Hellsing Fan Fiction ❯ Hellsing Goes American ❯ A Pretty Kimono ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Hellsing Goes American

Chapter 10: A Pretty Kimono

"Why do you act so differently when it is but the two of us?" He asked the young lady before him. She gave him a smile, "Because, I do not like people knowing the true me. Acting in the presence of others is my way of playing with their minds. But you.. I could never be anything other than myself for you." They jumped as someone knocked on the door. T'was her father. He quickly gave the young lady a kiss before dissapearing into the thick fog that surrounded the house.

Alucard woke from his memories as they reached the door to the Fluff Ball's room. She was so quiet, just resting her head on his shoulder as he carried her.

She was just like her, but at the same time she was her complete opposite. His Fluff Ball was wild in public but calm and reserved when alone. She was quiet and reserved in public, but wild and fun when they were alone.

He gently set her down and noted how small and lonely she looked in that huge bed.

He shook his head. He shouldn't be thinking such nonsense.

"Thank you" She gave him a hug around his waist before laying down and drifting off back to dream land.

He couldn't help himself as he leaned over and kissed her on the forehead. "Pleasant dreams, Fluff Ball."


Candice awoke to the sound of birds singing just outside. She stared at the celing for a moment. She didn't dream at all after that whole ordeal last night. Did he think she was mad at him for messing with her dreams?

It was 2:30 in the afternoon. Why had Walter let her sleep so late? Maybe Alucard told him about what happend and he decided to let her sleep..

She decided to wear something different today. Her mother had shipped all of her things over, they came in yesterday evening.

She sifted through her closet until she found what she was looking for and went to the bathroom to change as it had the only full-length mirror in her rooms.

The sun had just set when Alucard decided to visit his Fluff Ball Master. He came up through the floor in the middle of the room and walked over to sit infront of the desk.

"Good evening. How'd you sleep?" She smiled up at him

"Very well, thank you for asking." He studied her a moment before asking "Would you mind standing up? I would really like to see that pretty dress of yours."

She shyly hid her smile behind her small hand as she stood and walked around the desk for him to see.

She wore a dark purple kimono with gold embroidery around beautiful kiku (chrysanthemum), there were other flowers, but the kiku were most certianly the focal point. All of the flowers were embroidered into the dark silk and spilled elegantly out of royal carts. The obi (belt/sash) was a soft pink, against the dark purple it looked almost white, with pheonixes (sp?) flying amidst a background of flowers, all delacately embroidered in pastel colors to become a wonderful work of art. The kimono had sleeves that hung down to where he thought her knees should be, the obi tied into a large, perfect bow on her back. How she tied it herself he had no clue (Walter was out for the day and most of the cleaning staff were on holliday). The obi wasn't tied around her hips or waist, but just below her breasts, it made her look as though she had very long legs and hardly any body, that is, unless, one were to see the soft curve of the fabric where it wraped around her back-side. On her feet she wore white tabi (split-toe socks) and black zouri (formal shoes that look similar to flip-flops) with red hanao (the thong/strap that holds the shoe on). Her hair was pulled up into a sloppy bun on the side of her head with a ponytail hanging down to rest slightly against her shoulder, a pretty shell shaped kanzashi (decorative hair pin) with purple jewels was nestled between the back of the bun and her head. Her makeup was the same yet again, but with red lipstick and a touch of red at the outer corners of her eyes.

His eyes widend as he looked her over and was speachless. She looked like an Asian princess that was just pulled out of a painting. That's what he wanted to say, but his mouth wasn't wanting to work.

Candice watched nerviously as he looked her over. This was her best kimono and she had spent three hours trying to get her kitsuke (art of wearing kimono / how one wears kimono) perfect.

She didn't know what to think for a moment as he sudenly stood up looking far too serious.

Then he captured her lips in a pasionate kiss. Her hands came up to wrap around his waist as he pulled her closer and deepend the kiss.

Oh, dear God, was he good! She couldn't think (didn't want to eather) about anything other than his devilish toung mapping out the inside of her mouth, his body pressed against her own and his hand grabbing her ass as the other held her head in place. Like she would go anywhere?

The only thought that was able to push it's way through the haze of her mnd was 'I just hope he dosn't hurt my kimono if he decides he wants me out of it.'

He couldn't help it, he laughed a little at that one lonely thought that traveled through his Master's head. "That's not a bad idea.." he said against her lips before continuing to kiss the daylights out of her.

He picked her up and set her on the edge of the desk before breaking the kiss and unraping her legs from the confines of the kimono. He was geting irritated with the damn thing and now knew why she had thought that as he finally got past the juban (under kimono) and pushed the 'skirt' up around her waist.

He quickly slid her panties down and off her pale legs, then dropped to his knees, pulling her closer to the edge of the desk.

She looked down to see him staring up at her with those gorgous pools of red. He smiled wickedly before delving into her moist folds with his unnaturally long toung.

Her head fell back as she was consumed with a pleasure she had never felt before.

Her breath became ragged as he filled her with his sinful toung, bringing her ever closer to her climax.

She tangled her fingers in his silky hair as she let out a small, almost nonexsistant moan.

She definently wasn't a screamer. But he liked that, she wouldn't be blowing out his eardrums like most girls tended to do. And besides, he liked the chalange of trying to figure out what gasp or sigh meant what.

Her hips jerked a bit as he gently grased her clit with his teath. She tasted so good. Different from the other women he's been with, but a good different.

He continued to pump his toung into her as she held onto his hair for dear life, the pain only succeeding in makeing him more aroused.

She was almost there, almost.. She ground her hips into his face as she was hit with wave after wave of pleasure. He didn't mind, no, he liked it. He moaned softly into her as a fresh wave of her juces coated his toung.

Oh, that did it! She unconciously held her breath as she came crashing over that preverbial cliff.

He smiled into her as her walls closed in on his toung, threatining to never let go. It was an empty threat, unfortunately, as she eventually came down from her high and relaxed.

He licked her clean before standing and kissing her once again. She only barely noticed that she could taste herself on his toung as he kissed her senseless, makeing sure her brain was on a long vacation.

Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end as someone knocked on the office door.

She quickly slid off the desk and would have fell flat on her ass if her amazing pet wasn't there to catch her. He pulled a hankerchief out of his pocket and licked a corner before trying to fix the lipstick he had smuged across her face when they were making out. She giggled after fixing her kimono, he was wearing quite a bit of her lipstick as well.

Someone was impatient as they knocked again, but this time went ahead and came in. It was just Police Girl. She had yet to meet their new boss.

"Hello! Just wanted to come introduce myself... I didn't just interupt anything did I?" She noticed how close her master was standing to their boss, and, as happens once in a while, her brain worked and told her something was going on between them. "I'm so sorry! I didn't know!"

"It's alright, don't worry about it." Candy said cheerfuly as Alucard noticed the panties he's tossed to the side earlier and hid them in his shadows before he too disapeared, leaving his Master to deal with Police Girl on her own.. He had something he needed to take care of as well..

"You're Officer Seras Victoria right?" Candy sat quietly behind her desk, glanceing at her reflection in the desk to make sure her makeup wasn't too bad.

"Yes Sir. And it's a pleasure to finaly get to meet you!... um, may I ask what happend? Master seemed pretty upset.." She looked a bit worried. Were they fighting?

"It's nice to meet you too, and don't worry about that, it was nothing, really." She smiled sweetly as she felt her heart ache. It was certianly something to her, but she knew he was likely just playing with her.

"Okay.. I'll see you around then.." Victoria cheerfuly made her way out of the office and back down to her room.

Candice looked at the pile of paperwork that she had yet to get to.. Fuck it. She'll do it tomorow.

And with that, she too headed off to bed, hopeing, on her way there, that someone would come visit her in her dreams tonight.

When she came out of the bathroom from washing her makeup off and changeing into her nightgown, she was pleasantly surprised to find someone in her bed. A very sexy someone whose hair had magically grown a few feet over the past thirty minutes.. Guess he read her thoughts again about how she had a thing for guys with long hair.

He looked so damn sexy laying there, half covered by the blankets, laying on his stomach, arms suporting his head under the pillow, and that mischevious smile plastered on his face.

"Mind if I join you tonight?" He didn't bother opening his eyes as he knew she was checking him out. His smile widened, "Does my Master wish for me to wear anything?"

She blushed, he had read her mind again.. joy..

"Thanks.." she said as she crawled under the blankets beside her sexy pet. "It does tend to get a bit lonely in this big room all by myself.."

He was so warm as she snuggled up against him, his arms wraping protectively around her small frame as she quickly fell into a peaceful slumber.

AN: Gya! While writing this chapter, we were waiting on some items on Ebay to end... Writing the bit about her going to bed had us wishing badly for our own bed! Then, I missed it.. We were out bid at the last 50 seconds! =T__T= We really wanted that Michiyuki (kind of kimono jacket)! Oh well. Guess it just wasn't meant to be.

Alucard: "You and your kimono.."
Cat: =^____^= ish burried in a pile of fabric that happens to be several kimono
Victoria: blushing "I don't think I can look at you in a kimono the same way again, Miss Cat!" refering to story
Cat: "Yea.. that was our first attempt at anything remotely hentai! Please don't eat us!"
Alucard: "can I eat you?"
Cat: turns red as a tomato at the double meaning there
Integra: "You set yourself up for that one."
Cat: =-__-U= "I know.."
Alucard: "R&R! And give Cat some tips on writing hentai, she's terrible at it! And some ideas for me would be nice as well."