Harvest Moon Fan Fiction ❯ My Enemy, My Friend ❯ The Awkward Accord ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Alright everyone- he is chapter 8. I should be able to get back on schedule for updating this regularly now. This is the longest chapter yet…and the next one will probably be long too. I'm just ready to kick this into the summer season…or at least to the end of Spring. The Spring season doesn't inspire many events for me…but the rest of them do :P Anyways- Super thanks to Reima-chan for all the help. I couldn't write fics without you! I seriously have so many ideas for this and no idea what to do with half of them. Reima-chan helps me wrangle the together. I'm thinking about making a sub story lemon later on…simply because…Cliff is like the only guy besides Rock who has a lemon. I think there is one with the Doc and Cliff….but as Kiki-chan said “:O Gray deserves lemon(…and any other citrus!)-ponders over the idea- you guys let me know later on down the road. It won't be soon though, so don't get excited just yet. Now onto the reviewers ( If you didn't review chapter 7 but an earlier one thanks too- but I'm only mentioning the reviewers for chapter 7 right now):
Caramel Touch- Thanks. I'm glad you like the POV changes. I hope you enjoy this chapter too.
Elaine- Thanks for the review, but I'm sorry, there will be rivals for the affections of Claire :P What fic is complete without it.
KCemployee- I don't think Cliff is dull- Gray does XD
Koorazy Sukiyaki- you'll eventually get your deepened kiss. XD …or will you >laughs evilly<
Lady Rosses- I'm glad you liked it. I hope you didn't lose sleep over it >.<
Hajischavalier12- thanks- heres the update^ ^
Flaming Black Skull- thanks, I'm glad you like it so much XD
Naru-chan13- thanks so much. I think all the good luck you guys sent me paid off. I wont know till grades come out though ^_^
HmGirly12- OMG I'm so sorry. Please don't kill me! I really am sorry but I had to study so much stuff…please forgive me >puppy dog eyes<
Reima-chan- points to A/N above :P I luv you for all your help XD
I don't own anything but debt…and Natsume is more than welcome to that.
Claire's P.O.V.
It took me a brief moment to realize what had happened. Just a moment ago I had seen Rick stumble forward and hit Gray, who in turn stumbled forward and lost his hat as he collided with me. Be it that I had this sturdy barn behind me, I did not tumble to the ground. But after the jolt of shock that traveled down my spine and caused me to shiver, I was wishing my barn was ridden with termites so that the wall would have crumpled from the impact. If it were, I would not be in this position; with someone I could barley tolerate kissing me.
Though I hated to admit it, for a moment, the touch of his lips to mine had been pleasant. Of course I hadn't been kissed in a long time… a few years if truth be told. But after that micro second of insanity I had went to move, to push him away from me. But my hands froze and my eyes widened. Hadn't this happened before, an accident similar to this? My heart stopped as I looked at Gray, eyes widened and messy orange hair. For a brief moment his hair was a few shades darker, and his deep blue eyes turned the color of golden amber. I've officially lost my mind.
He pushed away from me, hands on either side of me, pinning me to the barn. I felt my hand come up to my lips and saw him mirror my gesture. If he knew what was best for his physical well being he'd get out of my range of hand reach. But all thoughts of beating Gray senseless left me when I heard the laughter of the half dozen of so called friends behind Gray's being.
I saw Gray look down as his face reddened and then he looked at me. He nearly jumped away from me, as my eyes were probably so angry looking you could see the flames of fury burning in them.
“I'm sorry,” Gray yelled as he turned to Mary. Excuse me! I'm the one you just kissed. Not her!
“What the hell are you apologizing to her for?” I hissed as I clutched my crutch in my left hand, sizing up the situation. I saw Rick looking petrified at me as I glowered at him and out of the corner of my eye I saw Popuri snickering with Ann.
“I'm sorry! I…it was…I'm so sorry Mary,” he was stammering as he picked his hat off the ground, not looking at me. What the hell was he apologizing to Mary for?
“Why are you apologizing to me?” She giggled.
“I didn't mean it Mary. I'm a faithful guy!” He mumbled as he twisted his hat up in his hands. Gray had officially gone insane too.
“You aren't even dating her you idiot! Why don't you apologize to me?! I'm the one you just…” I shook my head and fixed my eyes on the snickering cotton candy pink head out of my reach. I hurled my crutch at her and gave an evil smile as it made contact with her.
“Ouch! That hurt Claire,” she said while rubbing the arm the crutch had hit.
“That was the point. The next time you want to trip Rick,” I glared down at the guy whom was pinned down by my remaining crutch, “ and you want to continue to taunt your sister,” I directed to him “Make sure innocent bystanders are not casualties.”
“What on Earth is going on here,” I heard a male voice bellow and turned to see Tim, looking red faced and uncharacteristically ticked off.
“Ask the dynamic duo,” I growled as Karen meekly smiled and handed me the crutch I had used to assault Popuri.
I turned back towards Gray and saw that he was still apologizing to Mary as Ann taunted him about how Mary would never love him now that he had kissed another woman in front of her. I took a deep breath as I tried to calm myself. Mary looked embarrassed enough with the two bickering on either side of her while every time it came for Gray to throw an insult he would apologize to Mary yet again.
“Everyone just leave!” I screamed and all the commotion stopped. They all looked at me like I had just gained another head. “ Look…I appreciate the help. But from now on…Rick can take care of the chickens for me. I will water my own plants.” I looked at Popuri's crest fallen face and rolled my eyes. “ Popuri can help me harvest,” I closed my eyes and muttered a prayer for patience when she squealed in delight. “Cliff and…Gray” I looked at Cliff but wouldn't look at Gray. I felt like I needed to be apologized to by someone. Rick could at least apologize for this lovely afternoon. “I don't need you two here at the same time…so you can alternate out…fix a schedule out if you still want to help. Unless you just want to come together - it makes no difference to me.” I turned to go into my house but bumped into the chest of Tim.
“Are you alright?” I heard him ask and I shook my head.
“I'm exhausted,” I muttered and shook my head. “It's like babysitting when they all get together. I swear,” I was talking to myself when I said it but was surprised when I felt a warm hand on my shoulder. I looked up and saw him looking at me with concern etched on his face.
“I think you should call it a day. It's been hectic I know. I'm just here to check on you. Elli came as well.”
I looked past Tim to see the local nurse standing with a disproving glare at the group behind me, arms crossed over her chest in a motherly fashion. When she realized I was staring at her she gave me a warm smile and waved.
“Hello Claire! How are you feeling?” She asked with her sugary sweet smile and I shook my head as I approached her as quickly as I could on the crutches.
“Don't ask, Elli. Just…don't ask,” I said with a scowl and then smiled at her. “How are you feeling? You're not working too hard, are you? ” The brunette shook her head, causing a few stray whips of her short hair to fall into her eyes. She giggled and pushed them back behind her ears.
“I'm always working hard, but never too hard,” she said with a large grin. She reached behind me and gave my shoulder a gentle shove towards my house as she spoke again. “Let's go inside and chat for awhile, hmm?”
Tim's P.O.V.
After Claire and Elli disappeared into the house I looked at all of the villagers on Claire's farm and glared at them as best as I could. Seeing as how I had a passive look on my face most of the time, and my angry scowl was nearly indistinguishable from my normal look of indifference, usually. But evidently the sight of the woman I was in love with meeting the lips of another man was enough to…make my face muscles contract into an evidently intimidating glare. The only person present who was not affected by my death stare was the culprit of the accidental kiss, whom was still trying to apologize to a very flustered librarian.
“Everyone, I'm happy that you all came out to help Claire seeing as she isn't able to take care of things here due to certain circumstances... such as the negligence of one to respect another's personal space that resulted in harm to that person's physical well being.” I mentally snickered as the blacksmith apprentice took in what I said and frowned. His librarian friend didn't like what I had said as well, as she pushed her glasses higher up her nose and frowned at me too. For a brief moment the setting sun caught the glasses on her face and the reflection blinded me.
“That was uncalled for, doctor.” the librarian said as she approached me. “It was an accident after all.” I looked past her to the indifferent face of the apprentice and didn't break eye contact with him.
“Well it seems that when Claire is around certain people, many accidents happen,” I said loudly and saw him clench his fists at his sides.
“Well, Tim, maybe that's the Goddess's way of telling the two of them they are meant for each other.” I turned my head to see the barmaid looking at me with an amused smirk. I also noticed the embarrassment that crossed the blacksmith's face.
“Hardly,” I snorted and turned to the farm house. I froze when I heard the barmaid taunt me.
“I think you're just jealous,” she said loudly. I spun to see her standing there, one on her hip while the other pointed at me with her index finger. Her blue eyes were sparkling as she realized by my reaction she'd hit the nail on the head. I knew that most of Mineral Town was aware of my feelings towards Claire, though she remained oblivious.
“Ann, there is no way that I am jealous of your brother. First of all, Claire hates him. Second of all, even if she didn't, why would any woman choose a blacksmith over a doctor? Common sense dictates that I'm the better choice.” I said with a small triumphant smirk.
“Someone is full of himself,” she said while rolling her eyes. “Make sure you don't crush Claire and Elli with your enormous ego.” She said with a taunting grin as she turned away from me. I returned the gesture and entered the house, slamming the door behind me. But as I thought back on the red head who had been taunting me, I couldn't help but smile. The altar boy sure had his work cut out for him with that firecracker. I saw Elli had already removed Claire's bulky cast and I approached the bed the two sat on slowly.
“I'm sure Elli told you that you get the luxury of graduating to the boot brace,” I said with a small smile. I looked at Elli when Claire nodded and looked down at her hands. Elli gestured to my coat and I nodded, removing it before I came closer to Claire. Elli had said that if I didn't exactly look like a doctor, perhaps Claire would be more comfortable around me. I was aware that this didn't change the fact that I was a doctor, but I still hoped for Claire to forget that fact.
“My leg feels weird,” she muttered and I chuckled.
“It's just because you're used to the heavy cast being on. I figured since your x-rays show the bone is set and all, you'd like the brace until you're completely healed. It's a lot easier to get around in, and you don't have to use the crutches. Also, it can go over your pants or under them, so you can go back to your overalls if you want.” She nodded and I saw the small smile growing on her face as I named off everyday things she could now do again.
“Not only that, but you can take it off to bathe, and,” Elli grasped Claire's hand as she whispered excitedly. “that means you can shave your legs,” Claire giggled at Elli's enthusiasm as I rolled my eyes. Women were so…complicated.
“Of course you have to be careful. When you remove the cast it had better be only for washing, and you must take baths. No showers because you don't need to stand without the brace. When you get out of the tub, you have to move slowly and have the brace in reach so you can put it back on immediately.” I continued on with the procedures and stopped when Claire looked up at me with a curious stare.
“Do you ever stop talking,” she said quietly and smiled up at me. I felt my cheeks redden and opened my mouth only to quickly shut it. “Now he looks like a fish, doesn't he?” She whispered. Elli giggled and I glared at her.
“I'm sorry…” Elli said as she tried to compose herself.
“Don't get mad. I was only teasing Tim. You know…I like you better without your lab coat. This is the first time I've felt…semi comfortable around you.” She smiled and rubbed the back of her head nervously. “I guess that's why I'm teasing you.” She looked at Elli and smirked. “But he does talk a lot, huh? He's dominated the conversation since he came in. But hey, at least I'm going to be semi mobile again.” She said while giving Elli a victory sign.
“Well, Claire. I'll help you tonight. Let's go and get you cleaned up, alright,” Ellie said as she stood.
I patiently waited for the two ladies to return from the bathroom, thinking about how I could try to spend some more time with Claire. I examined her tiny house and scarce belongings. I noticed she didn't have any hanging pictures and found it odd. Women usually loved to post pictures of sentimental value where they lived, right?
A loud knock on the front door brought me out of my shallow thoughts about Claire's oddity. I walked to the door and opened it, and felt my good feeling sink at the sight of the blacksmith apprentice.
“I need to speak to Claire,” he grunted out as he looked away from me a little steamed. I suppose my comment earlier had gotten to him.
“I would think that after that little incident earlier that you would be the last person that woman wants to see,” I said quietly without any emotion but indifference. But inside I was boiling with rage. As far as I, or Mineral Town for that matter, knew the two weren't even friends. So why exactly was he here?
“Well those are your thoughts, not hers. Now let me see her,” He muttered with a scowl and I glared at him. A sudden thought crossed my mind and I turned my head back inside to make sure Elli and Claire hadn't come out.
“At the moment, Claire is…indisposed. She is in need of my assistance, and being that Elli left, I must attend to the lady.” I felt the corners of my mouth twitch up in a smirk at his blank expression. “I highly doubt she would want Elli to…assist her with this problem. I'm a much more suitable candidate.” I raised an eyebrow to give him a suggestive look and his eyes widened and I inwardly laughed. I could see the confusion and anger rising in him.
“What exactly…I thought this was just a house call,” he muttered as he pulled his hat down to cover his eyes.
“It started off that way, but…well, it's really none of your business,” I said with a Cheshire cat grin and slammed the door in his face. He was gullible and, slightly to my dismay, bothered by my comments about Claire. He was jealous. My only satisfaction was that I knew that he didn't know that is why it bothered him.
I turned to the opening bathroom door as Claire and Elli emerged, making a mental note to list the pros and cons I had to help develop a better relationship with the blonde when I went home.
Gray's P.O.V.Later that Evening
“Claire, Damn it, open the door, I'm here to apologize,” I said loudly as I continued to beat on the door. I was relieved when Claire opened the door, but at the same time felt a twinge of anger as I realized she was in a bathrobe. What the hell had they been doing in here? She looked at me blankly as the sky finally split with the rain it had been holding. “Are, umm…you going let me come in or do I fend for myself out here in the rain?” I asked with a small smile. She said nothing but stepped to the side and I heard her close the door behind me.
“Keep out of my personal space, Gray. I've had enough accidents with you already…enough in the last two seasons to last me for awhile. I don't want to have to get my cast put back on.” She was grinning when she said that and I followed her finger that pointed to her broken leg, clad now in a large boot brace. She was right about the accident thing though. I wonder why gravity always wanted to prove itself when we were around each other.
“Is that what you and Tim were doing in here?” I asked nonchalantly. It really wasn't any of my business but I still wanted to know. He'd been here a long time, and I was still agitated he wouldn't let me in earlier. Now I was stuck here until the rain slowed down. Then I could make a dash for grandpa's place. She didn't seem to understand what I had been insinuating as she shrugged.
“Elli was here too. She helped me keep my mind of the fact that…Tim is…a…well, you know.” She turned away from me and began to walk towards her kitchen. “You want something?” I shook my head and asked the question without thinking.
“What do you have against doctors anyway?”I saw her stiffen and waited for her to yell at me, but she didn't.
“Nothing good has ever happened when I've been to a doctor. Not for me and not for anyone I know. They haven't ever been able to help…me…or the people I care about. Not when it really counted.” She was whispering and I saw her fingers reach up and touch a pendent that lay on her chest. I simply nodded and turned towards the other side of the house. I saw on the shelf a large picture that was laid down. I picked it up and studied it silently.
There were eight people in the picture. Seven of them were close together while another was out to the side a little. The guy out to the side had dark brown hair and matching chocolate eyes. He was pale and tall, hands stuffed in his pockets, standing with his back nearly to the camera as he looked over his shoulder at the group almost angrily. He was probably about 13. The group consisted of 6 boys and one girl, judging by the looks of them, all different ages. The tallest one must have been at least 14, and had the smallest of smiles on his face, short spiky raven hair, and piercing steel gray eyes sparkling with amusement as he looked down at the younger children below him. To his left was another boy with raven hair, swiped to the side with a left part. His light brown eyes were magnified by a pair of glasses as he smiled warmly at the camera as he waved his left hand at the camera. Judging by his height he must have been around 11 or 12. One the other side of the tallest boy was a blonde haired boy with bright blue eyes, nearly the color of my own. He was beaming as he gave a victory sigh with his right hand, his head close to that of the blonde girl beneath him. The blonde girl was smiling brightly, her eyes shut from her wide smile. There were two sets of arms around her, belonging to identical boys that smiled at the camera with honey amber eyes. The only difference between them was the one on the right parted his rusty reddish-brown hair on the left, while the one on the left of the blonde girl parted his to the right. The blonde girl had hands on the interlocked arms of the twin boys, while a small blonde boy with brown eyes hugged the blonde girl while smiling widely to the camera.
“Who are the people in this picture, your friends from the city,” I asked quietly. I saw her look at me and then continue making the sandwich in the kitchen. Her expression became one of loneliness as she began to speak.
“That's my family,” she murmured as she approached the table. I gave her a small smile but it faltered as she looked at me with a sad smile.“The picture is…well….the one away from the group is Jack. The tallest is Takashi. The boy with glasses is Kyoya, and tall blonde boy is …Tamaki.” I saw her close her eyes when she said his name, almost as if it were painful. “The girl is myself, and the small blonde boy is Hunni. The boy on the right of me is Kaoru…and the other…is…Hikaru.” She had the same expression as a moment ago only this time she whispered the name so quietly I barley heard it. I replaced the picture back how I had found it, realizing there had been a reason the picture was placed down where one couldn't see it.
“I'm sorry for prying,” I said softly as I walked towards her.
“It was just a question. If I didn't want people asking about it, then I wouldn't have the picture out. But I would appreciate it if you left it at that for now. Now, what are you here for?” she asked the question with a forced smile.
“I came to apologize for earlier,” I began but she waved her hand at me, like she was shooing away my apology.
“If anyone should apologize it should be Popuri and Rick. I'm sorry for yelling at you. It wasn't like you wanted to…you know.” I saw the faint blush on her cheeks and felt one rising on my own.
“It…it wasn't your first right? I would feel bad…if…” I was beginning to stammer. Mary's comment about perhaps that being Claire's first kiss was what prompted me to come over and apologize to begin with.
“No. I…it was a long time ago…today…was the first time in a long while…but…hey! Let's just pretend this never happened, okay?” she said and reached her hand out for me to take, a wide grin on her face. The slight disappointment I felt must have been apparent on my face because she added “Let's call a truce on the bickering too, for Mary.” I gave a stiff nod in response. I reached out and took her hand, shaking it gently. A loud crash of thunder sent her jumping back from the counter and closer to me. I felt her grip on my hand tighten almost painfully and saw her head snap towards the window as another flash of lightening struck, followed by the clap of thunder.
“Claire,” I said quietly as she began to shake. She looked at me with wide frightened eyes and, despite that, smiled.
“I…I'm a-alright. R-r-really,” she stuttered out and when the next rumble of thunder echoed she released my hand and jumped towards the table, clutching the edge as she took in a deep breath. When the loud bolt of lightning struck and the room was engulfed in darkness, I heard scurrying as soon as the thunder resounded. I stood still as another flash illuminated the room, revealing the blonde under the table, knees pulled up to her chest and hands covering her ears. I walked towards the table and kneeled down.
“You're not alright, are you?” I muttered and pulled her out from the table. No way I was crawling under the table and getting a stiff back- I don't care how pitiful she looked. I sat next to her on the floor, Indian style. I put a hand on her back and rubbed in soothing circular motions. “I used to be scared of thunder when I was little. My mom used to do this to calm me down. She's recite a little song too.” I explained as I rubbed her back. She nodded and I couldn't help but smile. “What did your mom do to help you?” I asked and Claire turned her head to mine.
“My mom?... well….Takashi would stay with me until the storm was over,” she murmured. “I used to get way more scared then this. When I first… well, I would cry a lot, but…” She cringed as another thunder bolt sounded. “to answer your question…my mother did nothing to help me.” I looked at her as the lights flickered a moment before returning to the darkness and the pounding rain beating against the small farm house. “The twins…would always sing to me when I was scared…or had trouble getting to sleep…but now I just usually hide under the blankets until it's over…or the table. Which ever one I just happen to be closer too.” I gave a small chuckle at her attempt to make a joke. “I suppose it's stupid, someone my age…” she jumped slightly as another clap of thunder sounded. “ being scared of something like this..” she trailed off and a flash of lightening allowed me to see her biting her bottom lip.
“I don't think that's true.” I muttered and looked away from her. “Having fears… that is what makes us human…no one is perfect. Everyone has fears. Some of them well founded…others not so much. Like right now, I'm sure you have a reason to be scared. Even if I think it' completely ridiculous, it's still a reason.” I saw her nod out of the corner of my eye and let out a sigh.
“Why were you scared?” she whispered. Then an extremely loud thunder bolt sent her huddling closer to me as she clutched at my jacket desperately. “I'm sorry…I'm being such a baby…I…I'm so sorry.” Her voice was barely audible above the pounding rain and wailing winds that pounded the small farm house mercilessly.
“Don't be sorry when you haven't done anything wrong,” I mumbled as I felt a blush rise in my cheeks. If I didn't know any better, I'd think she was on the verge of tears. “Are you crying,” I asked softly and I felt her tense against me.
“I don't cry,” she muttered and small flash of lightening allowed me to see her glaring up at me despite the fact she still look petrified. Good old Claire. She never cries, no matter what. She'd probably rather die of fright than cry.
“I think I was about 3 or 4. I was mad at my parents…I think it was because of Ann” I closed my eyes for a brief moment. “I decided to hide from them, but I fell asleep. When I woke up it was beginning to storm, and I couldn't find them.” I stopped and looked down at her as she stayed silent. “What about you?”
“I…don't remember much about it...what it started over. I was very young…probably the same age as you. My mother was…very angry.” I saw her wince as a flash of lighting emphasized her statement. I watched as she frowned at the memory, and I mirrored her expression. “I just remember beating on the door, begging to be let in the house as the storm came. I was…outside all night, and most of the next day.” She finished with her eyes shut tightly as another rumble shook the house. I immediately put my arm over her shoulders and gave her a sympathetic hug.
“I…I think that is a legitimate reason,” I said quietly. What kind of a person does that to a child? Stu did all kinds of naughty things but Ellen and Elli never locked him outside - let alone in a storm. The storm was picking up, as if angered by our confessions of fear. But I was no longer that little boy. However, Claire was still that little girl, as far as the storm was concerned.
“Don't think ill of her Gray,” Claire murmured. “She couldn't help it…the way she was.” She was finding her hands very interesting and I…Wait a minute. ..was?
“She was? As in…the past?” I asked.
“She…my mother was sick. Very sick. But…she's in a better place now, I guess.” She said with a sigh.
“I'm sorry…” I began but felt her hand cover my mouth.
“Don't be. I'm okay…as far as that goes,” she removed her hand when I nodded my head in understanding. I felt her shake and I gave a soft smile.
“Why don't I help you to bed? You look like your cold,” I pointed out and she gave a slight jerk of her head.
“I…think that would make me feel better…to hide under the covers,” she mumbled and I could almost see her blush in embarrassment. I stood slowly and realized that Claire was literally frozen with fear as another roar of thunder shook the windows.
“Come on, Claire,” I said as I scooped her up and carried her to the bed. I pulled the covers back and she crawled on the bed, lying in a fetal position as I covered her up. I turned to go to the couch but I felt a slight tug on my jacket sleeve.
When I turned to face her the electricity flickered again and I could see her freighted face and her pleading eyes. She opened her mouth to speak and her eyes met mine for a brief second and then quickly looked away. I knew what she wanted to ask me, but I didn't think she had it in her to actually say it. So I simply sat on the bed, removed my jacket and kicked of my boots before I lay on top of the covers, and used my jacket as a tiny blanket. I gently placed my hand on her shoulder and she snuggled deeper under the blankets.
“Thank you,” she whispered and I sat still for a long while. The thunder was fading into the background, an occasional loud pop echoing. But the lightening and heavy rain remained. “You know Gray, you can be…chivalrous, “ she yawned deeply as he words began to fade. “When you want to be. It…almost…make me…forget…what…a jerk…you can be.” She was silent for a minute before she continued, and I was pretty sure she was thinking what she said and not realizing she said it. “I like…you better…this way.” I stared up at the ceiling as her breathing became regular and the sound of the rain began to lull me to sleep.
YAY! No cliffie! For anyone who knows who the guys in the pic are- good for you. Those who don't…I stole Ouran High School Host Club for this fic. ( I don't own them either, but I wish I had a Hitachiin twin all to myself. Or a Mori. XD) I'm working on the next chapter now, but to be honest, I just want to slip into a coma for a week and catch up on all the sleep I've lost.