Harvest Moon Fan Fiction ❯ My Enemy, My Friend ❯ Haunting Memories ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Alright. First of all Happy Holidays to everyone and thanks for all those who wished me luck on finals and everything. Happy to say I passed. Everybody do the happy dance XD Special thanks as always to Reima-chan for all the help and the kick in the butt to jump start this chapter. Also thanks to Hannah for her advice! Love you guys! I'd like to individually thank all who reviewed, but I don't feel very well and the cold medicine is messing with my head. So hurrah for passing school and boo for colds! Flash backs and dreams are in italics.
I don't own Harvest Moon or OHSHC….but I really really want a Hitachiin twin all to myself! ^ ^
Claire's P.O.V.
I walked down the long hallway, my shoulder length hair swishing into my face as I jumped at the sound of thunder. I closed my eyes tightly as I felt the tears forming and the fell down my face.
“Mommy,” I whispered as I used the back of my hand to wipe the tears away from my cheeks. I shook my head violently. Mommy wasn't here anymore. I began to run, not knowing where I was trying to get to or who I wanted. “Jack,” I cried as another rumble shook this old scary building that I was still unfamiliar with. I found sanctuary in a dark room and huddled down, hugging my knees to me as the scary storm raged on outside .I couldn't help but cry and every time the thunder sounded I`d let out a sob.
“Why are you crying?” I heard two voices ask me in perfect unison. I looked up to see identical faces looking at me curiously as the two sat up in their bed. I let out a shriek as another thunder bolt hit and they looked at each other as they spoke.
“She's scared of the storm,” the one on the right whispered. The one on the left remained silent and they both got up and walked towards me.
“I want big brother,” I whimpered as I cried more.
“Your big brother…he isn't here is he?” the one on the right whispered again .I shook my head and buried it in my arms as I cried harder. I felt him hug me and I looked up at him. His amber eyes were shining as he ruffled my hair. The other one mirrored the motion as he squatted next to me.
“It's nothing to be frightened over,” he said as he grabbed my hand. I remained silent and began to cry harder. I spilled all my problems out to the two boys, all that I understood that happened.
“The sky was like this before I had to come here…before my mommy and daddy went away. Big brother went to live with his aunt…they wouldn't take me too. They said that because Jack and I had different daddy's I was difficult… they said we couldn't be a family anymore. My mommy always said that even thought we had different parents…we would always be a family.” I was wailing as I felt my other hand encased by the other twin.
“How old are you,” the one on the right asked quietly.
“I'm five. My birthday was the other day,” I whispered as I gave a smile. “Big brother came to see me.” They nodded and smiled at me.
“We're five too. We saw your brother, that day. You cried when he left.” I nodded and smiled up at him.
“I love my brother very much, Kaoru.” I saw his eyes widen and he cocked his head to the side.
“You…can tell us apart?” he murmured quietly.
“No one has been able to do that before.” Hikaru replied
“Kaoru is always nice to me and Hikaru is mean sometimes…but he also makes me smile,” I looked to the boy on the left. “Hikaru is also quite when I cry. He never says very much. I'm sorry,” I said as I tried to wipe the tears away. “I didn't mean to wake you up. Kao-chan and Hika-chan can go back to bed.” I whispered as I tried to stand, but a loud crash of thunder sent me back to the ground whimpering.
“We'll protect you,” Hikaru said as he hugged me.
“Yes. We'll take care of you,” Kaoru said as he hugged me too.
“We can be your brothers from now on,” they said with a smile. “It will be fun.” They pulled me up and lead me to the bed. “You can sleep with us tonight,” they said as they pulled me up into the bed. “What is your name?” they asked suddenly and I felt a frown tug at my lips.
“Clarabelle,” I said quietly.
“That's a long name. But it's pretty,” Kaoru said as he got into the bed. I felt him grab my hand and pull me in.
“We'll call you Bella, since you have nicknames for us.” Hikaru said as he got in on the other side of me.
“I…like that name,” I whispered as I jumped a little at the lightening. I felt two arms wrap around my waist comfortingly and closed my eyes. They were whispering a song in my ear to calm me. For the first time since I arrived at this place, I didn't feel alone. As I began to fall asleep one phrase stayed in my head.
“This bond between us can't be broken.”
Was this a memory…or a dream. I wasn't sure. But the scene changed, fading into darkness. I was no longer in bed between my new found kin. I could hear the pattering of the rain still falling on my roof, but was relieved at the absence of thunder. I could feel the weight of an arm resting over my waist, the hand lying behind me and fingertips barley touching my back. I could also feel warm breath grazing my face softly. I slowly opened my eyes, to see…Gray.
I blinked a few times to make sure I wasn't still dreaming and looked him over. His messy bright orange hair fell over his closed eyes as he slept soundly. His expression was relaxed, and with the absence of his usual scowl and sadistic smirk I found myself admiring how good looking he was. How come I had never noticed this before? Oh yeah, his jerkiness overpowered his hotness. That's right. Gray equals Jerk...but this jerk did try his best to keep me calm last night during my little freak out. He had comforted me the best he could. It was the first time I had seen him show any kindness towards anyone but Mary.
Looking over at the clock and realizing it read 3 A.M., I sighed and snuggled myself deeper into the blankets. It would be rude for me to wake him and kick him off the bed after he stayed with me during the storm. He at least deserved an undisturbed sleep after that gesture. My thoughts faded as I felt exhaustion coming and lost all conscious thought, falling back asleep.
Gray's P.O.V .
I felt eyes on me. I was being watched, I think. No…it's just time to wake up. I let out a small groan as I felt my internal alarm clock demanding I wake up and get to work before Grandpa yells at me for being late. I was warm and very comfortable, so much so that I didn't want to open my eyes. I pulled my arm closer to me and my eyes groggily opened when I realized the warmness was coming from another occupant in the bed. I could see my arm tightly holding a female figure to me, and I lifted my head tiredly to examine her.
Was there a fantasy fairy that randomly went about making young girls materialize in the beds of young men?
She was under the blanket and I was on top. Okay…nothing too bad happened then - So much for the fantasy fairy. Her head was resting under the crook of my neck, and I could feel her steady breathing on my shoulders. So exactly who was in my bed with blonde hair? Wait a minute…this isn't my bed. This isn't even my room…where the hell am I?
I put my head back down closed my eyes as my head pounded with unanswered questions. Last night, there had been a rough storm…blonde hair… Claire! I opened my eyes again and was happy with myself for solving the `where am I' mystery. I let out a satisfied grin at my discovery. I had come to apologize and it had started storming. Claire had been scared and I was trying to calm her.
I tried to slide out from the bed but froze when I felt a tug at my shirt. I glanced down to see Claire had her hand fisted around the material of my shirt, right on my chest. I blushed at first but then reminded myself that it was okay. I had helped her through the storm and that was it. I tried to gently tug it away but I heard her whimper and looked at her face. She had a worried look on her features as she mumbled something barley audible. I was still sleepy myself but I think it might have been `don't go'.
“You might think that's what you want, but I have a feeling when you wake up I'll be in trouble if I'm still here.” I whispered with a small chuckle. So she didn't just have a vulnerable side when scared. Claire was also that way when she slept. It was becoming easier for me to see her as less of the little brat I thought she was.
I softly grabbed her hand and loosened the grip on my shirt. Wow her hands were small. Judging by the hand print I carried around on my face after a bad argument, I'd have thought it was way bigger. Why do I even care about her hands? I got out of the bed and let out a sigh. Then I heard a consistent tapping that wasn't the rain on the roof. I felt a large lump form in my throat as I looked towards the bedroom door. There stood Ann with her arms crossed and an eyebrow raised, foot tapping impatiently.
Ann's P.O.V.
I had been standing here for a good 10 minutes, maybe longer. One of the perks I had as Gray's little sister was that I knew that if you stared at him long enough when he slept, he woke up. I was really curious as to why Gray had had a slumber party at Claire's. I wasn't even invited. I feel so left out. I heard my brother's `I really don't want to get up groan' and watched silently as I put my digital camera back in my pocket - Photographic proof for future blackmail, and I had plenty of it.
I watched carefully as he pulled Claire closer and then he seemed to realize that she wasn't a pillow, and lifted his head. Now, this would be interesting. Gray wasn't much of a morning person, or an afternoon person, or a night person. Now that I think about it Gray is almost always grumpy. He put his head back down and I could see the wheels turning. It is funny to watch him when he wakes up because his brain hasn't started functioning properly. It takes him awhile to realize things and comprehend. He usually is so happy with himself when he figures something out that he gets this goofy grin on his face…there it is.
I watched as he tried to get out of the bed, only to be stopped by Claire. It looked like she had grabbed his shirt. I heard her mutter something and then Gray said:
“You might think that's what you want, but I have a feeling when you wake up I'll be in trouble if I'm still here.” I had to try hard not to laugh at that comment. I saw him take her hand and felt a smile come across my face as he looked at her hand. Honestly, Gray thought the weirdest things were so interesting when he was half asleep - like Claire's hand.
He stood up and I began tapping my foot, putting on the best `you're in trouble look' I could manage and waited. His eyes were huge when he landed on me and he opened his mouth but I signaled for silence. I pointed to Claire's sleeping form and then jerked my thumb out to the other part of the house. I heard him trying to quickly gather his things as I walked into the dining area, sitting at the table to wait. He walked right past me, but stopped and backed up.
“I don't know what you think and I don't care,” he muttered as he pulled his hat down over his face. “Nothing happened, and don't say anything to anyone. I was just…” he was getting flustered as I stared at him. “You know what? I'm late for work. Ask her when she wakes up. That way she can tell you what she wants you to know.” And poof, Gray was gone. I'd never seen him be in such a hurry to get to work. I waited a few minutes before impatience got the better of me and I burst into Claire's room.
“Rise and shine, happy face. It's time to get up, and tell auntie Ann why dear Gray was here all night,” I said in a singsong voice as Claire sat up straight. Evidently her brain worked like Gray's in the morning.
“He…he came over to apologize.” She muttered with a yawn. “Then…it started storming,” she whispered as her face paled. “He stayed with me because I was scared,” she finished quietly as her eyes seem to stare into the distance.
Because she was scared? Claire? Gray stayed with Claire because she was scared of the storm…no way. Not unless she was petrified of the storm. The only way Gray would have stayed was if she was truly terrified.
“How scared?” I asked skeptically and she looked at me with a serious expression.
“If it would totally get rid of thunderstorms forever, I would eat nothing but Karen's cooking the rest of my life.” She said with a completely straight face. I felt my mouth drop open in shock as I mentally decided to call my brother Gray the Gallant when I saw him tonight. I suppose that you would have had to have eaten Karen's cooking to understand the seriousness of the situation.
“I guess that I'll make you some breakfast,” I said to change the subject. Claire looked very uncomfortable as it was.
“You don't have too,” she began but I waved her off.
“Go ahead and get dressed while I fix it.” I ordered as I walked out of the bedroom.
Claire's P.O.V.
Ann made me pancakes for breakfast, and of course fixed a few for her. She visited with me until about 10:30, when she grumbled about having to go back to work for her father - whom was `unaware of child labor laws.' She had given me a raspberry when I gently broke it to her the, despite her mostly childlike way of thinking, she was considered an adult.
So I sat on my couch starring at the TV, which, due to my `wonderful' reception, picked up white noise on every channel when it rained. I could occasionally make out an arm or what appeared to be a picture of laundry detergent between the fuzz, but grew very bored of this in 20 minutes. I looked at the clock. It was 10:50. A knock on the door had me jumping towards it in hope that on the other side was some distraction, some company to pass the time.
Rick stood before me dripping wet with fogged up glasses. He grinned at me and shook his head when I stepped away from the door to let him in.
“I can't stay, I have a job too, you know. I just wanted to let you know that your chickens have been fed. I put half the eggs in the bin and decided to bring the others to you,” he handed me five eggs as he finished.
“Thanks Rick. I really appreciate it. I'll repay you somehow,” I said with a large smile. Gosh, please stay and talk, don't run off. I'm so bored.
“Don't worry about it. I got to run though, my mother wasn't feeling too well this morning,” I frowned as his smile faltered and he turned to leave.
“Rick, hold on,” I said as I grabbed his sleeve. I walked as quickly as I could over to the fridge and swapped out the eggs I held for a Turbojolt. I brought it back to the young man outside in the rain and pushed it into his hands. “Give this to your mom, okay.” I said with a small smile. “Tell her I'll visit when the weather is better. I can sort of get around now.”
“Thanks, Claire.” He said quietly and left. I closed the door and looked back at the clock. 10:55. I groaned in frustration. This was going to be an extremely long day.
I sat on my couch upside down as I stared at the clock. My head hovered barley off the floor while my legs rested on the back rest of the couch. I could feel the blood rushing to my head as I tried to think of something to do. I have never been good at occupying myself. I really never had to. That is one of the advantages of growing up with seven rowdy boys. They could always come up with a way to pass the time…
Bella, come on! ” Hikaru shouted as he grabbed my hand. I felt the other hand being pulled on as well and didn't even need to look at the culprit to know it was Kaoru.
“We have to hide, Bella. Hunni and Mori are going to find us if we don't.” Kaoru said as we ran up stairs and around corridors I didn't know where there.
“What are we doing?” I asked quietly as we crouched down in a dusty closet full of old boxes.
“Hunni said they would play hide and seek with us,” they whispered together.
“Mori always finds me,” I murmured and the twins looked at my sad expression and then back to each other.
“You stay here, Bella,” Kaoru whispered as he cracked the door open.
“We'll throw him off the trail,” Hikaru added with a small laugh as they sprinted out of the abandoned closet, leaving me alone. I looked behind me at the old empty boxes and stared wide eyed up at the towering object. A castle!
I crawled through the maze of boxes, exploring my newfound playground. It never occurred to me that this wasn't a closet, but a large room full of boxes. I was lost in the cardboard castle, but I didn't care. I made sure to be quite as I played pretend. After sometime in the dark room, Princess Clarabelle of the box castle curled up into a large box, and took a royal nap.
When I awoke it was to the distant echoing of my name being called. I sat up and rubbed my eyes roughly. Now…which way was the way to the door? After trying for a little bit to find my way back to the door I huddled down and waited. Hika-chan and Kao-chan would rescue me. They were my brothers, and it was their job to protect me. A long while later I felt a hand on my arm and my eyes met…
“Mori,” I whispered quietly. He gave a very small smile that just did cause the corners of his mouth to twitch up.
“Come on,” he whispered. Mori was always a person of few words. If he spoke more than a sentence or two a day it was very unusual. I took his hand and he crawled back through the maze of boxes. When we reached the door I let out a surprised yelp as I was lifted high in the air and placed on Mori's shoulders. We left the old room and I saw the bouncing boy known as Hunni running towards us.
“Good job, Takashi. You rescued Clarabelle.” He squealed. I looked down at the boy who, despite being two years older than me looked as if he could be my age.
“I thought your name was Mori,” I said as I wrapped my arms around his head to keep steady.
“I'm the only one who calls him Takashi,” Hunni stated as he hit his chest lightly with his thumb. I looked down at him confused and the boy laughed. “Takashi is my cousin…well, I guess he is like my brother. We're family.” He said as we walked down the corridor. “We're all we have left,” he added sadly and then immediately went back to his usual bouncing ball of energy self.
“Hika-chan and Kao-chan are my new family,” I whispered tiredly as we turned another corner. “Can we all be a family together?” I asked with a smile. “Then I'll have you guys, Kaoru and Hikaru, and Jack. That's an even bigger family than my old one. Then I can be your sister.” The small blonde boy gave a large grin and nodded.
“Sure, we can all be a family together. Takashi, you can be the older brother,” I felt the head I was holding onto give a stiff nod. “Clarabelle, you can be the baby sister,” I giggled and nodded.
I felt my uninjured leg being shook and came out of my thoughts to look up and see…a hat with dark blue eyes, eyes that looked concerned.
“Claire, have you lost your mind?” the hat with eyes asked. Wait…that voice.
“Gray?” I asked and rolled of the couch and hissed as the blood drained from my head. How long was I upside down?
“Yeah. Why in the world were you...er…sitting upside down?” he asked and I let out a deep sigh.
“I was thinking,” I answered truthfully. I saw him raise an eyebrow as he tilted his head to the side.
“You have to be upside down to think?” he asked quietly as a he tried to stop a snicker.
“No. I was bored and trying to think of something to do,” I muttered and rolled my eyes. I then noticed that my interaction with Gray was being observed by Cliff. He was watching with his mouth agape. Now where was that annoying fly that wanted to be my friend earlier and sit on my shoulder despite my violent swatting it away? It would be really funny if the annoying fly flew into Cliff's mouth.
“Cliff, what a surprise. What are you doing here?” I asked as Cliff closed his mouth. He must have been shocked that Gray and I weren't arguing yet. Darn! There goes my chance to get rid of that fly.
“The same thing I am. We're here to help you. We need the brush and the milker,” Gray grumbled and I turned to him.
“There in the tool box,” I said with less enthusiasm and fought the urge to glare at him. I hated when he was blunt with me. He always ended up sounding like a rude jerk. But I thought back to our pact to get along for Mary, and what had happened last night. Gray grabbed the brush and handed it to Cliff. I watched as Cliff exited and Gray followed him out of the door.
“Gray,” I called after him and he stepped back into the house. “Can I speak to you for just a moment?” he shrugged and closed the door behind him as he placed his free hand in his jacket pocket. I cleared my throat and looked down. Wow the grain of the wood was suddenly the most interesting thing I'd ever seen.
“Go ahead,” he grunted and I nodded in agreement.
“Thank you,” I whispered and then looked at him. He watched me with a blank expression. “I'm very grateful, for what you did for me last night.” I saw a faint blush come across his cheeks and I looked back down as I felt one cross my own. “I'll…make you dinner, Cliff to. For your trouble and for helping me.” I saw him about to turn down my offer and narrowed my eyes. “It wasn't an invitation, it was an order,” I growled out while I gave him a smile to let him know I was teasing.
“You're welcome…and..uh…alright. I'll tell Cliff,” he mumbled and pulled his hat down to hide his face more. I watched as he snatched the door open and walked outside. I thought back to when I had first heard other townsfolk talk about Gray.
He was quite, shy, and didn't find it easy to talk to others. I hadn't believed it at the time because he always seemed to have no problem trading insults with me. But watching him tonight, all embarrassed, I realized it was true. Now that we were really trying to get along, I must just be another person in the village, someone that he's uncomfortable around and…and for some reason, that bothered me.
I looked in my fridge as I pulled random things out to cook. My body was on autopilot as I turned the oven on and began to prepare the meal. Why did I care what Gray thought of me? It didn't matter. It wasn't like we were friends or anything. I guess it was because he had been so nice to me last night, staying with me and trying to make me feel better. That must be why. I had never seen that side Gray, at least, I had never seen it without Mary being present. To have something other than annoyed hostility given to me by him had upset the natural balance of regularity.
I shook my head and smiled at the thought. I have never been one for regularity. Change; be it for the better or for the worse, was always imminent. It was better to accept it…or run from it. But either way you could never fight it.
I was on the verge of adolescence. At an awkward stage in life were I didn't want things to change, but I didn't want them to remain the same. This was definitely a memory of change, be it ever angry and awkward.
I looked up at Jack, glaring at him angrily.
“I said I wanted my own room. I didn't say I wanted to leave here. This is my home Jack, you have to understand that,” I was standing with my arms over my chest as he glared down at me.
“Your home should be with me. I don't understand why you can't come live with me and Aunt Joann. You'll have your own room…a huge room all to yourself. He expanded his arms to emphasize the huge part.
“First of all, she's your aunt. Not mine. That is why I'm here to begin with. My family is here,” I began but he interrupted me as he ran his hand through his dark brown hair out of frustration.
“Stop saying that. I'm still your family too, you know. You're at this place still by choice…you could have come to live with me last year if you wanted…but you just keep refusing.”
“She doesn't want to leave her family here to go be with you,” I felt a head rest on either one of my shoulders and rolled my eyes at the twins, not having to look at them to know that they were giving Jack a taunting smile. “She is our only sister, after all,” they said in unison again and I saw Jack scowl at the identical boys hanging on me and fume as they both wrapped an arm around my waist.
“I'm her family damn it. You twoand the others, you're nothing to her.” He hissed as he clenched his fist.
“There just as much my family as you Jack,” I growled out angrily. “You know as well as I do that the feeling of family has nothing to do with blood. We all lack that aspect. Just because your dad married my mom, doesn't make you any more family than them.” I stepped forward, out of the embrace of the twins, as I spoke and then turned my glare to them. “Hikaru, Kaoru…wait for me here,” I muttered and grabbed Jack's hand, pulling him along.
“Jack...” I began but took a deep breath as I was interrupted again.
“You're my sister, and like it or not you're coming with me,” he growled and pulled my wrist roughly, dragging me as he began to walk. He stopped suddenly and I saw what had stopped him, a tall dark haired boy with short spiky hair and piercing steel eyes.
“Move Mori,” Jack growled out as he tried to step around the taller man. Mori looked at me and gave me a questioning look.
“Takashi,” I whispered with pleading eyes. His eyes followed Jack's hand on my arm and narrowed at the tightness of the grip.
“Let her go,” he stated simply. Jack opened his mouth to protest but Takashi said another sentence. “You're hurting her.” I suddenly felt a strong tug on my other arm and was pulled back roughly into the arms of Hikaru and Kaoru.
I shook my head violently, trying to clear it of the memory. I must be having these thoughts because Gray asked me about that picture last night. I had put in out, thinking that it would be alright to have it, that I could have the memento of my patch work family and it not cause these problems.
I walked over to the shelf that the picture was resting on, face down as if it were something to be ashamed of. It wasn't shame that had caused the picture to be hidden, but a still fresh wound that I didn't think would ever close. I pulled a large blue box from the bottom of the shelf and opened it, not looking at the keepsakes and other pictures as I gently laid the photo in it. I closed the lid tightly, as if the force of the gesture would stop the memories from escaping. With a large sigh pushed the box back into its space on the shelf, just as the oven bell sounded and the door opened.
“Dinner is ready,” I said, and was surprised at the sound of my own voice. I sounded tired and remorseful. I cleared my throat and looked at Cliff and Gray as they exchanged curious glances. “I hope you guys like pizza,” I said with regained cheerfulness. I stood up and made me way to the kitchen to remove the pizza from the oven.
“Pizza, cool.” Gray said quietly as he sat down at the table. Cliff followed me into the kitchen and watched me for a few moments.
“Can I help you do anything?” he asked with a raised eyebrow as I dug throw my drawers in search of the pizza cutter.
“Uh, sure.” I mumbled as I gave a triumphant chuckle, pizza cutter in hand. “You can get some plates out of this cabinet and glasses from the dish drainer. I have…milk and juice to drink,” I added as I attacked the pizza, which for some reason didn't want to be cut. I felt a hand grab mine and looked up in surprise.
“Let me do it before you shred the whole pizza,” Gray said with a small smile playing on his lips. I didn't know how to react so I just watched him as he removed the pizza cutter from my grip and easily cut it into eight pieces. “I think you made that look harder than it actually is,” he snickered and I raised an eyebrow.
“Well, of course you could just come up and cut it. I already perforated the pizza…” I muttered and crossed my arms over my chest.
“Perforated?” he repeated with a raised eyebrow.
“Yes, perforated. You know, like notebook paper,” I said as I rolled my eyes at him. Stupid Gray and his awesome pizza cutting abilities, and stupid Cliff standing there with his mouth open again. Where is that fly?
“Alright then,” Cliff said as he pushed a plate into Gray's hands. “Lets eat.” I think Cliff was actually drooling a little bit.
We ate in silence for the most part, the occasional compliment slipping out of Cliff's mouth when it wasn't full. Gray didn't appear to be enjoying his pizza on the same level as Cliff, but then again neither was I. And I thought I was the world's largest pizza addict.
“So,” I began, finally having my fill of the silence. I had been alone all day and I was so desperate for company that I invited the villages most unsociable people for dinner. Great way to have a conversation Claire. “I'm going to try to take care of everything by myself tomorrow.”
“Are you sure you should do that?” Gray asked and took another bite of his pizza.
“Well, I want to try. You guys can check in tomorrow after work and if I didn't get everything done, then you can help me finish,” I put my index finger on my chin in thought as I spoke. Both men gave a nod with their heads, causing me to give a mental groan of frustration. What does it take to get these guys to talk back to you?
“Where did you learn to make this delicious pizza?” Cliff said as he leaned back in his chair, belly swollen, as his eyes became half lidded.
“Actually,” I said as I flashed a wide beaming smile. “Kai taught me.” I opened my eyes wide in confusion as Cliff's chair hit the ground rather loudly and two sets of widened eyes stared at me in aw. “What?” I said as I brought my hand up to my face self consciously.
“Kai…shared a recipe with you,” Gray said loudly, like I had just won the lottery or something else miraculous and lucky.
“Yes. What is the big deal?” I muttered crossly, annoyance getting the best of me.
“The big deal,” Cliff began but was interrupted by Gray.
“ is that Kai NEVER gives out his recipes. To anyone. Ann has been trying to beat this recipe out of him since she first had his pizza,” he stood, shaking his hands to emphasize the importance of his statement.
“Well, that explains why the deal was to never make pizza for Ann,” I mumbled to myself and then became aware of the two men staring at me like I was some oddity. I giggled nervously and then let out a yawn. “Wow, I'm bushed. So um…if you guys are finished, I'll just be off to bed,” I said as I stood, swiping the empty plates from the two guys and dumping them in the sink.
“Well, thanks for dinner Claire,” Cliff called as I drug him and Gray to the door.
“Don't mention it. Please, especially not to Ann,” I muttered. The last thing I needed was an irate redhead over here demanding Kai's `Totally the most awesome pizza you've ever had' recipe.
“See you tomorrow,” Gray muttered as he too was pushed out the door.
“Yeah, tomorrow. Don't tell Ann,” I growled and he nodded. Satisfied I slammed the door shut and leaned against it in relief. I closed my eyes and saw Gray's face for a moment and brushed my fingers over my lips before shaking my head. Gross! Gray is not to be thought of like that ever again. Do you hear me brain? An accidental kiss means nothing.
But that was how it had stared out once before. An accidental kiss…
As Jack's grip on my arm was released, I catapulted into the twins. Kaoru was behind Hikaru, so it was Hikaru and I who met. Both of our eyes wide and unable to leave the others as our lips met, and our bodies momentum was stopped by Kaoru. I felt the spark when our lips touched and when we broke, both speechless , I brought my hands up to my lips and touched them softly. My first kiss had just been taken by Hikaru. I looked at Kaoru who was smiling from ear to ear.
“It's definitely not the same at all,” I muttered to myself as I got ready for bed, decided to talk in my head rather than out loud like a crazy person. I must just be lonely. That is the only reason I can come up with why the kiss with Gray had that affect on me. But fate had decided that I was meant to be lonely for the rest of my days, hadn't it?
Okay. That's it for this week. The plus side of school being out is longer chapters, the downside to colds is they might me Nyquil induced chapters ^_^ I hope you guys liked this and have a safe holiday. The next chapter wont have long flash backs like this one. Bear with the flash backs- they have a purpose. I promise. Reviews , Criticism and the like all welcome. PM me if you want- I'm uber lonely : (