Hellsing Fan Fiction ❯ Merger ❯ Chapter 1

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Hellsing. It belongs to Kohta Hirano… lets’ leave it at that before I begin to cry.

A/N: Okay, I don’t know why but the strange image of this would not leave my head… I had to get this out before it drove me insane. This is an AU fic and the pairing is Alucard/Yumiko (Yumie). All I’m going to say is what if Anderson was unable to go to Patrick and Yumiko and Heinkel were sent instead…

Warnings: Non-consensual sex, sword-play, sado-masochism, general wrongness…

“All right, I’ll look for the vampire… you pick of the ghouls.”

“Y-yes, Heinkel…”

Yumiko sighed as she and her companion stood at the entrance of the building of downtown Patrick, Ireland. Try as she might, she could not calm the butterflies that fluttered about in her stomach. The young nun was nervous as ever. This was the first time she had ever faced off against the undead.

Usually, she and her Austrian friend would take on anti-Christ heathens and she would be forced to reveal her other self, something she did not enjoy doing in the least. Now, due to Father Anderson’s absence the Vatican had to send their second best operatives.

Why did some strange demon have to appear in Rome? He should be here doing this… not me…


“Huh!” the young nun snapped to attention. “Yes, Heinkel?”

“Let her out.” the blonde said as she pulled out her guns.

Cringing, Yumiko nodded. “Right…” she said as she lifted her hand to remove her glasses, but Heinkel stopped her.

“Remember, when you come back and see everything that it vas the only way… Nothing can be done once they’re ghouls.” the Austrian told her in voice that was surprisingly gentle.

Yumiko blinked and then nodded. “Right…” she said and quickly removed her glasses before she lost her nerve.

“All right…” she smirked as her gentle personality was forced away and the berserker was let through. “

Heinkel loaded the clip into her gun and cracked her neck. “Remember, we may run into Hellsing. This is why we were sent. The Vatican cannot be shone up by those Protestant fools.”

“I understand, Heinkel…” the nun said as she shifted her katana onto her shoulder. “Let’s do this… I can hardly wait…” -.-.-.-

“Well, that’s over with… but what I don’t get is why they didn’t die right away… Heinkel obviously killed the master vampire… What’s the deal?”

Yumie frowned in confusion as she stared at the body of the last ghoul she had sliced open. Something was off. Ghouls were made from non-virgins bitten by vampires or the same sex. Not only did the ghouls not die when she heard Heinkel’s gun fire from the distance, but this ghoul couldn’t have been no older than ten years old! Now, unless this child was totally ungodly or violated at a young, it was impossible for this young girl to become a ghoul.

“Heinkel!” Yumie called over her walkie-talkie. “Something totally weird is going on here. Shouldn’t only the adult males and some of the women be ghouls instead everyone? Unless this was a brothel or something, only a few people should have become vampires.”

“Ja, this is strange. I’ll bring it to Father Maxwell’s attention,” Heinkel said over the radio. “I’m going to check around upstairs… for some reason the ghouls didn’t die when I killed the vampire. Also, I get the feeling that he’s not the only undead here if you get my meaning”

Yumie’s brows rose. “You think the Hellsing’s Nosferatu are here as well? I should check around as well. Over and out.”

Sword clenched in her hand, Yumie crept down the halls of the building, careful not to step on the remnants of the ghouls. Not that she was worried about disrespecting their bodies; she just didn’t want to make any squishy sounds that would alert other things to her location.

I’m just glad Father Anderson gave me a couple of his bayonets and barriers for this mission…

Her thoughts were broken when she heard the sound of a bullet ripping through the air. Yumie snapped to attention and quickly crept toward the sound of what sounded like a very large gun. She stopped when she reached the corner and peeped around, eyes narrowing at the sight of two figures standing over battered and splattered ghouls. A young girl in a yellow, skimpy uniform and a tall man clad in so much red that he could have passed for Satan himself.

Hellsing… Nosferatu Alucard… I get face off against him?

An eager smile crossed her full lips.

Fun, fun, fun... -.-.-.-

“All right, police girl. That seems to be the last of them.” Alucard said as Seras kept her back to him. “Now, we have to find the master vampire and take care of him-” He stopped when he heard the heavy breathing coming from his childe.

Could it be? Finally…

A red haze clouded over Seras’ vision as she focused on the blood that littered her hand. The smell was so intoxicating that she could not think straight. Her tongue slid over her lips in anticipation as she brought her hand closer to her face and dipped her head down. Her lips parted and her tongue slipped out…

Alucard’s eyes widened in anticipation from behind his lenses as he watched the police girl. He kept himself silent so he would not break the spell though his mind was hardly quiet.

Yes, police girl! Do it… Do it… DO IT!

Her tongue snaked out and she leaned her head further down. It so close she could almost taste it now even though she had yet to lap the blood from glove.

“Damned undead garbage!”

Both Alucard and Seras snapped to attention at the enraged cry but it was too late. When Seras looked up all she saw was a blade coming straight toward her and then a blinding pain in her throat and stomach. She shrieked in pain and fell to the ground, crying in agony.

"Damned vampire..." Yumie muttered in disgust before turning to Alucard, quickly ducking to dodge the bullet that was fired at her. "And you're next, Alucard!"

Alucard snarled at the girl as he studied her. This nun was no bigger than the police girl. With such skill she was obviously a member of the Vatican's Section XIII.

"A Vatican XIII member..." he murmured and the girl nodded.

“Mm-hmm, that’s right. We are the earthly agents of divine punishment! And you’re the Hellsing trash man/ lap dog, Alucard.”

Alucard’s fist clenched around his gun at the lap dog comment. This little girl would pay dearly for that. “And the vampire that was here?” he asked.

“My partner took care of that demon a while ago. She’s around here somewhere… not that you’ll get a chance to meet her,” a cruel smirk graced Yumie’s mouth.

“Is that right?” Alucard asked, smirk mirroring the nun’s.

Yumie dipped low and swung one of the bayonets at Alucard who easily dodged it and he retaliated by firing his Casull at her. The young nun was surprisingly fast. She ducked the bullet and balanced herself on her left hand, sliding around on her feet and kicking Alucard in the gut. She then sprang into the air and kicked him in the throat. Alucard caught her foot and slung her into a wall with a sickening thud.

“Not bad, little girl…” he smirked as he made his way toward her.

Yumiko shook it off and sprang to her feet. “I’m not done, freak!” She yelled as she pulled out another bayonet from the folds of her dress and hurled it at him, striking him right in the chest. A strangled noise escaped Alucard’s throat and she smirked. “And now for the finish…”

The young nun pulled out her katana and her smirked lifted into a feral grin. She swung her sword quick and hard and severed Alucard’s head in one clean stroke. It fell to the floor at her feet and she cackled in morbid glee. She could hardly believe it! She actually took out the legendary Alucard with even breaking a sweat.

“Unbelievable… he must’ve not been the big deal everyone made him out to be…” she clicked her tongue and shook her head. “Well, now that the main course is taken care of, time to finish off the scraps…” she turned around and blinked. “Hey! Where’d that bitch go?”

Yumie glared and stamped her foot angrily. “Damn it! She got away!” she quickly pulled out her walkie-talkie. “Heinkel. This is Yumie. I found the Hellsing vampires. Alucard is dead but the girl is on the move, she’s heading towards the building’s entrance from what I can tell.”

“Roger that, over and- Wait! You killed Alucard! Tell me about it when this is over. Over and out.” -.-.-.-.-

Seras ran blindly as she pulled the bayonet from her stomach. She had already removed the one from her neck and was now stumbling down the long corridor to God knew where. What was she going to do? Master was gone and that psycho nun would surely catch up with her soon. Either her or the nun’s partner. She did say that she was with someone else.

“Where do you think you’re going?”

Seras stopped and her eyes widened in fear as she stared up at the figure in front of her. At first she thought it were a priest but realized she was wrong. It was woman dressed as a priest and with a gun pointed at her head.

“You’re Master is gone and you’re next, girlie…” the woman smirked.

Seras squinted her eyes shut as the Austrian woman cocked her gun. She was too weak to defend herself.

Heinkel’s lips pulled up in a smirk as her finger started to pull the trigger.

“Khleb za khleb, krov za krov” the nun smiled. “Go und rot in Hell with you’re-“

Heinkel never got finish her sentence, for she suddenly jerked forward and dropped her gun, eyes widened in shock and pain.

“Ah! Damn it!”

Heinkel cried out and fell to the ground, gripping her wounded arm. “What in the name of God?”

“Sister Heinkel Wolfe I presume?”

Heinkel gasped in pain and looked up from her arm to see the smoking barrel of the gun that had wounded her. Her eyes moved further up to stare into a pair of ice blue eyes.

“Integral Hellsing… Protestant whore…” she growled. “What are you doing here?”

“This girl is one of ours, sister” the knight said, unscathed by the insult. “Now, get on your radio with your good hand, call your partner and leave at once. You are in treaty violation.”

Heinkel grunted and pulled herself to her feet. Just who the Hell did this bitch think she was? She glared at Integral and her eyes shifted to the armed guards at her side. Damn. If she was not wounded she could take all of them out in no time. Bu there was no way that she could pick up her gun and kill them all before that Protestant heifer shot her again.

Damn it! Where is Yumie!

“What do you think you can do, Hellsing?” Heinkel grunted. “The lone vamp you have here is hardly a problem… and your precious Alucard ist gone. My partner killed him. Knowing her, his head is somewhere rolling across the floor.”

Integral’s eyes widened and a smirked graced her face. “Really? Is that all she did?”

Heinkel’s eyes widened to their full limit. “What!”

“If that’s all your friend did then you two had better head off to Rome now… before he comes back to get his revenge…”

The Austrian nun shook her head in disbelief, still gripping her bleeding arm. “No way, there ist no way!” -.-.-.-.-.-.-

Chuckling and shaking her head, Integral gave Heinkel a sigh. “Cutting off his head and staking his heart won’t work with him as it would those other vampires. The Hellsing family has spent a century building him into the ultimate undead. So, unless your friend has a bag of miracles…” she trailed off and gestured grimly with her hand.

Unable to speak, Heinkel just stared at the Hellsing leader in mute shock. What kind of freakish sorcery had these damned Protestants been doing over the last century?

Yumie heard the sound of the gun and smiled. “Heinkel must’ve finished off the vampire girl…” she sighed. “This is over and done with. Now, I can go to sleep…”

Yumie lifted the round spectacles from her neck and placed them over her eyes. Yumie slipped back into the walls of her mind and Yumiko came forward.

“It must be over…” she said as she looked around at the blood and gore around her, cringing.

She took in the bodies of the dead ghouls and closed her eyes. “May God have mercy on your souls, amen” she whispered as she moved forward. She stopped and gasped when she saw the decapitated body of Alucard. His chest pierced with one of the bayonets Anderson gave to her and his head a few feet away from her.

“Oh my… Nosferatu Alucard… I actually…”

She shook her head. No, Yumie did this. Not her. Either way she had to get Heinkel and ask exactly what happened so she could grasp all of this.

As she headed down the corridor, trying hard to ignore the blood and innards all around her, she was not aware that Alucard’s body was now melting away into blood and rapidly moving in front of her.

A lone bat flew in front of her face, startling her to a halt. She didn’t even have time to duck for thousands more bats came rushing at, scratching and tearing at her clothes and hair. She shrieked and tried to shield her face when the bats suddenly stopped. She cautiously lifted her head and gasped as the bats floated in front of her and began to mold themselves together into an eerily familiar humanoid shape.

“No way… it can’t be…” but even she knew it was true.

“Leaving so soon, little one? That won’t do…”

Yumiko shrank to her knees in fear as the now solid Alucard leered down at her. “But… but I…”

“Don’t think I’ll let you get away so easily…” he smirked as he reached for her, gripping her throat, lifting her up by it. “The night is so young and the fun is just beginning…”


Khleb za khleb, krov za krov Heinkel says this in Crossfire #1. It is a Russian proverb. “Bread for bread, blood for blood”

Beta read by Ciadra Rois. Thank you much! 3