Hot Gimmick Fan Fiction ❯ My So Called Life ❯ Chapter 1: Woe with me ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
My So Called Life
By Hatsumi
Chapter 1: Woe with me…T-T

“Speak ing”
(( I do not own Hot Gimmick…Even though I do want to own it someday ^ ^ It belongs to the favorite Aihara Miki Please Read and Review … This is my first fic so be nice..))

“HATSUMI!!! WAKE UP!!!” Shouted Akane. Hatsumi swatted away Akane’s hand as the younger girl tried to wake up the older one. It was the beginning of a day like any other. Hatsumi lazily got up and out of her bed; she climbed down the ladder then went into the bathroom to change. Hatsumi and her family live in a company owned apartment complex. Today she believed would be different from the others.

Akane left earlier to school. Mama was in the kitchen with her younger brother and older brother, Shinogu. “Hatsumi dear…can you take the recycling down. You know how anal Mrs. Tachibana gets..” her mother said with a puppy face that caused her children to do what she asked. “Yes, Mama...”she said as she took the bags and went down the stairs. Her mind was clear and nearly joyful that morning even though she didn’t want to wake up.

She ran off to school with her best friend, Sabaru. Lazily the day goes by and Hatsumi returns home only to find a distraught Akane. “What’s wrong?” she asked her voice full of concern. “Hatsumi-san can you do me a big favor?” she asked with a pleading look. Hatsumi nodded. “Can you go get me a pregnancy test…”she said as she looked at the ground. Hatsumi nearly jumped back but fell over instead.

“WHAT?!” she shouted. She looked around quickly and dropped her voice. “A pregnancy test? For what?” She asked her younger sister. “I’m late..” said Akane as she looked at her sister. “Then who would be the father?” Asked a now completely worried Hatsumi. “Well… It could be Jiro…Or maybe… Jenry.. Or was it Kanzu…”said the younger girl who was now in thought.

“You don’t have an idea do you?” asked Hatsumi as she watched her sister with amazement.
“Fine I’ll do this for you only if you promise no more sleeping around… Its hard enough for our family to be accepted here… Your endangering father’s job...”She said as she let out a breath.

**Hatsumi changes her clothing. Hoping she disguised herself so she wouldn’t be recognized.**

She ran in and bought the test and ran quickly home hoping no one saw her.
As the girl ran into the building she accidentally bumps into a young man who was entering the elevator. They both seem to fall over. “Watch were your going?!” Snapped out the man. He stared blankly at her then glared. “What the hell is that?!” he asked as he picked up the test.
Hatsumi’s heart nearly stops. ‘God damn it!!’ she mentally shouted.

“I’m sorry but this is none of your concern...she said kindly. Her hand reached out to take the test from him. “Narita are you a slut?” he asked as he looked at her. Finally after what seemed like a lifetime but was actually five minutes she realized who he was. Ryouki Tachibana. ‘Shit!’ she thought. “Its not mine its for my sister...”she said correcting him as her voice sounded cross. “Err...I mean...umm…I uhhh!!!….Don’t tell anyone please...”she said as she sounded worried.

“Why shouldn’t I tell?” he asked as a smirk formed on his lips. “Why can’t I tell the truth that your little sisters a whore…”he said as he watched her face pale. “Please I’ll do anything… As long as you don’t tell… I don’t want my family to get in trouble...”she said as her eyes welled with tears. “Fine I won’t tell meet me on the roof at six then...Later Narita...”he said smugly as he plotted.

Hatsumi went up to her apartment and opened the door her head was killing her. “Hatsumi...guess what...I’m not pregnant … I just got my period when you left...”said an over joyed Akane. That moment Hatsumi wished she could kill the girl on the spot. “Oh that’s nice...”she said with a forced smile. ‘Why me?!’ she mentally shouted again.

When six o’clock drew near, Hatsumi believed she had to set Ryouki straight. She left her apartment and went to the roof. “I have to tell you something…” she said as she approached him. Ryouki was staring off into space and turned to face her. “What?” he said bluntly. “She’s not pregnant so it was all a misunderstanding… So I don’t have to do anything… After all.” she said with a warm smile.

He glared at her. “Wrong… I have blackmail… so you still have to do what I want you too… You’re my slave now bitch...”he said with a triumphant smirk. “I’m using you for practice...”he said as he looked back at the view. “Practice for what...” asked a now scared Hatsumi.

To Be Continued……

Thanks for reading the first chapter!!! ^ ^
If you have any suggestions please tell me… I’m interested…
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