Hellsing Fan Fiction ❯ Hellsing Goes American ❯ Cat Tries Something New ( Chapter 22 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Hellsing Goes American

Chapter 22: Cat Tries Something New

Candy woke up with a slight headache. She didn't remember going to bed... She pulled the blankets down from over her head and winced at the light. A sexy laugh rumbled through the room as the light was turned off, allowing her to see. Oh, there's where that sexy laugh came from! Alucard sat at her vanity with a stack of books and laughed again as he caught her eyes traveling over his body. He sat in the ornate chair in nothing but a pair of leather pants, one arm slung over the back of the chair as he reclined comfortably, his head thrown back, showing off his neck as he shot her a sexy look, a matching smile spreading across his face.

"Do you have any idea just how damn sexy you look right now?" She sat up to find that she was naked.. Did she miss playing with her friend? Alucard laughed again at the confusion on her face as he crawled onto the bed, pulling the blankets back to reveal his Fluff Ball. He stopped once he had her traped underneath him, their noses almost touching, "You don't remember what happend, do you?" He let a hand travel down her side as she shook her head. "That's a shame. You were so damn amazing, I was afraid I'd cum too soon." He smiled at the look of dissapointment on her face before lowering himself down to rest his weight on top of her, proping his head up on his elbows on either side of her head. "You have such a dirty mind, Love!" he chuckled a bit as she gave him a funny look, "What happend?" "You went berserk and almost killed Maxwell.. Don't worry, he's fine. I'm going to see about getting some more information from him as soon as he regains conciousness, and Father Anderson is curently resting in one of the guest rooms. How much do you remember?" He asked as she began to look troubled.

"Last I remember was the dumb-ass calling you a monster and it really pissed me off..." She sighed as he placed a gentle kiss on her forehead, "So, you blacked out as soon as you lost it.." He moved a stray hair from her face as he remembered when he was younger and used to black out when going berserk, before he was better able to control himself. His thoughts were interupted by her soft voice, "I always black out when that hapens.. I'm always scared of going berserk.. I don't want to hurt anyone when I'm not in the right frame of mind.. I don't know how far I'll take it or who I'll attack.." She looked and sounded so fragile as she played idly with some of his hair, "I remember hearing some of the nurses talk when I was in the hospital as a kid.. I killed my favorite teacher and several of my classmates.. But I don't remember any of it.." He wiped away a small tear from her cheek, "I understand, Love. It's normal to black out when you go berserk. It'll just take some time before you're able to control yourself well enough to keep from loseing control.. Don't worry, I've lost it worse than that plenty of times." She couldn't help herself from smiling as he laughed softly at the memories of wakeing to find everything destroyed and bodies strewn all about, torn to pieces, covered in blood along with himself and everything else.

"So, what did you mean that you were afraid you'd cum too soon?" His smile widend, "Just the way you looked, covered in the priest's blood, beating the living crap out of him. You looked like you were really enjoying yourself.. You have no idea how damn hard it was for me to keep from fucking you. To keep from taking advantage of you." He ground his hips into hers with the end of the last two sentences, letting her feel how hard he still was even after her hour nap and reading through Abraham's journals to see if there was anything in there on what had hapend to Mina.. It really bothered him that she'd ended up one of the bastard's experiments, in a cell just on the other side of the mansion!

But that was the past, this was now, and now was all that really mattered so he pushed those thoughts aside and focused on the young lady beneath him. She looked so sweet and inocent. She was so young and had been through so much. He hated to see her so scared, so fragile, so frail. He captured her lips in a tender kiss, as her small hands ran up his arms, over his broad shoulders, across the back of his neck and into his long jet black hair. He loved feeling her soft skin against his own. He wanted to see her back to her usual self, strong yet graceful, aggressive yet gentle, thoughtful and unselfish, sweet yet vicious and fierce. He made his way down her throat, savoring the taste of her pale skin as he ran his long toung over her pulse.

She shivered as his toung worked her neck, his hands roaming her body. She used his silky hair to pull him closer as she pressed her body up into his, hissing softly when his fangs grazed the tender skin. Damn pants! Damn- Her eyes rolled to the back of her head as she was consumed with a wave of pleasure that left her body humming. Why the hell did it have to feel so good when he fed off her? She felt as though she were about to explode as he took his sweet time, savoring the taste of her blood and the feel of her body desperately clinging to his.

The moment he released her throat, Alucard found himself on his back with his pants being literally ripped off by a very provocative Fluff Ball. Perhaps she hadn't quite come down from her bloodlust.. his member twitched in excitement at the thought. He threw his head back with a loud moan, she was definently still under the effect of the bloodlust. He couldn't even imagine his sweet, timid Fluff doing such a bold thing. Not that he was complaining, he just never expected this.

She really had no idea what she was doing. Her brain was fuzzy and she felt as though she was high on adrinaline, but she really didn't care at the moment, he tasted so damn good. She ran her toung back over his member, tasteing the salty precum that leaked from the tip before taking in as much as she could. Damn her terrible gag reflexes! She wanted all of him! He couldn't stop himself from grabbing her hair and bucking up into her mouth, makeing her gag slightly. He continued to pump into her mouth as the muscles of her throat spasmed, massaging him as she tried to relax to keep from gaging too much more. She held his hips tightly, torn between feeling like she was about to throw up, the pain of his grip on her hair and how damn hot the rough treatment and the animalistic noises he was making was getting her.

"OH! AH!.. C-CANDICE!!" And a loud growel were all the warning she had before he bucked his hips up one last time and his cool seed shot down her throat. She moaned softly, having not expected it to taste so damn good, making him shiver as he finally let go of her hair and let her breath. "Damn.." He managed to breath out with a tired, satisfied smile between pants as she crawled up over him and gave him a kiss. He moaned at the taste of himself still in her mouth and deepend the kiss as he fliped them over so he was on top. The sweet, loving kiss was interupted by a knock on the door. They both groweld at the interuption before Candy huffed in anoyance, "WHAT!?!?"

"Is everything alright in there, kitten?" Anderson's thick accent made it's way through the door, concern laced through his voice. Candy smiled as Alucard dropped his head to rest on her shoulder, he'd always taken such good care of her and was so sweet, "Everything's fine, Father.." she giggled as Alucard decided to nibble on her neck again, "No need to worry, we were just playing -AH! Stop that! It tickles!" The priest smiled as he heard her sweet laughter through the door, "Alrigh, but ye better be taking good care of me Kitten, ye hear, Vampire?" An anoyed growel accompanied by more laughter was his only answer.

Anderson shook his head and laughed softly as he made his way back to the guest room. He was happy for her. To find someone that loved her so much and made her so happy.. He could tell they were madly in love by the way they looked at eachother.. He was just upset that it was a vampire she'd fallen for. "It's not nice to eves-drop, girl." He teases Seras as she made her way down the hall towards him with a slightly worried look. He'd noticed her by his Kitten's room, she'd goten there well before him. She stoped and studered a bit, her usual confused look back in place, "What? You knew I was there?" "Of coarse. I wouldn't be surprised if they knew it too. Ye don't hide yerself very well." He laughed at the dumbfounded look on her face as he stepped around her and continued to his room. She'd come from the opposite direction to try and look as though she hadn't been evesdroping. Damn, it didn't work.. Was she really that bad at hiding? She crossed her arms in a huff and made her way back to the basement.


Candy woke up because of the goddamn phone only to find that she couldn't move. There was a super hot, naked vampire wraped around her, snoreing softly as he slept. She smiled as she relaxed in his embrace, ignoreing the phone completely. She must have dosed back off as a loud knock on the door woke her with a start. Alucard groweld sleepily, he was really enjoying holding his little Fluff.. "What the hell do you want?" Candy giggled, he was starting to sound like her in the mornings.. or whenever she happend to wake up. The door opend slowly and a nervious Walter poked his head in, "Sorry to bother you.. There's been a bit of a .. problem..." He decided to just say it quickly and get the hell out of the way, "Father Maxwell has gone missing."

Alucard was pissed. His angry growel could be heard all over the mansion as he phased out of the room, leaving Candy surprised for a moment as she suddenly found herself all alone in the big bed.

Seras jumped a good three feet off the ground as her master's voice boomed from right behind her, "I thought I told you to keep an eye on him!" "I-I-I did.. I-I just-" She was cut short as she was snatched up by the collar of her uniform and slamed into the hard stone wall of the basement. "Then how the hell did he go missing?" He hissed in a deadly calm tone, right in her face. She whimpered in fear, "I just left for a minute, Master. Honest.. He was still unconcious wen I went upstairs.." He was scary when he was angry, so she quickly explained so she could get as far away from him as possible as soon as possible, "Brandon, one of the newer soldiers, needed some help carrying some stuff s-so I helped him real quick.. I-I was only gone for two- m-maybe three minutes.." She let out a breath she didn't know she was holding after her feet met with the ground again and she was released.

He turned his atention to the room he'd left the priest in, the door was left open from Walter going in to check on him and tend to his wounds when he'd found the room empty. It was just as it was when he'd left the bleeding blob of barely living flesh in there.. save for a first aid kit that the buttler had left. There was no sign of anyone having tried to escape.. "Seras!" She stoped. Damn, she was almost to the door! "Was there anyone else down here?" She turned to him with her usual confused expression, "N-no, Sir. Just Walter and I.." He gave a frustrated sigh as he waved a hand, dismissing her, and leaned against the door frame, arms crossed as he tried to think of how the hell Maxwell could have escaped.

AN: Sorry it's not that great.. it's REALLY hard to write with the TV on 24/7, three dogs constantly fighting, a 2 year old who has just started really 'talking' and throws a fit (stomping and squeeling REALLY loud in a very high-pitched tone that gives us a headache.. and running at full speed acros the room and slaming into the back of the laptop, trying to close it on our hands while we type) every time he's told not to scream (the same high-pitched squeel) or when one of his toon-toons is over (he's been in turkey-mode the past few days), and a Sister-in-law who never shuts her trap, but never really says anything..

Aedan: runs up and tries to slam computer closed on Cat's hands again "CA! (cat)" points to his dog, Cujo, humping it's bed
Alucard: roflmao!
Cat: =0_oU= "That's a dog, Buddy."
Jon (Cat's big brother): slaps Cujo on the ass really hard "BAD!"
Cujo: yelps and jumps onto the couch to lay next to Jon while he plays his video game
Sher (Jon's wife): continues talking about some crap that happend to her sister three years ago or something
Alucard: "Does she know that no one is listening or does she just like the sound of her own voice?"
Sher: continues, not noticeing Alucard's comment or her son getting into his daddy's DVDs
Cat: having a hard time keeping the baby out of everything "A little help here?" is ignored
Aedan: "Ah ah peeeeeeeeeeeeeeese!" (R&R please)

AN2: Thank you SO much for the review discoqueen! We're so glad someone likes our story! *gives huggles and cookies*