Harvest Moon Fan Fiction ❯ My Enemy, My Friend ❯ Don't Jump to Conclusions ( Chapter 13 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Oh my gawd she lives!!!!! xD so sorry for not updating sooner. Due to school and the slave drivers I work for…this took forever to update. To be honest, I actually ended up cutting a super duper long chapter in half, because I still wasn't done with it. I think the ending here isn't too much of a cliffy, and this story SHALL be updated on schedule on Friday the 21st of March!!!! HUZZAH!!! And everyone do the happy dance for spring break! That means…OMG more time to write fanfiction and hopefully get back on a regular updating schedule <3 (mostly because I can't afford the gas to go anywhere, but that just means more fun for you faithful readers ^ ^) Special thanks to all that read, and super thanks to all that reviewed last chapter, I'm glad you guys enjoyed it. I'll skip individual reviewer thanks, because I'm sure those reading are going “ OMG Jeannie-chan! Shut up so I can get to the story!” So, without further delay, read on and I hope you enjoy it…because once you read it it can not be unread.
Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to either the Harvest Moon game(s) nor the characters of HC that I borrowed for this story.
Claire's POV
I heard some cheerful birds cheerfully chirping near my bedroom window as I opened my eyes to the new day. Oh how I wished I owned a B-B-gun at this very moment. I think that today I could shoot the happy birds without feeling any guilt. I mean, every morning at six, with the exception of the winter season, these chipper little birds had to sit on the ledge of my bedroom window and have a concert. There were only a dozen more windows around the rest of the house.
`Early to bed, early to rise, makes a young girl healthy and wise.' Wonderful. My inner prude was making its presence known before I could register the time. I automatically got up and stretched, and realized that I was in my overalls. So I sat on the bed for a moment, trying to figure out why I was not in the overly large tee shirt that I usually slept in.
Let me think now, last night…I went to the inn. The night had been fun…until… Crap. I had drunk a lot, I remember. I wasn't drunk…close to it. I could actually hold my liquor fairly well, but being tired like I already was made me…lower my inhibitions. I had left the inn on my own, thinking I could make it home. But the wine and my exhaustion had my vision dizzy, and I had leaned against the fence to gain my bearings. Then…oh for Goddess's sake. Gray had carried me home…and I had…well I didn't remember but seeing as how I don't recall being thrown to the ground, and I don't seem to have any tender areas, I had not insulted him. Which means I either sat their all giggly and making no sense, or I was being complimentary and making no sense.
“Fanfrickingtastic,” I muttered to myself as I got out of bed and unbuckled my overall straps, opting to change tops and leave on the overalls I already had on. I put on the worn flannel shirt, buttoning it up and tucking it in before buckling the straps back. I went outside and hurriedly fed all the animals, taking care of my farm chores before it got to hot.
I wonder what I said to him. If it's something that bothered him he won't bring it up, but if I said something he could tease me with…
I smacked my head angrily and scarred one of my chickens as I violently tossed the chicken feed into the box. I grabbed up the eggs and went to place them in the shipping bin, and kicked up some dirt, out of frustration and to let Launchpad know I was not in the mood for his high diving attack today. Thank Goddess the chicken got the message, or I would be having a nice chicken pot pie for dinner tonight.
I checked my watch and saw it was nearing eleven. I stopped by the library, despite the fact that it was Monday. Mary looked up at me when I walked in.
“Good morning,” she said with a smile.
“Morning,” I said with a shrug. “I have to go to the Supermarket, and then stop by the church. But I should be back in about thirty minutes.” I said as I stood in the doorway. Mary nodded in reply, and I hesitated. I stepped in for a brief moment, and rubbed the back of my neck. “Last night…did I…uh” I began but stopped when Mary giggled.
“Don't worry. You didn't do anything really embarrassing. I've seen Karen do much worse things. You just made us laugh a few times, and sung a lovely song about hay,” she covered her mouth to stifle her giggle and I blushed.
“I did, huh? Well…sorry,” I mumbled and started giggling myself. “I'll tell you the story behind that sometime. But if I'm going to help you get this place cleaned up, I have to finish my errands.” I said as I waved, leaving the librarian behind.
I sung the hay song, huh? Well if that was the funniest thing I did last night, then things were looking up for me. Tomorrow was the first day of summer, and I was off to purchase some flour to bribe my little friends into helping me out. The harvest sprites were awesome little …are they creatures or beings or what? Well whatever they are their nice to have around.
“Morning, Jeff,” I called to the store owner as I entered the place. I eyed the precious flour and merrily skipped towards it, grabbing as many bags as I could fit in my rucksack, then as many as I could hold in my arms.
“Good morning. How are you doing today?”
Fine, and you?”
“Well…I…I guess I'm fine,” Jeff grunted out as one of his infamous stomach pains seemed to be hitting him. It's all in his head, but he just KNOWS there is something wrong with him. Karen thinks her dad had a screw knocked loose a while back, but it's really none of my business.
“Are you doing some baking?” Jeff questioned as he rang me up. “That's over a dozen bags.”
“I'm just stocking up,” I said with a small smile.
“That'll be 700G's,” he said while shaking his head at me.
“Thanks so much,” I said as I handed him the money and left.
“Have a nice day, Claire,” he called after me and I nodded my head.
“You too,” I hollered as the door shut behind me.
The harvest sprites were ecstatic to say the least. They even offered to come and help tomorrow with the animals, and Aqua volunteered to water the crops. I'd have to plant them early in the morning before the beach festival. I thanked the group of happy little guys and told them I had to be on my way. They were disappointed but I said I had to help a friend, and they understood. I returned to the library to find Mary on her way out.
“I'll return shortly Claire. I have to help my mother run some errands.” She said with a bit of annoyance and I just laughed at her.
“That's fine, I can handle the bad old books by myself,” I said as I took a playful fighting stance.
“Don't you dare harm my precious books,” Mary said seriously.
“Wouldn't dream of it, sweetie,” I giggled and began to go up stairs.
“Gray will be here shortly, and I don't want to come back to find you two like I did the last time I left you alone,” she warned with a skeptical stare.
“I'll be good, I promise,” I muttered and waved to her as I continued up the stairs.
“I'll be back as soon as I can,” she called and left when her mother's voice beckoned her.
Gray's POV
I left the shop, irritated scowl on my face as I kicked a small rock out of the path. Stupid stubborn old goat. Couldn't just give a compliment, could he? Hell no, not Saibara. Had to use his criticism and insensitivity to critique my work…why the hell couldn't the old man just give me one compliment? Just one damn compliment! Not many grandson's contemplate murdering their grandparents…at least I don't think.
I seriously needed to let off some steam. I just wanted to pick a fight with someone, and the perfect person popped into my head. A certain blonde farmer, but immediately as I evilly smirked at the idea of pissing her off just as much as I was a raven haired librarian popped into my mind, looking at me disapprovingly.
“Damn it…I have to find someone else to yell at now,” I muttered darkly as I thrust my hands in my pockets. I sulkily stalked to the library, and opened the door after I took a deep calming breath. No familiar greeting came to me as I entered, and I looked around for Mary curiously.
“Hello,” I called out loudly, hearing some shuffling coming from the second floor.
“Good afternoon, Gray,” I heard a voice call down. But it wasn't Mary…so it had to have been Claire.
“Where is Mary?” I called agitatedly.
“Good afternoon Claire, nice day isn't it. Are you doing alright? Why I'm fine Gray thanks for asking” she called out sarcastically and I rolled my eyes. “Mary went with her mom. She said she'd be back as soon as she got done helping her,” She finished and I heard a loud crash.
“Darn it,” she muttered and I heard the sound of her picking up the fallen books.
“Need some help,” I offered and heard her give out a snort.
“No, I just want you to come up here and sit and watch me do all the work,” she muttered and I began walking up the stairs, trying to not laugh at her statement. “Some help would be nice,” she added with a small laugh of her own as I made it to the top of the stairs.
I saw Claire squatting down in front of the bottom of a book case, dusting the books and putting them in a stack to be taken back down stairs. Suddenly she let out a loud and powerful sneeze, causing her head to whip back and forth and in the process causing her body to bend in an unusual way. That's when I heard it, a slight pop, followed by a sharp intake of breath and then a stream of curses that would make a sailor blush.
“Shit…shit,” she muttered and I approached her carefully.
“What is it?”
“My back…Goddess…Gray, go get Mary,” she hissed with her eyes shut as she pounded the book case with her fists. “For the love of the Harvest Goddess, GO!” She bellowed as she fell from her squatting position to her knees.
“I don't know where Mary is,” I said hesitantly.
“Goddess it hurts,” she gasped and I reached out and touched her shoulder softly.
“Maybe I can help…what's wrong?”
“I have to have my back popped a certain way…please,” she pleaded and shrugged my hand off her shoulder. “Please go find Mary…” she whimpered out and I sat on my own knees in front of her.
“I can do it,” I stated and reached under her arms to embrace her.
“You're going to do it wrong and it will hurt worse,” she growled out and tried to push away from me. I pushed one hand under her overalls and carefully touched her back, felling down her spine and found the vertebras that were out of line sticking lightly out through her flannel shirt.
“Don't…please don't Gray,” she whimpered loudly and I bit the inside of my cheek hesitantly.
“I know what I'm doing,” I assured her and placed my hand on the spot I had found, withdrawing my other hand from her overalls and carefully clutched my hands together over her back. I slowly applied a little bit of pressure and she jerked away from me, biting her lip hard.
Kai's POV
I walked into the library with Mary to give my first of the summer greetings to Gray and Claire, whom Mary said were here. I heard the arguing as soon as the door opened, however, the actual conversation had me drop my jaw in shock. What the hell were they doing?
“Just let me do it, woman,” Gray's voice said loudly from the second floor.
“It hurts…please don't. It hurts! Don't touch me there!” Claire cried out in protest. I looked at Mary whose own mouth was agape with astonishment.
“Just let me do it and it will quit hurting,” he growled out.
“You're the most stubborn, heartless, cruel, merciless man I've ever met and I ha-AHHHHHH” her insults gave way to a pained cry.
“There, I did it.” Gray's voice came out softly with a satisfied chuckle.
“and I have never been so happy to be with you as I am at this very moment,” came the soft whisper of the relieved woman. “How often have I told you you're my favorite person in the world?”
I rushed up the stairs, ready to let Gray have an earful for taking advantage of the poor girl, in the library no less. Have a little self control, man!
“This is the first time,” I heard him reply quietly as I made it half way up the stairs.
“If you were anyone else, I'd kiss you right now,” Claire murmured and I froze at the top of the stairs. They were both on their knees and Claire's hands were clutching loosely onto Gray's shoulders, her head resting against his chest. His arms were around her, hands locked into a ball pressing her back in a way that had her arched against him. She had her eyes closed and a blissful smile on her lips. He looked at me and gave a shrug as I just stood there, opening and shutting my mouth, unable to form words.
“Oh…Goddess,” Mary whispered relieved. “Claire, did you hurt your back again?” She said with realization. The blonde didn't open her eyes or move from her position, but nodded slowly.
“Yeah…but it's alright now. Mary, have I told you how great Gray is? He's the most awesome guy on the planet…” she happily said. I looked from the two nemeses , to the amused librarian, and back for a few moments.
“Does anyone mind telling me what the heck is going on here? I mean…did hell freeze over while I was gone? When did those two start getting along this well?” I finally shouted in mix of shock and relief. Mary adjusted her glasses and shrugged.
“This? Well, I suppose today, in between when Gray got here and now. This is actually the closest I've seen them. Ever,” she stated with a teasing smirk. Since when did Mary smirk? She must be hanging around those two too much. Gray glared at us out of irritation.
“Will you two please,” he began but the blonde woman holding on to him suddenly pushed back, a mirrored expression to his own on her face.
“Stop referring to us as if we cannot hear you,” she finished and Gray gave a stiff nod.
“Sorry, but you must look at it from our perspective. We arrive to see you two in an intimate embrace,” Mary began but the blonde growled.
“That is not what it was,” she muttered as a blush began to appear on her own cheeks. I couldn't help myself but give out a dramatic sigh.
“Mary, new love is so grand,” I said, placing my hand over my face for dramatic effect.
“Kai, so help me I'll hurt you if you don't shut up right now. Remember, I know where you sleep at night,” Gray growled.
“Fine, I'll keep quiet. But please tell me, Gray, why are you still holding her?” I laughed as I pointed to the two, Claire and Gray both realizing that his arms where still around her. They both blushed red from the roots of their hair.
“I…didn't…” he began as he let go of her.
“Wait until everyone hears about this,” I began, a scandalous look upon my face.
“Don't you dare make this into something it's not, you hear me pirate boy?” Claire growled out as she made a move to stand, but faltered mid motion, leaning on Gray to support herself. “Son of a biscuit eater,” she muttered in her attempt to stop the curse. I immediately stopped my laughing and approached the two, oblivious to the smallest twitch of the corners of Claire's mouth until it was too late.
As soon as I was in range she grabbed my shirt, fisting it in her hands as she pulled my face roughly towards hers to snarl. I felt the wind knocked out of me as I was tackled to the floor by a rather large blacksmith, and I was dazed for a few minutes. I closed my eyes, trying to get air back into my lungs. When I opened my eyes I saw the Gray and Claire, giving me identical smirks as their arms were crossed over in front of their chests. They seemed pleased with the injury they had caused me and looked at each other before letting out a large grin and the high fiving each other.
Hell really had frozen over since last summer. But it sure made things more interesting for me. I liked it when things got interesting.
Claire's P.O.V.
Today was opening day, and I was supposed to be participating in the beach race, but frankly I wasn't that great a swimmer, and I had no desire to be in front of people in my itsy bitsy teeny winey bikini. I had put my overalls over the suit, and even wore a see through thin white long sleeve shirt unbuttoned over that. I had made sure to apply plenty of sunscreen before even leaving the house. No one likes to get sunburn.
My suit wasn't really showy. It was basically a modest red halter top with no exposure of cleavage, and the bottoms where basically boy shorts in swim suit form. I had of course pulled out my lovely summertime overall shorts to go to the beach, as I was not to keen on being in the summer heat with pants on. Small black flip flops would protect my feet from the hot beach sand. I had twisted my hair up into a knotted bun and topped of the ensemble with a giant straw hat. No need to put a sign on my fair complexion that said: Skin cancer welcome. I snatched up my sun glasses and grabbed my beach bag as I left to pick up Mary.
One day into the summer and already I was ready for it to be over. Not that I didn't like the summer, but it tended to bring lots of heat, and heat made people crazy. Everyone was more edgy, and more likely to do crazy things. I mean, look at Kai. He travels to places where its summer all year long, which means he never leaves the summer. And they don't come crazier than Kai, at least not without papers.
Now that I think about it, there is a lot of financial reason I don't care for Summer in Mineral Town. I mean, did the whole town get together and say `let's try to have all our kids born in Summer, alright?' Let me see here: Popuri, Ann, Kai, and I'm sure there were some older villagers who had summer birthdays. But Popuri and Kai were too much with it just being them. Two of my high maintenance friends had birthdays, pretty darn close to each other. Of course that really isn't something that anyone could help, but it was still a huge inconvenience.
“Mary,” I called out as I go into her house.
“Come on in Claire,” Anna called from the kitchen. “Mary is upstairs. Go on up and get her,” she said with a large smile and I nodded and climbed the stairs. Honestly, was my place the only house in Mineral Town without stairs? Well…Ellen's and Saibara's were single story places and I think the Mayor as well, but he probably had a basement.
“Mary,” I call out again as I stop in front of her bedroom door.
“I'm not going,” came the frustrated groan of the librarian. I rolled my eyes and opened the door.
“Come on Mary, whatever it is it can't…be…that…bad,” I felt my eyes widen as I took in the pitiful sight before me. “What on earth did you do?” I gasped as I dropped my belongings and approached the woman.
Her raven hair was violently entangled with what appeared to be a string like item to…keep her glasses from being lost I suppose. It also appeared that Mary had been trying in vain to get her hair free, and only succeeded in making her hair extremely poufy, where she looked more like an 80's poster child than anyone I had ever seen.
“I haven't the slightest idea,” Mary muttered as she buried her face in her hands. “Goddess…my hair looks horrible.”
“I can't disagree,” I giggled and picked up a pair of scissors and carefully began snipping the string thing out of her hair. “But the good news is that it's totally fixable.”
It took some arm work, but I was eventually able to tame Mary's hair back to semi-normal size and get out the knots. I helped her twist it into a bun like mine, and used a few extra bobby pins to secure it in place.
“Oh, Claire, thank you so much,” Mary whispered as she looked in the mirror. “But…now how do I keep my glasses on me.”
“Mary, do you really need those to see?” I asked thoughtfully.
“I need them to read, and I'm a little far sighted as well,” she began and I tossed the glasses on her bed.
“Leave them here then. We're not going to be doing any reading today, anyway,” I said cheerfully as Mary turned to look at her discarded glasses, then to me.
“But I feel so…” she began and I narrowed my eyes.
“Wouldn't you rather feel that way for today only, or would you rather take your glasses, lose them, and feel that way until you get a new pair, which I'm sure will take more than a few hours, by the way,” I said with teasing sternness.
“I guess so,” she murmured and then looked at me with a small smile. “Did you put on your sun screen?”
“Already taken care of, my dear,” I said playfully and poked her nose.
“Well, let me get mine,” she said as she pulled off her overly large t-shirt and revealed her modest light blue one piece suit with a little mid thigh length skirt.
“Oh, Mary,” I said as I hugged her tightly. “You look so darn cute! I just want to…” I couldn't help myself as I gently pinched her cheek.
“Claire, get a hold of yourself,” Mary scolded with an amused grin.
“I wish my suit looked that cute,” I complained and Mary rolled her eyes at me. I reached for something on the dresser curiously. “Mary, you have beautiful eyes. I thought that the glasses made them look that big, but the really are…amazing,,” I trailed off thoughtfully and Mary blushed.
“You're not the first person to tell me that,” she whispered and I raised an eyebrow. I pulled my hand back but knocked over a small box, and light music began to play. I picked it up and realized the tune was for a piano.
“Belle, Belle, come here! I have something to show you,” the blonde haired boy shouted enthusiastically.
“Tamaki, what is it,” I giggled as my long pony tail flipped over my shoulder. I stood from my coloring book and began to walk towards the direction of his voice, coming from the music room a little ways down the hall. I couldn't have been but about eight years old, waltzing about in a little green sun dress.
“Tamaki?” I called out and heard the soft echoing of piano notes getting louder. I pushed open the door to see Tamaki sitting at the Piano, a large smile on his face.
“Belle, I want to play your favorite song for you on the piano,” he stated and pointed to a chair next to him. “Okay?”
“Okay,” I said with a big smile and he helped me climb onto the chair I was still too small to get onto by myself. I waited as his hands hovered above the ivory keys.
“This song is for my dear sister Belle, and it is one of her favorites. It is from the opening of one of her favorite American movies, the stone and the penguin,” he said in deeply masculine voice.
“The Pebble and the Penguin,” I corrected gently and Tamaki's smile never faltered.
“Let me begin,” he said as his face took on a serious expression, but as soon as he started playing the melody, his face became whimsical and he was…one with the piano.
“Claire,” I looked at Mary, whom had touched my shoulder and was looking at me worriedly.
“Hmm,” I replied as I closed the small box and returned it to the dresser properly.
“What is it?” she asked with an understanding smile.
“Tamaki loved to play the piano,” I answered without thinking.
“I see,” Mary replied with a thoughtful smile and then picked up her bag. “Well, shall we get going, or do you need a minute?” She said in an obvious attempt to change the subject I had unintentionally brought up.
“I'm fine. The past is simply that, right?” I said with a fake laugh and grabbed my beach bag back up, and we left for the beach.
Kai's P.O.V.
I heard the soothing sound of the surf crashing against the beach, and I took a deep breath, reveling in the smell of salty sea water. I was back in Mineral Town, on Mineral Town Beach. The beginning of a new summer, and already the prospect for interesting experiences had shown itself.
Oh how it would be so wonderful, if those two enemies could become friends, and then lovers. Wouldn't that be a story book ending that could be written about, a modern day love hate relationship. Or perhaps they would write a story of extreme angst and never admit their unbridled passion for one another…wait a minute…
What am I saying?!
I immediately returned to my humble shack and packed away all my harlequin romance novels. Don't think I'm weird. I mean, how else do you think I know the female mind so well? The female persona is so full of fanciful ideas and expectations, a guy must know these things to become a wonderful lover. Many name I could be called, but a lousy lover was not one of them. I knew when to take a break from research too…when I started fantasizing about other people's non-existent relationships.
Of course, I really was never all that terribly busy over the summer. I could do my best to play match maker with the two stubborn mules. But it really depended on what other activities I could find to do. After all, since they were somewhat getting along now, that meant that any discovered interfering in their lives would be jointly punished by both of them, and frankly, that scared me. I hadn't been to keen on meddling in Gray's life with only his punishments to incur. Goddess only knows what he could do with Claire's evil genius to help him see past his rage.
I shuddered at the thought. At least with Gray it was simple. He got mad, he screamed, he threatened, and sometimes punched an innocent wall. But then it was over. With Claire…well she was more of the type to bide her time and wait for the perfect opportunity to place her well thought out plan of revenge. And she was a crafty little minx to boot. Just like yesterday, she had played on her own injury to allow the blacksmith the opportunity to do the dirty work and knock me down.
I'm not sure who taught her that, but they had done a wonderful job in making sure she had a `take no prisoners' attitude. Claire's own raw personality wasn't that calculative. Truth be told her urges when angry were more towards the violent tendency then Gray's. But for the most part she seemed to be able to control them.
I began laying out the beach blankets and putting up the shade umbrella's as the morning wore on. It was about nine and the people should start arriving soon. I wanted to make sure everything was ready so I could enjoy the highlight of my summer, and that of course was the opportunity to see all the young women of Mineral Town in their swimming attire at one time.
The first lovely young lady to arrive was Karen, the local token hot chick. Karen was a little stubborn, but she was really a nice girl deep down, no matter how tough she tried to act when you first met her. She was wearing a skimpy little purple two piece, and I gave her a shameless wink as she approached me.
“Hey Kai,” she smirked.
“Hey Karen,” I chuckled then had a quick look around. “Rick's not showing up for a bit, right? I don't feel like running away from him while he tries to hit me with something that would hurt a lot…” I trailed off and felt my smile falter as Popuri and Cliff walked on to the beach together, and an out of breath red head trailed behind them.
Popuri was of course in a pink swim suit, a well fitting bikini, and a wrap around her hips. She caught me staring and gave me a smile before walking away from Cliff and Ann.
“Hey Kai, how have you been?” she asked as she have me a quick hug, and I gently hugged her back.
“Same as always…and you?” I asked hesitantly.
“I'm okay,” she said with a grin and then turned back towards the embarrassed winery worker and the screeching barmaid.
“Well…it looks like I'm needed over there,” she giggled and walked away from me, sparing a careless wave over her shoulder.
“She's grown up a lot since last year,” Karen said quietly from behind me.
“Do you think…that” I began, a hint of concern in my voice.
“She's fine.” Karen snickered and then slapped my back hard.
“Now, let's me and you talk about a certain blonde that you're more than dying to see, huh?” Karen giggled and I looked at her in shock.
“Are you referring to Claire?” I asked as I raised my eyebrows.
“Are there any other blondes around Mineral Town?” Karen said as she rolled her eyes.
“Claire is meant for Mister Broody,” I said and laughed at my own jab at Gray's personality…before looking around to make sure he wasn't here yet.
“I don't know about that,” came a soft voice from behind me and I turned to greet the new arrival.
“Elli, you're looking good,” I said with a wink and leaned forward, kissing both of her cheeks softly.
“Kai…you're so forward,” she scolded playfully and lightly popped my mouth with her hand.
“But…I can't help it. I see beautiful women, and I have to compliment them,” I said with a smirk and shrugged my shoulders.
“Kai…you are too much sometimes. But I don't know about Gray and Claire anymore…Tim has been making some progress recently,” Elli began, a victorious smile on her face.
“Oh he has, has he?” I asked, my eyebrow rising incredulously. “That might cause a problem in my master plan,” I whined and Elli patted my head.
“Don't whine, it doesn't suit you” she giggled, then looked at me curiously. “Your…master plan?”
“My master plan….top secret, so…you understand if I can't let you in on it, right?” I rambled, giving Elli the most charming smile I could muster. She blushed a deep shade of crimson as a dreamy look appeared briefly on her face.
Oh, the woes of being Kai…it should be illegal to have this much charm with these good looks.
Gray's P.O.V.
I hated the beach. I hated it more than any other place in Mineral Town, next to work that is. It was annoying , the beach. The sand was hot…and…well SANDY! I mean, why would anyone want to come and lay on this hot sand? Then it gets in your shorts and then you end up with a rash…or if you're a guy there is always the high possibility of getting certain parts of the male anatomy chaffed.
I had found out from Kai one summer, that if you wear a Speedo under your swimming trunks, it greatly decreased that uncomfortable possibility…but that is a story for another time. Right now I'm just concerned about this day getting over with. This afternoon there was going to be the big swimming race, and I had to participate this year. I didn't care for swimming much, mostly because I had to part with my beloved hat, but also…I was prone to ear infections.
Rick was of course the referee, and I believe that Elli, Cliff, and Karen were also participating, as well as Kai. Kai always participated, and damn near always won the race. But I didn't think it was very fair, I mean…the guy practically lived at the beach. That was like rewarding a fish for breathing under water, right?
Speaking of Kai…the damn guy hadn't even been here 24 hours and he was grating on my last nerve. So over dramatic about everything, and frankly if he even hummed that stupid grade school taunting song again, I'd break his teeth.
Gray and Claire
Sitting in a tree
Yeah. Real mature, Mr. `Let's admit or feelings.' I swear…I had to listen to that for 1 hours, 48 minutes and 21 seconds before Cliff actually snapped and threatened to kill Kai for me. I never knew old Cliff had it in him.
“Kai…I swear to the Harvest Goddess herself that of you so much as utter another syllable tonight, I'll kill you were you stand…”
Duke must be rubbing off on him.
My eyes drifted over to Cliff and widened in surprise to see that he had not one but two women talking to him. Of course one of those `women' was Ann, which was no surprise. But the pink haired girl is who I was surprised about. It also appeared that my dear baby sister was a teeny bit jealous that my roommate was becoming red cheeked from Popuri's tiny giggle.
Wait, isn't Popuri usually hanging all over Kai? Now that I think about it…I haven't once heard Rick's `stay away from my sister, demon spawn' rant. Not even a warning growl or anything. I searched the beach, looking for a familiar purple bandana, and found it, and it's owner, facing a flustered Elli and a smirking Karen.
“Kai is charming.
“Speak for yourself…Kai is smoking hot.”
Well this seemed like an interesting scenario to watch and see how it played out. Maybe I would catch a glimpse of that fantasy Kai all the girl were referring to the other night. Ann came up to the group, greeting Kai with a hug. When they broke apart he leaned in and said something that made Ann swoon for about five seconds before she glared at him.
“He's a genuine flirt, but Goddess can he make you believe him.”
Two women walked by me and towards the small flock around Kai, and I watched them both with a little bit of anxiety gnawing at the back of my mind. Upon seeing Claire and Mary, Kai went into overdramatic mode and hit his knees, causing sand to fly out from around him. He grabbed one of each of their hands and placed a small kiss on them. I narrowed my eyes and annoyance coursed through me briefly.
“He's extremely handsome.
There is no denying the obvious.
Mary was blushing profusely as she pulled her hand back like Kai's touch was burning her, but Claire tilted her head to the side and said something that caught Kai of guard. He stood abruptly and drew Claire extremely close against him in a suggestive embrace. I raised an eyebrow as the blonde's face became a shade of crimson, but other than that her demeanor didn't change. She simply rolled her eyes and pushed him away exasperatedly.
“But that type of guy is nothing but trouble in the end.”
I looked out at the ocean and I wondered…did Claire have a thing for Kai? If he…reminded her of that other guy…Tamaki, then wouldn't she be…head over heels for him? I was snapped out of my thoughts by a outraged gasp.
“Get lost you PERVERT!” Claire bellowed and Kai ran away from the group of girls and towards me. I snickered as he narrowly dodged a plastic shovel hurled at him by an angry blonde.
“First day of summer and your officially in Claire's dog house for perverts,” I chuckled as Kai peeked over my shoulder, sighing in relief when he realized he wasn't being chased.
“She loves me,” he said with a large grin, and I rolled my eyes, a scowl appearing on my face.
“Whatever…” I grunted and walked away from him.
“What's wrong Gray, you jealous?” Kai teased with a smirk.
“Of you…no.” I answered in a mono tone voice. I rolled my eyes at Kai's crest fallen face and turned towards the group of women, eyes landing on the pair of friends I was searching for. However, what had my immediate attention was the tall dark haired man approaching them, staring determinedly at one of the two, and for some reason, my gut told me it wasn't my Mary. Tim on the other hand…