terrible, absolutely terrible!” He looked at me, too, like I was crazy.
“Heard about what happened to Justin, so I came to find you. That’s why I came here” He knew me too well, of course I would be in the Great Hall whenever I could. “But, Skee, I think he’s ok. He’s eating, and he’s functional, so he’s not in shock. He should be fine.” Cedric said, soothing my troubles.
“Thank you, I needed to hear that.” I sighed. I heard Ayame mumble something like; I said that like ten times, or something like that, but I ignored her. I sat next to Cedric and Justin, just to make sure.

-Ayame Pov-

After Skee calmed down, she went to eat. I too, went to eat. I sat down next to Hermione, she was reading a book, I guess on Divination. “Is that a good read?” I asked sarcastically. She rolled her eyes.
“Not the most pleasing thing I’d ever done, but I have to do it.” She admitted. I just smiled. I watched her write down some answers on parchment, I just had to correct.
“That’s not right. That should be the moon, not thunder.” She looked at me. “What? I took Divination for three years.” She sighed.
“Can you tutor me? I really don’t get any of this stuff.” She pleated. I nodded.
“Sure” We quickly got to work, and eat a little too. We had to go back to class, so we set up another time to study, tonight, after diner, in the common room. We walked in our different ways, to our last class.

-Akari Pov-

After last class, I headed to the Great Hall. When I walked in, Skee was there, of course, stuffing her face. Cedric looked at her, more like watched her, while the rest of her friends eat, slower, and talked a bit. Ayame walked in right behind me, then Kumiko. I waved to them, they waved back, but we kept walking. I found Draco, he didn’t look too stellar. “What’s up?” I asked, uneasily.
“What the hell was that?” He snarled. I looked at him blankly. “You were waving to a Gryffindor! What if she was a mud-blood?” What the hell?
“Ok, first of all, don’t concern yourself with how I choose to wave too. Second, she’s a pure blood, and third, do not speak to me like that ever again. Got it?” We glared at each other, until he snorted and turned his nose away. I sat down next to him, pleased with myself, and started to eat. I grabbed his hand under the table, and his head turned to me. I just smiled, and kissed his cheek. He started blush a little, but was back to normal in seconds. I’ll play with him later.

-Skee Pov-

“I think Barret and Gethrow are getting the wrong impression of what you think of Justin.” Cedric informed me at diner. I stopped eating and looked at him.
“What do you mean?” He just sighed, and continued.
“Well, it seems like you like him more than you like your boy friend.” He said, a blush lightly painted his face. I giggled, and leaned over to whisper in his ear. I felt his muscles contract at my words. I just giggled again.
“So who do I like more?” I asked sarcastically, I already knew the answer. I took a few seconds to answer, probably recovering from the words we both wanted to hear.
“Me” And at that, I continued to eat more than twice my weight, in one sitting.

Later that night

I was in the common room, no one was around. I sat on the huge window sill, awaiting Cedric. I was surprised he wasn’t there before me, he seemed so anxious at diner. Barret, Gethrow and Justin were out doing something stupid, so that left me and Cedric, alone. Only a few seconds later, he hurried into the room, and sat next to me. Neither of us knew what I was going to do, but I ended up doing something that we both wanted.

-Akari Pov-

The common room was empty, except Draco and me. We sat on the couch, silently. I moved closer to him, I could feel the heat radiating off his body. I looked up at him; he looked back at me, a blush painted both our faces. I’d never felt like this before, I’d never done this before. I reached my hand around his neck, and pulled him too, me our lips met, for the first time. I’d never made the first move, but I got tired of waiting for him to show some sort of affection. As if answering my unspoken prayer, he felt him glide his hand along my arm, around my shoulder, down to the small of my back, where it would rest. He pressed into me, letting me feel all of him.

-Ayame Pov-

“Thank you Ayame for your help! I told Harry that you were very helpful; he said he needed help with Divination too. I hope that’s ok.” I nodded.
“Its fine” Really, it was. Harry was adorable, clearly someone I wouldn’t mind getting caught in a closet with. After Hermione left, Harry walked into the common room, seeking help with Divination, just as Hermione foretold. “Hi Harry. Can I help you?” He came walking over, a grateful smile on his face.
“Thanks, I’m not very good at this stuff.” I just shook my head.
“It’s no problem. Where shall we start?” I asked, ready to get down the business. He pointed out a section called, ‘Cloud Reading’. Yes, the thing I’m best at. We got straight into it.

-Skee Pov-

I leaned in, and placed my lips upon his. I reached my hand around to his hair, I grabbed a good handful. I didn’t want to let go. His hands rested on my waist for only a few moments. He moved them up and down my sides; I could feel the friction grow as the seconds passed. I felt his tongue slip into my parted lips; I gladly let him roam. Only seconds passed, and our mouths were moving in unison. I felt his hand under my shirt; I clutched his hair with both hands, rising to my knees. I loomed over him, pressing him to me. I felt my need grow more as each second passed.

-Akari Pov-

I felt him press against me, his body pushing me back. I felt him grab a handful of hair with on hand, while the other shifted from my back to my tummy. I Felt a slight opening between his lips and pressed my tongue through, exploring his mouth. As I explored his mouth, he did so to mine. Our mouths stared to move, I’d never moved like that before. I heard a noise come from behind us, it was Crabbe and Goyle. Draco abruptly sprang off of me. I pouted for a few seconds then a sat up, readjusting my shirt, and skirt. Crabbe and Goyle just had a horrified look on their faces. I giggled, then got up. I kissed Draco in the cheek and bounced up to my room, feeling quite accomplished.

-Ayame Pov-

We had been reviewing Divination for hours now, I felt like I was back in that class. I yawned. “It’s getting rather late.” Harry said referring to my yawn.
“We don’t have much left.” I said, repressing a yawn. We sat close together, reading from the text book. I looked up at him, seeing if what I’d just explained made any sense. When I lifted my head, his was only inches away. We sat like that for a few seconds. I could see his eyes were glazed over. Maybe who I’d been dreaming of wasn’t Barty, but was Harry, a deformed version. I leaned in; I could fell his hot breath on my lips. Our lips were about to meet, only inches away, when Ron came down the boys stairs.
“Harry you almost done?” I snapped my head up, so did Harry.
“Uh, we’re all done. Thanks Ayame.” He stuttered and hurried, embarrassed, up the stairs. I stood after a few seconds, and walked sleepily to my room.

-Skee Pov-

I heard someone round the corner. I think it was Justin, because Barret and Gethrow would have said something. They just stood there, staring at Cedric and me making out. I smirked against Cedric’s lips, the pulled back only a centimeter, then was pulled back in. I heard Barret and Gethrow talking as they rounded the corner, to where Justin was. Gethrow screamed like a little girl, and Barret yelled at us. We both laughed, realizing that our quiet time was up. “Barret my eyes, I can’t see my eyes!” Gethrow complained.
“We push you guys to kiss once, and now you can’t stop! What the hell is wrong with you?” I looked over to Barret; he was covering Justin’s eyes with his hands.
“Barret, just you wait until you get a girlfriend.” I hinted, winking at him. I pulled Cedric’s head back and kissed him again, but with no tongue. I released him, said goodnight to the guys, and bounced up the stairs to my room.

-Ayame Pov-

Ever since that one late night study session with Harry, I haven’t been able to look at him in the eyes. I’d either started blushing, or I ran out of the room, blushing. It’s been two weeks sense then, and I’m still freaking out about it. Today, I decided that I would no longer be affected by that night. I heard Harry call my name; “Hey Ayame, over here!” I turned around, it was him, Hermione, and Ron. I ran, sort of, over to them. They all looked surprised at my face, for the past two weeks had been covered in a blush, or I’d just ignored them.
“Hey guys! What’s up?” I asked slinging my arm over Harry’s shoulders. They composed their faces, and Hermione answered.
“Nothing much. What about you?” She asked looking a little confused by my actions still. I laughed.
“I’ve decided to be a little more upper, so get used to it.” I laughed again and added; “I wonder how long this will last?” and we strode into the Great Hall. That’s when Skee came in, freaking out, yet again.

-Skee Pov-

“Where’s Justin?” I asked, looking franticly around for him. I found him sitting at our table, alone. I sighed a breath of relief. “Good, he’s there.” Cedric walked up to me, and grabbed my hand, leading me to our table. We got into a quick conversation, then Akari walked in. She skipped over to, Ayame, then Kumiko, and lastly me.
“I want you to meet my boyfriend.” She said, excitedly. I was excited too.
“This Thursday, when we go to Hogsmeade.” She said excitedly, we exchanged a few excited screams, and she left. Seconds later, I called her back over.
“Can I bring my friends?” I asked, threatening my retarded puppy dog look. She laughed under her breath.
“Sure, the more the merrier.” And at that, she was off.

At Hogsmeade

I was running late, again, that morning. Nothing new, but I didn’t want to be late to meet my friends boy friend. I’d heard rumors about who it was, but none of them very reliable. When I finally made it down stairs, Barret, Gethrow, Justin, and Cedric were waiting. I got to the bottom step, and Cedric reached out his arm, I grasped it, and we strode out of the common room, and all the way down to the Great Hall. Cedric told me that Ayame and her friends, and Akari were already in Hogsmeade. Kumiko had stayed behind to make sure that we made it one piece. She had Oliver, so she didn’t feel too left out.
When we made it to Hogsmeade, we were suppose to meet Akari at the Three Broomsticks. We saw Ayame standing outside, leaning against the wall. “What are you waiting for?” I asked. She just glared.
“I had to wait out here until you got here, but now that you’re here, we can go inside.” She said relieved.
“Wait, I have to go do something first, you guys go in ahead of me.” I pointed to Ayame, Kumiko and Oliver. They were going to hit me when I finally made it in. Ayame just sighed and walked over to the door, she held it open for Kumiko and Oliver. Once they were gone, I turned to my guys. “Ok, here’s the plan.” I stated, explaining a rather long, confusing, and stupid plan for my grand entrance. Once we all knew our parts, we headed for the door.
-Ayame Pov-

We were seated at the back table, with Akari, a boy with bleach blond hair, and two other larger boys. She introduced us to them. “Ayame, Kumiko, Oliver; this is Vincent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle, and my boyfriend; Draco Malfoy.” She did the same with them. My mouth was wide open, I didn’t know that her boyfriend was the one everyone was say was the hair of Slytherin. I wondered how she managed this one. He had a smug pout on his face, I just wanted to smack him after a while; but he was a Malfoy, and if I did I’d be screwed, and not in the good way. “Where’s Skee?” Akari asked after a few minutes. As I was about to answer, the door slammed open; it was Skee. Gethrow was holding the door, Cedric walked through the door, with Skee on his arm, Barret and Justin were soon to follow. Once they were all though the door, Gethrow let go of the door, and they all walked towards us. Leave it to Skee to have some dumb plan with her gang of stupidity. I just shook my head, and turned back around. Skee and her gang, took their seats right next to each other. It was Akari, Draco, Crabbe, Goyle, Gethrow, Barret, Cedric, Skee, Justin, me, Oliver, and Kumiko. It was pretty packet, but we made due. Harry, Hermione, and Ron would have came, but Harry, and Hermione had to study, and like hell I’d invite Ron to this. We sat there, introducing ourselves, again. We all heard Skee’s stomach growl.
“Skee you ate before we left!” Kumiko sounded surprised, she should be used to Skee’s bottomless pit of a stomach. She ordered, a small basket of breadsticks, by small I mean it could feed the whole table, twice, and ate it by herself. We were getting along quiet well, at first, but it didn’t last long.

-Akari Pov-

We were talking, and all was going well, until Draco had to be an ass and go and ruin it. “Now I remember where I’d seen you before, you were the one Harry attacked with the snake.” I looked over to Ayame, then glanced at Skee. Skee was fine, but Ayame was starting to boil.
“Draco, I think that’s not a good topic to start up.” I glanced back at Ayame; I saw Oliver in the corner of my eye, he wasn’t too comfortable sitting here with Draco. Skee, was nonchalant about the whole meeting, and her boys were too, Justin was a bit embarrassed. But that’s where really went south. Gregory whispered something to Crabbe, and he relayed it to Draco. Draco laughed, and agreed. I whispered over to him.
“What’s so funny?”
“Goyle just noticed that, that kid next to your friend, was a filthy mud-blood.” I just sighed. I didn’t expect anyone to hear that, so I let it go, that was my bad. I looked over to Justin, and saw Skee’s head snap up.
“What?” She said, looking, no glaring, and Draco. “What did you just say?” She leaned over the table, trying to listen closer.
“What are you talking about?” Draco asked. I could see Skee clutching the arm rest of the chair. Cedric, noticing as well, tried to relax her hand before she hurt herself. As if remembering, he replied. “Oh you mean about the filthy mud-blood?”
-Skee Pov-

His words echoed in my ears, my hands clutched the seat. I could barely feel Cedric trying too sooth my hand loose. I clutched it harder when he dared to answer my question. “What, a filthy mud-blood?” He smirked. I let go, and stood. I let my hands slam on the table, everyone stopped. I guess it was a good thing that we weren’t in full public view, because I lost it.
“What right do you think you have, calling others that degrading name?” He just sat there, looking like he didn’t care. I guess he didn’t think I’d actually try and confront him. I loved to prove him wrong. He sat while he replied.
“I’m better than them, that’s why.” My temper got closer and closer to blowing.
“So, you’re telling me, that you’re better than another human. And you think that their emotions do matter, that you’re the only person worth looking at, is that what you’re saying?” I glared at him from behind my bags. He nodded.
“Yeah, pretty much.” He said laughing, his friends joined in. It was a good thing Akari stayed quiet, because I don’t know what I would’ve done. I didn’t want to explode, and embarrass Akari, so I just grabbed my jean jacket, and sunglasses, and left, kicking my chair along the way. I headed towards the door, and swung it open, and slammed it closed. I walked to the side of the building, and sat down, leaning my back against the wall. I placed my head in my arms, and tried to relax. I heard someone walk up to me, it was Cedric. He just sat down next to me and put his arm around my shoulders.

-Ayame Pov-

As Skee left, Cedric followed her. Justin, Barret, and Gethrow were left and they didn’t look happy. I’d been looking at Barret the whole time, and I’d seen his expression very jovial, now, it was angry. Same with Gethrow, he was usually an uppity kind of guy, but now his face looked angry. When I looked at Justin, his face was different, it looked hurt, yes, but it wasn’t how I imagined it. I guess he was used to it by now. I felt bad for him, as well as Skee was at arguing, I bet it still hurt. Hermione goes through the same thing, and Draco’s the one who puts her through it! That just pissed me off more. The fact he would say that in general, was horrible. I was starting to feel upset too. I looked at Barret again, his face was still angry. I saw Gethrow rise, so did Justin, and lastly Barret, they started to walk towards the door. “Where are you going?” I heard Akari ask them. Barret turned and answered.
“We’re going to check on Skee, make sure she isn’t out killing someone.” He turned back around and started to walk, back towards the door. I stopped them.
“I think you should give Skee a little more time to relax, she’ll come get you when she’s ready, and besides, she’s got Cedric with her. He won’t let her kill anyone.” I laughed, they agreed, and came back to the table. I sat in my seat, Barret sat next to me, Justin, and then Gethrow. I didn’t think they wanted to put Justin near the Slytherins, for his own sake, and theirs.

-Akari Pov-

I couldn’t believe that Draco would do such a thing to my friends. I didn’t blame Skee for reacting how she did, but I should have known; getting a half blood and a Slytherin like Draco in the same room was a bad idea. I sighed; it was just me now, with Draco, Vincent, and Gregory. My friends hadn’t left too long ago, but they weren’t here very long either. I’d have to apologize to Justin tomorrow. Skee, I hope, wasn’t mad at me, I know Ayame and Kumiko were the understanding ones, but they did look a little insulted when they left. The good thing about those two is that they know when to say things and to keep their mouths shut, but Skee wasn’t good at that. It would be a chore to keep Skee from kill Draco the next time they saw each other. I sighed again. It was my mistake for dating a boy, three years younger than me. We sat there for a few more minutes, then we left. I just wanted to get back to Hogwarts so I could go to bed.

-Skee Pov-

Sure I’d gotten a very bad firsts impression from Draco, but I don’t blame Akari for his bad upbringing. I’d met his father once; he was one rude son of a bitch. I always thought, why blame the son for the fathers mistakes, but in this case I was going to blame the son.
I walked to the Great Hall the next morning with Cedric, the others had stayed behind; I guessed they weren’t hungry. I couldn’t find Barret though; I’d spent a good portion of the morning looking for him. I would have never guessed that I’d find him against the wall, lip locked with one of my best friends. I looked at them in awe; my mistake for taking the long way, also the secluded way, to the Great Hall. I didn’t think they knew we were there, so I decided to make my presence known. “Barret, get a room!” I yelled at the top of my lungs. He wiped around, a blush faintly painting his features, and hers as well. I just laughed; I was a little disturbed, but I’d get over it.

-Ayame Pov-

I decided to walk to the Great Hall alone today, of so I thought. I got about halfway there, when I saw Barret. I thought Skee might be with him, but I was wrong. I walked over to him; I just wanted to say hi. “Hi” I said. He jumped and looked at me.
“Oh, hi” He said turning back. He looked out of it.
“What’s up?” He turned back to me.
“I just fell kind of left out, with my friends.”
“You feel left out with Skee? That must be pretty difficult to do.” I laughed, it must have been,
“Yeah, it was.”
“Why do you feel left out?” I asked, he just sighed.
“I don’t know, maybe because I’m the only one who doesn’t fit.” I looked confused; he explained further. “I mean, Skee and Cedric have their own thing.” I cringed, he laughed. “Justin and Gethrow are becoming really close, and I’ve just been sitting there, looking pretty.” I giggled under my breath. I guess he was the one who sat there looking pretty, like me.
“Yeah, I know the feeling.” We sat down on the floor where we stood. We sat in silence for a few seconds, then all of a sudden, Barret reached over and kissed me. I didn’t mind, but I saw surprised. I kissed him back, but before we got anywhere, I heard that voice.
“Barret, get a room!” He spun around, and we both looked at Skee. She had the widest smirk on her face; I bet she was enjoying that. No, I know she was. We got up and walked away, Skee tried to get our attention, but we ignored her, very embarrassed.

-Skee Pov-

I didn’t think that this morning would be so fun, first, Barret and Ayame get caught kissing in the hall, then they ignore me, and now Barret has the funniest looking blush crossing his face. I just smiled, I thought about where Cedric and I could get away with making out, but my thoughts were interrupted by the sweet smell of bacon. I looked around; Cedric was waving a strip of bacon next to my face, taunting me. “That’s not funny!” I growled. He knew bacon was my all time favorite, and that was just mean. I grabbed a few slices and turned back to glance at Barret, he was still blushing! Wow, what a loser. I glanced at Ayame, she was sitting with a couple new people today, one of whom I’d seen before. I think everyone called him Seamus, but like I’d remember. I looked back a Barret, still blushing. I started to get fed up with his silence. “Ok, Barret, get over it, like you’ve never caught me and Cedric in a compromising position, way more incriminating than that. “ I tried to blow off what I’d just seen; I guess it didn’t work because Gethrow asked what Barret had done, and how he was caught by me. He blushed more.

-Ayame Pov-

After Skee had found Barret and me in the hall, I couldn’t face her. I looked up to their table once in a while. I was talking to Harry and Seamus, as well as Dean Thomas, and this Lavender girl, I just ignored her, and Dean too, at times. I was getting to know Seamus fairly well, and I was over the thing with Harry, so the three of us started talking. Every now and then, I could see Seamus take a glance at my chest; that got me mad. I didn’t say anything, because I just figured it was because he was a boy. But who knows with boys nowadays. I could see Skee getting ‘touchy’ with Cedric, and Barret getting a blush on his face. At that precise moment, when Barret looked and me and blushed, I saw Gethrow look too. He screamed, and I blushed too. Next thing I heard was Skee laughing her ass off, trying to stop while touching Cedric only god knows where. I looked away, and continued to talk to Seamus and Harry. One of these days, I’m going to kill Skee, just for the hell of it. Oh, but no, the embarrassment didn’t stop there.
It was after breakfast, when I saw Barret again, and he was alone. He walked up to me, looking scared but confident, in a weird way. “Hey, I just wanted to know if what I did this morning was stupid.” He sounded shy, and had a faint blush on his face. I smiled.
“No, I was fine with it, I still am.” His blushed got deeper, and he looked happy.
“Well, that’s nice. “ He said, a smirk growing across his face. “Well, then I hope you won’t mind this.” He said, leaning in, placing his lips gently on mine, again. I closed my eyes and leaned in, and again, I heard Skee’s annoying voice make some noises. But when I opened my eyes to look, she was up against the wall, all over Cedric. I cringed, and pulled back. Barret’s face was worried, I signaled to Skee and Cedric. “Holy Shit!” He yelled a grin on his face. We both laughed as Skee continued to vigorously kiss Cedric.

-Skee Pov-

“I wonder where Barret went.” I heard Gethrow say to Justin. Justin just shook his head. I got up, eager to discover where he’d gone. I grabbed Cedric and we both went into the hall where we’d found Ayame and Barret earlier. I heard Barret speak.
“Well, then I hope you won’t mind this.” I saw him lean in a kiss Ayame; she leaned in. I had a flashback to this morning. I accidently made a squeal and gasping noise, and Ayame started to turn her head my direction. I had to think fast. I turned and grabbed Cedric, I jumped on to his chest; digging my fingers deep into his golden locks. Surprised, he backed into the wall behind us. I gently planted my lips to his, but my desire took over. I resisted the urge to slip my tongue into his mouth. As if hearing my desire yell at me; he did what I tried so desperately to resist. I gave into it, and kissed him back, harder. He grabbed my legs that were wrapped around his waist, and hoisted me up, so I was hovering above him. I pulled on his hair, pulling his head back further, that’s when I heard Barret speak, again. “Holy shit!” We didn’t stop, we just ignored him.

-Akari Pov-

I saw Skee and Cedric leave the Great Hall, and wondered where they were going, so I followed them. But I guess I was late, because when I rounded the corner to where they were, I saw them practically getting ready to have sex! It was bad, very very bad, but funny. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Barret and Ayame, very close, together. I gasped, then returned my attention to Skee and Cedric. “What the hell are you guys doing?” I yelled, startling Ayame and Barret more than Skee and Cedric. I guess they really didn’t care. Creepy. Skee pulled back, smirking, she looked at me.
“What does it look like we’re doing?” Her face looked flushed, probably from lack of air. I just shook my head, and signaled for them to follow.
“Hurry up before someone catches you, and you get into trouble.” I turned and walked back towards the Great Hall, Ayame and Barret followed. I looked back, their hands were locked in each others, and they were smiling. What the hell is up with them? I thought, but blew it off when Skee and Cedric didn’t follow. I yelled at them again, not wanting to see what they might be doing this time. After a few seconds they appeared and followed us to the Great Hall.

-Skee Pov-

After Akari, rudely, interrupted me and Cedric, she motioned for us to follow. Once Ayame and Barret had turned their backs, I dismounted Cedric, about to walk away. Once Ayame, Barret, and Akari were around the corner, I turned and grabbed Cedric’s shirt. I pulled his face, to mine; kissing him hard, again. When I pulled away, I whispered. “This isn’t over yet.” While still less than an inch from his face. I smirked, and gestured for Cedric to go first. He did, I followed. Once we were about to round the corner, I smacked his butt, the smirk on my face growing by the second. I pulled my sunglasses over my eyes, then reached for his hand. We walked together, out into the light of the Great Hall.

A few weeks later

I was pretty surprised that Ayame and Barret were still together. That took my mind off what really hurt, Justin, my little buddy, was petrified by the monster in the school. So in his honor, we went to Hogsmeade. All of us, including Kumiko, Oliver, Akari, and Ayame, we excluded Draco for his own safety. We decided to have an honorary meal and drink for him, then we went and did our own thing. Akari went to meet Draco at the corner, Kumiko and Oliver went to some store, and Cedric and I went to hang out under some trees. I don’t know what happened with Ayame and Barret, also Gethrow, I didn’t stick around long enough. We walked far enough away so we were out of site, and sat under a large tree. For a while we just sat there, his arm around my shoulders, my head on his chest. I held back tears for as long as I could, which wasn’t as long as I wished.

-Ayame Pov-

Barret had said that he and Gethrow needed to do something for their mother, so that left me alone. He said it would take a few hours so I should just hang out where ever. I told him, I’d be around the shrieking shack. I hadn’t planned on going in, but when I got there, I couldn’t resist. When I got in, I went straight up to the bed room. I opened the door, and walked to the far wall, sitting down. I didn’t know why I still had it, he told me to get rid of it. I pulled out the article of Barty from many years ago; I sat there, wishing he would appear again. It was about fifteen minutes later, and I gave up on that ridiculous wish and got up preparing to leave. I shoved the article back into my pocket, and walked slowly to the door, making one last attempt to will him here. I reached for the door, when it came flying open. I jumped back, scared shitless. The man stepped into the room; I recognized the dark trench coat, and the dark clothes underneath. I didn’t need to look at his face to know who it was, it was him, Barty. I held my breath, trying not to cry tears of joy. I could feel my eyes getting watery, but I willed them not to fall. I looked at his face, it looked sharp and cold, but once he saw me, standing there, eyes watering, his features turned soft and child like. “Why are you crying?” He asked leaning down towards me. I turned my head away, and wiped the tears from my eyes.
“I’m not, I-I just got something in my eye” I stammered. When I looked back at him, he had a small smirk. “I thought u said I’d never see you again, why are you here?” I asked. He looked embarrassed, it was cute.
“Because,” he stopped, trying to work up to something then continued. “Because, I missed you!” His voice got abnormally high; I think I heard it crack once. I just stared at him, then started to laugh uncontrollably. “Hey, what’s so funny?” He asked, adding to his cuteness, he looked like a little puppy. It made me laugh harder.
“Your voice got really high and I think it cracked!” I said between giggles. Once I calmed down, I opened my eyes to his perfect face.
“Are you done?” He asked. I nodded. “Good, or else I’d have to hold you down and make you stop.” He looked serious for a second, then smirked. I knew he was joking, but his words sounded so serious. He chuckled, and I did as well. We started to talk about anything, everything, like what I was doing here. I blushed when I answered.
“The same reason you are.” I looked away from him, not wanting him to see my face. I guess he didn’t figure out that I was blushing, so he grabbed my chin. That’s when I had a flashback to all those dreams I’ve been having, the one about the man who I was waiting for. I’d always thought it was him, but I had doubted myself a few times, like with Harry and even Barret. I felt like a moron now; how could I doubt myself? He pulled gently on my chin trying to turn my face to him, but I refused to move. I pulled a little harder.
“Why won’t you look at me?” He asked, he sounded a little hurt. It caught me off guard, that’s when he pulled my face around, and saw my major blush. It got darker when I realized he was so close, looking into my eyes. I felt a sort of déjà vu come over me; our lips were only inches apart. I felt his hot breath on my lips abruptly stop. I don’t know why, but I so desperately wanted him to come closer. I knew it would be impossible, but, boy, did I wish. As if reading my mind, he leaned closer to me, I felt my limbs go numb; my thoughts stopped buzzing around in my head. All I could think about was how warm his breath was. My thoughts were all focused on him, and his proximity. I could just barely feel his lips brush mine, my breathing stopped. I looked in his eyes; they were glazed over, just as mine were. I tried to close the gap between us, but he held me still. After, what felt like eternities, he finally pressed his mouth to mine. I didn’t expect it to feel so good, but I couldn’t stop myself from raising my hand to his cheek, then into his dark chocolate locks. He released my chin; I thought he was going to pull way, so I pulled him even closer. I felt him grin against my mouth. Instead of pulling back, like I thought, he grabbed the back of my neck, with one hand, and with the other, placed on my back started to slowly push me backwards.
My thoughts stopped all together, as I felt him press me to him. I didn’t want to pull back, but I had to, for only a second. And in that second, he pressed his lips to the exposed skin of my neck. I gasped, my breath coming faster and harder than ever before. I was lying there, on the cold hard wood floor, gasping, trying to catch my breath. Barty was lying on top of me, him mouth on my neck, leaving little red marks as he moved down towards the buttons of my shirt. I felt his hand glide up my side, it was warm and gentle. I still had my hand in his hair, when he detached from my neck and resumed with my mouth. I felt his tongue glide into my all too willing mouth, I did the same. I released my hand from his hair, I heard him whine a little bit, and placed them on his chest. I glided my hands up and down his torso, feeling every muscle contract under my touch. I slowly made my way under his belt, I felt him tense up. He relaxed and smirked, then pulled away. “I didn’t think you knew how to do this.” He smirked. I laughed, trying to hide the embarrassment. Did he think I was a slut, because I seemed to know what I was doing? Did it seem like I knew what I was doing? My thoughts continued to ramble on, when his face looked confused. “What’s the matter?” He asked, honestly concerned. I just shook my head.
“Nothing” I said and pulled my hands from his waist, as much as I didn’t want to, I had to leave; I bet it had been over three hours. But as I tried to get up, Barty refused to let me.
“Where are you going?” His face was confused, and demanding. I didn’t want to leave, but I knew I had too.
“I have to meet my friends.” I said shyly. He looked disappointed, and sad. I didn’t want to make him sad, I felt terrible.
“Ok, just tell me something before you leave,” I looked at him waiting for him to continue. “What’s your name?” I laughed out loud, that’s right; I never told him my name.
“My name is Ayame Hoshi” I giggled. He just smiled. I started to get up, I was still a little dazed from earlier. So when I stood, I wobbled a bit. Barty grabbed my side, he was suddenly on his feet, holding me up. I blushed, looking into his eyes again for the millionth time within the hours we were there. He held me for a few moments, then let me go. I stepped back, and waved to him. “Bye” I said walking towards the door. He grabbed my arm again, and pulled my back to him. We didn’t speak, we just stood there, I could hear him breathing in my ear. It caused my knees to buckle, I fell against his chest. He held me tight, not letting me fall. He turned me around so he could look at me, I didn’t object. Like I could even try to stop him, he was so powerful, and handsome, I don’t think I’d ever want to. He lowered his mouth to my neck once again. My arms were crushed between his strong arms and my sides. I had no way to stop him, even it if wanted to. I pulled my head back, revealing my neck fully. When he pulled away, he smirked.
“By the next time you see me, this should still be here.” He said, pointing to a purple blotch on my collar bone, just below the collar of my shirt. I gasped, and his smirk grew. He placed me back on my feet, be cautious of my stability, and slowly pulled his arms from me. I stepped back from him, turned around and walked, again, towards the door. I reached my arm out to grasp the door, and opened it. I stopped and looked behind me; good, he was still there. I thought for a moment, deliberating whether or not to actually do it. I abruptly turned around and ran to Barty. I jumped onto him, wrapping my legs around him and tangling my fingers in his hair, I kissed him hard. I guess he was surprised, because he didn’t kiss me back right away; it took him a few seconds. I smiled against his lips, as I pulled away. His face looked bewildered, and that made me smile more. I just waved and closed the door behind me.
When I made it out of the shack, I sat Barret coming down the trail heading towards me. I didn’t know if Barty was watching me, I didn’t want to make him feel like I used him or something, and I didn’t want to lead Barret on, if I really did see Barty again, like I hoped. I looked down; the hicky he gave me was completely covered. Good, it would be bad to see Barret and have a hicky on my neck. I sighed as Barret approached me, his smile fading. “Hey, what’s wrong?” He asked, trying to get a look at my face. I held my head low.
“I’m sorry, Barret. I don’t like you the way I thought I did.” I felt like crying, but I held it in. I looked up at his face, he looked badly hurt, but being the nice guy he is, he accepted it. He turned around and walked up the trail, back the way he came, I looked back at the Shrieking Shack, then followed Barret back to town. We met up with the others, not even Skee was in the mood to fool around. We went back to Hogwarts, silently.

-Akari Pov-

I walked in silence with my friends; Draco said he would meet me in the common room when I got back. I was surprised when all that Skee was quiet for so long. She and Cedric walked in front of me, holding hands. Barret and Gethrow were walking together too, same with Kumiko and Oliver, who were also holding hands. Ayame and I were the only ones walking alone; she looked like she didn’t want to be bothered, so I left her alone. We got back to Hogwarts, I said goodbye, and met up with Draco in the common room.
He was sitting on the couch, where I usually sat. I ran up to the back and jumped over, sitting next to him. “Hi,” I said eager to see him.
He looked at me, “Hi” I looked around, we were alone. Draco looked around too, and smirked. I leaned over, and kissed him. He pushed himself towards me, making me fall to my back. I smiled, and he continued to kiss me. I felt him brush his tongue against my lips; I gladly opened, letting him explore my mouth for a short time. I slid mine into his mouth, feeling all sorts of pent up desire. I guess it had been a while sense we’d done anything alone. I felt him untuck my shirt from my skirt, and slide his hands up tickling my ribs as he made it to the hem of my bra. I tried not to laugh, but I fail miserably. He pulled back, “What?” I just shook my head and pulled his lips back to mine. We were kissing for quite a while, until I heard someone walk in. It was Marcus; I couldn’t believe that he was still hung up on me. It was really annoying. I got up, fixed my shirt, gave Draco a goodnight kiss, and headed up to my room.

-Skee Pov-

Barret and Gethrow stayed quiet most of the night, and even when to bed early. I knew why Gethrow was upset, Justin was his best friend, but I couldn’t figure out what was up with Barret. I let it go for the night. It was just me and Cedric, no one was moving about in the Hufflepuff common room, in fact on one was in it. Cedric sat on the couch, I sat on his lap. We were quiet for quite a while, until the silence started to get to me. I groaned, and Cedric looked at me. “Are you ok?” He asked, I had sprawled myself out on top of him. I started to fall; I grabbed his shoulders and pulled myself up. He too pulled me up, from my leg. I shifted myself, now straddling his legs. I moved my hands from his shoulders to into his hair. I pulled his head back so I could meet his lips to mine. His hands found my flank slowly moving up my ribs, under my shirt. I did a low moan, as I slid my hand down his chest and under his shirt. I released both my hands from his hair, to have them travel up and down his chest. I stopped rubbing his chest, and made my way down to his belt. He made a low sound that sounded like a moan. He pulled his hands from under my shirt, and stopped me from untying his belt.
“What?” I asked, breaking our kiss. He shook his head.
“Not here.” He said, also meaning not now. I released his belt and dug my face into his neck. He was right, we shouldn’t do that here of at this time. He just hugged me, as we sat there, long past our bed time. I hugged him back and eventually fell asleep.

End of the year

Justin ended up being just fine, which was a relief. I didn’t think I could handle another loss. As we sat at the Hufflepuff table, for the end of the year ceremony, Cedric grabbed my hand under the table. He knew I had a rough year, he was there for it. I just smiled, and squeezed his hand. We eventually found out what happened between Barret and Ayame, apparently they broke up. I knew it was a bad idea, too bad they didn’t ask me. During my rambling thoughts, I heard Dumbledore announce the fourth place house, it was Ravenclaw. Third was us, Hufflepuff, second was Slytherin, and first was Gryffindor. At least we didn’t come in last again like last year. Unlike last year, I had to worry about two scrawny little pukes during Quidditch, Harry and Draco. Not the funnest thing I’ve ever done. We won most of our games, especially against Ravenclaw, they sucked. We lost almost half the games with Slytherin and Gryffindor, which sucked. Really, why did both those teams have seekers who were annoying, and just plain dumb?