Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ What We Never Expected- A Harry Potter OC story ❯ Fifth Year, We All Need Help ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
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Year 5-

-Kumiko Pov-

The train ride was pretty fun; we got to see Lupin aain, which was awesome. Akari sat with Draco, so she missed out on the awesomeness. We were getting off the train, when Skee spoke those words. “I wonder where my luggage is?” the scream sounded, then silenced by Skee’s command. We all just rolled our eyes, and walked, quickly, off the train. We walked to the Great Hall, and Ayame spoke.
“So Skee, you’re actually going to the welcoming ceremony this year?” Ayame smirked. I saw Skee smirk as well.
“I am, but you might not like what happens.” She said, grabbing Cedric, he jumped. I continued to walk, feeling a little awkward, but its Skee, who didn’t feel like that? I looked back, Ayame wanted to smack her, but Cedric glared at her and held Skee closer. I laughed. We walked to the Great Hall, seeing old and new classmates passing by. I loved to meet new people, but I doubt the others cared. We made it into the Great Hall, and went our separate ways. I sat at my house table, and waited for Professor Dumbledore to begin. Once he finished with the new students, he gave us the ok to eat. I looked over at Skee; she had stopped stuffing her face, and was looking up at Cedric. I don’t think I want to know what she was thinking about.

-Skee Pov-

I hadn’t seen Cedric all summer, so I had some pent up ‘feelings’. I was gripping his leg; I slid my hand up his thigh. I felt his muscles tighten; I hoped to god that we left soon. I didn’t think I could take the pressure that was building, too much longer. He looked down at me; I had a smile on my face. I couldn’t wait to get out of here! I ate slower than usual, trying to make the time pass faster. Before I had finished, we were dismissed from the hall. I devoured the rest of my plate before the table as empty. I got up, eager to leave, and grabbed Cedric’s hand. I wanted to run up to the dorm, but we had first years with us, I had to be a good example for them, or so Barret said.
I couldn’t take it anymore, screw Barret, I ran to the dorm, past all the Hufflepuffs, everyone but the first years knew what I was up to. They also knew I could get away with it; a close friend was head boy, plus the fact that I was one of the best players on the Quidditch team. I saw Justin as I ran with Cedric; I waved. He waved back. I was back on my mission; get Cedric up to the common room before any of the first years got there. I glanced at Barret as I passed, he nodded. As much as he hated to, he would try to stall for as long as possible. I would have to thank him later, I ran up to the door, and sprinted into the common room. It was empty, good. I through Cedric on the couch, he landed with a thud and the couch moved back a few inches. I peeled off my cloak; he did the same, waiting for me to go to him. I didn’t waste any time. I jumped on to him, instantly digging my fingers into his hair. I pulled his head back, my breathing sped. I felt him press himself against my parted legs, I let out a gasp. I pressed my lips hard, down on his. His fingers tickled my sides, as he untucked my shirt, and slid his hands under my shirt. I released his hair, which I abused often, and trailed my hands down his chest, to his belt. He slipped his hands out of my shirt to impatiently open the buttons. He pushed back my shirt, almost pulling it off completely. I stopped at his belt, and ripped his shirt from his pants, pulling it as far up as it could go. He broke our kiss, and pressed his hot lips to the bare skin of my collar bone, and started traveling south. He stopped at the hem of my bra; he sucked hard on the skin, leaving a small, but dark hickey. My breath came in gasps; I couldn’t seem to catch my breath. It looked like he learned a few new tricks, well so did I. I did a little internal smirk. I rubbed my hands up and down his torso, the little hairs tickling my palms. I took my hands from his chest and dug them into his hair. I retched his head back, vigorously kissing him. I pressed my bare chest to his; we both let out a small moan/groan. I smoothed one of my hands down his arm, which was tightly grasping my thigh, and slid down to his belt where I resumed, with one hand, to undo it. I got the belt undone, the button was next to go, the fly was the easiest part. I heard him let out a moan, I was about to slip my hand into his trousers, when I heard Barrets voice ring from down the hall.
Against my own will, I pulled away from Cedric. I quickly buttoned my shirt, fixed my hair and readjusted my pants. I flopped from his lap, to the seat next to him. I looked at Cedric; he seemed to be having some trouble getting his pants closed. Not having any time to think, I jumped on his lap; sitting on his pants opening, hiding it. His shirt was pulled down already, so when Barret rounded the corner with the entire Hufflepuff house, it just looked like two teens hanging out. We were smiling, and laughing. “Oh, hi.” I said looking up from Cedric’s flushed face, my face had cleared up a little, but it still looked incriminating. He just smiled and I introduced us, I doubted that Cedric could talk, let alone breath right yet. Barret quickly dismissed the group, having them head to their assigned dorms to unpack and get settled. Once everyone had cleared out of the Common room, I let out a breath of relief, and the gasp I’d been holding the whole time. I got up; I buttoned Cedric’s pants and clasped his belt. Once I finished, I looked up at him, he was smirking. “What?” I asked he just shook his head. “Fine” I said using his legs to stand up; I saw something poke through his pants. I laughed under my breath, and poked it. His whole body jumped, I laughed again, and walked to the girl’s stairs, and up to my dorm. I bet Crowflick is hungry. I thought opening the door.

-Ayame Pov-

It had been a long time since I’d seen Barty. I started to think about that last time, he wasn’t very happy with me then. I closed my eyes, lying on my bed, and remembered that night.
Once I’d gotten into the Shack, I literally ran up the rickety old stairs and burst through the door. The week before, I’d found a note here saying; “Miss. Hoshi, I’m sorry I’m not here this week, but I will be here next week. Make sure that mark survives.” it didn’t have a signature, but I knew it was Barty. I blushed just remembering it. He was sitting in a chair; his feet were perched on the table in front of him. At the noise I was making, he looked up, and smirked. His smirk faded after a few moments, he stood and walked towards me. I had closed the door and turned around to see him, inches from me. I backed away, as a reflex. I backed against the door; Barty’s arm came up next to me. “What is that?” He asked; his voice low. I stuttered my response.
“Wh-what?” He leaned his head down, towards where he’d marked me. “It’s called a band-aid.” I said sarcastically, regaining normalcy. He looked up to my smirking face, a smirk of his own growing on his face. He slowly moved his mouth towards my neck, just breathing down my neck. I started to shiver. I felt his hand, the one not on the wall, slowly sliding up my leg. It soon got to the edge of my skirt, but he didn’t stop. Barty’s hand continued to slip up my leg, giving me goosebumps. I felt my knees buckle, when he reached the edge of my panties. He mouth was now toying with the band-aid, trying to get it off. He got an edge to flip up, and started to pull it, gently, off. I sucked in a breath. Sure I’ve pulled a band-aid of before, sure it hurts, but this time it didn’t hurt as it used to. Once he got that half off, he kissed it, making the little sting disappear. Once he full removed the band-aid, he kissed the mark, and began to suck at it again. I felt his fingers slip under the band of my panties. He started to pull at it, making it slowly fall. I let out a low moan. He stopped sucking at the old mark; he’d made a new one, and looked at me. His lips were parted, as he slowly traced his lips along my jaw line, my cheeks, my chin, and finally placing them on my lips. My numbed limbs regained their movement, as I reached for his neck. I gently rubbed them up and down his neck and shoulders. I rested my fingers in his chocolate tresses. His fingers were cold against the warm skin of my hip, it tickled. I let out another moan; Barty took his arm from the wall and grabbed my other leg. He lifted me up, and wrapped them around his waist. He pushed me hard against the wall, stopping me from falling back. I leaned towards him, pulling his head closer to me. His hands moved from my thighs, to my butt. I sucked in a gasp, and pulled away; gasping. I pulled my head back.

My thoughts were interrupted by a knocking on the window, it was an owl. There was a note attached to its leg. I went and opened the window, and took the note. The owl took off, and I closed the window. The note said; “Miss. Hoshi, I’m sorry that I didn’t get to see you much last year. But that will change. If you met me this week, I’ll explain then.” It ended at that. I smiled, and folded it; putting it in a box. The box held the previous note from Barty, and the article. I closed the box with a contented sigh, and strolled to my bed, waiting for this Thursday to come.

-Akari Pov-

“Damn, this bra’s been bugging me all day!” I whispered, itching under my breast. I saw Draco’s eyes, wide, on me. I just smiled, blushing. Did he just hear me? He got up, and walked towards the boys’ staircase, dragging me with him. I guess it was good we were alone, because if Bole or Marcus caught wind of this, I’d be screwed, and not in a good way. Adrian was a good guy, really nice, and he still was. He was a good choice, at the time. When I stopped thinking about my ex’s, we were in Draco’s room. He let go of my hand, and turned to close, the door. I skipped and jumped on his bed. I knew it was his because it was the biggest, so Draco, always wanting the biggest, shiniest, newest toy. I laughed to myself. He turned around, his eyes slightly wide. I was sitting in the middle of the bed, my legs tucked under me. I patted the be in front of me, he came without another offering and sat in front of me, cross legged. I lied back, pulling my legs out from under me, and extending them on the bed. “God, I’m full.” I could’ve sworn that he said something like; “Not yet”, but I wasn’t sure. I pulled my shirt up, exposing only my belly, and rubbed it. I saw Draco stare hungrily at me. I just smirked. I knew he wanted to touch me, so I extended my hand, asking for him. He placed his on mine, not knowing why. I placed his hand on my belly and rubbed my belly with his hand. He eventually got the hint, and did it himself. He seemed a little anxious, and nervous. As he rubbed by stomach, I started to nod off. Before I got too deep into my sleep, I awoke, to feel Draco’s hand pushing my shirt up higher. I smiled, and arched my back. I opened my eyes, and his movement stopped. “What are you scared?”
“What, me scared? That’s ridiculous!” He scoffed; his face looked a bit bewildered. I just kept on smirking. That’s when it hit me; where were Crabbe and Goyle? I thought for a moment, then remembered, desert table. I blew it off after that, focusing on only Draco. I sat up, Draco’s hand falling from my stomach to my thigh. His face reddened, as I didn’t even care, and continued to talk.
“So then, what’s holding you back?” I asked, pulling my shirt off. His eyes got really wide, after a while it got kind of awkward. I started to pull my arms over my chest, when I felt Draco’s hands grab me. He pushed me down, my wrists in each his hands; he was on top of me.
“Don’t” Was all he said, before he lowered his mouth to mine. He didn’t wait longer than a few moments to glide his tongue against my lips, and press through. He moved my arms up higher, grasping them in one hand, freeing his other. It quickly came to rest on the bare skin of my rib cage. He moved his hand, lightly, up and down my flanks. I felt his hand reach under me. I arched my back, to give him more room to move. His fingers tickled the small of my back, as they slowly traveled up my spine. I started to wiggle, trying to get my hands loose. He took his hand, which was playing with the hook of my bra, and pushed down on my chest, and pulled back. “If you don’t stop moving, I’ll be forced to make you.” He smirked, his mistake. I wrapped my legs around his, and used all the power I could muster to flip him onto his back. I sat on his stomach, leaning towards him. I pulled my wrists from his hands, and used them to open his shirt. He just stayed there, silent. I guess that he was still shocked. I ran my fingers up and down his now bare chest. I felt goosebumps start to grow on his skin. I let my lips glide along his neck, up to his chin. My lips hovered over his for a few long moments. His head jerked forward, and his lips were pressed against mine. I could feel him starting to sit up; I pulled back, only an inch.
“If you don’t stop moving, I’ll be forced to make you.” I quoted him from earlier. His eyes widened, and a smirk grew on my face. I pressed my lips to his again pushing our naked chests together as well. But I guess that was as far as we were going to go that day. Vincent and Gregory knocked on the door.
“Draco, are you in there?” Gregory asked. I heard Draco groan. I got up, and grabbed my shirt. The door slowly opened; I quickly buttoned it closed, Draco did as well.
“Don’t you idiots have anything better to do?” Draco asked, I just stood there and shook my head.

-Ayame Pov-

Thursday couldn’t come any slower. I almost went insane, waiting for the day to come. I don’t think a got any sleep the night before, mistake on my part. I met Skee and her gang, along with Kumiko, Oliver, and Akari, after breakfast, of course. Once Skee was stuffed full, we were off to Hogsmeade. When we arrived, we almost immediately went our separate ways. Akari went to met Draco, Kumiko and Oliver went to do some, honest to god, shopping, Barret, Gethrow, and Justin went everywhere, and only god knows what Skee and Cedric ended up doing. I used to shudder at the thought, but that day, I guess I understood what she felt. I shuddered at that thought. I made my way, as silently as possible, through the Shrieking Shack. I opened the door to the bedroom, and to my surprise, Barty was there, sleeping. I guess he didn’t get much sleep either. I approached him as quietly as I could; I stopped only a foot from him. I bent my head down to his, and kissed my lightly. Suddenly, I felt his hands come up around my neck, pulling me closer, and deepening our kiss. I didn’t object, not until I could think properly. I pulled back, hearing a low groan escape his mouth. “Were you just faking being asleep?”
I saw a small smirk tug at his lips, as he answered. “I don’t even know if I fell asleep.” I smiled, and pressed my lips to his again.

-Skee Pov-

When we arrived at Hogsmeade, I glanced at Cedric. Like it was anything new, I’d been looking at him intently ever since we left the school. I pulled on our clasped hands, not really paying attention to the others. He looked down to me, a light smirk across his lips. I glanced over my glasses, at a secluded area under some nearby trees. And at that, He half dragged me, over there. I tried not to laugh, but I let out a giggle or two. Usually it was me dragging him, not the other way around. I ran a few steps in front of him, and sat against a big tree. He just looked down at me and smirked. “What?” I asked, feeling a bit awkward.
“We’re not going to sit down here,” he paused, “but up there.” He tilted his head upwards to a branch pretty far up. I smiled, not wanting to show how terrified I was. He let go of my hands and started to climb the tree, once he was on the branch he wanted, he yelled for me to start to climb. I did exactly as he had done, only less confidently. I was about a foot away from him, when my grip slipped. I started to fall, I braced for impact, but it never came. I opened my eyes to see Cedric, hanging upside down, clutching my arms. I just smiled.
“Hi” I said, a little embarrassed at my climbing skills. He pulled me up so I could grab onto the branch, then pulled me up so I was sitting on the branch. Don’t look down. Don’t look down. I chanted in my head, but like an idiot, I looked down. It wasn’t too far down, but enough to get me a bit flustered. He grabbed my waist steadying me; moving fairly close, not that I minded. My back was against the tree, my fingers gripping his arms for dear life. Suddenly I asked, “What would you do if I fell?” He looked a bit taken off guard, but answered.
“I’d jump down and catch you.” He smirked. I tried to look relieved, but I guess my I failed. “Don’t worry, I won’t let you fall.” I looked at him, my eyes wide.
“You better not.” I whispered. He chuckled.
“Is there something that he fearless Skee is afraid of?” He asked, lightly pressing his lips to mine. He pulled away, giving me time to respond.
“No, I was just making sure you’d catch me.” I smiled; he did to, as our lips met again.

-Akari Pov-

It was getting late, which meant that we had to leave. I pulled away from Draco, saying goodbye for now, and walked towards the groups’ usual meeting place. Skee, Cedric, Barret, Justin, Gethrow, Kumiko, and Oliver, were there waiting for me and Ayame. She made it a habit to be late, weird. Just as I approached the group, I saw Ayame running towards us. Ok, she wasn’t that late. “About time you guys decided to show up.” Skee complained, Gethrow, Barret, and Justin agreed. Cedric stayed silent, I wonder why, he was usually quiet, but not all the time.
“Shut up” Ayame said, a little breathless. She did run a long way; I wonder where she usually went. I heard Skee make a little annoyed sound, but we were off. We made it just in time to catch a little dinner, and then went our separate ways, back to our dorms. I hadn’t noticed that Cedric was limping until we were walking away. No doubt it had something to do with Skee, but I didn’t ask. I’ll ask tomorrow. I thought and walked over the where Draco was waiting.
I stopped in front of him, and kissed his cheek. We walked to our dorm, alone. Gregory and Vincent were still in the great hall eating, probably the last of the dessert table. We entered a dark hall way, around the corner from the common room entrance; Draco stopped me and pulled our lips together. His hands grasped my shoulders, rubbing up and down my arms. Walking backwards, my back ended up against a wall. And in that moment, I felt something; I’m not quite sure what it was, take over me. I let out a low groan, and jumped up, locking my legs around Draco’s waist. I heard him grunt, but he supported my weight. I laughed, but we didn’t break the kiss. His hand slammed hard against the castle wall, next to my head. I felt his other hand slowly start to glide up my leg, and under my skirt. Goosebumps broke out under his touch; I felt his smirk grow against my lips. My arms were reached around his neck, my fingers digging deep into his bleach blond locks. He let out a low, when I say low I mean rather loud, groan, and pressed his body closer to mine. We started to rock back a forth. Suddenly I heard someone gasp, I pushed Draco off of me. It was Adrian, shit.
“Hi Akari!” He said, overly perky. I smiled and tried to sound cool.
“Hi, Adrian” I tried to sound perky, but ended up sounding a little breathless, despite my own efforts. He just kept on smiling.
“Well, I’d love to chat with you, but I’m in a hurry, but I’ll see you around.” He said, rather casually, and walked around the corner Draco had failed to round moments ago.
“Ok” I called after him, I didn’t hear a reply. I fixed my shirt and skirt, grabbed Draco’s hand and walked around the corner. We soon entered the light of the common room; everyone there was staring at us.
“What are you looking at?” Draco asked, harshly. Everyone turned their heads back to what they were doing. “That’s what I thought.” He scoffed, tightening his grip on my hand, and walking over to the couch, that was being immediately vacated, and sat with me next to him. Crabbe and Goyle walked in seconds later, and things continued like they usually did, but every once in a while, I’d catch someone staring at us. I’d wanted so badly to give them to gawk at, but I knew I’d end up getting in trouble with Professor Snape, which I really wanted to avoid. I just sat there, taking in every stare, the whole night.

-Skee Pov-

I sat with Cedric, on the couch, Gethrow, Barret, and Justin, had all gone up to their dorm. “Are you sure you’re all right?” I asked him for the millionth time since we’d gotten back from Hogsmeade. I was on my knees, while he sat relaxed next to me. He looked up at me, with his pathetically-cute-I-can’t believe-he’s-my-boyfriend look all over his face, and said.
“For the last time, and I’m serious, I am fine.” His voice was hush, and rather calm for almost breaking his ankle.
“You should have just let me fall.” I whispered, my eyes shifting down. I hadn’t really expecting him to hear it, but I was wrong.
“Don’t you say that.” I looked up at his face, startled that it was so sharp. I’d never seen him so offended in the five years I’d known him, and the three we’d been dating. Instantly, seeing my reaction to his sharp face and tone, his expression eased off, and became gentle. The gentle Cedric face, I’d always known. I took a deep breath. “Sorry, I don’t like it when you think like that.”
“But it’s true! If you’d just let me fall, you’d be fine!” I tried to stay relatively calm, but I’d been like this ever since we’d gotten back. “Sure I’d be on the ground, convulsing in pain. But it’d be worth it!” He looked at me with that hard, sharp face again.
“No it wouldn’t, because you could have had another episode.” He had to bring that up, again. I sighed, there was no point in continuing this conversation if he was going to bring that one time up, again. His face, once again, returned to its lovely softness. “Come here.” He said, motioning with his finger as well. I leaded my head, a little closer to him, I expected him to want to say something, but he grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me closer. He pulled me until our foreheads met, and spoke again, whispering. “I’m just glad you’re ok,” He kissed me, and pulled beck.
I sat there, for about 3.2 seconds, fidgeting, and squirming. Cedric was injured, I can’t jump him now. I kept telling myself, but the more and more a thought it, the less and less I believed it. After, about .4 seconds, I couldn’t take it anymore, and I jumped him. I grabbed his head, and turned it towards me, his face didn’t look surprised at all. It was like he was waiting for me to do this. I didn’t care, and pulled his lips to mine. Instantly, I lifted a leg over his, straddling him. We didn’t get much further than that until I heard Barret clear his throat, loudly. Unwillingly, I pulled away from Cedric, and glared at Barret. “Can’t you see we’re busy? What do you want?” I asked, annoyed. Be just looked to the clock. Shit, it was time for bed. I sighed, and kissed Cedric one last time, for the night, got up and stomped up the stairs to my dorm.

-Ayame Pov-

I sat in my dorm, on my bed, reliving today, without making it seem awkward. I’d met Barty at the Shrieking Shack, as usual, but before we did anything PG-13 he wanted to ‘talk’.
After I’d kissed him, the first time that day, I wanted more, but no, he wanted to talk first. I rolled my eyes, but listened to what he said. “Like I said in the note I’d sent you, I want to see you more than I did last year.” I nodded and he continued. “So I decided that every other, if not every week, I’d be here. I might even, only if you want, come to your dorm room.” I blushed at that.
“Wait, you can get into the school, how?”
“Very carefully” He smirked, changing the subject. “So would you want me to or not?” He asked. His face looked so innocent, but everyone knew he was far from it. I smiled up at him, from the floor where I was sitting.
“Well, duh! I can barely go a week, let alone two weeks, without you. Seeing you in between then would amazing!” I said, before I thought about it. I felt a major blush spread across my face, like a wild fire. He just chuckled, and replied.
“That’s good, because I would have come anyway.” I saw an evil flash in his eyes, it was hot. My blush died; I couldn’t handle it anymore.
“Are you done?” I asked, getting very impatient. I saw him cock an eye brow.
“Yes, why?”
“I’m getting restless.” I said standing up and kissing him again today. He pulled his feet from the table they were perched on, and leaned in. I grabbed two fistfuls from his chocolate mane, and pulled him to me. He grabbed my waist, and sat me down on his lap, straddling him. It happened so fast, I didn’t notice until he’d already done it. He’d ripped open my shirt. I gasped and pulled away from him. “Hey, that was my only shirt!” He just smirked.
“I guess you won’t be able to leave, will you?” I blushed; I just had to spoil his fun. I placed my hands underneath his trench coat.
“No, I have my sweater.” It’s a good thing I decided to bring it; I gave a mental sigh of relief. Suddenly, I pushed back the shoulders of his trench coat; he helped by taking it right off. After it was off, I grabbed his shirt, and pulled that off too. I gasped as my eyes found their way to his chest; he had scars covering his torso. I touched them, feeling the pruny ripple of each one. Each time I brushed my fingers over one; I heard Barty suck in a small breath. My hands moved up and down his chest, the little black hairs tickled my palms. I started to breathe hard, and eventually kissed him again. I felt him rip my shirt off, and heard it land somewhere across the room. I smiled, and traveled my hands up and down the sides of his neck, while his were rubbing their way up my belly. When he finally made it to my white bra, I let out a little moan. One of his hands made it behind my back, to the clasp, and unhooked it. I felt his thumbs brush the skin under my breast. Another, louder, moan escaped my lips. He moved his lips from mine, to my throat. My hands, somehow, made it back up to his hair, from his belt, and dug in deep, into his hair. My head was thrown back, as he made his way down to my chest…
A knock on my window, pulled me from my memories. It was Barty’s owl, and it had a note on its leg. I opened the window, and let the bird in, having it sit on the perch Yamiko used. I opened it, and read it:

Dear Miss. Hoshi,
I just wanted to tell you that, I enjoyed seeing you again. And that I want to see you again, very soon, but next week, I am unable to leave my work. I am deeply sorry, I hadn’t had the time to tell you in person, because you left in a hurry, like always.

There was no name, as usual. I couldn’t take my eyes from that last word, ‘Yours’. He was mine, or was just imagining it? I didn’t want to think of that. I quickly got out a quill and parchment, and wrote him back a note.

Its ok, I’ll survive, somehow. But on the bright side, I’ll be able to see you the week after! But next time don’t ruin my clothes, alright? Or, how about I just wear something you can’t ruin? Yeah, that would be easier. Haha and you had plenty of time to tell me, before we started. But no, you talked so slow I couldn’t really concentrate on what the hell you were saying. Note to you, next time you want to ‘talk’ to me, ‘talk’ faster.
Always and forever yours,

I folded it up, and slid it into the note ring on the bird’s leg. I opened the window, and it flew out in a rush. I went over to my bed, and collapsed on it. I crawled into it, and fell sound asleep, wanting the next two weeks to leave already.

-Skee Pov-

Today was the most embarrassing day of my life. On top of me not being able to climb a damn tree, and almost falling too, I did fall! And my boyfriend came with me! I closed my eyes, and remembered how well it had been going, until I got cocky.
I kissed him, while making sure I was sturdy. He just laughed at me, and again assured me that I would not fall. I felt a little weird, sitting in a tree, but Cedric liked it, so I dealt with it. He kissed me again, his hands were resting on my thighs, as mine were on his shoulders moving obviously to his much, much abused hair. I felt him lean into me, pushing me back against the truck of the tree. But being little Miss. Dominant, I had to me the one pushing. I let his hair go, as much as I hated to, and slid them down his chest and his legs to the branch. He was shivering all the while. I placed them on the branch, getting a good grip, and pushed myself, slowly, forward. I lifted one leg to under me, helping me up. I ignored the wobbling of my leg and continued to move. Finally the wobbling stopped, as I was falling off the branch, like a moron. But the embarrassment didn’t stop there; my knight in shining armor had to come to the rescue. He grabbed my arm, and pulled me to him, he landed, or tried to, on his feet, but we ended up on the ground. I thought because he just dropped me or something. I pulled one arm to behind my head. “Hi” I said blushing and doing my little embarrassed laugh. He just smiled, grabbed my arms and jumped up.
“It’s getting late; we should go meet the others.” I groaned, loudly, but complied. I grasped his hand and started to walk forward. We got all of three steps, when I noticed something.
“Cedric, you’re limping!” I all but screamed. He sighed.
“I’m fine, I just twisted my ankle. If I put it on ice when we get back, I’ll be fine. Don’t worry.” He tried, and failed, to assure me.
“It happened because I fell.” It wasn’t a question, I knew it, but like a gentleman, he disagreed and pinned all the blame on himself.
“No, I just didn’t land right. It would have happened, either way.” He failed again to sooth my worry, and self blame, but it didn’t work.
“It’s all my fault that you’re hurt.” I whispered. He grabbed my face, and turned it to his.
“Listen to me. I am fine. Stop blaming yourself, it’s not your fault.” I sighed, but I wasn’t convinced. But until we got back to the school, I kept quiet.

My noise five f-ing roommates, walked in just then, pulling me from the time I could have killed my boyfriend. I was tired, so I decided to go to bed, which was kind of hard with five f-ing roommates. They started off with quiet whispers; soon those whispers erupted into loud talking. “Will you guys shut up and go to sleep? Hell!” I snapped, and buried my face under the blankets. They got quiet after that, and I fell fast asleep.

-End of year-

The rest of the year was bland; excluding when Kumiko was caught in a steamy make out session with Oliver. I sat at the house cup ceremony, with Cedric, awaiting the news of our houses’ defeat. It came with the same ego kill burn as the first time. “Last place goes to Ravenclaw! Third place to Hufflepuff! Second place to Slytherin! And finally, first place to Gryffindor.” Dumbledore exclaimed. Each house displayed just the right amount of enthusiasm for their placement. At least we’d beaten Ravenclaw, again. Quidditch was the same too, we’d come so close in defeating Gryffindor, but that damned Harry Potter had to catch the damn snitch. I got so mad every time, but playing slithering was just plain fun. I lost count of how many times I’d ‘accidently’ hit Draco with the ball, I laughed just thinking about it. But next year was out 6th year! I couldn’t stay down for long. Cedric had promised to see me over the summer, so I was good there. My friends and I write back and forth all the time, so I was good there too. Over all, this was one rollercoaster year, but hell, was it fun!