Horror Fan Fiction / Angels Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ The Juvenile and the dead ❯ The hunt ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Oni pulled the glove onto her hand. It was beginning to become stiff, but she knew it would lose its power in the wash. She pulled her hair into a ponytail and looked at herself in the mirror. She knew that by the end of the day she would be beaten, bruised, and bloody, hopefully. She closed the cabinet to see Emi standing behind her.

"How long have you been standing there you creep!!!" Oni screamed. "Who you callin’ a creep you slut!!!"
Emi retaliated. Oni pushed her hair out of her face and laughed. Emi was a bitch, that was no lie, but she was funny as hell. Oni swirled her fingers around in Emi's hair. Emi smiled a little bit. It was just enough to preserve that innocence...

"Come on already!" Yashiro shouted. The train seemed to take forever today. Normally Yashiro would be home in time for moms discussion of girlfriends, (or lack there of) hormones and shit like that. Wouldn’t wanna’ miss that rousing conversation! Maybe something good would come of the long wait after all.

Standing at the gate to the portal Oni took one final breath before leaping into the void below.
It was the same as before. As all those times before. A slight pull at the hairs on your body followed by a loss of breath, almost like drowning, and at last dizziness and disorientation for a brief moment after reaching your destination. You would think after doing it so many times you would start to get used to it, but you never do.

Oni found herself outside a subway. She took a deep breath and began down the stairs avoiding the humans, which was silly considering the fact that they couldn’t see her anyway. But they can feel you.

You know how people get that chilly feeling the usually associate with a ghost? That is nine times out of ten a spirit hunter. It’s amazing really. While humans sit and sip their coffee's and tea's, Spirit hunters and "Ghosts" are in a fight to the death right in front of them. It makes you want to scratch your head when u think about it. If you aren’t already scratching your head about the dead anyways.

Normally as soon as she walked into the haunted area she could sense the spirit, but for some odd reason she had no idea where this one was; so she immediately began searching the area, avoiding even the slightest graze by one of the living. Spirits aren’t too happy to be hunted. Their even worse when the hunter is...

Yashiro pulled his headphones out of his ears and noticed a woman moving strangely around people.
She was about his age, more or less a year apart. A little shorter and, well, pretty. He felt creepy watching her but the other people in the subway didn’t seem to take notice of her strange behavior. He watched as she (slowly but surely) made her way over to him and as he reached out to tap her she spun out of the way and kept down the way. He watched as she spun again to avoid a man, but this time the man turned in and she gasped as if she would run into him, but to his surprise, she went right through him. The man pulled up his collar "Whoa! It’s chilly today!!" Yashiro just stood, mouth agape, watching as she continued her charade. Either he was dreaming, or he had see another one of "those". The things everyone had said were all made up in his head. The things that aren’t real. The things that are dead....