Hellsing Fan Fiction ❯ Merger ❯ Chapter 2

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Hellsing. It belongs to Kohta Hirano.

A/N: Well, it was going to be a one shot until I read it and thought “Gee, this is long” so I split it into to two chapters. Now, here comes the smut.

Warnings: violence, non-consensual sex, sado-masochism, stuff with katanas… tentacles… you get my drift.

“Get away from me!” Yumiko choked out as she struggled in Alucard’s grip, trying to pry his hands off of her neck.

The vampire’s eyebrow rose in amusement. “Where’s all that fire from earlier, Sister?” he chuckled and tossed her onto the floor.

She looked up at him in horror and scrambled backwards to get away from him. Alucard frowned at the girl’s weakness. Where had the girl from earlier gone? She was far more entertaining.

“Your weakness is disgusting…” her murmured. He walked towards her and grabbed her by the front of her dress, yanking her up. “You chopped off my head…” he said as he pulled her close to him so their noses nearly touched. “ Don’t think I won’t make you pay for that.”

“P-please… just, let me go…” she whimpered. “It was not me…”

Alucard’s eyes narrowed and he gave the girl a shake. “Don’t toy with me, little girl!”

“No!” Yumiko yelled. “I didn’t do it! I didn’t do anything!”

Red eyes slid up and down the young nun’s face, taking in the terrified expression on her face and her hopelessly weak nature. Was this really the same spitfire who had chopped off his head and nearly killed his fledgling?

Is this really her?

Yumiko bit her lip and fought hard to keep the tears from falling. She had to do something or she was going to die here. Or worse! This devil would turn her into a midian! No! She could not let that happen.

Stilling herself, Yumiko shook her head back and forth as hard as she could. Alucard looked at her in amusement, not realizing what she was attempting to do. This was the first time that Yumiko let Yumie out on her own violation.

With a hard enough shake, the glasses finally fell from her face and Yumiko was pushed back. Yumie sprang forward and immediately noticed her position. This filthy demon had his hands on her!

“Vulgar demon!” she screamed quickly brought her knee up between the vampire’s legs with surprising strength for a human.

Alucard gasped in surprise and pain and dropped Yumie to the ground, hunching over in the process. That hadn’t happened in a while.

Little bitch…

Yumie quickly ran behind him and unsheathed her sword. She raised it and aimed for Alucard’s neck but the vampire recovered quickly caught the sword by the blade, yanking it from her hand and tossing it across the room.

Alucard studied the girl, quickly coming to a conclusion. This girl was weak as Hell when her glasses were on. When the spectacles came off she could apparently see just fine but she was a lot more entertaining. She must have what humans called MPD: Multiple personality disorder and her glasses was the trigger to releasing her other self. A twisted version of the Jekyll and Hyde story.

“I see…” he said, bending over to pick up her fallen spectacles. “These are the key to releasing your fun side,” he said as he slipped them into his pocket. “We’ll just put these away for now…” he smiled a dark grin at her, promising her nothing but horror. “Now, let the fun begin…”

Without her sword, Yumie was nervous but refused to show it. She could fight very well unarmed. But he was a vampire with the strength of twenty men. Sure, she could take out twenty men by herself but he wasn’t ordinary. He came back even after his head had been removed.

“How!” she yelled. “How can you still be alive? I cut off your head!”

Alucard advanced on her, shrugging lightly. “What can I say?” he smirked. “I’m the latest thing.”

“Damned freak!” she spat.

“I get that a lot,” he said conversationally. “But then, what does that make you, Sister Hyde?”

“Shut up!” she screamed, dropping into a fighting stance.

Yumie ran toward the vampire and aimed her fist for his jaw, striking him and instantly regretting it. It was like hitting a brick wall! But that wouldn’t mean that she’d give up. She aimed a series of punches and kicks at him, which he easily blocked before he grew tired of the little game and easily wrenched her arm behind her back, snapping her wrist in the process.

The nun screamed in pain and fought to get free but it only proved useless. Alucard grinned and slammed her, face first, into the wall and pressed his body against her back.

“Your berserker nature prompts a stirring in my loins…” he whispered in her ear as he pressed his hips into her firm backside to allow her to feel the evidence.

Brown eyes widened in horror as she struggled even more against him in an attempt to get free. “Bastard! Monster! Let me go!”

A dark chuckle rumbled from the vampire’s chest. “Keep struggling, little nun,” he breathed in her ear. “It’s actually rather stimulating…”

“Disgusting beast!” she screamed. “Get the fuck off of me!”

“Oh, I will get off…”

With that, Alucard turned Yumie around so she faced him and pressed his lips to hers in a harsh, dominating kiss. Yumie squealed in disgust against his mouth and tried to pull her face away from him but he held her roughly by the chin. She thought to bite his tongue, but decided against it. None of his vulgar blood would enter her veins. She tried to kick him but he trapped both of her legs firmly between his. She was helpless against the onslaught of his mouth.

My first kiss… and it’s by this disgusting monster!

Alucard pulled his mouth away from her and trailed his long tongue down her cheek, stopping to lap some of her blood that oozed from her mouth. It had been a while since he’s had pure virgin blood so he savored the taste as he moved to her throat, stopping at her pulse point. Yumie froze in fear. Was he going to bite her? She’d bite off her own tongue and drown in her own blood before she’d allow that to happen.

The vampire could practically taste her fear. It was so intoxicating. He scraped his fangs over her neck and she jerked in fear as well as pleasure when he brushed a particularly sensitive spot.

A moan nearly escaped her throat but she cut it off when she realized that this demon actually gave her pleasure.

“Oh, God!” she cried. “Forgive me Father, for I have sinned…”

“He can’t help you now,” Alucard whispered against her neck before pulling away. “Control art system restriction system… Level three, level two, level one, released!”

Yumie watched in fascinated horror as Alucard’s body began to shift and change. What appeared to be black wings made of darkness emerged from his back. Clutching at the rosary beads around her neck, Yumie began to pray silently for God to help her. Her prayer was stopped by her own shock when the webbed points of his shadow wings shifted into multiple hands.

Fanged grin bore at her, Alucard’s shadow hands roamed all over her body, sliding through her clothes. The young girl cried out in shock and pleasure as his gloved fingers slid down her body and between her legs, rubbing her clit through her dress.

His shadows phased through her clothing and ravished her while she tried to fight off the feelings of pleasure. Though her mind wanted to fight it off, her body was not listening. Her nipples hardened and her panties were becoming more soaked by the second. She had never felt this way and she knew it was wrong but she couldn’t help herself, try as she might.

“When I… get free, I’m going to…” each pause in her sentence was punctuated with a soft moan.

“Sure you will.” Alucard chuckled before grabbing her robes and roughly throwing her halfway across the room.

Yumie cried out when her head struck the hardwood floor. She looked up and barely had time to scream when Alucard was on top of her in a heartbeat. His gloved hand grabbed her by the hair and he kissed her, long and hard. Yumie struggled against him but all it did was turn him on even more. He finally pulled away from her and smiled a feral grin at her before releasing his shadows again. He used them to bind her wrists above her head.

“Don’t even pretend like you won’t enjoy this, nun.”

And with that he slid down her body, his hands pulling off her dress in the process. He ripped off her bra and traced his tongue over her nipple, smirking when he heard her gasp and felt her involuntarily arch into him. He moved further down, stopping when he reached her ruffled underwear.

“Your choice in underwear is hideous.” He told her before ripping them away from her.

“No!” she screamed, kicking at him but he held her legs down with ease. “Leave me alone! Get away from me!”

Alucard paid no heed to her cries and quickly delved his tongue between her legs, licking at her clit before sliding inside of her. Yumie moaned and writhed in pleasure as well as revulsion. She was praying now, but her words were slightly incoherent due to the moans and gasps that escaped her mouth.

Grabbing her thigh, Alucard hooked her leg over his shoulder to gain better access. He hadn’t had this much fun in ages and it had been so long since he debauched a nun. It was always such fun. He slid his tongue in farther until he couldn’t go any further. His tongue wasn’t long enough to break her hymen, but he wouldn’t have done that anyway. He wanted to take her the old fashioned way. His tongue stroked her harder and harder and her words were becoming even less coherent until she finally cried out and shook beneath him. -.-.-

“How did it go?”

Enrico Maxwell looked up from his desk at the tall form of Paladin Alexander Anderson who had just returned from the Vatican.

“The demon’s dead, sent back to Hell” Anderson replied. “His holiness is safe.” The blond Scotsman looked about the room. “Have Sister Wolfe and Sister Tagaki returned?”

Enrico shook his head. “No, they haven’t… and I’m getting worried. You should go to Patrick and make sure they’re okay. I’m sure they handled the vampire efficiently but they may have encountered Hellsing… Nosferatu Alucard.”

Green eyes widened and he set his jaw. “I’ll be on my way. If that devil hurt either one of them, he will die a true death slowly and painfully…”

“So to it, Anderson.” Enrico said in a low voice. Not that he would ever admit it, but he cared for both Heinkel and Yumiko on some level. They were both raised with him in the orphanage after all.

“Consider it done.” Anderson said as he left the office. -.-.-.-

Removing his tongue and sliding up her body, Alucard smirked at the young girl underneath him. Her cheeks were flushed and her breathing was hard. He could hear her heart jack-hammering inside of her ribcage. He slid his hand through her disheveled hair and turned her head so she could look him in the eye.

“Now, it’s my turn, Sister Hyde…”

Yumie’s afterglow was thoroughly ruined by that statement as fear filled her. “No! Just let me go!” She screamed. “You’ve tainted me enough!”

“No, I haven’t…” he grinned as he made his own clothing disappear.

Even though she was a berserker Yumie was still an innocent virgin, well, not so innocent anymore and the sight of a naked man on top of her caused a fierce blush to rise to her cheeks. She turned her head away from him, but her eyes landed on her katana, which was only a few inches away from her hands. But, if only they were free…

Her thoughts were interrupted when she felt the tip of his erection pushing against her. Yumie thrashed and bucked against him but it was pointless. With a feral growl, he plunged into her, ripping through her hymen.

Yumie screamed in pain while Alucard growled in pleasure. It had been so long since he took a virgin. He began to thrust into her, spurred on by her delicious screams. He lost his concentration a bit and his shadows released her hands. Yumie realized she was partly free and quickly grabbed her katana and thrust it into his abdomen. Alucard screamed in pain but Yumie didn’t realize the vampire was a huge masochist.

“That’s it!” he screamed. “Stick it in me harder!” he grabbed her wrist to hold the sword inside of him. “Does that feel nice, Sister? For you to penetrate me as I do the same to you!” He thrust into her harder and harder, grinning manically as tears spilled from her eyes.

“Father, please… let this be over soon…” she prayed. “A-“

“Say amen!” Alucard growled in her ear. “Say amen!”

“Amen!” Yumie cried out and moaned as he hit her G-spot over and over.

Using his dark powers, Alucard floated them both to the ceiling, her back pressed against the cold wood. Yumie gasped at the changed of momentum and instinctively held onto his shoulders to keep from slipping thought it was unnecessary since his shadows had formed into tentacles and were holding her by the waist.

“I believe you’ve had enough fun…”

Yumie looked at the vampire in confusion though her brain was not functioning on a higher level at the moment. What did he mean? Sure, her body was betraying her and took pleasure in this sick act, but her mind hardly enjoyed it. Realization hit her though when his gloved hand held her glasses in front of her face.

“NO!” she screamed. “Leave her out of this! She’s done nothing to you!”

“Like I care.” and with that Alucard slid the glasses onto her face.

Brown eyes widened in shock and dulled. Yumie was pushed away and Yumiko was coming forward. Her eyes widened and she winced at the strange sensations going through her body. Her eyes met with the maniacal crimson of Alucard’s and realization hit her like a ton of bricks.


Blue eyes widened and a blonde head snapped in the direction of the horrified scream. Heinkel’s face was a mask of terror and worry. She had been sounds of a struggle and strange cries, but she figured it was from a battle. What caused Yumie to scream like that? Either way she had to help her.

Think Heinkel, think.

Pale blue eyes darted from the Hellsing leader to her two guards and finally the vampire girl. The two morons in the back wouldn’t be much of a problem, even while wounded. She still had her other gun beneath her robes. The vampire was too wounded to be good for anything and as far as Integral went, she didn’t know how skilled this Protestant whore was but she was certain she could hold her own in a fight with her.

All right, one, and two three…

Heinkel quickly kicked up her foot, knocking the gun out of Integral’s hand. She then grabbed her own gun from its’ holster and aimed at one of the Hellsing guards. She fired two shots, taking both of them out with ease. The vampire girl tried to rush her, but Heinkel quickly moved out of the way and aimed her gun. She shot once but she was off target and only hit the vampire’s shoulder. The girl screamed and fell over in pain. Heinkel was about to make a break for it when a gloved fist socked her in the fist. She turned and smirked.

“Decided to actually get in the game, Hellsing?” -.-.-.-.-

Gloved hands gripping her hair, hips thrusting furiously into hers, Alucard ravished Yumiko’s body, getting off even more by the tears that fell onto his face and the whimpers that rose from her throat. He cupped her cheek roughly and kissed her again.

Yumiko sobbed into Alucard’s mouth and her hand clenched around the sword that was still in her bloodied hands. A bit of Yumie must have leaked into her due to this horrid act because her next move was hardly something Yumiko would do.

Gripping the handle of the sword, she wrenched it upward as hard as she could, slicing from his abdomen to his sternum. “DAMNED BASTARD!” she screamed.

Alucard growled and grunted in pain, but that hardly stopped him. He was enjoying it even more now that the weak little thing actually decided to fight back. He decided to reward her for growth. One of the tentacles that held her waist slithered between their bodies and massaged her clit.

Yumiko gasped at the jolt of pleasure that ran through her and shook her head to fight it off. She’d rather feel pain. It was less humiliating than pleasure. She tried to focus on the pain in her stomach, the nausea she was feeling but couldn’t. The pleasure in her kept building and building as Alucard continued massage and thrust into her. Squeezing her eyes shut and arching her back, Yumiko cried out as she came hard against him. Gripping her upper arms, Alucard growled as he came inside of her, empting himself against her shuddering walls. -.-.-.-

Heinkel and Integral went back and forth at each other. While Heinkel was a good fighter she was still injured and not as coordinated as usual. The Hellsing leader was really getting the best of the cross-dressing nun until Heinkel pulled out her gun and fired at Integral, throwing off guard.

Getting her bearings back, Integral unsheathed her saber and swung at Heinkel, cutting the girl’s cheek. While she was off guard, Integral kicked the gun out of her hand and pressed the saber to her neck but was surprised to feel cold steel on the back of her own neck.

“Back off now, Babylon.” -.-.-.-

Thoroughly sated, Alucard let them both fall from the ceiling to the floor, Yumiko landing on the bottom. She cried out when her head struck the hard floor as well as the pressure of Alucard’s heavy weight on top of her. She lifted her eyes and whimpered at the sight of his maniacal grin.

“I really could go for another round…”

Yumiko stilled underneath him and swallowed the lump of fear that rose in her throat. Alucard was silent to torture her for a little while until he finally spoke. “But, my master needs me.”

Alucard removed himself from her body and the sword from his and stood. His body was covered in her sweat and blood, one area in particular. Yumiko turned her head, not wanting to see that sight. There was a strange swirl and when Yumiko looked again, he was standing there, fully dressed and tidy as if he hadn’t just raped her a few minutes ago. Her hand clenched around her katana at the thought.

“Till next time, Sister Jekyll.” He said, now that she was gentler self and he disappeared in a cloud of bats, just as a katana struck the wall right where his face was before he disappeared. -.-.-.-

“What will you do now, Hellsing?”

Integral glared at the smug girl in front of her. She was about to remove the sword from her throat but a strong hand gripped her shoulder and threw her into a wall. She cried out when he back struck the concrete. She looked up and glared at the tall blond priest who was grinning at her with a maniacal grin that rivaled her servant’s.

“Who are you?”

He did not answer but rose on of his bayonets, ready to sever her head when a shot rang through the air and then another.

Anderson screamed and grunted in pain and held onto his bleeding shoulder with on hand and hunched over to put pressure onto his injured side. He glanced to his left to see the vampire girl on her feet with her huge gun in hand.

“Back off Sir Integral, you damned freak!” she screamed.

He glanced to his other side and smirked at the sight of the tall vampire clad in red and black. “Nosferatu Alucard…”

“So, you must be Father Anderson… I’ve heard of you” Alucard replied, gun in hand.

“Monster!” Heinkel screamed. “Where’s Yumiko! What have you done to her!”

The grin slipped off of Anderson’s face and was replaced by cold glare that promised nothing but pain. “Where is Yumiko?” he asked in a dangerously low voice.

Alucard shrugged. “The little Japanese girl? She’s alive.” He said and then smirked. “No, I didn’t bite her if that’s what you’re wondering…” he decided he’d let them see what he did to the girl themselves.

Anderson glanced at Heinkel. “Go find her. Go, now!”

Heinkel was about to go look for Yumiko and Anderson prepared to charge Alucard when a small voice sounded out.

“It’s… pointless…”

All heads turned to see the small girl coming from a corridor, limping towards them. Her robes hung in tatters on her body and she clutched them with one hand to keep herself covered up. Blood ran down her face as well as down her legs and her hair was a mess. Her eyes fell on Alucard and in their brown depths there was nothing but fear and hatred.

Integral and Seras’ eyes both widened at the sight of the girl. At first it simply appeared as anyone would after a tumble with Alucard. But Seras’ nose could pick up the scent of her master all over the girl. Her eyes widened and she turned to Alucard with a look of shocked disbelief on her face. Her narrowed his eyes at his fledgling and spoke with his mind.

Not a word…


Heinkel ran towards the battered nun and held her up. She removed her coat and slid it around the girl’s shoulders. “Yumiko, what did he do to you?”

Yumiko said nothing but burst into tears and sobbed into her friend’s chest. Heinkel paled when she realized what had happened. Yumie had been through many beatings and when she changed back into Yumiko she never reacted like this. Blue eyes flashed with fire and she turned to Alucard.

“You bastard!” she screamed.

Anderson’s teeth clenched and he pulled out his bayonets, his wounds long since regenerating. “Dirty demon!” he growled, about to rush the vampire until Yumiko stopped him.

“It’s pointless…” she said. “Yumie cut off his head and he still came back… You can’t kill him.”

Anderson stopped and put away his bayonets. “Don’t think ye’ll hear the end of this…” he said as he moved to Heinkel and Yumiko. He grabbed them both and disappeared with his holy sheets of paper, but not before Yumiko’s eyes met Alucard’s in pure fury.

When they were gone, Integral turned to Alucard in full wrath. “Tell me you didn’t!” she yelled. When he did not reply she growled. “A border treaty violation, an agency attack with casualties, and an Iscariot member raped… the Vatican will not let this rest!” she narrowed her blue eyes on her servant. “You will be confined to the dungeons until the next situation arises!” with that she stalked out of the building to her helicopter but then stopped. “No, I have a better idea…” -.-.-

Just when I think she cannot get any crueler, she surprises me still…

Alucard coughed as the foul smell of garlic filled his senses. Integral had forced him to transform into a solitary bat and then shoved him into a Tupperware filled with garlic powder. He sighed in disgust. The next time he saw that nun, he would kill her. For now, he would have to wait until his Master’s anger reached its’ end. -.-.-.-

Lying on her bed, Yumiko stared up at her ceiling, tears silently spilling from her eyes. She had prayed hard for forgiveness and confessed her sins to Father Anderson who repeatedly reassured that it was not her fault. Sure, she knew that with her mind but did not feel it with her heart.


Lifting her head, Yumiko sighed when she saw Father Maxwell at her door. “Come in, Father.”

Enrico came into the room and sat down in the chair near her bed. “Yumiko, I assure you that this will not go unpunished. We will find a way to kill the demon and he will pay for what he’s done to you.”

Its’ said that through an extreme situation, a person with more than one personality will experience a merger of sorts. One personality that is completely different from the main self will slowly fuse together. It must have been the case for Tagaki Yumiko, because she would have never said anything like what she said now.

“When you do… show me the corpse.”


Okay! That’s over and done with. That was the weirdest, darkest fic I’ve ever written… I’m pleased with the outcome. Thanks again for Ciadra Rios for the beta. Love ya much!

Okay. Integral asked who Anderson was because this is an AU. In the regular version she knew of Anderson because Walter looked him up. But, since Heinkel and Yumiko were dispatched, she only knew of them.

Also, in Manga 1, it seemed like Alucard knew of Anderson before anyone even mentioned him to him. That’s all I need to get clear.